Chapter 7: The Invitation

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It was Wednesday, and I slumped on my seat like a haunted and wild animal, my eyes were wide, as I glanced around, avoiding a set of people. I sighed, when I realized that I was out of danger,and rested my head on the table, before closing my eyes. God, who knew avoiding your friends took this kind of energy? But I had to say, though I successfully evaded all four of them, it hasn't been easy and it was taking quite a toll on me, if I was being honest.

Just then, I heard a chair scraped back as I sensed a presence, my back stiffened as I reluctantly brought my head up, to glance at the intruder, knowing fully well, it was the twins. I quickly formulated an excuse in my head, when Skyy's eyes met mine in an intense gaze. I stopped short, when I heard another chair scrape back, and eyes boring at the back of my head. I giggled awkwardly. "Hey guys", I gulped, standing up. I checked my wristwatch and gasped. "Listen, I really have to go to the-", I was interrupted.

"Nurses' office?", Skyy asked. "Or is it the ladies' this time. I mean, considering the amount of times you used that excuse, one would think you have a bladder problem or something, Starr pitched in. I blinked. Skyy glanced at Starr. "Oh Starr, I mean, she did say one time, that uh, she was observing this fast that made her unable to talk to anybody, whilst literally opening her mouth to tell that shitty excuse", Skyy arched an eyebrow. Starr crossed her arms. "Also, remember she was like 'gee, gotta go guys, I promised the lunch lady I'd help her with the dishes' and then zoomed out of there", Starr mirrored her sister, as both of them raised their eyebrows to stare at me, I sat down deflated, knowing I was caught.

I hated lying, and it showed by the stupid excuses I'd given them. They cornered me, not even giving me a chance to escape. "So, should we keep giving you back the lame excuses you've been giving us or would you fess up?", Skyy asked. "Why have you been avoiding us, Jola?", Starr asked, softly. I scoffed."Pfft, me avoiding you? Who said I was avoiding you?", I asked lamely. "That's what we wanna know. You changed seats, and whenever you see us, you go the other way and even when we finally caught up to you, you give these flimsy excuses about shit and whatnot. You haven't replied our texts or calls either", Skyy said. They stared at me, and I sighed, giving up.

"Maybe you've found friends and decided to ditch us?", Starr looked hurt. "I would never do that", I said. "Look, I love you both so much, that's why I've been avoiding you", I said, finally. They shared looks. "I love our friendship, and I wouldn't want for anything or anyone to come meddle with it, cause it means so much to me than you'll never know. And if there's one thing I'm scared of, its losing you guys", I finished. "Aw, you'd never lose-", Skyy said. "Wait, how does avoiding us, makes you think you're not gonna not lose us?", Starr asked.

"I know, I know it's stupid", I said. They nodded. "Its just that, you love Gabriel so much, and with what happened last time, with you reacting that way, I'm scared of losing you. At least, it shouldn't be for a boy", I mumbled. Starr sighed, before staring at me dead in the eyes. My eyes went to her forehead. "Jola, just cause he said he wants to be your friend, and me reacting childishly to that, doesn't mean you're gonna lose me", I breathe a sigh of relief. "Besides, you don't love him, and I don't think he does. And if you guys become friends, that means, you'll introduce me to him", she said. I nodded, and reflected on her words. He doesn't love me, he's just being kind, by offering friendship. I was just overreacting.

The bell rang, we had Music. Great, lucky me. Gabriel was my partner in music and for the first time, I was so not looking for it. I haven't talked to him since biology and I didn't plan on talking to him today either. I was happy when I realized he wasn't in class yet, and I hoped he'd skip it. I walked to my seat and sat down. I placed my head on the table, trying to gather my thoughts, so I would know what to say to him, if he did show up.

I glanced at Starr she was talking animatedly to Finn, the guy who had a huge crush on her. Starr was laughing her heart out cause of what the guy had said and Finn just looked at her like she was his world. Skyy wasn't kidding when she said Finn literally looked at Starr like a lost puppy. I wasn't cupid, but even I could tell that he loved her, his eyes appreciating her very being. Starr on the other hand, looked like she loved talking to the guy, but just for fun, and only saw him as a friend and nothing else.

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