
Galing kay Dharmiebae

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Jolayemi Jabita, a soon-to-be-16 year old girl, who was definitely not a child has had it rough. She had been... Higit pa

The Prologue
Chapter 1: The New Dawn
Chapter 2: The New Girl
Chapter 3: The Other Twin
Chapter 4: The New Uniform
Chapter 5: The Weekends
Chapter 6: The Introductions
Chapter 7: The Invitation
Chapter 8: The Project
Chapter 9: The Party
Chapter 10: The Shack
Chapter 11: The Confrontation
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: The Sleepover I
Chapter 14: The Sleepover II
Chapter 15: The Sleepover III
Chapter 16: The Outing
Chapter 18: The Cry For Help
Chapter 19: The Truckload Of Regret
Chapter 21: The Consequences
Chapter 20: The Mistake
Chapter 22: The Celebration
Chapter 23: The Family Dinner
Chapter 24: The Move In
Chapter 25: The Presentation
Chapter 26: The Letter B
Chapter 29: The Big News
Chapter 27: The Uno Reverse Card
Chapter 28: The Study Session
Chapter 30: The House Guest
Chapter 31: The Talk
Chapter 32: The Fuck Up
Chapter 33: The History
Chapter 34: The Office Visit
Chapter 35: The Perfect Dress
Chapter 36: The Camping Trip
Chapter 37: The Flag
Chapter 38: The Indoor Games
Chapter 39: The Reconciliation
Chapter 40: The Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 41: The Lobby Fight
Chapter 42:The Relationship Problems
Chapter 43: The Confession
Chapter 44: The First Date
Chapter 45: The Birthday Present
Chapter 46: The Cabin
Chapter 47: The Christmas Eve
Chapter 48: The Pain
Chapter 49: The Miracle
Chapter 50: The Déjà Vu
Chapter 51: The Memories

Chapter 17: The Controversy

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Galing kay Dharmiebae

"Jola, wait up", Jer called, catching up to me on the way to my locker. "Hey", I said, as I smiled. "Where are you going?", he asked, and I rolled my eyes, like it wasn't obvious. "To get ready for class", I said. He groaned and I glared at him. "I'm smiling, happy?", he said. "Very", I said. I opened my locker. "Speaking of, we should meet up soon for our project", I said. "What project?", he asked. I sighed. "The one where we draw each other. Sounds familiar?", I asked. "Oh that. I definitely didn't forget", he said.

"When's it due?", he asked. I pinched my nose in annoyance, as I stared at him. "In three weeks", I said, through gritted teeth. "Look, maybe I should ask someone else", I said. He held my hand. "Look, I'm sorry. Okay, here's the deal, why don't we do it over at my place tonight?", he asked. I paused. "Your place?", I asked, unsure. He nodded, and I thought about it. We really needed to finish it, as soon as possible. My house wasn't really an option right now, and I dared to think of how Dare would react about me bringing a guy home.

"Alright, your place after school it is", I agreed. I scanned the class for familiar faces, and I grinned when I saw Gabby and Skyy laughing over something, Starr was with Gabriel, chatting animatedly, and Gabriel smiled at what she was saying. What were they talking about? I headed towards Gabby and Skyy. "Hey guys", I said. "Hi", Skyy said, and Gabby smiled. "Thanks for the other day Gabby, it was fun", I said. She waved it off. "Ah, its all good", she said. "Miss Sarah's a bit late today, isn't she?", I asked. "She's a bit under the weather", Gabby replied. Jer's face brightened immediately. "So she isn't coming?", he asked. Skyy nodded, and Jer whooped. "Why does he hate school so much?", I turned to Gabby. "I'm here y'know?", he said. "I think its because he has a back up plan or something", she shrugged. "Guys", Jer put in. "So, that's why he doesn't like school?", I asked. I turned to him. "Why come here then?", I asked. He wrapped his arm around me, and leaned closer. "I came here cause of you", he said, and smirked. I hit him playfully.

