Times Three (X3)

By kingbeeseries

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AN ORIGINAL TEEN FICTION/ROMANCE/MYSTERY NOVEL. One's dangerous interest in power, status and greed can lead... More

CHAPTER 1 - Douchebags
CHAPTER 2 - Violence
CHAPTER 3 - Gorgeous Mariyah
CHAPTER 4 - Tariq
CHAPTER 5 - Invitation
CHAPTER 6 - Wild
CHAPTER 7 - The Gang
CHAPTER 8 - Blood Types
CHAPTER 9 - 18 Years
CHAPTER 10 - Emotions
CHAPTER 11 - Tattoo
CHAPTER 12 - Truth & Trust
CHAPTER 13 - Secrets
CHAPTER 14 - Stabbed
CHAPTER 15 - Hands Where I Can See Them
CHAPTER 16 - Blueprint
CHAPTER 17 - Kissed
CHAPTER 18 - Fight
CHAPTER 19 - Home Sweet Home
CHAPTER 20 - Illinois
CHAPTER 21 - I'm Yours
CHAPTER 22 - The President's Daughter
CHAPTER 23 - I'm coming back for you
CHAPTER 24 - Jada is back
CHAPTER 25 - The Game
CHAPTER 26 - Cody And Mariyah
CHAPTER 27 - The White House
CHAPTER 28 - My Dad
CHAPTER 29 - Tension In The Room
CHAPTER 30 - Leverage
CHAPTER 31 - Dirty Work
CHAPTER 32 - Hurting
CHAPTER 33 - P.O.V's
CHAPTER 34 - Liars
CHAPTER 35 - Missing Peices
CHAPTER 36 - Prison
CHAPTER 37 - For The Right Price
CHAPTER 38 - Lost You Twice
CHAPTER 39 - I Love You
CHAPTER 40 - Sisters
CHAPTER 41 - Triplets Apart
CHAPTER 42 - Birth Name
CHAPTER 43 - Ugly Witch
CHAPTER 44 - Portrait
CHAPTER 45 - Date Night
CHAPTER 46 - Date Night 2
CHAPTER 47 - Hospital Bed
CHAPTER 48 - Leak Information
CHAPTER 49 - Leave The Nest
CHAPTER 50 - Kissing
CHAPTER 51 - Brunette
CHAPTER 52 - Cheated
CHAPTER 53 - Symbol
CHAPTER 54 - Yes
CHAPTER 55 - Disapprove
CHAPTER 56 - Wedding Or Not
CHAPTER 57 - Patrice
CHAPTER 59 - Apart
CHAPTER 60 - Helium
CHAPTER 61 - Press Conference
CHAPTER 62 - Darker Shades Of Black

CHAPTER 58 - My Heart Aches

41 6 8
By kingbeeseries

Previously On Triplets Apart:
Tariq introduces Jada to a hobby that she didn't know he had— horse riding. They both spend some time at a stable with multiple horses his dad owns and he also introduces her to his favorite horse, Patrice.


My eyes flutter open because of my annoying sister Paige, jerking me out of my sleep. Lord, who did I offend?

"What's the big idea?" I snap. She knows I like to be woken up, only on my own terms.

"It's your birthday, little sis!" She squeals then kissing my hands repeatedly.

"And?" I raise a brow.

"Girl, you're 19 today! You're like the only teenager in the world that's not excited by birthdays! What's wrong with you?"

"Paige, it's just another day and a symbol of getting older, now can I go back to sleep?" I shrug.

"No! I got you a gift. We have a big day ahead of us, today is your engagement party too, don't you remember?"

All my sisters have ganged up against me and decided against my will that the best birthday gift to give, is to set up the engagement party for my birthday, so it's a birthday party as well which is later on in the evening. It's also a birthday party because I thought it would be selfish to have my engagement party on my birthday, being that it's also Amber and Phoebe's birthday the same day but they all insist as this year is a little... different for us all and it's all about having each other.

Paige's gift to me is an entire collection of Beyoncé's Adidas X Ivy Park collaboration. It comes in an unnecessarily large box and most of the pieces are in orange and purple, both colors I do not like but I appreciate the gesture and the least I can do is wear them to prove that. What is with everyone and high fashion around me? I mean, I'm into it now too so I won't act like I'm not but come on..

