After The Road Trip

By parrillas_gang

62.2K 2.4K 295

You asked for it. You got it. Sequel to Road Trip! We ended with Regina and Emma sharing a kiss after confirm... More



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By parrillas_gang

It's the next day. My head is going crazy and I have no clue what I'm going to do. I'm once again sat at home alone because its Tuesday and the kids are at school. Just me and Ryder. I'm of course thinking about Emma and regretting kicking her out yesterday. I was just annoyed she suddenly kissed me. Ok yes I kissed her back but still.

"What do you think I should do Ryder? Do you want her to be your mum" I asked the small baby who was just staring up at me like I'm crazy. "Don't give me that look. I'm running out of options and people to talk to" I sighed knowing I truly am going insane if I'm asking a new born for advice. "Should we go out for lunch? Yeah? No point being stuck in the house ay"

I stood up from the sofa and carried him upstairs. I layed Ryder in his bed while I got changed. Naturally he cried the whole time because he hates sleeping. Once I was dressed I got him out and changed into a cute baby grow saying "My mummy is cool". Before you ask no I didn't get it for him. I'm not that lame. I took the little one down stairs and gathered all his things into a bag. I then placed him in the pushchair ready to leave. The front door knocked. I sighed and pushed the baby towards the door. Answering it to see Emma on one knee.


"What are you doing" I asked cutting her straight off before she could speak.

I looked in her hand to see a car freshener in the shape of a giant engagment ring. I hope I'm wrong about what she is going to do. My eyes are just doubled in size at the shock I feel.

"I know it's not a real ring. I couldn't afford one. Especally when I'm not sure you'll say yes. So I got this because it represents how we fell in love" Emma explianed as looked at the lovely smelling air freshener.

"Em seriously. What are you doing" I asked now growing worried I am definetley right.

"I've loved you since our first kiss. I should have never ran and I should have never waited to come back. Regina you mean the world to me. I've never had anyone love me before you. I've never had anyone care about me before you. No ever asked how my day was or if I was hungry. No one has ever treated me the way you do. Because of that I feel in love with you. You make me a better person. I know you still love me. I want to be with you forever. Regina... Will you marry me?" Emma asked with a sweet smile as she made it obvious none of that was planned.

I moved so I was on my knees too. My eyes teared up from how beautiful that was. I pushed my hands through her hair and chuckled at her craziness.

"Of course not" I giggled while looking lovingly into her eyes.

"What" Emma asked looking at me so shocked.

"Em we can't get married. We're no where near that stage. We were no where near having a baby but that happened unplanned. Try asking me on a date. That's the stage we're at" I replied still laughing at her crazy idea to propose.

"Will you go on a date with me" Emma asked laughing just as much as I was now.

I laughed even more and leaned towards her. Pulling her head closer to me as I did. I placed a soft kiss against her lips and rested my head against hers.

"Yes. I'll go on a date with you" I replied as I was smiling brightly into her enchanting eyes.

Emma smiled more and kissed me again. This time we stayed a little longer. I was going to deepen it when I heard Ryder start crying next to me. We pulled away and I stood up to see him. He hated being in there without it moving for too long. I began rocking the chair to try calm him down.

"Are you going out? Sorry if i interrupted" Emma asked as she stood up looking a little worried.

"I was bored so we were going to get lunch. Want to join us" I asked with a smile up at her knowing she will agree.

"Yeah of course" Emma replied with a big smile as she stepped into the house.

She placed one hand on my hip and kissed me instantly. I stopped rocking Ryder to place my hand on her cheek. He started crying again.

"Alright little man. Lets go" I said with a laugh as we pulled away.

I pushed him out the front door with Emma following behind. I pushed with one hand and held Emma's with the other. We just took a nice and slow walk into town.

"You can keep the car freshener by the way" Emma said with a chuckle as she placed it into my pocket.

"Thanks" I laughed knowing she just doesn't want it. "I will admit. I have never been proposed to with a car freshener before. Very creative"

"Why thank you" Emma replied with a laugh as she looked proud of herself.

"What would you have done if I said yes" I asked with a laugh at the thought.

"Been a loving wife" Emma replied with a sweet smile that showed she was lying. I just raised an eyebrow at her like she was an idiot to lie. "Alright fine. Mexico probably" Emma sighed with a laugh that infected me to join.

"God the kids are going to hate this. They hated you before. Let alone now" I sighed with a slight laugh knowing we're screwed.

"Yeah they are. Who do you think they will be pissed at more? Me or you" Emma asked as she chuckled to make it less awkward.

"They will all hate you more except Amber. She's going to rip me apart that girl" I replied knowing all of there exact reactions.

"Ow what an adorable little boy" An old lady said as she passed us with a smile.

"Thank you" I replied with a smile as I knew it was true.

"He is precious isnt he? Who's is he" she asked looking at both me and Emma for the answer.

"You have the final word" Emma whispered refering back to what Ethan told me.

I thought about it. I remembered the way she looked at him and how good she already was with him. I also remember how much I want her around. I have the final word. The decision is mine to make.

"We're both the mothers"

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