
By batmantho

152K 5.8K 714

One day while he visits one of his family's country-clubs, he meets her. More

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3.3K 127 32
By batmantho

Copyright © 2014 Ari W.

"Skylar!" Ashton called for the fifth time. I've been ignoring him the other four times because I'm scheduling things for him.

I placed my call on hold and quickly made my way into his office. "Yes sir?"

"I have a meeting in a few minutes, so I need you to head down to the marketing division and pick up this week's results."

"I'm in the middle of a phone call." I said hesitantly. He's been stressed all morning and he's more on the snappy side today.

"I didn't ask what you were doing. Go." He demanded.

I quickly left his office and made my way towards the elevator. I'm so stressed out, I just need some coffee. He has so much going on, it's crazy. I don't know how he manages to do it all.

Once I reached the marketing floor, I was relieved, until they informed me that they didn't have what Ashton wanted.

"He needs this, now." I explained.

"I'm afraid we don't have it at this time." The guy said.

"Well can you just print it out?" I asked.

"Stick to answering phones. It's not that simple." He chuckled, blowing me off.

"When will you have it?"

"When we get it. Anything else?" He snapped.

I huffed in annoyance and made my way back to my desk. The person I was previously on the phone with hung up, and I can't say I blame them.

I knocked on Ashton's door and he gestured for me to come in. He looked pissed when he glanced down and noticed I was empty-handed.

"Where are the results?"

"The people down in marketing informed me that they don't have the results at this time." I mumbled, nervously.

"No. Go back down there and tell them to give you the results."

"Sir, they don't—"

"I don't pay you to hear you say what you can't do. Go back down there and get the results. Now." He said harshly. It was very similar to the way Zayn speaks to his employees.

I nervously left the office, heading back down to the marketing floor. "You again?" The guy asked, rolling his eyes.

"Ashton wants them now."

"I don't know if you're hard at hearing, but let me say this slowly, we—do—not—have—them." He repeated.

"See I heard you, I'm just not leaving here until I have them." I smiled through gritted teeth.

"Well we don't have them." He shrugged.

My patience was wearing thin. I kept my fists balled at my sides and I took another deep breath. "Are you seriously going to stand here? I told you we don't have them." He scoffed.

"I am not to leave until I have the results. So you can make this easier on both of us and get off your ass to get the papers." I smiled.

He snorted, completely blowing me off, and started to type away on his computer. I leaned on the counter, sighing loudly. Another male entered the office and took a seat at the desk across from this asshole's.

"Excuse me, Ashton needs this week's results." I said to him.

"Did you ask Luke?" He quirked an eyebrow, giving me one of those looks as if to say, leave me alone.

I shrugged, gesturing to the guy, "I don't know. I asked him."

"What did he tell you?" He asked, getting annoyed.

Okay what the hell is wrong with everyone who works on this floor? They're so hostile. "He said you don't have them."

"Then why are you over here asking me?"

"Because Ashton wants them, now. He's not taking no for an answer, so I don't know what the hell you have to do to get them, but if you could lose your attitude and get what I need, that'd be pretty damn great." I said, sighing loudly.

He started laughing, which really pissed me off.

"I don't understand why it is that no one can seem to do their job. What do you even get paid for?" I shook my head, storming towards the elevator.

When I reached the top floor, Ashton stood there, leaning on my desk. "Well?" He asked, holding his hand out.

"I asked the two that were in the office and they blew me off. I explained that I needed them and they didn't care."

"Skylar when I ask you to do something, I expect you to do it, without all of the excuses. Now I have to go down to the same place you went to twice, to do what you were unable to do. I think that's pretty fucking ridiculous." He spat, shaking his head.

I bit my lip, anxiously wanting to disappear. "Ah yes, I'll be right with you." Ashton spoke to someone behind me. I turned around to see Zayn and quickly looked back at my desk. "Skylar, if you feel like actually doing your job today, see what Mr. Malik wants and get it for him." He said, stepping into the elevator.

Once the doors closed, I took a deep breath. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. "Sky, babe, what's going on?" Zayn asked, placing his hand on my lower back. Tears fell and I shook my head. "He asked me to go get something and the two assholes blew me off and so I told him and he got upset and he yelled at me." I explained, wiping my eyes.

He suppressed a smile, pulling me closer to him. "I told you this wasn't the right job for you."

