๐ƒ๐š๐ซ๐œ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š: Abeyance ||...

By _TheDarkOnyx_

389K 12.3K 3.5K

****REWRITING IN PROCESS**** A thousand years ago, seven stars sat illuminated in the night sky, surrounded b... More

[*Author's Note NEW*]
[*Prologue - Part Two*]
[*Chapter Two*]
[*Chapter Three*]
[*Chapter Four*]
[*Chapter Five*]
[*Chapter Six*]
[*Chapter Seven*]
[*Chapter Eight*]
[*Chapter Nine*]
[*Chapter Ten*]
[*Chapter Eleven*]
[*Author's Note*]
[*Chapter Twelve*]
[*Chapter Thirteen*]
[*Chapter Fourteen*]
[*Chapter Fifteen*]
[*Chapter Sixteen*]
[*Chapter Seventeen*]
Thank you! A/N
[*Chapter Eighteen*]
[*From Me To You A/N*]
[*Chapter Nineteen*]
[*Chapter Twenty*]
[*Chapter Twenty-One*]
[*Chapter Twenty-Two*]
[*Back A 1000 Years - Flashback*]
[[Trailer ๐Ÿคฉโ™ฅ๏ธ]]
[*Chapter Twenty-Three*]
[*Chapter Twenty-Four*]
[*Chapter Twenty-Five*]
[*Chapter Twenty-Six*]
[*Chapter Twenty-Seven*]
[*Chapter Twenty-Eight*]
[*Chapter Twenty-Nine*]
[*Chapter Thirty*]
[*Chapter Thirty-One*]
[*Chapter Thirty-Two*]
*[Chapter Thirty-Three]*
[*A Thousand Years Ago - Flashback*]
[*Chapter Thirty-Four*]
[*Chapter Thirty-Five*]
[*Chapter Thirty-Six*]
[*There Goes The Neighborhood - (Damon's flashback)*]
[*Chapter Thirty-Seven*]
*Please Read!*
[M*Chapter Thirty-Eight*]
[M*Chapter Thirty-Nine*]
[*Chapter Forty*]
[*Chapter Forty-One*]
[*Their Protectress - A Thousand Years Ago- Flashback*]
[*Authors Note*]
[*Chapter Forty-Two*]
[*Chapter Forty-Three*]
[*Chapter Forty-Four*]
[*Chapter Forty-Five*]
[*Chapter Forty-Six*]
[*The Aftermath of Darcella's Death - Flashback*]
[*Chapter Forty-Seven*]
[*Chapter Forty-Eight*]
[*Chapter Forty-Nine*]
[*Chapter Fifty*]
Author's Note
[[*Hey Guys!*]]
[*Chapter Fifty-One*]
[*Chapter Fifty-Two*]
[*Chapter Fifty-Three (NEW)*]
[*Chapter Fifty-Four*]
[*M Chapter Fifty-Five*]
Author's Note
Yes...another Author's note ๐Ÿ‘€
[*Chapter Fifty-Six*]
Authors Note (New)
[*Chapter Fifty-Seven (New)*]
Quick Question
Yes... I'm still alive.
[*Chapter Fifty-Eight - NEW*]
[*Chapter Fifty-Nine - NEW*]
[*Chapter Sixty- END*]
[*Thank you and More*]

[*Chapter One*]

13.9K 311 152
By _TheDarkOnyx_

Something hard and bony poked Darcy in the cheek, bringing her out of her blissful sleep. The poking stopped. She attempted to go back to sleep, snuggling into her faithful pillow, only to feel another poke on the other cheek. She huffed, refusing to open her eyes. That was until whatever it was, tried to peel them open. She was greeted by no other than her brother, who laughed rolling on his bed at her annoyed expression.

"Really, Jer? What are we 12?" The fool never replied too busy laughing his annoying ass off. A smirk graced her plump lips. Deciding to get him back, Darcy pushed him off the bed. He went tumbling down with a girly shriek and a thump. "Ha! Shouldn't have woke me up JerJer." She jumped out of bed, grabbing her clothes and towel off Jeremy's dresser and skipped out into the hallway, being the best sister in the world, she repeatedly banged on Elena's bedroom door until she got a response, "Alright, Jackhammer, I'm up!" With a snicker, she strutted her way over to Jenna's bathroom.


