reforget | 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 ✓

By totheIakes

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I waited too long for you. I will devour you, Love you into flame. © totheiakes The Vampir... More



33.2K 1.2K 2K
By totheIakes

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Honestly, Rory expected more from switching off her humanity. She expected the world to get brighter, the skies to get bluer, the grass greener... she expected everything to be okay. But, honestly, she felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. There was something bittersweet about being released from her emotions—point one being, Rory always had too much. She felt everything extremely intensely, never a grey area in between. Now, with the absence of her emotions, Rory was left alone with her thoughts. But even the darkest thoughts did absolutely nothing to her. Thoughts about Klaus' death, her sister's, anyone's, really, just left her feeling... nothing. Void. Obsolete. Vacant. Hollow. Shall she go on?

Though, the good thing is that she could feed like normal again. She was overruled by her emotions after Damon and Stefan's de-Ripping methods, but now that she couldn't feel anything, she just fed like she would any other day as a vampire. In fact, she indulged herself. There was something so releasing about not feeling guilty about death, especially by her own hands. Rory felt like she could rip the entire world apart until blood soaked the streets and it wouldn't make a dent in her soul. All in all, it was pretty great.

Another thing that was great? Elena was in transition, which meant that Rory could totally shove it in her face.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Rory pushed her way into her sister's bedroom. Elena let out a groan, her eyes squinting in sensitivity at the sunlight that entered her curtains. "You've had a very busy night."

"Rory?" Elena muttered out. "Oh my god. Matt... is he..."

"Alive?" Rory looked over her shoulder with a hum. "Yup! Your boyfriend saved him. Stefan, I mean. It is Stefan, right? Or is it Damon? I just can't keep up with you these days."

"Why are you talking like this?" Elena stammered. "What's going on? Why does my head hurt... why do I feel like this?"

"Turned off my humanity. Benefit to being a vampire—you can switch your emotions on and off at will; cool, right? Oh, also, you died with vampire blood in your system. Which means..."

"Oh my god. Does-does that mean... am I dead?"

"That's what entails being a vampire. So... yup," Rory nodded, leaning against Elena's dresser.

"No, no, no, no! This wasn't supposed to happen!"

Rory faked a pout. "This would be super upsetting and all... but I really don't care. I just came to rub it in your face, that's all," Rory shrugged. Elena's lips parted in surprise at her sister's cold demeanour. "I mean, if you decide to live through your transition—big if, by the way—then you're going to be a vampire. Just like me. And soon, you're going to start killing people. Just like me. And then, when you cry over your first victim, I'm going to be there over your shoulder, calling you a murderer. Just like you," Rory's lips upturned into a wide smile. "Fun, right?"

"No, no. I can't be a vampire! I can't—I won't,"

"Then I guess you'll just have to die," Rory responded. She let out a sigh, tapping her nails against Elena's dresser. "RIP Elena Gilbert. She sucked at math, cried over everything, and let her sister get tortured under the guise of protecting her from herself. A pathetic excuse of a twin, family member, and friend. May she rest in peace." Rory placed a hand over her heart, giving her a sarcastic smile.

"Get out," Elena said shakily. "Get out!"

"Boo, you're no fun," Rory huffed. "Hey, get Stefan or Damon to call me when night falls, 'kay? I need to know whether I should make room at the Gilbert plot to bury another body."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Rebekah entered the Mikaelson mansion, stopping at the doorway of her home. She let out a quiet breath as she took in the sight of bodies strewn about the foyer, all of which drained of blood. Some decapitated, some still half-alive, but barely. Blood was staining the carpets and furniture, even the steps up towards the stairs. She screwed her eyes shut as she exhaled. It honestly looked like a wild animal had ripped through her home, but she knew better—it wasn't a wild animal; it was someone worse. Aurora bloody Gilbert.

"Rory!" Rebekah called. "Rory, get your ass down here!"

There was a loud, shrill scream coming from the hallway upstairs. Rebekah rolled her eyes as a severed head flew down the steps, landing at her feet. Rebekah lifted her gaze to see Rory entering her line of sight. The girl was clad in nothing but a bra and sweatpants, blood staining her arms, stomach, and... most of her body, really. Rory gave her a grin.

"Bekah!" she exclaimed. "You're home. Finally, I was getting really bored and no one was entertaining me. Oh, the girl at your feet is Vivian, by the way," Rory strode down the stairs. "She's a dentist, so I quizzed her about how many teeth there was in a human skull. She was a little scared of me, so she couldn't really answer. I decided to find out for myself," Rory grabbed the head at Rebekah's feet by the hair, opening Vivian's mouth. To Rebekah's horror, only her gums were shown. "I counted 26, but I googled it and it said there was supposed to be 32. I think I knocked a few out when I hit her with my car."

