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By stayleyhasmyheart

256K 5.8K 671

My name is Stiles Mikaelson and I have a twin sister named Hope. Our family...is about as messed up as the ne... More

Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
⚠️Chapter 84⚠️
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 70

1.4K 40 6
By stayleyhasmyheart

T   H   E      N   E   X   T      D   A   Y

I sniffed around searching for the light but couldn't find it anymore. The smell of blood had also diminished. I couldn't sense anything. I searched again running through the woods trying to track down something. Anything. I heard the voices of Kaleb and Alaric nearby before catching a scent. I broke into a run and stopped when I saw a body on the ground. I dropped my head with a growl before sniffing the body. I nudges the body flipping it over with my snout to find it was MG. I howled before I slumped to the ground resting my head on the ground. Kaleb and Alaric ran over to find us. "MG. MG!" Kaleb shouted. "Get away!" Kaleb said to me. I growled baring fangs. Kaleb bared his own before I rose to my full height and towered over him growling. "Kaleb! It's Nik. I sent him to find MG and Landon." Alaric told him. Kaleb looked at Alaric before looking back at me. I was still growling. "Stay away from, Dr. Saltzman. I can't control it." MG said. "Shh. It's okay. We're here. We're here. Just tell me what happened." Alaric told him. "There are demons all around me. Beast horns and devils' tongues." MG stated. "What? What the hell is wrong with him?" Kaleb asked. "He's delusional, which means only one thing. He's been bitten." Alaric said. "He's a vampire. We do the biting." Kaleb argued. "By a werewolf." Alaric added. "What?" Kaleb asked confused before immediately looking up at me. "You did this!" He shouted getting to his feet. I bared my teeth snapping at him aggressively. "You thought he was a threat and bit him!" Kaleb yelled. I growled loudly as my eyes glowed bright orange. "Kaleb! Stop!" Ric called out. Kaleb ran at me and knocked me into a tree. I snapped rising to my feet blood boiling. I barked running at Kaleb and pinning him to the ground with my immense strength. My canines mere inches from his now vampiric face.  I growled. "Kaleb! Nik had nothing to do with this!" Dr. Saltzman shouted getting angry.

"Nik. Get off of him. Now." Alaric demanded. I hesitated but complied and walked off of Kaleb. "If he didn't bite MG, then who did?" Kaleb asked Ric. "The only other reasonable answer, Rafael." Alaric answered. "The infection is reaching his heart. If he was bitten last night, he's got maybe an hour. Two, tops." Alaric explained. "What? The cure. G-Give him the damn cure you were talking about." Kaleb stated. "Hope's blood is the cure. The blood of the tribrid. Let's just hope she can get here soon." Alaric said. "Just stay with us, MG? All right? We got you. We got you." Kaleb said.