Darcy exhaled a breath of relief as she reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped outside, breathing in the crisp air of the dawn. The sun rays shined down on her ebony locks; the tresses appear cosmic blue. Closing her brown doe eyes, she basks in the glorious warmth, gracing her bare arms. Taking a graceful seat on the swing with a blissful smile, she basks in the bright golden sunlight gracing her with its morning presence. Head tilted back, and eyes closed, embracing the warm glow. Darcy can hear Elena talking to her journal, Jenna running around in the kitchen like a headless chicken, and her darling little brother Jeremy, cursing, slamming his closet doors and moaning about why does he have to go back to school.

She reminisces over the last few months, losing her parents to an unfortunate death rocked her to the core, not only her, but her little brother and sister, and her awesome Aunt Jenna.

Jenna saw it in her good heart to take on three troublesome siblings. She didn't have to, but couldn't see them suffer on their own, and for that, Jenna will always have a special place in her heart.

After the funeral things between the siblings changed, Jeremy turned to drink and drugs, it broke Darcy's heart seeing her baby brother wasting away right in front of her eyes. And then there's Elena, who wanted to become the mother hen of them all, put on a façade to forget anything happened. When in fact behind her closed bedroom door, she writes in her journal, harbouring a guilty heart. She feels to blame of our parent's death. Although, Darcy has never once blamed her for the accident, because that's what it was, an unfortunate accident which took two loving parents away.

And then there's Darcy, the one who's supposed to be the strong and protective, just like she's always promised. She was her father's warrior, his little protectress. The fierce Gilbert, no one hurt her family, or they fear her wrath. But behind that front wall, she's just a 17-year-old teenage girl, who lost her best friend, broken on the inside, struggling to keep everything from tumbling apart. Yet, Darcy has to push away all the consuming agony and look after her family before they break apart.

She couldn't sit around watching over as her brother became a lost soul, Elena punishing his attempts of grieving. So with the consent of Jenna and Elena's protests, Darcy wanted to be in charge of looking after Jeremy, which was a good thing, after a break at their families cabin. Jeremy has made a massive improvement with Darcy's constant support, forever grateful for kicking him up the ass, and bringing him back upon his feet. Ready to start the new school year, but he knows with his big sister at his side, he can battle whatever's thrown his way. They are back, better than before, ready for whatever be hurled their way.


The front door opens. Jenna sticks her head out, "Coffee?" She asks with a hopeful smile. Darcy throws her a thumbs up and stands up, following her into the house. They pass through the lounge as the TV plays the news broadcasting the deaths of Darren and Brook.

Jenna hands her a mug of black coffee, and opens the fridge door, studying the contents. She has never been domestic and never will be. She slams it close, looking sheepish, "I can make toast." But Darcy loves her nonetheless.

Elena walks, going straight for the coffee pot, she pours a black coffee, like Darcy. They all like black.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena says, sipping the goodness.

Jenna nods, "Sure." She shrugs, casting Darcy a suspicious glance, noticing how she's been quiet all this time, "You okay, Darce?"

She nods, "I'm fine, Jenna, stop worrying." Flashing her a beaming grin, hoping to wash away her growing anxiety.

Jeremey enters, he has a punk rock vibe going on, a bit of a mess, but overall cute. He hugs his oldest sister from behind, "Is there coffee?" He asks, letting go of her, not before kissing the back of her ebony head. He snatches Elena's coffee out of her hands, plonking in his seat at the breakfast bar, next to Darcy.

Elena watches with an envious glint in her eyes. It's no secret Darcy and Jeremy have a close bond, but she can't see why Jeremy can't be the same with her.

"Your first day of school and I'm unprepared," Jenna says, reaching into her purse, pulling out some cash. "Money?" She offers the three siblings. Elena declines with a shake of her head. Jeremey takes his after a reassuring nod from his older sister. "It's okay Jen. I've got my own." Darcy assures.

Elena raised a curious eyebrow at her sister. Darcy shrugs, winking.

"Anything else? A No.2 pencil? What am I missing?" Jenna rubs at her face, frustrated.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena asks, sipping her coffee.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at--" She checks her watch, realising, "Now, shit!"

"Go Jenna. We'll be okay." Darcy says, standing up grabbing her aunts purse and taking her by the shoulders, pushing to towards the front door.

"You sure? What about you?" Jenna asks, her voice dripping with worry.

"Like I said I'm fine, stop worrying and get going." She knows her Aunt is worried she and Jeremy will do a runner. But she needn't worry, she's here to stay, along with Jeremy. Where ever she goes, Jeremy follows.

"Fine. But any problems you phone me, and I'll pick you up from school. Okay?" Jenna demands, hands-on-hips, eyebrows raised. Showing she's serious.