"Are you saying I can't handle it, because I can?" I argued, frowning.

"Of course you can, I mean that's why you're crying now." He replied sarcastically.

I pulled away from him, shaking my head, and taking a seat at my desk. He's in work mode, which is also known as asshole mode. I don't have the time or energy to fight with him right now.

I dramatically began to type away on my computer, not paying him any attention. "You're cute when you're upset." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, and took a sip of my coffee, ignoring him. The elevator doors dinged and Ashton stepped out, carrying a manila folder.

He waved it in my face, before stopping to look at Zayn. "Did Skylar accommodate your needs?" He asked glaring at me.

A smirk played its way onto Zayn's lips as he looked at me, contemplating on what to say. I glared at him, wanting him, no, daring him to say that I didn't.

"She did." Zayn nodded, glancing at me.

The two of them disappeared into Ashton's office, leaving me alone. I continued to do what I needed to, trying not to piss Ashton off entirely. The phone rang and I brought it up to my ear, placing it between my ear and shoulder so I could still type.

Ashton was taking a business trip in two days and I had to do all the planning for it.

The elevators dinged and a man in a suit stepped out, coming towards the desk. I placed the person on hold, glancing up at the man. "How can I help you?"

"I have a meeting with Ashton. I'm Nathan Stone." He spoke, tapping his fingers along the desk.

"He's currently in a meeting, but I can inform him of your arrival." I said.

He nodded, taking a seat on one of the sofas. I picked the phone back up and continued the conversation I was having.

I finished typing the itinerary for Ashton's business trip, making sure that everything was still in order. His office door opened and Zayn stepped out. The man stood up, making his way to Ashton. The door closed and Zayn stood there, admiring me.

"I'll give Samantha a call when I can to plan your next meeting." I mumbled, not glancing up at him. "Isn't it time for your lunch break?" He asked, glancing down at his watch.

"Nope, I'm not taking it." I sighed.

"Why not?"

"I don't think I can. Ashton has a lot going on and it'd be wrong for me to leave now." I explained.

"Okay." He sighed.

I watched him leave and I felt slightly bad.


I got inside of my car, throwing my things in the passenger seat. I put the car in reverse, exiting the parking garage and driving onto the main road. After the day I had, I can't wait to just go home.

I drove to the coffee shop next to my apartment and went inside, standing in the long line. I kept my hands in my pocket, slowly moving up, one customer at a time.

I ordered a large coffee and paid the clerk, heading back to my car. I parked in front of my apartment and got out of the car. I held all of my work things in my hand, as well as the coffee. As I walked, some of it began to slip.

"Allow me." A way too familiar voice said, taking the folders. I glanced up at him, and my jaw dropped. I must be hallucinating.

"Cam?" I asked, gasping.

"Yeah, how have you been?" He smiled, walking next to me.

I opened my apartment door and he stepped inside behind me. "I'm good! What brings you here?" I wondered.

"I invited him over." Nick answered, descending the staircase. He and Cam hugged and I rolled my eyes. Cameron has been my brother's best friend since they were eight years old. I used to have the biggest crush on him when we were younger.

"It's great to see you Skylar, when did you get so beautiful?" Cam smirked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes sitting down.

"It's not happening Cam, Sky has a boyfriend." Nick chuckled.

"Hm, is that so?" He quirked an eyebrow. I nodded uncomfortably, glaring at my brother. It wasn't his place to tell Cameron that. I was going to say it on my own.

"Can you keep him company while I shower?" Nick asked me.

"Why would you invite someone over before you shower?" I frowned, scrunching my face up. Nick flipped me off and ran up the stairs. My phone vibrated multiple times, and I glanced down, silencing it. I'll call Zayn back later.

"What have you been up to?"

"Work." I chuckled, sipping my coffee.

"Where do you work?"

"Irwin Corporate Towers. What do you do?" I asked.

"I mainly work on cars." He shrugged.


Two hours later, the front door opened and I knew it was Lia, but she was talking to someone. She stepped into the living room, followed by a very angry Zayn.

"Thank you so much Zayn!" Lia smiled. He nodded, but kept his gaze on the person sitting next to me.

"Skylar, I called you twice, but I see you were busy." Zayn said.

