Light in my Heart (Jenlisa)


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This is the highschool adventure of Jennie and Lisa. Lisa is a junior at YG Entertainment Highschool while Je... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 *
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 44

490 9 2

Lisa's POV


"Uhh" I groaned in frustration as I heard an alarm going off. I turned to the side and used the pillow to cover my ears.

The blankets around me shuffled and I knew IU was up. IU and I decided to share the bed closest to the door while Momo and Chaeyoung shared a bed closest to the window. Last night they were saying something about someone coming in at night and like kidnapping us, so they wanted to stay as far away from the door as possible. Scaredy cats.

Anyways the annoying alarm was finally shut off and I heard IU mumble something.

"I'll let us sleep for ten more minutes." IU groggily announced.

No reply was heard and she went back under the covers.


We got into the cars and were headed towards the location we would be playing at.

I checked the time, 10:38 it read so that means it's 8:38 back home, I guess everyone is in their first period right now.

Should I text Jennie?

No you shouldn't it, it would be rude since she is in class

But what if she is on her phone?

No don't.

But I miss her a lot even though it's only been one day

Exactly it's only been one day, don't seem desperate

If I seem desperate it means I care...

"Oh fuck this" I mumbled out loud.

"Come again?" Jisoo asked me and nudged my side.

Shit did I say that out loud?

"Nothing, just homework on my mind" I answered her.

I looked out the window and sighed. I should not be this desperate, cmon Lisa, you know better!

We arrived at the gym and watched some games.

We closely observed other teams so we would know more about them if we play them.

"Look the college coaches are here" I heard one of my teammates whisper.

Our coach did tell us that there would be college coaches here. But they blended in so well that you could not tell unless you were paying close attention.

I placed my earbuds in my ears and tried to calm myself down. I was nervous because these were the best teams all over the country. I still watched and observed the other teams playing. I saw the team we were up against walk into the gym.

I watched as they walked with confidence. They placed their bags down behind their bench. My team and I got up from the bleachers and headed towards our bench. We wore our basketball shoes and began stretching on the court.

We were in the middle court so everyone had a view on us. My hands started to sweat due to my nervousness. I did not want to embarrass myself here, especially in front of a college coach. All of us are trying to impress them and hopefully get recruited.

After we finished stretching, we started to do our warm up drills. We started with a layup line. Then we shot 3-pointers and free throws. With 3 minutes left on the clock, we just started to shoot around.

At the 1 minute mark, our coach called us in for a huddle.

"Alright girls, here is our first game of this week. Now remember #5 is their point guard and she is right-hand dominant. Lisa you will be on her and push her to the left." My coach instructed me. I nodded my head signaling I understood what he said.

"#3 is their shooter. She likes shooting three's. Be up on her, do not let her shoot, if she drives past you, everyone else shift and help. The person she drove past, you must recover and take the open man." He continued.

"Remember talk to each other." My assistant coach reminded us. We all nodded to each other.

"Okay lets do our chant" Jisoo announced, she was one of the captains on the team. We did our chant right when the buzzer went off.

The starting five were Jisoo, Solar, Momo, IU, and me. Since IU was the tallest out of all of us, she was the one who was going to jump for the ball. I was on IU's left side while Jisoo was on her right. Momo was behind IU and Solar was on the other side of the court, facing IU. Momo was behind since she was our point guard and she knew most of the plays. The referee threw the ball in the air and I anxiously watched it getting tipped over to the opponents' side.

However, IU managed to tip it back at the last second and it landed right in front of Momo.

Perfect! I thought.

The games this week is going to be a lot different from home. Back at home, we would have a 30 second shot clock, however here, there is no shot clock. As long as the ball is constantly moving and not in one specific place the whole time, then you can keep the ball for as long as you like. The referees will be counting, when they count up to 5 the ball is turned over. So our coach always told us to pass the half court line before they got to 5.

Momo began dribbling the ball pass the half court line. I watched her waiting for a signal as to what play she wants to call.

She raised the number 2 on her fingers. IU came and screened for me, I popped out and looked to Momo. The same happened on the other side. Jisoo went and screened while Solar popped out. We were both ready to shoot, we were just waiting for Momo to pass it to one of us or even Jisoo and IU.

Momo passed the ball to Jisoo and she finished her lay-up.

First points of the game. I said to myself.

Cheers were heard through the crowds and our bench.

"Let's go girls!"

