Broken Vows

By LoveMySoul_x

177K 3.2K 340

ATHENA ROSA VALENTINE. Has everything she could ever want. Loving Parents. Best friends. Endless Luxuries. E... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
A/N - #2 Broken Series

Chapter 59

2.4K 29 8
By LoveMySoul_x

***This is the finale. Chap 60 is like an epilogue of sort***


Mirella's light blue eyes shine with so much happiness as she plays on the swings and slide. I always want that happiness on her face. S

he is the light of my life and I will protect her till my very last breaths. 

After buying her some ice cream she starts crying, "I WANT MAMA!" 

I don't know what happened. 

She probably misses her mom. 

It has been nearly an hour. 

"Ssh don't cry Ella. Let's go see Mama!" I pick her up and wipe her tears away as we head back to my wife's childhood home. 

I open the door to hear Athena screaming, "R-Rom. P-Please leave!" 

What the fuck is he doing here?

I hold onto Mirella tightly as I rush towards her screaming. That fucking bastard is on top of her touching and kissing her. 

Setting Mirella down on her feet she runs towards her mom. "MAMA!" She cries. 

Athena's eyes snap towards my own as she breathes a sigh of relief. "GET THE FUCK OFF HER MORETTI!" I roar and rush towards him and pull him off her.

Mirella hugs her mom and wipes her tears. "Bambolina. Take her to our room." I tell her.

She looks at me tears streaming down her eyes. "Dante please be careful!" She whispers and looks fearfully at him before taking our daughter away from the scene. 

"HOW DARE YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER?!" I yell angrily my hand swiftly cracking open his jaw. 

"She is mine Dante. She always has been and will be." Romero taunts me as his lips are split open and bleeding. 

"Keep going is that all you got?!" He smirks and I give no mercy. 

He touched her. He abused her. He tortured her. 

I hit him again and again. Punch after punch. 

Taking revenge for every single thing he did to hurt my bambolina.

But he isn't fighting back.

Why isn't he fighting back? 

A feeling of dread fills me before I stop hitting him.


He punches like a pussy. 

Fucking bastard can't even hit properly.

I'm letting him think he has the upper hand. 

When he doesn't. He never has. 

I waited 2 years to see Ena again and now that I have I'm not letting her go. While this fucker is alive she won't come with me. 

I don't know what she sees in him. 

"I've known Athena since I was born. I was her first kiss. I was her first love. And I will be her last. She will learn to forget you. She won't remember you." I give him one punch on the jaw and he goes flying backwards. 

"I will take care of her. I will love her. I will give her more children. I will take care of her daughter as well. Mirella will be mine. My daughter." I kick him in his stomach and he chokes blood coming out of his mouth. 

He's too weak to fight and I haven't even started yet. 

"Ena is mine. Mirella is mine. And you have nothing left!" I decide to end his misery. 

And give him a quick death. 

After all once he was my best man.

Taking the gun out of my pocket I look at him and aim at his chest more specifically his heart. 

I can see the fear in his eyes.

He knows he has lost this game.

He knows this is the end. 

He knows he won't see his perfect little family again. 

They've become mine. He's accepted defeat. 

So with no regrets I shoot.


After heading to the room with Mirella I place her on the bed and put on some checked grey trousers and an off the shoulder black top. I put my feet into some black trainers and begin pacing.

I hope nothing happens to him. I don't trust Romero. I don't trust him. 

I'm scared for Dante. 


A gunshot. One gunshot.

My heart starts beating like a drum. 

It can't be. 

No. He wouldn't. 

He wouldn't do that. 

"Mirella baby stay here. Don't leave." I hand her the pink elephant and some toys to play with before I run towards the love of my life. 

He can't leave me. Not like this. 

Not like this. 

I won't let him. 

I can't live without him. 

"DANTE!" I scream hysterically when I see his form in the middle of the hallway lying in a pool of his own blood.

I run over to him and look to see where all the blood is coming from. His white sweatshirt is soaked from the left side of his body.

"Dante! What did you do?" I cry and shout at Romero. 

There's so much blood. 

Fuck there's so much. 

How do I stop it? I don't know how to make it stop.

"I love you bambolina. Always and Forever. Make sure Ella remembers me. Tell her I love her every single day. Never Forget!" Dante whispers.

"Don't say goodbye. You can't leave me. Leave Mirella. DANTE!" I press my lips onto his and he weakly responds back savouring the last moments we have together.

I feel someone pull my arm and away from my love. I look up and see Romero holding a crying Mirella in his arms. 

"DANTE!" I scream fearfully. 

He said he will always be there. 

But he's gone. He's gone.

Romero pulls the rings off my finger. 

Our wedding rings. 

And throws them onto Dante before dragging us away. I struggle and turn back to him screaming his name. 

He's nothing but a red blur as Romero takes us away. My heart shatters. The numbness spreads throughout my body.

Another person I love is gone. First Mama and now Dante. 

Romero has taken every single soul that I've ever loved. 

I'm scared of what's to come with him.

I have to be strong. 

I can't let him hurt Mirella even if that means loving him. 

Fucking him. 

Being his.


Sorry please don't hate me. 

What do we think of this chapter?

Broken #2 is going to continue on from this.

Soul x 

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