I hug Paige, thanking her for once again getting me something outside my own taste without sounding ungrateful. I think I'm finally getting the spirit of my special day.

Plus it's my birth sisters and I's special day and we have so many deeper reasons to celebrate.

I have to admit that the collection is actually amazing and after half hour of rummaging through, I finally decide on what I'll wear today. It turns out that Paige got a collection for herself as well.

I take a bath and prep my skin, adding minimal makeup then moisturizing my hair and letting it all escape down my hips today, my curls more visible, bouncier and deeper than before and I like it.

Then I put my outfit on..

"The world already knows you're the most gorgeous thing on two feet, yeah yeah.. hurry up!" Paige hastens me.

"Okay okay!" I giggle and grab my keys and my new chest bag from Adidas. I honestly don't know what is it with me and these chest bags. "Why are you in such a hurry though?" I ask Paige as we open the front door, immediately my steps come to a halt as I freeze in my spot.

It's a -, a huge red bow on the front and a sign saying 'happy birthday' the car that I've been fantasizing over hopelessly since it was released- the Mercedes-Benz GLE 450. My parents got me the latest luxury Benz for my birthday? My mouth forms into an 'o' shape.

"I guess you won't be needing this." Paige snatches my keys and replaces them with another— the ones for my new car. So this is why she was rushing me. I snap out of my trance and I can't control the loud squeal that escapes my lips next.

"You knew?!" I squeal, as I admire the car inside and out in awe. It's black of course, with grey interior, so gorgeous. I am impressed that my parents know my exact style and choice of colours too, well of course they do. Unlike Paige who went out and got me purple and orange clothing when all I want is black.

"Yup." Paige pops the 'p', hopping in the passenger's side, "we need to get going." Everyone is at the White House.

I dial Charlotte right away and she picks up on the first ring expectantly. "You like?" Her voice is calm and sweet.

"Are you fricking kidding me? I love!" I exclaim and she laughs, ignoring my choice of words.

"Happy birthday honey, from me and your dad. We love you okay?"

"I love you guys." A smile forms on my face right before she cuts the line before I could say anything else. Good, now I have someone to blame for that bad habit of mine.

On our drive to the White House, we're driving this time again. The drive seems shorter than usual, maybe because my eyes are glued to my phone as Paige drives, consumed by the beautiful messages from everyone I know. This is my first time checking my phone all morning. I pulled over and allowed her to drive the car, my phone keeps distracting me and the last thing I want to crash my dream car on my birthday. Now that's just tragic.

"We're here, Jada." Paige's voice is steady, forcing me to put the phone away. I smile sheepishly, then pocketing the phone as it continues to notify me repeatedly.

I'm greeted by familiar faces full of glee and excitement. Charlotte and Adonis are here? I just talked to her. I was assuming they'd be at work or something lame but involves a lot of money. My heart smiles that they might've actually put their busy lives aside for me, the thought alone sounds impossible. They're always busy, I mean.. they came to my soccer game in work attire because they had to go to work as soon as it was over.

Mom and dad are communicating, one of the maids, Tia I think, just chased behind Amy and a little boy named Alex, Kate's son, she's now in rehab. Everyone is here and they all look so happy and busy all at once.

The environment is light and welcoming, making me aware that there's nothing in the world to worry about. That it's a good day to be alive.

They all greet me, sharing their warm and cliche happy birthdays, prior to directing me to my sisters and the area filled with presents. Also informing me that the party will be in a reception area in the back yard.

Paige and I turn on our heels, pacing upstairs to Mariyah's room to find the rest of the girls.

A familiar voice echoes through my ear, I look over to Paige, wondering if she heard that, but is obviously oblivious to this. I tell her that I'll be there in a minute. Biting my lips excitedly, I thought everyone was here but how could I have forgotton one.. Tariq.. and his dad of course. A smile spread across my face.

Trying to find where the very low pitched voice came from, then hearing something shuffle in my dad's office. I move closer and motion to open the door but stop half way in my movement at the sounds of muffled speeches. I think he's in there with his dad.

I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but my curiosity stops at nothing and I'm not sure why, maybe because their voices are laced with sternness. Plus nothing good hardly ever came out of men in my dad's office having conversations. Checking my surroundings first, the coast is clear. I place my ear closely against the door, their words are so hard to make out but I manage to hear some things.

"Son, have I ever disappointed you?" Tyrell voice echoes.