Darcy struggled to keep the smile off her face, knowing she can never take Jenna serious. "Promise." Unexpectedly she gets tackled into a tight hug but accepts gratefully. She laughs, hugging her Aunt back and then shoves her lightly out the door, " Now go!" She laughs as Jenna waves nearly tripping, she shakes it off with another wave and drives off.

She chuckles, rolling her blue eyes fondly, making her way back to her siblings. She enters the kitchen as Elena asks Jeremy if he's okay. "Don't." He says, kissing Darcy's forehead and exits the back door. Uninterested and annoyed by Elena's pestering. It's not even been a day, and she's starting.

Elena turns to Darcy, "Think he will be okay?" Elena finds it hard to comprehend how Jeremy seems to have turned over a new leaf. No drugs? She's doesn't believe it.

Darcy sighs, wrapping her arms around her sister, "He's fine, stop worrying your little head it's not good for the remaining brain sells you have left." A grin tugs of her red matt lips.


A beep sounds, "That be Bonnie," Elena says, she pauses looking down at her converse's playing with her bag strap, "Do you want to come with?" Sceptical of her sister's answer. She just wants to be back to how things were before everything turned to shit.

Darcy smiles softly, rubbing her arm, seeing her sister trying to conceal her true feelings, "Yeah, sure. If that's okay."

Elena's head snaps up, surprised. "Yeah, of course." Bobbing her head up and down, a delighted smile lighting up her delicate features.

The blue Prius makes its way past Main street. A few Mom and Pop shops here and a couple of restaurants there. A hardware store. A church. Elena sits beside Bonnie. Her adorable best friend. Loyal with a big heart, will fight to her death for your battles. Today she's in a bubbly mood. Darcy sits in the back, head leaning on the window, watching the cemetery as they pass. She sees a black crow sitting on the gates, holding eye contact. She does not know why, but waves and watches as it blinks rustles its feathers and looks away.

"So Grams tells me how I'm psychic because we are descendants of the Salem Witches. I know, right? I wasn't buying it either until I remembered my uncanny accuracy. I predicted Obama and Heath Ledger. I still think Florida will break off and become little resort islands."

Darcy glances over at Elena who is staring out the window, not listening. She's in another world. She kicks the back of her seat, making her jump and turns around.

"ELENA, DARCY! BACK IN THE CAR!" The two sisters jump when they hear Bonnie yell. "WHAT." They shout back, hands-on hearts, staring wide-eyed.

"I was saying, Grams, says I'm psychic."

Elena looks at her sister, laughing at their friend's antics, not believing a word she's saying.

Darcy pokes her head between the front seats, leaning her head on Bonnie's shoulder. "Okay, then, predict, what's in store for me? Oh, miss, psychic one." Fluttering her eyelashes.

Bonnie turns a corner, holding the wheel with one hand and waving the other like a magical wand. "I see Darcy getting frisky—"

Suddenly, something smacks into the windscreen. Bonnie jerks hard on the wheel, causing Darcy to topple over headfirst into her lap. The car goes skidding. Bonnie slams on the brakes, coming to a hard halt.

"What was that? Oh god Elena, Darcy." Bonnie turns to Elena, not realising she has Darcy half in her lap, her legs dangling in the back, kicking away to gain leverage.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." She panics, eyes are blown wide in fear for her friends.

Elena sits frozen in the front seat, breathing heavy. "I'm fine. Darcy! Are you okay?" She turns bumping into Darcy's wiggling ass. "Jeez Darce, you'll knock someone out with that thing one day." Then panic sets in realising her sister's not in her seat—instead, half in Bonnie's lap.

"Shit. Darcy!" She reaches over trying to pull her sister back, but does not succeed, due to Darcy's contact wiggling and Bonnie's ridiculous laughter.

"Bon stop laughing and help me. Dammit!" With the help of Bonnie, they manage to get a laughing hysterical Darcy back into her seat. Seatbelt on this time. "That was fun." Darcy bounces in her chair, with a big grin, "Can we do it again?" Despite the car crash, she doesn't have a fear of riding in cars like her sister.

The latter two shake their heads, giggling at her silliness. Trust Darcy to think that was funny. How typical of her.

They set back off to school, "Hey Bon?" Darcy asks. Bonnie looks in the rearview mirror, meeting her eyes.

"What was that prediction about me getting frisky? Who was it with, was it someone hot?"

Bonnie shakes her head, laughing, "Not telling you'll find out when the time is right." She winks. Then with a hoot of the horn, they speed off to school.

