Best Friends or Best Lovers...

By Peanutcookies

35.5K 343 80

Lola Hayden is totally in love with her best friend, Harry Styles. Of course, like in every other fairy tale... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One

Chapter One

9.3K 33 9
By Peanutcookies

HI this is my very first fanfiction ever! This is before the band started, so hope you won't be confused!


Hope you enjoy

Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter One


My name is Lola, Lola Christina Hayden and I just turned sixteen. I live in a huge house in Cheshire, Homles Chapel - my whole sad life to be exact. We had a happy family with my big brother and our parents but that changed when my mum died.

I was five years old when she passed away, when I turned twelve my big brother had to leave me for his bitchy girlfriend Diane. My dad is just a selfish bastard, he is a brain surgeon and loves abusing his only daughter - me.

There was nothing I could ever do about it, only talk about it to my best friend Harry Styles. Yes I know; the totally curly, hot one from my school. I always have liked him, but of course I never told him because he just loves the ugly bimbo's and not a regular girl who is his best friend since like forever. Our mothers were best friends, so it was a huge shock when my mum Lucy died of cancer - for everyone including my dad.

Tears trailed down my cheeks, leaving my mascara to run slightly. With a sigh, I rolled out of my messy bed, stumbling over to the mirror. I quickly pulled myself together, sniffling a bit as I wiped the tears away.

"Lolaaaa," the familiar, husky voice shouted from downstairs.

A grin filled my lips, my heart fluttering immediately. "I'm up here!" I yelled back, running my hands through my hair.

The door swung open, making me spin around instantly.

A grin filled my lips, matching Harry's as he walked over to me. "Hi babe," he breathed out.

A girly squeal slipped from my mouth as I sprinting over to him, hopping into his arms.

His arms tightened around the back of my waist, holding me against his built frame as my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs circled around his hips.

I stuffed my face into his neck, the grin not leaving my face. "Hi Harry," I exhaled, breathing in his intoxicating smell.

"I miss you.." Harry admitted quietly.

I pulled my face out of his neck, glancing up at him through my eyelashes. "I missed you too." I declared, slipping out of his embrace, and yanked him onto my bed. "Tell me, how was Italy? How are Mum and Gemma?" I curiously interrogated, crossing my legs.

His face lightened up even more, if that was even possible. He pulled me down onto the bed, letting me cuddle up into his side before he began unfolding every detail and aspect of the trip. "Well first..."


My eyes fluttered open, my body stiff from the sleep I just happened to fall into. I groggily glanced down at the warmth attached to my chest; a small smile flickering onto my face as my eyes landed on Lola.

I leaned down, pressing my lips into her cheek, loving the small little grunt she produced, as she curled farther into my body.

"Hey Lola..." I whispered, poking her cheeks.

"Hmmph," she murmured, swatting my hands away.

"Wake up babe," I groaned, running my fingertips up and down her bare arm.

"What? Why...?" she mumbled into the fabric of my shirt, her voice muffled.

I chuckled, brushing her hair back. "Cause I want to go to the beach. We need time for ourselves, to go and get away from everything, yeah?"

Instantly, her body shot up and she was wide awake, despite the deep slumber she was just in. "Yes! That sounds like a fantastic idea!" she shrieked, her face bright with a grin.

I laughed, sitting up as I watched her stumble over to her dresser, only tripping once, which was a massive surprise.

Because this is Lola we're talking about and she happens to be quite the klutz.

She let out a groan, tossing random pieces of clothing around her room. "I have no good bikinis to wear. The only one I like, I lost it.."

"You should put the strapless, white one on," I ordered, a smile tugging on my lips.

She spun around, her eyebrows knitted together in question. "Why?"

Not even thinking twice, she yanked her shirt off, leaving her in the navy blue laced bra she likes to wear.

My eyes racked her body, subconsciously, and I was lost in her beauty as she flicked her hair over her shoulder.


I blinked, glancing back up at Lola. "What?"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I asked why,"

"Oh right.. Because you look hot in it," I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes again and slipped of the rest of her clothes.

"Harry would you stop looking at me like that?!" she ordered. "You've seen me with nothing on before," she huffed; her cheeks tinted a crimson red.

I laughed. "Sorry, I just happen to have the hottest best friend in the world,"

Her blushed deepened when she turned around, leaving me with her sculpted back.

"You ready babe?" I hummed, climbing out of her bed.

She nodded, tugging on black shorts, before placing her Ray-Ban sunglasses on her head.

"Forgetting something?" I raised an eye as she marched over to the door.

She stopped in her tracks, giving me a look before realization settled on her cute face. "Oh right," she laughed, grabbing her purse off the door handle on her closet.

She skipped over to me. "Now I'm ready," she laughed, turning me around so she could hop on my back.

I carried her all the way down stairs, which wasn't hard at all, considering her light weight.

"And where might you be going?" A cold voice behind us asked.

I quickly turned us around, her dad filling our vision.

"We're going to the beach, will be home by dinner," Lola muttered, nerves floating in her tone.

"Was that an attitude I sense?" he remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, of course not," Lola answered; although I suspected a bit of sarcasm in her tone, her dad bought it, sending her a nod before stalking off.

I opened the door, running down her front steps and across the street to my house.

I slipped inside, carrying her up to my room.

I tossed her helplessly onto my bed.

"Hey," Lola shrieked. "You hurt my bum," she pouted, her eyes big and soft.

"Shut up, you're such a pussy," I laughed, stripping off my clothes.

I took note of her face as I had nothing on.

With a smirk I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Lola, stop staring," I sang teasingly.

Her eyes met mine, and she raised her eyebrows. "Oh? So you have all the right to stare at my boobs but I can't simply glance at your lovely defined stomach? That's not fair, now is it?" she snapped in playful tone.