I glanced towards Gabriel's direction. He was still talking animatedly with Starr, his eyes lighting up as he laughed at something she said. He didn't even look up, and didn't notice my presence. I was happy they were finally getting along, but a feeling gnawed at me. It took a second for me to realize it was jealousy. I turned away. "So what were you and Gabby talking about before we got here?", I asked. "Collins", Gabby replied. "Mark", Skky said. I sat on the table, as I peered at them. "Tell me", I squealed. "Please don't", Jer groaned.

"You're just jealous, cause no girl talk about you", I said. Jer smirked. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that", he said. "Ew", Skyy said. "That's just gross", I replied, disgust written on my face. He leaned closer towards me, as he trapped me with his arms. "Uh, what are you doing?", I asked, suddenly uncomfortable. "Want me to show you what they talk about?", he whispered. "I bet you won't stop talking about it too", he added. My heart thundered in my chest, as Jer's breath fanned my face. I blinked, his proximity was affecting my senses.

I poked my tongue out at him, wanting to not make the situation any more awkward. "You wish", I teased. It was at that moment I realized I'd fucked up. "Get off, Jer", I said, trying to push him off when I saw him glancing at my lips, before smacking his. The jerk didn't budge. "Am I affecting you?", he asked. I scoffed, as I glared at him. "I guess that's a yes", he said, before backing away. I breathe in a sigh of relief, as I finally got my thoughts in order. I hoped no one saw that.

Everyone saw that, all eyes were on me with different reactions, as they stared at me. They didn't matter, all that mattered was Gabriel, and I sighed immediately. Knowing Gabriel, I knew he'd be mad, so I turned to him, yup he was livid. Jer smirked at him, while Gabriel glared at me. I gulped at the intensity of his gaze, and I opened my mouth to explain, when he stood up, gave me one last look, glared at Jer, before stalking out of the class. I stood up to go after him, but thought better of it, when Starr ran out if the class to go look for him, and I sat down deflated. Jer still had that smug look on his face, and I pinched my nose in anger.

Standing up, I dragged Jer by his shirt, and led him outside the class, as I ignored Skyy's opened mouth, and Gabby's smile. Hitting him against a wall, I turned to him, mad. "What the hell was that about huh?", I asked. I was mad for reasons I couldn't quite figure out yet. "Proving to you that I affect you in ways you're not ready to admit", he said. "What the hell does that even mean?", I asked, confused. He moved closer. "It means you like me Jola", he said. "What?", I asked. "You. Like. Me", he said. "No I do not like you, especially right now", I said.

Before I could think, he pinned me to the wall, and trapped me, making escape impossible. I sighed, as I met his gaze. My eyes widened at what I saw there. "What do you think you are doing?", I stuttered, flustered. "Admit it, you like me", he said. "Of course I like you, you're my friend, Jer", I said. "You like me more than a friend, admit it", he said. I groaned, as I tried to escape, he pinned me harder. "I love Gabriel", I said. "No, you don't", he said. "Yes, I do. I really like him", I said.

"So, you don't feel affected by this?", he asked, as he kissed me softly behind my ear, and I gasped. "W-what are you doing?", I asked. He continued trailing kisses from my ear, to my neck, peppering everywhere with kisses. I closed my eyes, as pools of desire flooded me, I couldn't for the life of me think straight, and I moaned. Jer pulled back, I frowned. "See what I mean? You want me", he said. Now that I had space, my brain began to function. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, and I doubt it ever will, and I glared at him. He yelped, as he doubled over in pain.

"I don't want you. Asshole.", I said, as I sauntered away from him. I was so mad. What the hell was that? Why the hell did I react that way? I opened my locker with more force than I intended, I took out Gabriel's sweatshirt, and sniffed it. I had decided to give him back his clothe this morning, I didn't want to, but courtesy demanded it. I sighed, as I decided to go find Gabriel. I didn't like the fact that he was mad at me, and I didn't even know where to look. The school was too big to find someone that easily.