The black crow sits, perched on a telephone pole, staring at the back of the blue Prius. Its beady eyes stare at the back of Darcy's head.


The three girls pull into Mystic Falls High School parking lot. Nothing special. Students scattered around the lush greens surrounding the daunting building. They exit the car. Darcy straightens out her black leather jacket, pulls up her skinny black jeans, and ruffles her curly ebony waist-length hair. Going for the extra measure, she stamps her black combat boots. She stops, realising the looks she's receiving from her sister, Bonnie and the whole school by the looks of it, " What? What did I do? Why they all staring?" Turning her head around meeting a Jock's lustful eye, "If you want to keep those eyes, then I suggest you get them off my ass, yeah?" The Jock gulps looking away. "Good." Grabbing onto Elena's and Bonnie's arms, she walks them into Satan's lair.

They come to a stop at their lockers when Caroline Forbes approaches. Naturally pretty, beautiful hair, flawless make-up, fashionista, a bit of a drama queen. Darcy's best friend. They cling to each other, embracing, holding tight, "I've missed you." Care whispers.

Darcy squeezes her tighter, "I've missed you too. I'm back and not going anywhere."

"Promise?" Care pulls back, her sparkling blue eyes, flickering to Darcy's, searching for hesitancy.

"Promise." Holding out her pinky finger. Caroline wraps hers around.

Caroline sees Elena and hugs her next. "Elena, how are you? It's good to see you."

"Thanks, Caroline. I'm fine." Elena says, pulling away uncomfortable with Carolines over touchiness.

"Good. Well, I've got to go. See you later." Walking away through the hordes of horny teens.

Elena and Darcy look at Matt standing at his locker. Handsome. Jock. Lovely blue eyes. Elena's ex-boyfriend and Darcy's other best friend. He sees the three girls. His eyes go straight to Darcy shooting her a shocked smile, seeing her there. Then his eyes go to Elena, he slams his locker stalking off not before waving at Darcy.

"He hates me." Elena pouts, leaning her head on her locker.

"Matt doesn't do hate," Bonnie assured, raises her eyebrows at Darcy's and Matt's encounter before turning to Elena and rubbing her shoulder, hoping to give the girl some comfort,

"That's you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly listening to air supply's greatest hits."

The three make way to their morning classes—Darcy grumbling and dragging her feet the whole way.

Two things she hates most are Tanner and History.


Mid-morning Elena, Darcy and Bonnie walk down the hallway. Then stop outside the school's main office.

"Hold on. Who's this?" Bonnie asks, pointing at something in the reception area.

Darcy stands on her tiptoes, trying to peek inside the reception area. Having no such luck, because of how much of a short ass she is. She shoves a passerby, who was passing. He stumbles, falling into the person in front of them, they both tumble down to the floor.

Darcy covers her mouth, trying to conceal the hyena laugh, dying to burst free. "Oh, shit, my bad." She turns around, leaning on Bonnie, shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter.


Bonnie snickers. Elena shakes her head, looking away, pretending not to be related to her sister.

"Who are we looking at?" Elena asks, turning back, too curious for her own good.

Darcy being her, I don't give shit self, boldly points her finger at the office and shouts, "Him. That hottie." Now she's able to see. She's welcomed to the sight of the back end of a tall, lean male, with a squeezable ass and leather hugging jacket, showcasing the males flexing muscles.

"How can you tell he's hot? All I can see is his back." Elena says, looking at Darcy with an amused look.

Darcy and Bonnie glance at each other, shrugging, "It's a hot back." They say. Darcy rocks on her heels, wiggling her eyebrows. She shakes her head, almost drooling. "Cancel that. That arse, look at it, so damn squeezable. Yep, Mr sexy-ass-back."

Elena giggles and smacks her arm, "Stop it. He can probably hear your blabbermouth."

"Hmm. I don't know," Bonnie closes her eyes, finger tapping her chin, trying to zone into her 'psychic abilities'. "I'm sensing Seattle. And he plays the guitar."

"Dammit, not again. I thought this was over with." Elena says, staring down the hallway, seeing Jeremy walk by with his stoner friends. Swaying, he's stoned. She scoffs storming after him into the Men's bathroom.

Darcy snaps her head away from the beautiful view upon hearing Elena's words, already seeing her speeding away. If what her sister has said is true, then something has triggered Jeremy. He was doing good. She has a feeling it's something to do with Vicky Donovan.