"Of course not, dad." Tariq's voice comes off as stressed or pressured. Is something wrong? Should I go in there?

"Good. Everything I ever did is for your own good, not only mine, your future, Tariq, not mine. This is not entirely about me."

"But... don't you think maybe this is just.. too much?"

"You want to become strong.. powerful, there's always a few prices you have to pay along the way. Sometimes a few people will get caught in the cross fire, but it's nothing they can't handle, it always turns out to their own advantage. Sacrifices. For example, what I had to do all those years ago to save your life.. Jada got caught in the cross fire but look at her today. Hell, look at both of you now. She will forgive you, son. She loves you."

Forgive him for what? My heart leaps and I physically felt how fast my heart is now going.

"I know dad. But to ask me to marry.."

"Tariq, don't you want us to get pass this?" Tyrell cuts him off and I can feel the sudden ache in my heart growing more intense, I fist my shirt over my chest.

Maybe I should stop listening before I crumble into pieces, I don't like this feeling.

"Ughh.. yes..well I.. Jesus Christ." Tariq groans. The frustration in Tariq's voice keeps me glued to the door and I want to slap myself mentally.. or physically, for failing to listen to my own advice of moving away from this door and pretend I didn't hear anything or it's just a misunderstanding.

"Then do this. Okay, forget about me for a minute, do you know how much you can accomplish, how much power and significance you could gain just because of your marital status? Listen to me son, I'm your father and your mentor. I've been doing what I'm doing all my life and it has absolutely no room for the weak or soft hearted. You're entering into a cut throat environment.."

"Where I have to man up and make sacrifices, right?" Tariq finishes.

"That's right."

"Like what Rebecca did, right? Look where it got her. She failed miserably and the world is about to find out her shame tomorrow." Tariq snarls. He's getting irritated.

"Tariq! This is different. I need you to focus and think logical. We're up against dangerous things. I'm your father, all I'm doing is look out for you and our family. If you'd just trust me, everything I'm doing right now or what I'm asking you to do is what's best for all of us. All I want for you is to step up and be a man, to know what a man's world is like. Nothing will be given to you anymore, you're becoming a lawyer and a business mogul, not a God damn mail man!" Tyrell snaps.

"Did you think it'll be easy? No! A man has to do what a man has to do, without fear.. for the betterment, stability and security of your own well being, not me or anyone else. This is not the time to play games and I won't have this discussion again. I've worked very hard to help her, to bring her back home so she could meet her real parents, I did that for her and I did it for you, for me, for everyone.. everyone's happy and everyone will still be happy. So because of that, she will forgive you and then eventually try to understand why we're doing this... when she finds out."

After a long pause, assuming Tariq was thinking about his next response, "Dad, it's been hard enough to play along all this time. To pretend that I'm in love with her, in front of her parents! Its making me sick. We don't even have anything in common, she's not even my type. I'm in love with someone else.."

"We have to do this, it won't be for long, I promise. As soon as I straighten out this disaster, you can get a divorce and we'll be free from it all. Just stop worrying about Jada for a minute and focus. Trust me. I'm not asking you to love her, I know you don't."

"And I never will." Tariq's voice is cold as ice. "What disaster are you talking about?"

A loud silence fills the air for about a minute before Tariq's response. I wish I could see his expression, his body language. My heart aches and races as his words cut like knives through my soul, my chest heaves up and down, an unbearable horror consuming every fiber of my being and I can't breathe.

"Fine. I'll go through with it. I'll marry her. But after this is over, I'm out!" Tariq snarls after realizing his father will not answer his question.

"That's my son. I know you'll make me proud, you're finally becoming a man. And stop worrying about Jada, she will understand. If she loves you like she say she does, she will." I hear the ding  sound of two glasses I assume, then footsteps exiting the room. I quickly flee to hide myself then noticing Tariq leaving. When his figure disappears, I walk back to the door where Tyrell's back is turnt to me.

"Governor. Governor. I like the sound of that." He chuckles to himself.


I want to hear your thoughts as I think this chapter might be very sensitive and important to you guys.
Remember to vote and share!

I love you all so much and I hope your families are doing well in such an unfortunate time. Corona virus is not a joke! Please wash your hands, stay inside and read Triplets Apart. Haha, recommend it to your family too whenever they get bored.

Stay safe!

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