"Nice job calling the play Momo!"

"Great execution!"

"Get back on defense and talk" My coach advised us.

I waited until number 5 brought the ball up to half court line. Once she did, I started to play up on her.

"Remember left!" My coach reminded me. I briefly glanced at my coach and nodded.

I turned my head to see who was on my left side. Solar was there and she mouthed "I got you." That's when I knew I had help if I needed it.

I push the girl to dribble to the left and she drove passed me, however since Solar was there, she stopped her in her tracks. We started to double team and trapped the girl.

She couldn't pass the ball and it was turned over to us. My coach called a 30 second time-out after.

"Lisa, I know I told you to push her left, but don't push her all the way. She was able to drive pass you because you allowed her to. Play up on her and let her go left but not to the point where she can pass you. Also do not ride her, they will call a foul on you if you get too close to her." My coach informed me. I took a sip of water and nodded my head.

"Okay Momo what I want you to do now is call the play for Jisoo"

We got back on the court and continued playing. It was a very close game and we were down by 7 points. There was 5 minutes left in the last quarter.

"Alright ladies, 5 minutes is plenty of time, keep playing good defense and do not let them score" My assistant coach said.

Everyone was tired and drenched in sweat. I could tell by the looks of our faces. But we did not want to lose, we were close.

Momo sank a 3-pointer in and the lead for the other team was decreasing. We grabbed the rebound from #5 missed shot and ran down the court.

I was ahead so Momo passed it to me and I finished with a left handed lay-up.

The bench got hyped, they knew we were close, only two points away.

The referees called a foul on Solar and #12 was able to shoot 2 free throws. I was hoping she would miss both of them however she managed to make one.

Three points now, cmon we got this.

A minute was left on the clock yet and it was our ball.

We need one three pointer! One three pointer!

I tried to pass the ball to Jisoo but number 5 stole the ball.


I ran back down the court as she was attempting to finish a lay-up. I went in front of her and took a charge.

I heard the whistle being blown and they called the charge!


My teammates came to help me up and the ball was back to us. 45 seconds were still on the clock.

We passed the ball to Momo since she was our best bet of getting a three-pointer.

She released the ball and everything seemed to go in slow-mo. All I could hear was my heart beat rapidly. I ran close to the basket in case it would not make it and I could get a rebound.

The ball bounced around the rim. I prayed for it to go in. It looked like it was about to fall out of the basket.

Please let this go in. If I goes in I promise to actually study for my tests!

I watched the ball make it into the basket. Our bench screamed excitingly and the coach on the opposing team used his last time out before the ball was passed in.

We huddled around our coach and listened intently to his words.

"Ladies, here is where communication is key. Talk to each other on the court and play up on them. Do not let them score!"

"Yes coach!" We responded to him and ran back on to the court.

Number 5 brought the ball down the court and like my coach had told me, I played up on her. She passed it to her teammate and Jisoo had her hands up. Jisoo was not going to let the girl score easily. Momo left her man and helped Jisoo double on the girl. I shifted to the middle and made sure my eyes were on both men.

"I got two, I got two!" I announced to my teammates.

IU heard me and shifted as well. Jisoo's man passed it to one of the men I was watching. I played up on the girl and everyone shifted once again.

"10, 9, 8, 7-" I heard a countdown.

The ball was shifted back multiple times.

Jisoo managed blocked her man from taking a shot and she had the ball.

"6, 5, 4" The crowd continued to count.

Jisoo ran down the court with the ball and shot it at the last minute from half-court.



The buzzer rang and the ball made it in!!!

Our team jumped up in excitement. Our coach settled us down and we went to high-five and greet the opposing team.

After we finished saying our farewells to the team, we went outside the building. Everyone was quiet as our coach gave us a lecture. We knew that luck was somewhat on our side allowing us to win. He told us that we should not have another close game like this again.

We listened to our coach for about 30 minutes until we went back to our cars and drove back to our hotel.

Author's Note:

Sorry I have been MIA for a while! 🥺 How is everyone doing? Blackpink's comeback is getting closer and closerrr! Even though there was no vlive, they still made us so happy with the dance practice and their video message! What are the odds that Jennie and Lisa won however they both didn't get the characters they wanted 😳😭😂  Anyways I was still so happy with the dance practice, they looked so happy and were just having fun! I hope they always continue to smile, their happiness is our happiness! 🖤💕

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