Not wanting to deal with a fight coming her way, but knowing she has no choice if she doesn't want her siblings to murder each other. She slams the door open, nearly hitting a guy's in the face who's hastily making his way out. Not caring, she storms inside the foul-smelling bathroom and is welcomed to Elena sniffing Jeremey. She was sniffing like she's a damn sniffer dog. Elena then digs her hands into his pockets, searching him for drugs.

"Great. The first day of school, and you're stoned." Elena rants. While Darcy leans on the wall, waiting to intervene at the right moment. She knows its coming.

"No, I'm not," Jeremy says, jerking away and slapping her hands.

"Yes. Where are they? Is it on you?" Continuing to pat his jacket pockets.

"Do you hear yourself? You need to Chill." Jeremy backs into the sinks, sending pleading glances over to Darcy.

But Elena is determined. She grabs his face staring into his red glazed eyes. "I thought you stopped with this crap, Jer? What happened to your sappy talk, I don't need anyone but Darcy, huh?" She mocks, impersonating his voice.

"Get off" Jeremy protests, pushing her face away.

Darcy decides she has seen enough. Walking over, she grabs Elena's arm, pulling her away and stands between with her arms crossed, "That's enough, Elena."

"W-what! He's stoned." Elena stutters appalled she's sticking up for their brother.

Jeremey stares smugly from behind Darcy's shoulder. She elbows him in his stomach, making him grunt. "Stop it, you twat." She knows her brother too well.

"No! Stop babying him Darce! This is not him, not us. He can't keep doing this." Elena rants, pushing her hair off her face, flushed with frustration.

Darcy stands taller, stepping into her face, jaw twitching, "Back away before it's too late, Lena. Who are you to say this is not him, us? When you mope into your journal every morning, huh? Don't think we don't know, cos we do... You don't get a say in how he chooses to grieve. You're not the only person who's lost their parents. I have Jeremey and Jenna have. Instead of punishing, you should be supporting him."

She bites back harder, the steel glint making her eyes materialise icy blue. She's sick of Elena trying to bully Jeremy, instead of pushing him around, and demanding him to stop. She should be helping him. He's only 15.

Thinking she has gotten through to her sister, she stands back next to Jeremy.

She's mistaken, Elena's doesn't back down. She pounces, coming face to face with Darcy, making intense eye contact. "No, I'm not doing that. I'm going to be all over his ass every single time." Turning her glare onto Jeremy, "So think before you take your next hit. Think is it worth it? All this pain? Because I will be there every single time... Got it?" She stands back, hoping she got through to him.

Jeremey says nothing, staring blankly, leaning heavily on his older sister.

Elena backs off, exiting the bathroom, feeling dejected. Darcy stares at her back, rage igniting her veins. How fucking dare she! She does this all the time, does not listen.

Turning around, she sees the vulnerability flash through her brother's dull eyes. Wrapping her arms around him, stroking her hand through his hair. He bows his head on hers, "Shh, it's okay, Jer. I'm here. I'll always be here for you." She whispers soothingly.

Hearing the warning bell ring for their next lessons, they pull away. "I'll see you at home, okay? We will play on the Xbox together, Or whatever you want to do. Yeah?"

Jeremy nods his head, a soft smile playing on his lips. Only for Darcy.

"Good. Get going before you're late." She says, pushing him playfully. He does as he says. Darcy waits, blowing out a breath and exits after him, only to smack into something hard, the blow nearly knocking her on her ass. Something holds her steady, saving her from what would be an embarrassing fall. Looking down she sees two tanned hands resting on her forearms, she follows them up to a brown leather jacket hugging a pair of fine-looking arms, then looks into a face of a guy, wearing sunglasses, obscuring the view of his identity.

The mysterious stranger steps back, removing the glasses revealing his mesmerising green eyes. Said eyes widen at the girl standing in front of him. It's her.

Ahh, this must be Mr sexy-ass-back.

"Sorry. I was looking for—" Stefan looks at the door, "Men's bathroom." He looks back. His eyes twinkle with amusement.

Darcy facepalms herself. "Only this would happen to me," She looks back with a sheepish smile, "Would you believe if I said I came in here looking for my troublesome brother?"

Stefan playfully shakes his head, leaning on the door "Nope."

Darcy nods, "Yeah, thought so. I'm just gonna go and save myself from further embarrassment." She skirts around his tall frame and speeds down the hall. Just as she turns the corner, she looks back and sees him already watching her. Being who she is, she calls back, "See ya Mr sexy-ass-back!"

Stefan laughs at her brazen confidence.