I nodded, pouncing on her.

She squealed, tossing her head back with laugher as I tickled her sides.

Her laughter sounded like angelic music, which made my heart sore.

Oh how I wish she was mine.

"Oh my god, Haz get off of me you moron," she hysterically laughed, squirming under my firm hold.

"S-Stop!" she ordered, through her giggles.

"Only if you agree on not to stare anymore," I declared, my fingers digging into her skin.

"Okay, okay!" she shrieked, shoving me off of her.


After I finally managed to push the curly haired boy away, I tackled him down, straddling his hips.

"Lola, babes don't tickle me! You know it's my soft spot," Harry whined, making me giggle and started to tickle him.

Harry laughed, his hands holding my hips. "Hey Lola, your boobs are falling out of your bikini,"

I stopped tickling, glancing down, which made him laugh even harder.

I groaned, pulling it up. "Stop you cheeky pervert!"

He laughed, his eyes filled with laughter.

"Just go get dressed you bastard," I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine," Harry sighed deliberately, kissing my nose.

I watched him as he got changed, kind of like I always do.

We happened to find a great spot on the beach, close enough to the shore but not too close.

I laid down on my towel, ready to work on my tan.

"I'll be in the water real quick," Harry proclaimed, slipping off his shirt.

"Wait could you put some sun screen on my back?" I said, giving him a smile.

He nodded, quickly doing so.

When he was finished he kissed my cheek, before running down into the water, which I bet happened to be quite chilly.

From behind my glasses, I watched as a skinny girl waltzed over to him, tossing her hair over her shoulder in a flirty manner.

Poor boy, he could never get away from these girls

I closed my eyes so I couldn't see them anymore, no need to worry about that now.


I felt something cold crash against my body, making my eyes open. "Harrreeeehhhhh," I groaned,

He grinned, a playful look sporting on his face.

"I will get my revenge Harry," I declared.

He quickly scrambled up, waiting for me to do the same. "Catch me if you can," he sang.

A grin filled my lips as Harry started running, and I followed.

After a few minutes I jumped on his back from behind and started ruffling his hair.

I laughed and so did he.

Harry jumped into the water, making me go ridged as the freezing water hit my body.

"Harry, get me out of here. It's way too cold for me,"

"Yea you only love pure hotness, don't you?!" He winked at me as he pulled me into his arms - bride style.

"Babes I want an ice-cream," I begged him once more. "Ice-cream?" I kissed his cheek. "Please babe?" I knew he tried to ignore me, but he would always fail if I kissed his cheek.

"Fine!" Harry said and I jumped on his back. He walked us over to the ice-cream car, like I hoped he would do.

"One vanilla and one strawberry," I told the guy as Harry paid the guy behind the counter. "There ya go," He said and giving me the ice-creams.

"Go walk yourself, I want my ice-cream before it melts," "Walk faster then," I giggled and liked both of the ice-creams.

"Your vanilla is tasty." I said with a grin and he probably just rolled his eyes.

Harry brought me home and kissed my cheek. "Text me tonight kay?" he said and I nodded. "Now go before you're in troubles again Loli," I sighed and kissed his nose.

"Love ya curly," I ran inside and waited for the angriness of my dad to come over me.


From PrincessLoli// Babe wanna go out tonight or watch a movie? Kiss Loli.

To PrincessLoli// Lets go out, I wanna go party! See ya in 30 min at my house? Kisses back

From PrincessLoli// Sure cya in 30 min kiss Loli.

As promised, after 30 minutes the bell rang and I opened it. A breath-taking Lola stood there in a short black dress with high heels on.

"Let's go curly," She said. "You look stunning.." I winked and tried to hug her but she pushed me away.

"Ouch," She whispered. "You okay?" I asked and she nodded and took my hand. "Let's go party you handsome!" Lola yelled, looking as gorgeous as ever.

After 3 shots we went to the dance floor and partied all night long. She could dance amazingly and just took the breath away from a lot of guys in the club.

I got a bit jealous, I had to admit, but she gave me her famous cute smile and it was fine for me. I was totally drunk; normally she was more wasted than I was.

"Let's go home," She whispered in my ear and I nodded while she helped me get into a cab what brought us both home.

That lovely angel helped me into bed and took all my clothes off, so I could sleep. "Night babe," She said and kissed my cheek.

It was quiet and I saw on a clock it was 6 AM in the morning. I must have fallen asleep, cause we got home 2 hours ago. I heard fast footsteps coming towards my bed and felt a small girl cuddle up with me.

Her face was stained with tears and I differently knew it was Lola. "Ssh, your save here," I kissed her nose and she snuggled up to me.

I held her tightly, comforting her small body.

She cried for a little longer until we both fell asleep.


I stepped out of the shower and heard here lovely voice when I wrapped a towel around my freshly clean body.

"Babes where are you?" She asked sweetly, her voice sending a chill down my spin

"Here," I walked into my room and saw her lay down in my bed.

"Put some clothes on freak," She giggled.

But clothing was the least of my worries.

"You okay? Lemme see your bruises?" I said with a pout but she turned away from me. "Lo don't cry.." I whispered.

"Come here," I begged when she ignored me.

She tossed me a pair of clean boxers, which I quickly slipped into.

Lola slipped off her pj's, the bad bruises were clear.

She turned around, showing the few cut lines.

I was shocked and couldn't move. "Lola, come here," I breathed out.

This time, she ran in my arms and kept crying.

"Babe, it's gonna be fine. I'm here and won't let you go.'

I couldn't let her go, I could never let her go.

I pressed my lips against her cheek, giving her a short, loving kiss.

Lola's eyes locked on mine and I saw something. Something I have never saw in them before - a twinkle.

We both happened to lean closer, our lips hovering over each other...

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