"Oh yeah, I was going to call you once Cam left." I told him. He clenched his jaw, rolling his eyes. "Who's the asshole in the suit?" Cam snorted. "The asshole's her boyfriend." Lia informed him, cracking a smile. Cam bit his lip and stood up, introducing himself to Lia.

I stood up, walking towards Zayn, whose looks could kill. To most people, he probably looks cool, calm, and collected, but I know better—the way his jaw is locked into place, the squinting of the eyes—he's pissed.

He grabbed my arm, yanking me up the stairs to my room. I knew he wasn't going to yell at me but he's still not pleased with me. He closed the door behind us and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How was your day?" I asked him.

"Seriously?" He asked, taking a deep breath.

"You're so cute when you're jealous babe." I smiled, taking my dress off.

"I'm not jealous." He snapped. I raised my hands in defense and rummaged through my drawers, looking for something to wear. "Who is he?" He asked.

"Nick's best friend who I used to have the biggest crush on."

"Is there a reason you had to mention that you used to fancy him?" He groaned.

"Yes, you're really cute when you're jealous." I cheesed, kissing his cheek.

"Not jealous. You're mine. I have nothing to be jealous about." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I squirmed away and put on my leggings, jumping up and down as I pulled them up. Zayn watched in amusement, snickering and biting his lip. "Quit staring at me." I hissed.

"You probably should have put a shirt on before you decided you wanted to jump up and down." He shrugged. "Don't be such a guy." I huffed, grabbing a hoodie. I put my arms through it and yanked it down. "You put it out there, I was just appreciating it." He grinned, wrapping his arms around me. I kissed him but pulled away, remembering what I wanted to ask him.

"You're giving the Lia a job?"

"Yes, she seems obedient, unlike you, you should take some lessons." He teased.

"But then you wouldn't be so smitten with me." I argued. "True." He admitted. He checked the time and cursed under his breath. "What's wrong?"

"I have to go train tonight. I'm sorry." He frowned.

"Can I come?" I asked.

"You want to? I mean yeah of course." He mumbled.

"Will my being there cause a distraction?"

"You, no; you in these leggings, yes."

"I'm not changing." I smiled. I grabbed my phone and my tan uggs, following him down the stairs. "It was nice seeing you again Skylar." Cam said.

"You too." I barely managed to say when Zayn pulled me out of the door. "Mm yeah you're not jealous." I giggled.


Zayn held my hand as we walked inside the gym. All eyes turned on us and they were staring. I shifted uncomfortably, keeping my gaze on the floor. "This is a first Malik, who's the hot girl?"

"My girlfriend. Fuck off." Zayn said, pulling me away. "Girlfriend? You're a softie now."

"Really? Do you want me to kick your ass and find out who the softie is?" Zayn threatened. I squeezed his hand really tightly, trying to get him to calm down. He didn't even pay attention to it, because he continued to glare at the guy.

"I would hate to see your beautiful girlfriend be embarrassed."

"Why don't we find out then?" He snapped. The guy smirked and Zayn let go of my hand. This is not good, at all. Where is Mark?

I took a seat on the bench gripping onto the seat. Zayn walked over, squatting so we were eye level. "Do you have to do this?" I frowned, placing my hand on top of his. "Babe he's not going to punk me, especially not in front of you."

"But I know that you can kick his ass."

"Yeah, but they won't see it that way." He explained.

"Be careful." I begged.

"Always, just do me a favor and stay seated." He smiled, kissing me.

I pulled away laughing and he took his shirt off, setting it down next to me. He pulled on the gloves, watching me the entire time. "Good luck." I winked. He shook his head, to say 'as if' and walked towards the ring. The other guy stepped inside at the same time Zayn did and my heartbeat accelerated.

A girl sat next to me, smiling. "Alec is an idiot. Zayn's going to hand his ass to him."

I didn't acknowledge her, not wanting to agree. "I'm Jess by the way." She smiled, extending a hand. I shook it hesitantly, pursing my lips. "Skylar."

The bell dinged and Alec charged at Zayn. It was clearly a big mistake because Zayn ducked and hit him, causing him to stumble back.  Alec caught his balance and went to swing, but Zayn hit him again, and again, delivering blow after blow.

It was pretty clear who won the fight but no one made any attempt to stop Zayn. "Your boyfriend is pretty scary when he's upset." Jess said, shaking her head.