Moss-laden marble pillars stood as despairing guards on either side of the cemetery threshold. Behind the iron gates were rows upon rows of ancient tombstones, their engraved epitaphs glowed in the light shining from the suns elegance. The place breathed with painful grief and the emptiness of aching loss.

"Hey, Mum, Dad." Darcy lays down a fresh bouquet upon their grave, she brushes away the dirt and debris that has gathered, and sits down, playing with the overgrown grass.

Before Darcy and Jeremy left, she and Elena would visit their parent's graves. Elena would sit and write in her journal. Darcy would lay a fresh bouquet, talk about her days since they have been gone even though Greyson and Miranda were not her birth parents. They rescued her from an abusive household when she was seven years old and saved her life. She saw them as her parent's, and they loved her as their daughter. Treated her like parents should treat their children. Not abuse them.

Greyson was her father's best friend during their school career, who brought Darcy into the world, and it broke his heart, seeing his once best friend turn to drugs and abuse his daughter. He did the right thing and contacted the police. A case was built, and fortunately, David Ashers was found guilty of sexual abuse to a minor and sent to prison for fifteen years. Her mother; Sarah was a pathetic excuse of a human and did nothing to stop the abuse; she was also sent to prison for ten years. Grayson did not have the heart to see Darcy go into care, and in Darcy's opinion did the next best thing. He adopted her. Darcella Ashers became Darcella Gilbert.

A loud caw breaks her from her remanence. She looks up seeing something large and black fly overhead and perch on her parent's gravestone. It's beady black eyes rest on her brown, staring raptly. Darcy tilts her head, curious. She's sure this is the same crow she seen this morning on their drive to school. She chuckles as the crow copies her actions.

She should feel scared and freaked out. Instead, feels safe and comfortable? Odd. It stares at her as if it knows her. Feeling bold and brave, she stands, reaching out an outstretched hand and strokes its feathery head. Surprise and awe light up her delicate features, as it lets her, even tilts its head further to the side. "Hey, bird. You like that, do you?" She coos, the bird purrs in response.

Suddenly fog descends the cemetery, covering all in a hazy white glow. Darcy steps back looking over at Elena who puts her journal down, gets up looking around scared.

The crow flies away startling the girls its large wings flapping, loud caws escaping its sharp beak, the girls' jump scared, heads whip in the direction they saw it fly. Darcy grabs Elena's arm and picks up their bags, pushing her in the direction of the exit. The fog swirls around them, Elena loses her bearings, trips over a vine in the haste of Darcy's fast pace. She goes to the ground. Darcy pulls her up, trying not to snigger, but stops at the dirty look she receives.

They right themselves, looking back and see... a figure of a man through the fog. "What the? Who's that?" Darcy asks, pulling Elena into her side. Her protective instincts kickstarts. They take off only for Elena to smack into...Stefan? Elena screams, jumping back, bumping into Darcy, who was still looking in the direction of the man.

"Fuck" Darcy shouts, whirling around, hand on her pounding chest, "You scared the shit— Mr sexy-ass-back?" She stops at Stefan's sudden appearance and shoots him a confused look, glancing at Elena to see if she's okay.

Elena looks between them, an odd feeling sinking in her stomach, seeing Stefan light up at her sister's presence.

"Are you okay?" Stefan turns to Elena, trying not to laugh at Darcy. He can't help it; there's something about this girl. He doesn't know what, but it's refreshing whatever it is.

"Were you following me?" Elena demands, glancing behind her. Where the figure was, only to see they've vanished. Where did he go?

Darcy jabs her in the side for her rudeness. Elena glares back in response.

"I-erm. No. I mean, yes sort of, I saw you fall." He says, rubbing the back of his neck, looking between the girls.

Elena casts him a suspicious look, "You lurk in graveyards?"

Darcy covers her mouth, sniggering.

"I was visiting my family." He shoots Darcy a look to help him out, shocked at the sudden brevity of the brown-haired girl.

Darcy ignores him, snickering at his discomfort. "I'm just gonna go... See ya at home, Elena. Bye, sexy ass-back." She waves teasingly at Stefan and leaves them, knowing he would be good for her dear sister and hopefully pull the stick from up her arse.

Elene and Stefan watch as she leaves the cemetery.

"Did she just?..."

Elena laughs, "Leave us in a graveyard? Yep."


A/N Hey, Guys! Let me know what you think? This is my first time writing fanfiction, any advice is greatly appreciated! 🖤💜

🖤 Let me know your thoughts by voting and commenting. I would love to hear what you think and how I could improve myself! 🖤

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