I paused when I heard faint murmurings just right ahead, and I smiled, hoping it was him. "Gabri-", I stopped short at the sight before me. Even though I'd envision it, encouraged it, expected it, the image still slapped me so hard, I wanted to cry. There stood Gabriel, and Starr, and they were kissing. They whirled when they heard me, and it was all I could do not burst into tears right then. "Jola", he called. My heart was beating fast, as the tears threatened to spill. I was being an hypocrite, I knew, but just two days ago, Gabriel had told me he liked me, then kissed me, but then there he was, kissing Starr. I didn't know why it hurt me so much, considering it was all I wanted, and when it finally did, I was anything but happy. Why?

"Its not what you think", Gabriel said, as he moved closer. Starr smiled, completely unaware of the way my heart broke. I snapped out of my daze, and I shook my head. "No, its okay. I'm sorry I interrupted", I pressed his clothe to him. "Your sweatshirt, I won't be needing it anymore", I said bitterly. I hugged Starr. "I'm happy for you, you deserve all the love and happiness in this world", I said. I ran out of the class, as I wiped a tear. Gabriel held my hand. "Let me explain, Jola", he begged. "Don't you dare touch me", I said, coldly, as I jerked my hand away from his.

"Please, if you would just listen", his eyes held fear, and I hesitated for a second. "Exactly. I should have listened to that small voice telling me not to hope for something that was impossible. That voice warning me that we wouldn't work, but did I listen? No, I had to fall in love with you, God, I feel so stupid", I said. I stepped on my toes, and I kissed him on the cheek. "I'm happy for you, really. Goodbye, Gabriel", I said. "Jola, please wait", he pleaded, grabbing my hand again.

I slapped him. "Don't touch me", I said. His face fell, and I jerked my hand before running away, his face never leaving my thoughts. The tears blocked my vision, but I ran anyway. I stopped when I ran into a chest, and I quickly wiped my tears discreetly. It was Jer, and just one look made me burst into tears. He held me, as I cried. After I was sure I wouldn't break down again, I wiped my tears and looked at him. "Are you okay?", he asked. I let out a small smile. "Yeah", I replied. "You're not okay", he said. "Of course I am, doofus", I said. I held his hand. "Let's go to class", I said. He pulled me back. "You really wanna go to class after crying?", he asked.

I nodded. "I'm okay", I said, trying to reassure him. I really was, I mean, it'd come as a shock at first, but I came to terms with it. I'd overreacted, seeing as I was expecting it, I shouldn't have been surprised. "Want to talk about it?", he asked. "No", I said. He nodded, and guided me to the next class. Music. Fuck me. I was elated when I didn't see Gabriel, and I hoped he'd skip the class as I took my seat. "Psst, Jola", Skyy called. I looked at her. "Have you seen Starr?", she asked. "No", I said. So, Starr wasn't in class, neither was Gabriel. Put two and two together, equals? I couldn't stop thinking about it, even after the bell rang. I blinked, realizing I'd zone out during Music.

I rested my head in the table. "Uh oh, what's wrong?", Gabby asked. "Nothing", I smiled. "Are you sure?", Skyy asked. I nodded. "Sorry, I have to get to my next class", I said. I had biology next, and I was not looking forward to it. "Bitch", someone called. "Excuse me?", I turned to see Blair and her friends, and I folded my arms. I really wasn't in the mood for this today. "You heard me", Blair said. "I mean isn't it bad enough you sleep with Gabriel, but now you also sleep with Jeremy. I mean, two brothers? Even for me, that's a bit extreme", Blair smirked. "Whore", Davina seconded.

I couldn't believe my ears, who was sleeping with who? The mere irony would have made me laugh any other day. "Excuse me?", I said again. Davina stepped up. "Did I stutter? I said, you are a slut. Just so you know, Jeremy's mine, so stay away from him", she said. I raised my arms. "Take him, he's all yours", I said, as I moved to go. Blair dragged me back. "Where do you think you are going? You are a witch, aren't you? I mean, that's why you got all the boys wrapped around your finger", she said. "Not all boys", someone said in disgust.

