Chapter 50: The Déjà Vu

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I twitched in my bed, what the hell happened to me? I opened my eyes slowly, only to be blinded by lights, and I groaned. I grabbed my head in agony, it felt like it was being broken to pieces. Fuck. What the hell happened? Where was I? "Hey love, are you okay? How do you feel?", a strange voice said, and I looked up.

Strange faces stared right back at me. What happened? I closed my eyes when a man shone a bright light in my eyes? Was he planning on making me blind or something? "Open your eyes, Jola", he said. How did he know my name? I opened my eyes gently, and watched him observe me.

"Jola", a familiar voice called, and I smiled. Finally, someone I knew. "Mum", I said. "Hey baby", she held my hand, and smiled through tears. Why was she crying? Did something bad happen? "Mum, what's going on? Where am I? What happened?", I asked in a rush. "You're in the hospital princess", Dad replied. "Why? What happened to me? Why am I in a hospital?", I asked, confused as hell. Mum opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted when the door opened.

Some teenagers entered the room, smiling at me. She smiled and tightened her hand on mine. "Your friends have been with you since you had the accident. They rarely left your side all through your stay here", she pointed at them. What friends? I had no friends, from what I remembered, the only relationship I had with people not my family, are bullies.

Dad beamed. "Yeah, you have some pretty amazing friends, princess", he said. "And a great boyfriend", a girl added, and I almost bursted out laughing. Boyfriend? Was she pulling my legs or something? I had no boyfriend, all the boys in my school hated me, so what the hell was she talking about? The supposed boyfriend even looked strange to me, I'd never seen him before in my entire life. He moved closer to me and stared at me intently.

"Hey baby", he smiled. Baby? It was too funny to even think about. Was he being sarcastic with me? "Who are you?", I frowned. I turned to the rest of the strangers who were frowning and staring at each other, then back at me. Could someone explain what the hell was going on? "Who are they?", I asked. Was I missing something here?

"Mum, Dad, who are these people?", I asked. Mum shared a glance with Dad and moved closer. "Baby, those are your friends, don't you remember them?", she asked. I shook my head vehemently. "I don't have any friends", a girl gasped, and I spared her a look. Nah, still doesn't look familiar. I sighed and turned to Mum. "Mum, where's J and Dare? Where's Zion? He didn't come to see me?", I frowned.

I scanned the room, expecting him to jump out and smile at me. Mum gasped, and blinked away tears, or tried to cause it fell as easily as it was to blink. When she saw my frown, she hurriedly wiped her tears, and held my hand. "Don't you remember what happened?", she asked. "No, what happened? Is something wrong with Zion? No, what's happened to him?", I thrashed around, the thought of Zion injured made me sick to the stomach. "Go call the doctor", Dad said to one of the boys.

"Shh, princess its okay. Zion's fine", he said. I stopped thrashing, and stared at him. "Are you sure?", I asked. "Yeah", he nodded and sniffed. "Then where's he? I wanna see him. Where's J and Dare?", I asked. "They are on their way", he said, and I relaxed. "Baby, what's the last thing you remember?", Mum asked.

"Well, I was having a bad day, and Zion was telling me a story. I fell asleep, and boom, I woke up in a hospital", I said. The strange boy, my supposed boyfriend wouldn't stop looking at me and crying. What was his problem? "Hey, Jola", a boy called. "Who are you?", I asked. "I'm Jer", he said. I nodded, not saying anything, and I watched a tear fall. He looked at me like he knew me, deep down. The doctor came, and Mum said something to him.

He smiled at me, and held my hand. "Jola, what's the last thing you remember?", he asked. I sighed, and rolled my eyes. Why was everyone asking me that question? "A few days after Easter, and I was having a bad day. My brother Zion played some music for me, and told me a story. I fell asleep and I woke up here", I explained.

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