"Why aren't they picking up the phone?" Kaleb asked Alaric. "I don't know. They must've left the building, okay? And I have the school phone with me." Alaric said. "Okay, well, now would be the perfect time to add cellular privileges to the many things that need to change at the school." Kaleb snapped. "Don't say that." MG voiced shaking his head. "Pop, why do you...why do you got to say that?" MG stated. "Hey, hey. MG, stay with me. Stay with me, okay? Stay with me, man." Kaleb told him. "I just want to go to sleep." MG answered. "No, no, no, no. That's-that's not an option. Okay? So, talk--talk to me more about your pops. Just-just talk to me." Kaleb said. "He was really happy to see me. He didn't know I was there. And I didn't know how to tell him. He didn't want me anymore." MG explained before grunting in pain. "Listen, it takes time. It takes time for some parents to understand." Alaric told him. "I'll go back there. I'll compel his intolerant ass." Kaleb snarled. "Don't bother. I took care of it." MG announced before revealing that he compelled his dad that he was dead. "You know what? You're better off, man." Kaleb told him. "He was right to be afraid of me, 'cause I can't control it." MG voiced. "Yes, you can. You can control it, okay? You've been working real hard at it, and when we get back to school, you're gonna keep working hard." Alaric told him. "I can't go back to that school, Dr. Saltzman. Not after what I did." MG stated. "Hey, hey, you didn't do anything. It's your sorry-ass parents, okay? They're the bad guys, not you." Kaleb argued. "You're wrong. I'm a killer." MG stated. "What is he talking about?" Kaleb asked him. "Hey. Dr. Saltzman?" Hope announced running over with Rafael, Lizzie, and Josie. "Oh, Hope, thank God you made it." Alaric told her. "What-what's going on?" Hope asked. "MG has a werewolf bite. He doesn't have much time." Alaric said. "Nice job, Wolf boy. You bit MG." Lizzie said looking at me. I growled before snapping at her. I slammed a paw into the ground fed up with the accusations today. I lowered my head baring fangs, growling, my hair standing on end. "Nice going, Lizzie. You pissed him off." Josie told her. "Nik didn't do this." Alaric stated. I turned around and walked away snorting as I let out puff of air letting off some steam. "I bit you." Rafael said. I froze mid-walk, my giant ears perking up. "What?" Hope asked him. "This is all my fault. Raf, I'm so sorry." MG apologized. "What, sorry? What are you sorry for? He's the one that should be sorry. He's the fool that bit you." Kaleb shouted walking to Rafael. I barked before making my to the two teenagers. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Stop! Don't move!" Alaric shouted stopping Kaleb. "Hey! Hey. Hey, what's going on? What's wrong? What's going on? What?" Hope asked Raf. "I remember now. The elixir. His face. Being back here...I remember who the monster was." Rafael said looking down at MG. Rafael soon went into detail of how Landon had chained him to a tree for the full moon. Something was nearby and Landon refused to leave Rafael's side. It was later revealed that the something was actually MG. MG was pissed at Landon for bringing him to meet his dad. For not minding his business. Sticking his nose where shouldn't have. Blaming him for everything. They got into a fight and he made Landon bleed.... I slowly looked down at MG growling lowly. IF HE HURT THE ONLY THING GOOD IN MY SISTER'S LIFE!  I'M GONNA KILL HIM! Rafael then explained how MG drained Landon of his blood...killing him. I snapped furiously growling at MG. MURDERER!! I let out a howl before being consumed with rage.

My hind leg kicked a tree snapping it in two. Hope had collapsed to the ground in tears. "Everyone get away from Stiles! Now!" Alaric ordered. Bones snapped within my body as the red-brown fur fell away onto the ground. Paws became clawed hands. My legs became muscular arms engulfed in flames. My wolfish facial features morphed into that of the Hellhound before letting out a thunderous roar. Flames blazed about on my shoulders and back as I grabbed a tree trunk and chucked it across the forest with a shout. One look at my crying sister was enough to make me ballistic. I stormed towards MG before being flung aside by an invisible force. I tumbled across the ground lifting leaves into the air at every impact, scorching the ground. I slowed my stop digging my claws into the ground. I roared banging my hand onto the ground. I found Josie and Lizzie standing side by side looking at me. I bellowed once more running at them. They shot their arms out towards shouting an incantation. I flew back into multiple trees. I slowly rose to my feet as smoke steamed off me. I curled my clawed hands into fists before grabbing a rock in the ground and chucking it at them. They stopped it before throwing it back at me. It smashed into me as I ran through it with a roar. Josie fired a blast of electricity at me. I roared as the beam burned into my right shoulder. I ginored the pain as I continued running. "Hey! Big guy! Pick on someone worth your time!" A voice shouted from behind me. I skidded to a halt stopping 3 meters from the Saltzman twins. I spun around to find Marcel with glowing red eyes and beastly facial features and many fangs. He let out a throaty roar before running at me. I widened my stance and curled my hands into fists before roaring back loudly.

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