I glared at Innocent. "That's because you don't matter in the scheme of things, dear", I said sweetly. He scowled at me. "Bitch", he said. I turned to Blair. "Now, if you're done, I'd like to take my leave", I moved to leave, but they blocked my path, and I smiled bitterly. "Trust me, I'm having a really bad day, and you don't wanna make me mad. So just leave me alone", I said. They stared at each other, before bursting into laughter. "Or what? I see you've suddenly grown a pair now huh", Davina piqued. "Without your bitches, what are you gonna do?", Blair asked.

Baby girl, I didn't need them, not this time around. I dropped my backpack, as I stared at her. "Why don't you come find out?", I threatened. Blair hesitated, before scoffing and moving closer. She raised her hand to slap me, but I held it, twisted her hands, before giving her a slap of my own. I enjoyed the way it sounded, and how it bounced around the now silent hallway. But I wasn't done, not yet, not after all the bullying, the humiliation I'd gone through.

Blair stared at me, hand on her face, as she opened her mouth. "You slapped me?", she asked. "I'm sorry, was that a question, or was the sting not enough answer for you?", I folded my arms as I stared her down. "I mean, are you that stupid or just naturally blonde?", I asked. "You bitch", she said, before moving to slap me. The same moves always, watch some karate movies or something, girlfriend. Just like before, I twisted her arms to the back again, then used my leg to push her forward, making her land on the floor face first.

Davina and Chloe shared looks, and I motioned for them to come. "Please, I'd like an outlet for my anger", I said. Davina charged at me, I blocked her attack, pulled her hair, and she yelped, before connecting my knee with her face, I heard a satisfying crack. Her nose was bleeding, and I shrugged. "At least, your face looks better now, you're welcome", I said, smiling. I turned to the other girls, waiting for their attack, but they took a step back. I snickered as I watched Blair still trying to get up, while covering her dignity, if she still had any. Next time, she should think twice about wearing belts as skirts to school.

I turned to everyone who were staring at me, recording the whole drama. "I'm so tired of y'all insulting me, and taking me for granted just because of how I look like. I'm tired of the world laughing at me just cause I'm fat. Y'all think its cool to make fun of someone cause of their weight? Well, guess what? I'm human, and I have feelings too, just like you", I said. "You're nothing like us", Chloe said, before punching me in the stomach, I yelled as I bent over in pain. She held my hair tight and I saw red, as memories came back, memories of Jason sexually harassing me. I broke her hold in my hair, and I slapped her thrice.

"You're absolutely right. I am nothing like you. I'm better than you, than all of you will ever be in your pathetic lives. A free tip, you can thank me later, stop hating on me cause you can't get a guy to notice you, instead why don't you focus all that attention, all that stress and that energy you use to bully and belittle others to go work on yourself? The problem isn't me, or Jer, or hell even Gabriel, the problem lies with you and those insecurities you have that makes you think its okay to bully other people just so you won't feel bad about your shitty self", I said. Satisfied I'd make my point, I grabbed my bag, stared them down, glanced at the onlookers who stared at me with surprise, before going to the ladies'.

I slapped myself as I stared at my reflection. Did that really happen? Did you really stand up for myself with no one helping you? Who the hell are you, and what have you done to Jolayemi? I blinked at my reflection, it copied me, and I smiled as my eyes shone with pride. I splashed water on my face, before leaving the ladies'. I had biology next, just like Music, I had Gabriel for a seat partner. I ignored the stares and whispers as I sat down beside Gabriel.

He was listening to music on his headphone, his eyes were closed as he was bent over the table, and I prayed he wouldn't notice me. Someone tapped me, and I looked up. "Hi", she smiled. "Hey", I said. "I'm Leandre, and I just wanted to say what you did back there was amazing", she said. I smiled. "No one has stood up to Blair before, and it was a good thing you did it", she added. "Thank you", I said. "I'm Jola", I said, extending my hand for a handshake. "Its nice to meet you, Jola", Leandre said. "You too", I smiled, as she left.