"You have no idea." I mumbled.

Mark walked into the gym and I felt relieved. He ran over and pulled Zayn off of Alec, telling him to go into the locker room. Zayn stood up, huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath. Someone lifted the ropes, allowing him to step out of them with ease.

He stalked towards the locker room and I followed after him. He punched one of the lockers and ran his hands through his drenched hair. His breathing calmed a little as he paced back and forth. "I was so mad. I couldn't stop. It wasn't even him I was mad at." Zayn said.

"It's okay, everyone has their moments." I said, taking a step towards him.

"Stay back. I don't want to hurt you."

"You'd never hurt me."

"But I could." He said, raising his voice.

"I love you, I know you won't." I blurted out. I was hoping he didn't hear that but I knew he did. He snapped his head in my direction and just stared at me. I can't believe I told him that. I do love him and that's why he impacts me so much. "Z what the hell was that? You know better." Mark's deep voice boomed, frightening me.

It echoed through the room and I bit my lip. "He was attempting to punk me and decided he wanted to fight me."

"This wasn't about Alec at all. It's about her." He pointed at me.

"Skylar has nothing to do with this." Zayn yelled.

I felt very awkward. They're talking about me and I'm staring at the floor. If I say something Mark will probably yell at me. "You have two minutes to get yourself together and get your ass back in the ring." Mark threatened, leaving the room.

Zayn stood there, breathing heavily, lost in his thoughts. I approached him hesitantly before wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his chest. Instantly, he hugged me back. I pulled away, whining about how he was sweaty and he gave me a small smile.

He left the locker room and I took a deep breath before doing the same. "How is he?" Jess asked when I sat down next to her. "He's fine, I think." I frowned, unsure. He looked shocked when I told him I loved him.



Zayn hasn't said anything to me. The last time he talked to me was two days ago, when I confessed my love for him. I don't want to push him about it because I don't want him to snap at me. I crawled into his bed and laid next to him, watching him intently.

"Why are you staring?" He snapped, giving me a side glance. I mumbled an apology before facing the opposite direction. The silence is deafening. I don't know if he's mad at me or just mad in general.

It's awkward staying with him when we don't speak, but he doesn't want me to leave. He's been driving me to and from work, and since I don't have a car, I can't exactly go out for lunch so I just had food delivered.

"Actually I'm not sorry. Why aren't you speaking to me?" I asked.

"Go to sleep Skylar." He sighed.

"No, I haven't done anything to you so why are you treating me like I don't exist."

"You don't understand."

"You're right, I don't. How can I when you're keeping everything to yourself?"

"Just drop it." He groaned.

"Fine." I yelled.

I was acting very childish but I didn't care. I grabbed the pillow and left the room, slamming the door behind me. I don't even know where I'm going. I entered the room with the dresses and plopped onto the floor.

I brought my knees to my chest and sat there. The door opened and he stepped in, taking a seat next to me.

"Skylar, I love you. It's taken me awhile to realize it, but I love you. I've loved you since that stupid party; when I brought you home and realized how truly beautiful you are. I even got your professor to convince you into getting a tutor, just because I wanted to spend time with you. You're always so confident in us, but I'm not good with this whole relationship thing. I've never been in a serious relationship before, let along love anyone. I wasn't even sure if this was even normal. Skylar you frustrate me so much and I realized that it's because of how much I love you and the fear that you'll leave." He babbled.

"You w-what?" I asked, clearly in shock.

"I love you." He said, slower this time.

It was like my brain hadn't fully registered what he said. I just stared at him, not fully believing him. I can't believe he did all of that.

"Breathe." He whispered, studying my face. I couldn't help but cry. He loves me?

"Can you say something please? I just like poured my heart out and you're just like silent and I'm freaking out." He rambled. It was so adorable. Zayn's never been at a loss for words. I surprised him and myself by crashing my lips onto his.

"I love you too." I smiled, wiping my eyes.

He frowned and bit his lip. "Don't say too, it just sounds like you're agreeing with me."

"Zayn I love you." I grinned. He kissed me, like really kissed me, and pulled me on top of him, holding on as if he were afraid I'd be gone any second.

A/n: I didn't proof-read so if there are errors, I'll correct them later. Thank you all so much for reading! Please vote and comment! Ilyasm and hopefully you have a great day!

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