Abducted By Styles [IN RE-EDI...

By erratic_styles

463K 15.1K 5.9K

❝Listen to me, angel, you don't know who I am and what I'm capable of. So you better just play by my rules an... More

• O N E •
• T W O •
Trailer #1
• T H R E E •
• F I V E •
• S I X •
• S E V E N •
• E I G H T •
• N I N E •
• T E N •
• E L E V E N •
• T W E L V E •
• T H I R T E E N •
• F O U R T E E N •
Trailer #2
• F I F T E E N •
• S I X T E E N •
• S E V E N T E E N •
• E I G H T E E N •
• N I N E T E E N •
• T W E N T Y •
• T W E N T Y - O N E •
• T W E N T Y - T W O • (Pt.1)
• T W E N T Y - T W O • (Pt.2)
• T W E N T Y - T H R E E •
• T W E N T Y - F O U R •
• T W E N T Y - F I V E •
• T W E N T Y - S I X •
• T W E N T Y - S E V E N •
• T W E N T Y - E I G H T •
• T W E N T Y - N I N E •
• T H I R T Y •
• T H I R T Y - O N E • (Pt.1)
• T H I R T Y - O N E • (Pt.2)
• T H I R T Y - T W O •
• T H I R T Y - T H R E E •
• T H I R T Y - F O U R •
• T H I R T Y - F I V E •
• T H I R T Y - S I X •
Random A/N?
• T H I R T Y - S E V E N •
• T H I R T Y - E I G H T •
• T H I R T Y - N I N E •
• F O R T Y •
• F O R T Y - O N E •
• F O R T Y - T W O •
• F O R T Y - T H R E E •
• F O R T Y - F O U R •
• F O R T Y - F I V E •
• F O R T Y - S I X •
• F O R T Y - S E V E N •
Important Question
• F O R T Y - E I G H T •
• F O R T Y - N I N E •
• F I F T Y •
• F I F T Y - O N E •
Author Note.
• F I F T Y - T W O •
• F I F T Y - T H R E E •
• F I F T Y - F O U R •
• F I F T Y - F I V E •
• F I F T Y - S I X •
You're Gonna Hate Me
• F I F T Y - S E V E N •
Happiness Has Killed Me
• F I F T Y - E I G H T •
• F I F T Y - N I N E •
• S I X T Y •
• S I X T Y - O N E •
• S I X T Y - T W O •
• S I X T Y - T H R E E •
• S I X T Y - F O U R •
• S I X T Y - F I V E •
• S I X T Y - S I X •
• S I X T Y - S E V E N • (Pt.1)
• S I X T Y - S E V E N • (Pt.2)
Sequel Is Up
Deleted Scenes
One Year!

• F O U R •

10.6K 365 101
By erratic_styles



A wise man once told me, "When life gives you women, treat them like queens." And the funny part is, he was actually a king. Whereas when life throws you bitches...now that's a different story. I admit, maybe I was bit too much of an asshole trying to flirt with Caroline. And the look on her face when the king said that I was the new guard, it was priceless. I think I just find all of this amusing...fresh even.

Standing outside the princess' room for nine hours a day doesn't seem like any fun. Back at the bakery, everything was so easy- just standing behind the cash register and serving people their baked goods. All my job was low-pay. A few other maids stroll past me, allowing me to catch the scent of their strong scented perfumes. Almost like a mixture of glass cleaner and rose water...pretty gross if you ask me. Their eyes are glued to my body.

Being the show off that I am, I place my hands on my hips, exposing my flexing muscles. I watch as their mouths go agape. One maid with purple hair bites her lip seductively and mouths, "Hang out later?" She slips a piece of paper scribbled with her phone number into my back jean pocket. Seconds later, I feel a slap on the arse from her. She might just be a little too slutty for me...

Low, frantic whispers come from Princess Caroline's room. I manage to drop in on bits and pieces of the conversation, from the creak of the door of course. She's talking about me being trouble. By the tone of her voice, I can tell the princess isn't too content on my arrival to the castle. Who gives a shit what she thinks. She doesn't have to like me... I guess these thoughts are just because of the fact that she isn't like the others. Impressively hard to get.

"Are you the new guard?" I hear a somewhat excited female voice ask. Here comes the ladies piling onto me...

I turn my head to look at a tall brunette maid with wide eyes. She twirls a piece of her hair flirtatious. She's standing close to me. Too close. But she's also undeniably attractive.

I nod casually and smile, playing along. "What's your name, dear?"

"Laura. I'm a maid of the second floor. But I'm mostly around the Princess' room." She says and I hear the flirting in every syllable.

"Well that's nice to hear, we can talk whenever we want, or do something, like, I don't know..." I have a way with words.

The next thing I know, Caroline is standing outside the room with us, her arms folded across her chest. She scowls at me.

"You cannot sleep with the maids! I don't know what you think of yourself, big shot, but you can't...err," She hesitates to say the word that I'm so used to. Poor, innocent little Princess.

"You mean I can't fuck her?" I gasp sarcastically, an unreal shocked expression plastered to my face. Laura awkwardly stands in the middle of us, twiddling her thumbs.

I can hear the subtle intake of breath from the Princess. A smirk grows into lips. "I prefer you use more appropriate terminology." She stumbles on her words as I see her break a sweat.  I've never seen someone so innocent.

Her innocence appeals to me.



"You mean I can't fuck her?" Harry asks with a tone I detest. Sarcasm really isn't my thing. My cheeks heat up, and the tension in the hall grows intense.

"I prefer you use more appropriate terminology." I state, attempting to act superior but Harry takes a few slow steps closer to me. I'm intimidated by his height but I stand straighten my posture anyways. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Would you prefer 'have sex with', 'make love to', 'cupcake' and 'frickle frackle'?" He asks with that same dumb smirk on his face. His features are slightly softened.

"I suppose it's better than...the other word."

The smirk on Harry's face escalates into a deep glare and his forest green eyes fade into a darker shade. "Well Princess, I'm glad my vocabulary has been improved." He spits out, "I will have sex with, make love to, cupcake, and do the frickle frackle with anyone I please."

Even Laura finds the gesture scary when he brings down his serious face to my level and raises his eyebrow, almost as if he's telling me not to test him."Understood?"

Laura quickly walk away. "By the way, you have a nice ass, Laura." Harry calls out, and she turns back and winks at him one last time.

I can feel the tears starting to burn in my eyes and the lump in the throat begins to tremble. Why do I let Harry, a freaking guard, scare me? I'm already starting to get the feeling that he'll be nothing but my enemy.

Don't cry, Caroline, I tell myself repeatedly, but that doesn't seem to help when a fresh tear slips from my eye. I look away and run down the stairs.

Sometimes, I wish I could disappear.



Caroline's blue eyes fill up with tears fast and her lips quiver. I've never snapped at any female this way before, minus my bitchy exes.

I watch silently as the Princess run down the stairs, the clicks of her heels slowly fading away. Guilt crashes over me, but she doesn't need to tell me who and who I can't fuck! Who does she think she is? Even if she is the Courageous princess, I couldn't care less. I hate it when people tell me what to do.

After pacing the hall several times, I decide to go apologize to her. I'm not only providing security for the building, but serving as a guardian for Caroline as well. For all I know, she could be heading out the gates of the castle.

If she is, I'll just have to go right after her.



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