"Are you bloody insane?" Rebekah hissed. "Did you just decide to throw a murder party in my home?"

"Ah, ah, ah," Rory lifted a finger. "Your brother's home—who is now dead, by the way—so it doesn't really matter. Besides, I thought you liked it when I killed people. Look, see? Those two boys were from a fraternity, those girls were from the sorority across the fraternity, um... I think the ones in the corner were from my old high school, but I can't be sure—"

"And who, pray tell, is going to clean this all up?" Rebekah snapped as Rory discarded Vivian's head, reaching into her pocket for a pack of cigarettes.

Rory placed the cancer stick between her lips, lighting up the end. She shrugged as she inhaled a puff. "I dunno. Cleaning people?" Rory offered. Rebekah simply stared at her with a disgruntled look. "You're not digging the whole Last Feast thing I have going on here, huh?"

"No, Rory. I'm not," Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest. "When are you going to switch your humanity back on? This is bloody insane."

"Never, probably. I like feeling nothing," Rory tossed her hair over her shoulder. "It's like, I'm not plagued by emotions like guilt, or love, or anything that has to do with humanity anymore. It was really exhausting. Plus, I don't feel bad about feeding. Win-win situation; remind me to send Elijah a thank you card."

"Remind me to smack his bloody head off," Rebekah muttered as Rory strode towards the alcohol tray in the foyer.

The brunette let out a little squeak as she almost slipped on a puddle of blood on the ground, catching herself before she could fall. She whipped around to face Rebekah, a grin on her face. "Ha. Good save, am I right?" Rory winked, turning back to pour herself a glass of scotch. "You're probably right about the cleaning thing—it's starting to smell."

"You don't say?" Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest, cocking her head. Before she could explain further, Damon suddenly entered the house. "You should know better than to sneak up on a lady."

"Good idea. Have you seen one?" Damon snarked. He paused in his tracks upon seeing the corpses laid around him, blinking in surprise. "What the hell happened here?"

"I did," Rory piped up, sitting on the arm of the couch. Damon whipped around to face her. Rory waved at him. "Heeey. Look, Damon! I can feed again!" Rory exclaimed. "I know, I know—you don't like seeing me like this, blah, blah, blah. I will admit; you really fucked me over for two weeks or so. But I'm good now."

"So Elena wasn't lying," Damon blinked. "You really turned it off."

"Oh, that reminds me. Is she dead yet? I mean, I know she didn't want to become a vampire and all, so I assume that she's going to die, right? Right?" Rory stood up, making her way towards Damon. "Do me a favour: take a picture before she gets lowered into the grave. I wanna see how I look like when I'm dead."

"My god. You are crazy pants," Damon muttered.

"I thought I was a princess? Which is it, Damon? Don't like me now that I'm not crying over your lap like a sad little girl?" Rory grinned. She reached forward, stubbing out her cigarette on Damon's arm. He let out a yelp as it burned his skin, jumping away. "Aw, did I hurt the baby?"

"Why, you little—"

Damon's retort was cut off as the window to their left shattered. A wooden bullet shot into Rory's shoulder, causing her to stagger back. She looked down at the hole in her skin, lifting her fingers to dip them into her wound. Nothing. Nothing at all. Another bullet was fired through her stomach, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground. Damon immediately fled from the scene, leaving the two girls on their own. Rebekah dropped to the ground next to Rory, a wooden arrow sticking through her heart.

A bullet shot through Rory's forehead, and all she saw was black.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Rory awoke as her head banged against the side of the vehicle wall. She lifted her head, blinking blearily. Two blurry figures were struggling in front of her, but as her vision refocused, she realised that it was Rebekah and Caroline. She felt weak, a faint pain pumping through her veins. Her wrists were bound against her front. She could see her skin bubbling every time she shifted, signalling that the ropes were laced with vervain.

"Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed us all to the Council," Caroline spoke up.

"The Council? What exactly do they think they can do to me?" Rebekah scoffed.

Suddenly, the wheels of the van started to screech. The van flipped over, Rory sent careening to the opposite end of the vehicle. Her head slammed against the floor, a wound splitting open in her skin. She lifted her head up, pushing herself into a sitting position with a slight struggle.

"That was kinda fun," Rory commented. She banged her foot against the front of the van. "Hey, do that again!"

"Shut up, Rory!" Caroline hissed.

Suddenly, the van was flooded with sunlight as the doors swung open. Rory turned her head to see Tyler standing in all his hybrid glory. "Oh Jesus, here we go," Rory muttered, realising that he was probably here to save Caroline and leave everyone else for dead.

Surprising the occupants in the van, Tyler made a beeline straight for Rory. He immediately started to undo the ropes that bound her wrists. "Tyler?" Caroline inquired in shock, eyes widening at his actions.

