Chapter 22: The Celebration

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It was Saturday, and as I laid down on my bed, my heart broken and shattered, I cried. Since Gabriel and Blair had kissed in front of me, you'd think it would stop there. But it didn't, apparently Gabriel was dating Blair, and they were always kissing anytime I walked past them, or looked up and saw them. Gabriel had ignored me every time I tried to talk to him. Gabby was shocked at Gabriel's actions to say the least and promised me she'd talk to him. It hadn't worked, cause the next day I had seen them kiss, and worse Gabriel had grabbed her butt in the midst of their make out. I'd gone to the toilet to bawl my eyes out.

Jer was there for me, always shielding me from seeing them, and he tried to make me laugh. It hadn't work, because I was sad and heartbroken. Though I'd had lunch and classes with them, I didn't talk much and they understood. It was just too much, seeing Gabriel kiss Blair, holding hands with her, just like he'd done with me and I wondered yet again what went wrong. I stared at the ceiling, completely drained of energy.

J entered the room without knocking, and sat down beside me, smirking. "What, no comeback at your lack of privacy?", she smiled. I glanced at her, before turning back to the ceiling. Her face changed as she stared at me. "What's wrong J?", she asked, concerned. A tear dropped and rolled down my check, before falling on the covers. J looked at me, alarmed. "J, what's wrong with you?", she asked. It was the push I needed to burst into tears like I'd done many times that week.

J cradled me as I cried, and she whispered soft words to me. Dare was right all along, I shouldn't have fallen in love, it was just plain stupid, and all I got from it was an heartbreak. "Ssh, its okay. I'm here now, pour it all out", J said softly. We stayed like that for some minutes, and after it felt like I'd exhausted all the water in my glands, I wiped my eyes. J stared at me, scared I'd cry again, and I offered her a little smile. "I'm fine now", I said. "No, you are not", she said. I shrugged. "What happened?", she asked softly. So I told her exactly what happened. The kiss with Jer, how he'd told me he liked me, Gabriel basically breaking up with me by dating Blair, I told her everything.

"He did what?", J asked. "He kissed her, right in front of me. They are dating now, I think", I said, sadly. "Why would he do that to you?", she asked. I shrugged, I didn't know that either. "Ugh, he better not show his face here, or I'm gonna kill him", she said. I smiled, and I patted her hand. "I'm fine, I'll be fine", I said. She sighed. "How about Jer?. What's going on with the both of you?", she asked. "Nothing, we are just friends. I explained that to him already, but he claims I love him too", I said. "Do you?", she asked. "No, I mean, I don't know", I sighed, as I lied down, and resumed staring at the ceiling.

J sighed, before joining me to look at the ceiling. "David and I had a huge fight", she confided. "What? Why?", I asked. "He has this best friend who's a girl. And to be honest, I don't feel that comfortable seeing her all hung up on him", she said. I inclined my head. "What do you mean, hung up on him?", I asked. "I mean, I trust David, but I don't trust her. David doesn't see it, but I do. She likes him, I think she has for a while now before I even came along. She's always wanting to tag with us on our dates, and doesn't give us an ounce of privacy", she explained.

"So why don't you tell him about it?", I asked. "I did. He didn't believe me, he thought I was making it all up, hence the fight", she said. "Then, why don't you make him see what you're seeing?", I offered. "Hmm, hadn't thought of it like that", she said. "How come you are all so smart and wise?", she teased. "I took after my big sister", I said. She hugged me. "I love you, J", she said. "I love you too", I replied as I hugged her harder. "Can't breathe", she wheezed. I released her immediately. "Sorry", I said. She smiled. "Sometimes, I forget how strong you are", she replied.

"Jolayemi", Mum screeched. I smiled, I'd missed her wake up call, and I groaned as I got up. J laughed at me, before getting comfortable on the bed, as I moved to answer Mum. "Jecintha", Mum bawled. J groaned, before hitting the bed, and scowled. I laughed at her, like she had when my name was called, and she glared at me. "Its not funny. Thank God I'm going to school in two days time", she said. I stopped laughing. "Don't remind me, what am I going to do without you?", I said, frowning. I really was going to miss them a lot.

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