15 | I'm not Pretending

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"Purple isn't just for royals."

"Purple isn't just for royals."

Your heart is pounding as the scarred man's words echo in your head. Purple. Purple is the Mizuki Kingdom's basis color, along with silver and gold. It's what your father always wears, as he believes it stands for wealth and stability. Like a good omen.

No villagers ever wear the color purple around him. Nobody does. Not even you.

The scarred man chuckles, a sound that will forever haunt your ears, then flings his hand, a burst of blue light protruding from it.


Blue flames engulf the house closest to him, smoke immediately filling the sky and your lungs. Shoto grabs your hand and runs from the heat, screaming for guards. The fire has already spread to multiple stalls, and civilians are running wild. 

Screams, coughs, and sobs fill the air. Your mind is blank, and your vision is blurry. You can feel Shoto's hand on your arm and Takahashi calling your name. Your lungs are screaming. Did he really set that many fires? Or did he have help?

Through the confusion and smoke, you can see one thing clearly. 

Izuku's stall, and his figures, all on fire. You can't see the boy, but you fear for him anyways.

"Help him," you grab onto Shoto, "please."


And that's the last thing you hear, before the world goes dark.

A cough rips from your lungs, startling everyone around you. 

"Her Highness is awake!"

You hear voices all around you, and people surround your bed. ...Wait, bed? Your in your room and...

The fire.

Everything comes swirling back, like a reverse tornado. You grab onto the nearest maid.

"Please," you beg, "what of the market? The fire?"

"U-uhm," she stutters, "Go get the prince!" She shouts and runs off, leaving you with your questions.

What of Shoto?

Your heart grows heavy. He can't be hurt, can he? 

Suddenly, Shoto storms in, a doctor murmuring things behind him. You sit up in your bed.

"She passed out from lack of oxygen. The smoke swelled her airways until she couldn't breathe."

Shoto embraces you, his eyes closed, making you blush.


"I am so glad you're okay," he whispers, nuzzling into your neck, "I don't know what I would've done without you."

A maid pushes everyone out of the room, giggling, and leaving you two alone. You blush even harder. 

"Shoto," you say to the boy wrapped around you, "You can stop pretending now, they're gone."

"Just," he whispers, "a little longer."

His body is warm, and his embrace is gentle, and maybe, this is okay. You melt in his embrace and sigh, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 

"You were asleep for three days."

Three days?

"The doctor said it was mostly because of stress. Your body found a time to rest, and so it did. And lack of oxygen from the smoke you inhaled."

"So there's what? Only twenty-five days left until we...?"

Shoto's smile is cast downward, and you fear you've said something wrong. Maybe he's still worried?

"Don't worry, I'm fine," you reassure him, "but we have to do something."

He nods. He knows what you mean, but he still seems distant. His chin is on your shoulder, and he hasn't let go yet.

"You can stop pretending now, Shoto," You say, beginning to feel uncomfortable. He shouldn't waste so much time on you, when you both could be doing something more important than building a fake reputation.

But then, what he says makes your heart stop. 

"I'm not pretending," he whispers, his mouth brushing your ear. Your face flares red.

"I was so worried. I wasn't lying when I said I didn't know what I would do without you."

You pull back to look at his face, expecting to see the emotionless stare he always has. But he's blushing, his cheeks tinted a light pink, and his eyes avoiding your gaze.

"I'm glad you're awake," he says, then stands up, and leaves, shutting the door behind him. 

You sit for a while, processing what just happened, then giggle. Why? Why does he make you so happy? 

Why can he make your heart go wild with just one sentence?

You laugh some more, and plop your face into a pillow. He wasn't pretending? He wasn't pretending.

You hear a knock on the door and sigh.

"Come in," you say, a hint of giggle still hiding in your voice.

Takahashi enters, a smirk on his face.


Still in a fangirl-y state, you squeal. "He's just so..."

Takahashi sits beside you. "What? Charming? Ethereal? Sexy~?"

"Oh my gosh, stop it," You slap his arm, but laugh. "I just...don't even know anymore."

He nods, and you continue.

"I don't know! He deserves someone better. Someone who isn't so analytical."

"Maybe he does."

You glare at your guard. 

"But, maybe," he says, smirking, "he doesn't want what he deserves. Maybe he wants you."

You blush. "Oh, wow, Mr. Love Expert, thanks for the encouragement. Like that's even a possibility."

He scoffs. "Come on, have you heard the way he talks about you? I haven't seen him so happy since Fuyumi was here."

You lift an eyebrow. 

"And, well, there's one more thing," Takahashi smirks, "He visits you at night."


"Well, not in a pervy way you might be thinking of," he laughs, "But he has stood at your door at night. I can always see him, wondering if he should knock or not. Alas, he never has. And he asks me about you, plenty."

Takahashi sighs. "Listen, just...think. What is your goal here? Why are you really here? Is this what you want?"

"Before you make any other choices, I would answer those questions. You have to know where you are to know where you want to be."

"Thank you, Takahashi," you whisper.

He nods and leaves.

Leaves you alone.

You look out your window, and watch as the sun sets on the vast kingdom. Shoto's words haven't left your mind.

I'm not pretending.

Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora