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By stayleyhasmyheart

256K 5.8K 671

My name is Stiles Mikaelson and I have a twin sister named Hope. Our family...is about as messed up as the ne... More

Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
⚠️Chapter 84⚠️
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 61

1.5K 60 20
By stayleyhasmyheart

S   T   I   L   E   S

"Stiles." Josie croaked. "That is my name. Try not to wear it out." I said coldly rolling my eyes. "I'm sorry." I said. "Yeah. You've said that already." I said spinning on my heels and walking away. "And I know it's not enough." She called grabbing my hand and yanking me back. "When I kissed Penelope. I wasn't myself. Much like you weren't yourself when you fed from your aunt." She explained. "Those are two completely different scenarios, Josette! I wasn't shoving my tongue down my aunt Rebekah's throat!" I spat flashing orange eyes. "Then you know how it feels after you fed from her. You felt guilty didn't you?" She stated. I glared as I huffed loudly. I tried to look away but Josie reached up cupped her hands to my face not allowing me to. She looked into my eyes pleading with her eyes. "I'd never do anything to hurt you." She said as tears filled her eyes. I reached up to her hands. "You probably should've thought of that before you kissed Penelope." I said deadpan before grabbing her hands and pushing them off. "Now I suggest that you stop pushing me before I do something that I regret." I growled. "I'm sorry. But I can't." She said pulling me into a kiss. I pulled away. "What the hell?!" I shouted. "I had to. Or else I couldn't do this." She said revealing a taser. My eyes went wide. She pulled the trigger and the wires attached to me before an electric shock coursed throughout my body. I let out a scream of pain falling to my left knee before something shot out my right ear with a high pitched screech. I looked down at the floor to find a fat slug next to me. My eyes flashed orange before a high heel squashed the bug. I looked up to see Josie. "Jo?" I asked getting to my feet. "What happened?" I asked pressing my hand to my forehead. "You were infected with a slug that made you do what it wanted." Josie explained. "OHHH! THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE! THAT'S WHY I WAS HELPING YOU!! DUH!" The fox said. I looked at Josie. "Do you hate me?" She asked in a quiet voice. I sighed dropping my head with a shake. "I don't hate you, Josie. Would you hate me if you saw me kissing my ex-boyfriend?" I asked her.

"No I guess n--did you just say ex-boyfriend?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows. I froze with wide eyes. "Uhh. What?! No. Of course not. You did. Why--why--why would I say boyfriend? That--that--that's crazy! If I said that. Which I didn't.  Because it isn't a thing...that--that I said. " I said rubbing the back of my neck. She gasped. "You totally did!" She said smiling widely. "Alright! Alright! Is it really that big of a deal?" I asked trying to get her to stop making a scene. I grabbed her hands that were waving in the air like crazy for some odd reason. She was rambling on about how she suspected when she met me but wasn't really sure when I pressed my lips to hers. She melted into the kiss before pulling away. "Why did you do that?" She asked. "It was the only way to get you to be quiet." I told her breathlessly. "So you're..." She whispered. "Yeah." I answered. "For how long?" She asked. "Since I was around 15 when my mom took me and Hope on a trip to a small town in California one summer to see a pack." I explained. "And that's where..." She started again. "I met him...yeah. Boy...let me tell you...he was...something else." I said as the two of us headed back to her dorm. "He have a name?" She asked. "I prefer not to say. But I will tell you he was cute." I said as she entered the room and let me in. "Why didn't you tell me?" She questioned. "Because...I thought you wouldn't give me a chance if you found out." I explained. "You were afraid that I wouldn't give you a chance?" She inquired with a smile. "Yeah. Well. It's you. Look. The point is. Would you have hated me if you saw me kissing him?" I asked. Josie sighed. "I would have. Until I found out that you were slugged and not yourself." She said taking my hand and pecking my knuckles. She looked up at me. "Then I would forgive you because I don't know what I would do without you." She said in a hushed voice. "I'm sure you'd do fine. I on the other hand would be a total mess." I said wrapping my hand around her waist and pulling to me with a smirk. "Really?" She asked. "Of course!" I said chuckling.

I looked into her eyes for a moment before leaning in slowly, pressing our lips together. I peeled my white blazer off and threw it aside before lifting Josie into the air. She wrapped her long legs around me as I walked to the bed and set her down gently. My hands rode up her thigh slipping under her dress as my mouth traced a path down her neck to her cleavage. She moaned slightly as my left hand pulled down on the zipper on the back of her dress before pulling the dress down. I sat up unbuttoning my shirt and ripping it off. Josie kicked her dress away revealing a black bra and underwear. I toed my shoes off before undoing my pants and dropping them to the floor. I looked down at Josette before lowering myself down onto her slowly. Josie grabbed the back of my neck with a moan as I kissed beneath her left ear. I growled against her neck as my hand slipped beneath underwear where she squirmed at my touch moaning behind closed lips. I felt her knee rub against groin. I looked into her eyes. "Please." She breathed. "What?" I asked. "Fuck me." She begged. I stared at her for a moment before she pulled me into a kiss and flipped me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. She peeled her underwear off before rubbing her groin against me back and forth. She pulled back my briefs as my eyes flashed violet. "Too slow, darling." I told her before inserting into her. She squeaked before covering her mouth with her hand. I pulled lips to me to keep her from screaming. This went on for 15 minutes before there was a knock at the door. "Josie, you in there?" Dr. S called from beyond the door. My eyes snapped open wide at the same time as Josie's. "Shit!" I whispered. Josie flew off me as I fell off the bed to the floor. "Ow!" I strained putting my briefs back on. I struggled to put my pants on and put them on just in time to have Alaric open the door. "WHOA!!" He exclaimed shielding his eyes. "GOD! This is NOT what I meant when I said connect with people Stiles!" He shouted with his hand over his eyes. "To be fair....you should've been more specific." I said. "Out. Get out. Go to your dorm. Now." He said. "Sorry. Night, Jo." I said pecking lips before running out the room with my blazer and shirt under my arms. I ran passed Lizzie who was extremely confused as to why I looked the way I did. "Why are you coming from our--NO WAY!!" She started before reaching the conclusion. "EW! AND YOU USED MY BED!" Her voice called out from their room.

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