"Jola", Gabriel called, and I stiffened. I ignored him, as I brought out my books. "Jolayemi", he called firmly. I turned to him. "Yes?", I asked politely. "Please let me explain", he pleaded. I touched his arm. "Its okay, you don't have to explain anything. I always knew you and Starr would be the perfect couple, so don't worry about it. We're still friends", I said. "So we can pretend like the kisses, and everything didn't happen and everything would be okay", I said. "But I didn't-", he said. "Hey, what song are you listening to? Can I?", I asked. He nodded, as he passed me the headphone. I didn't know the music playing, but it was better than hearing him describe him and Starr's amazing kiss.

The bell rang for lunch, and I ran out of class, ignoring Gabriel's voice telling to wait. In fact, I did the exact opposite of that, I sighed as I took a bite out of my burger when I'd found an empty table in the cafeteria. I wanted to avoid everyone, so I didn't eat at our usual table. "Hey, can I seat here?", a girl asked. I looked up, it was Leandre. I smiled immediately, as I liked her immediately. "Yeah, sure", I said. "How's it going?", I asked.

"Jola, you've been avoiding us", Skyy stated, as she sat down beside me, flagged by Gabby and Starr. I chuckled awkwardly. "No, I haven't", I said. "When you try to lie, please remember you are not a very good liar", Gabby said. "Plus, you totally ignored me in Maths", Skyy said. "Sorry, I'm having a bad day", I said. "Because Jer tried to kiss you in front of everyone, and Gabriel got all hot and angry?", Skyy asked. I looked at her confused. What was she talking about? Then, it clicked, oh. I'd forgotten about that. "Yeah", I lied.

Skyy nodded. "I'm sure its not a big deal. Besides, its okay now. You said you talked to him, right?", Skyy asked her sister, who nodded sheepishly. Yeah, I'm sure she calmed him down when he had his mouth deep in her throat. "Starr, something you wanna share with us?", I asked. Skyy and Gabby stared at me confused at my cold tone, while Starr just smiled. "Gabriel kissed me", Starr said, and I nodded. Yes he did, he sure did. Gabby was shocked, while Skyy had her mouth opened. "He did what?", Gabby asked.

Starr shrugged. "Why are you so surprised? I mean, I told you guys it was gonna work, didn't I?", she asked. Skyy and Gabby stared at me, understanding why I was in a bad mood. "Why would you do that? You know Gabriel likes Jola", Skyy scolded. "No, he doesn't", Starr argued. She turned to me. "You said you didn't like him", she accused. I sighed. "Believe me, he's all yours", I said, meaning it. "See, told you she didn't like him", she said, stupidly. Gabby stared at me, wondering what I was thinking, and I ignored her.

Leandre cleared her throat, and we turned to her. I'd forgotten that she was there. "Guys, Leandre. Leandre, guys", I said, not in the mood for formalities. "Hi", Leandre said, shyly. "No offense, Leandre, but why are you here?", Skyy asked. "I was just telling Jola how much I loved her standing up to Blair", she said. I rolled my eyes. "It was nothing", I said. "What did she do?", Gabby asked, ignoring me. "Haven't you guys seen the video?", Leandre asked. "What video?", Starr asked. Leandre brought out her phone to show them what she was talking about.

They stared at me as I took another bite of my burger. "That was amazing", Skyy said. Gabby nodded, and she hugged me. "I'll have a word with Gabriel. I'm sure there's more to this than you think. Gabriel wouldn't kiss Starr cause I know much he likes you", Gabby whispered. Skyy laughed. "Did you see how she fell on her face, with that tiny ass up in the air?", she mocked, and I smiled. "Remind me never to get on your bad side", Skyy stared at me. "Can we change the subject?", I asked, feeling uncomfortable under their stares.