"I'm harder to kill than you think," Tyler responded, helping Rory into a standing position.

"You're alive? How are you alive?" Caroline inquired, nearly in hysterics. "Wait, where are you going?" she asked as Tyler started to tug Rory out of the van.

"No time—we've gotta go,"

"Wait, what about me?" Rebekah asked urgently.

"And me? Tyler!" Caroline shrieked.

Tyler winked in Rebekah's direction. "Keep 'em busy, little sister!" he exclaimed before carrying Rory bridal style, hopping out of the van.

"No. That's not possible!" Rebekah exclaimed.

"What? What the hell is going on?" Caroline wailed. "Tyler—he just left me here?!"

"Oh you idiotic little twit," Rebekah groaned. "That's not Tyler—that's my brother."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Tyler set Rory down once they were a few miles away from the overturned van. Rory immediately brushed herself off, turning around to face him. "This is a weird time for your little second grade crush on me to resurface, Ty," Rory commented as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Listen, I know that my humanity is off and all, but, like... I'd literally rather eat shit than pursue any form of relationship with you. So..."

"Wait, what?" Tyler sputtered. "Your humanity? Off? What? What?"

"What do you mean, what?"

"I mean, what? Why do you have your humanity off, Rory?"

"Uh, because Klaus is dead therefore I thought I was going to die and I was like..." Rory imitated Elena's crying face. "Super sad and not handling it and then Elijah was like, turn it off, Aurora, and you know I am a whore for English accents so I was like, okay, 'cuz I'm going to die anyway. And then somehow, I didn't die. And now we're here."

"Elijah?" Tyler's expression turned livid. "My bloody brother told you to turn off your humanity?"

Rory blinked. "Uh, I'm not following. Since when was Elijah your brother?"

"Oh, come on, lovely. You don't think it'd be that easy to kill me, do you?"

Rory's lips formed a small 'o'. "Oh, you're Klaus! You body-jumped!" Rory snapped her fingers. "Right, right. Elijah mentioned that you liked to do that. Huh. No wonder I'm not dead," Rory jutted her bottom lip out, nodding. "Great, great. Cool. Well, this has been fun. I'm leaving."

Rory pushed past Klaus, but the hybrid grabbed her by the wrist. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Um... home," Rory raised an eyebrow. "I don't know if you noticed, but like. I'm in my underwear." Rory pointed to her scantily appearance.

"On the contrary. It was quite impossible for me not to notice. But lovely, you aren't going anywhere," Klaus stated. "Not whilst the Council is still after you and knows you're a vampire; there will be a bounty for your head as soon as you step back into Mystic Falls, unless I'm there to protect you, of course. We just need to find my body."

"Kinda hard, considering your body is a pile of ash. Sorry, can't help you. Bye," Rory turned on her heel, attempting to walk off.

Klaus tightened his grip on her, tugging her back towards him. "It isn't. Bonnie preserved it. All we need is to make her put me back," Klaus' lips curled into a smirk. "Now who else better than her best friend to convince her to do as I say?"

"Man, I don't know. Can't you ask Caroline to do it?"

"Caroline's in captivity, Rory,"

"Oh, right. Forgot. Elena, then,"

"Isn't she dead?"

"Not really. See, let me just go back home and find her—"

"No time," Klaus interjected. "Let's go."

"But I don't wanna," Rory whined.

"Don't do this right now," Klaus sighed.

"I want to go home and put on a shirt. It's cold," Rory argued. Klaus shrugged off the leather jacket on Tyler's body, tossing it towards Rory. She held it in her hands, glaring up at him. "This isn't a shirt."

"It's a bloody jacket. Put it on, let's go find Bonnie,"

"I asked for a shirt,"

"Rory, you're beautiful and I adore you, but if you don't shut your mouth I will snap your pretty little neck right here and right now," Klaus snapped. Rory clamped her mouth shut, shrugging on Tyler's jacket. Klaus exhaled. "Thank you. Let's go."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Rory trailed behind Klaus as they entered an old, decrepit house. Bonnie and Jeremy were already there, standing over Klaus' Original body. It was pretty creepy. Rory waved at the teenage witch and her younger brother. "What's up, gang?" Rory cheered. "It's me, Rory—just in case you couldn't tell and you thought it was Elena. 'Cuz we're both technically dead right now, so."

"We know it's you, Rory," Jeremy gave his sister a hesitant smile.

"Sweet. Oh, this is Klaus. He's in Tyler's body—but you already knew that," Rory said.

"Yes, yes. Enough with the chitchat—Bonnie, I need you to put me back in my original body," Klaus interjected.

"She said she's not strong enough," Jeremy argued.

"You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely, you're strong enough to get me out," Klaus retorted.

"I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that kind of magic again—it's too dangerous," Bonnie replied.

"Then just stop trying to save Elena. Duh," Rory rolled her eyes.

"Bonnie, do the bloody spell!" Klaus shouted impatiently.

"She said she can't, okay?" Jeremy argued. "We just need to wait a few more days until she's strong enough to do it with traditional magic."

Klaus ripped open his shirt, extending his fingernails into claws. He pressed the sharp nails over the skin of Tyler's chest, starting to dig it into his flesh. Rory blinked. "Um. Okay. Didn't know you were into that," Rory commented. "What is that, exactly?"

"Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else. Maybe you," Klaus tilted his head in Jeremy's direction. "Now that your sister doesn't care about anyone, I won't have to hear the morbidly long lecture she'll give me."

"Oh my god!" Bonnie exclaimed. "You're hurting him! Stop!"

"He's bluffing—he needs a witch to do that," Jeremy argued.

"What makes you think I don't have one? Or ten? Pick, Bonnie—you or Tyler!" Klaus shouted, continuing to dig his claws into his skin.

"Woah. He's really doing this," Rory muttered wondrously. "Cool."

"Fine, I'll do it!" Bonnie shouted. "Just stop."

Klaus retracted the claws from his chest, a satisfied smile on his face. "Good—let's begin."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Whilst Klaus was distracted with his body transfer, Rory took the opportunity to leave. She was bored and the old witch house was seriously creeping her out. She ended up taking a stroll down the road, night falling and enveloping the streets in darkness. She shoved her hands into the pockets of Tyler's jacket, humming quietly at nothing in particular.

"Rory?" Jonah White's voice spoke out from behind her. Rory paused in her tracks. If she wasn't mistaken, Elijah had compelled him to not speak to her again, lest he wanted his head torn off. She guessed that after Elijah was daggered by Klaus, the compulsion wore off. Rory whirled around to face him, a smile on her lips. "Hey. Uh, listen... I just wanted to apologise."

"Apologise?" Rory tilted her head. "What for?"

"I started seeing a therapist about my anger issues. And I'm getting better. Everything I did to hurt you in the past, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," Jonah looked down at his shoes. "I shouldn't have said the things I did to you. I used you when you were at your most vulnerable after your parents died, and I just... I can't get that out of my head. I'm really, truly, sorry, Rory. I want to make things better."

Rory stared at him for a moment. "Aw," Rory ended up saying. "That's sweet."

Jonah looked up hopefully. "You forgive me?"

"Can't really forgive you if you're not alive," Rory shrugged.


A scream tore through Jonah's throat as the word left his lips, Rory rushing towards him to sink her fangs into his neck. She tore through his larynx in a brutal, almost animalistic fashion. His blood was bitter to the taste—he was ugly on the inside too, it seemed. Despite that, Rory fed on him until he was nothing but skin and bone, head rolling off his shoulders. Rory stepped away from his body, letting it fall at her feet.

If Jonah had apologised a day earlier, Rory may have considered it. For now, she was just hungry.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Rory stepped past the doorway of the Mikaelson mansion, a small pinch of curiosity eating at her as she wondered whether Klaus' body transfer worked. She paused as she saw Rebekah's body on the ground, neck bent at an odd angle. She sniffed at the air, the scent of Elena's blood filling her nose. Judging by the broken blood bags on the ground, Rebekah had thrown a tantrum over Klaus leaving her for dead.

"I see you've found your way back home," Klaus commented. Rory looked up to see him—the real him; blond, tall, beautiful—standing at the top of the staircase. "I've returned. I'm alive. You can end this nonsense and turn your humanity back on now."

"Why would I do that?" Rory snorted as Klaus came to a stop in front of her.

"Because this isn't right. This is not you, Rory. Elijah had no right to take your sadness away from you," Klaus retorted.

"To quote you, this is me. I'm Rory—I'm Rory as a vampire without her emotions," Rory crossed her arms over her chest. "That doesn't change anything. Maybe one day I'll turn it back on and let it all in, but I'm not ready for that. For now, just leave me alone."


"I'm not arguing with you about this. I literally could not care any less," Rory said. "So you can sit here and talk to a wall for another hour, or you can let me take a shower and wash the blood off my body."

"Are you sure?" Klaus called out as Rory brushed past him, walking up the stairs. She paused, turning to look at him. "Are you sure that this is what you want? That this is what's best?"

"I don't know if it's what best," Rory shrugged. "And I really don't want to stick around and think about it. I don't feel anything. Maybe it's better this way."

Klaus' eyes followed Rory's retreating back as she disappeared into Rebekah's room. No, it's not, he thought. It's really, really not.

A/N: woah this chapter was a little annoying to write but like. so is all of season 4 so idk what to tell u. im happy klaus is back i hope he n rory fuck thats all i have to say

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