"How far have you gone with Jer regarding the homework?", Gabby asked. I sighed. "Remind me never to pair with Jer for any school work ever again", I said. "I take it its not going well then", Starr smiled. "You can say that again", I said. "What about Collins?", I asked. "Believe me, it has not been easy either. Collins can't stay in one place without cracking a joke or trying to make out", she blushed. "Aw, well Gabriel said we could do it over at his shack", Starr quipped. The same shack he'd taken me to, where he had numerous paintings of me, the place he'd describe as his safe place, and that I was the first person he'd ever taken there, that was the same place he was planning to take Starr. This made me wonder just how many lies he'd told me. Had he lied when he said he liked me? When he said he would wait for me, was that a lie also? Was he not saying the truth when he'd call me beautiful? Were all those promises false too?

I cleared my throat, I was so hurt. "Is everything okay, Jola?", Starr smiled. "Hold up, did you say Gabriel intends to take you to his shack?", Gabby asked. "Yeah, why?", Starr asked. "He has never taken anyone there, including me", she said. Starr shrugged. "Guess I must be special then", she said. Why the hell did it hurt so much? I clutched my chest, as it began to throb. That was what I got for hoping. See, that was the thing about hope, if all goes well, the feeling was euphoric. If it doesn't, it could crush you so hard, you don't know where to start picking the pieces.

"Jola, are you okay?", Skyy asked. I cleared my throat. "Yes", I said. "I asked you a question twice", Start quipped. "Sorry, what was that?", I asked. "I asked if you think Gabriel and I would make a great couple", she smirked. I stared at her and I frowned. There was something wrong with Starr, Starr never held this malice on her face before, as she stared at me. "Sure", I said. I bolted when the bell rang, glad I could get away from that situation. I had a free period. Seeking the shelter of the library, I bawled my eyes out for the second time today. I stayed there for quite sometime, and when I felt I'd pour out all my pain, and anguish, I wiped my swollen eyes. I said goodbye to Annie, the librarian. We'd become close these last few months and I sighed as I got to my locker. Jer waiting for me, staring at something on his phone.

"What are you doing here?", I asked, still mad about earlier. He sighed, before inclining his head. "I really don't know what came over me, I'm truly sorry", he said. I shook my head. "Apology not accepted. You can't do stuff like that, give out shitty excuses, and then expect things to be okay. It doesn't work that way", I said. "I know, and I fucked up bad. Just please don't be mad at me no more, okay? I can't take it if you're mad at me", he pleaded. I sighed. "Fine, but don't do it again", I said. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Sure you don't want some of this", he pointed at himself. I stared at him, up and down, looked like I was deep in thoughts before I shook my head. "Nope", I said. His face fell immediately, and I laughed at his expression. "Ha, ha, very funny. Way to ruin my ego", he rolled his eyes. "Believe me, your ego don't need no more encouragement. You could build a building with that thing", I said.

He hugged me. "I didn't know you were such a badass", he released me.l, and smiled. "What do you mean?", I asked, as I typed in my combination. "Blair. You showed that bitch who's the boss. I'm proud of you", he said. "I didn't go over the top now, did I?", I asked. "What you mean over the top? She got what she deserved", he said. I closed my locker. "Really? I thought you had a thing for her, seeing as you guys undress each other with your eyes", I teased. "Oh, trust me. We undressed each other alright, and not just with our eyes if you know what I mean", he said. My face contorted into something ugly as I stared at him utterly disgusted. "Ew", I barfed.

He laughed at my face, before winking at me. "But that was before I knew she was a witch", he said, and I laughed. "There you go, that wasn't so hard now, was it?", he asked. "What are you talking about?", I asked. "I followed you to the library. It was all I could do not to comfort you, but you looked like you wanted to be alone", he said softly. "It wasn't an easy task, staying in the library for that long. God, it felt like the books were eye raping me or something", he teased. I giggled. "So you're bibliophobic, huh?", I asked. "What's that?", he asked. "It means you're scared of books", I said.

He shuddered. "I guess you can say that", he said. "Are we still going to my place?", he asked. "No, I'm beat. Raincheck?", I asked. He nodded. "Sure", he said. I waved him bye as I entered Dare's car.

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