Broken Vows

By LoveMySoul_x

177K 3.2K 340

ATHENA ROSA VALENTINE. Has everything she could ever want. Loving Parents. Best friends. Endless Luxuries. E... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
A/N - #2 Broken Series

Chapter 25

2.3K 56 23
By LoveMySoul_x

The person in the picture wearing the dress is not Athena.


He comes back ordering me around like I'm his lapdog. 

But I'm afraid to speak up. I'm afraid to say no. 

After what happened last time I don't think I want to see his monstrous side again. So when he comes storming into the house without Natasha may I add at 7:00 in the afternoon, I say yes. 

Yes to when he says I must accompany him to a charity auction.

To show everyone that we are the powerful Moretti couple. 

"Hurry the fuck up bitch. I don't have all day!" He shouts from downstairs as I try to find something to wear. 

After finding the perfect dress which was a rose gold spaghetti strap dress. Simple and backless.

I curl my blonde brown hair and leave it out. After finishing my makeup and settling on a bold red lip and slipping my feet into rose gold heels I am done. I make sure to cover the bruises with concealer. 

They are still there as if reminding me not to get on Romero's bad side. 

"You better be fucking ready!" The fury in his voice evident and I can hear the voice coming closer and closer. 

My breathing becomes uneven and I don't know how to breathe.

But I control myself, trying to calm my breathing down before he slams the door to my room open. 






The door is thrown open and Romero stands there in a smart suit a scowl permanently etched onto his face.

"What the fuck are you wearing whore?" He looks at me and unshed tears sting my eyes. 

I thought this looked good. This dress made me feel confident. 

"You are lucky we are running late. Or I'd fucking show you what whores do?" He leaves and I follow him to the car. 

The drive to the auction is dead silent. No music. No radio. Nothing. But he decides to cut the silence. 

"We go you speak to no one. If they ask you anything you ignore or say you need to find me. Is that understood?" He snaps and orders me.

What the hell? 

Why would you take me out if I am not allowed to talk to anyone? 

"Is that understood?" He repeats angrily but I don't answer. 

I can feel the fire crawling to my veins. 

"Why the fuck would you bring me here if I'm not allowed to talk to anyone?" It spills out of my mouth like word vomit. 

I don't care about the consequences.

I am done. 

His grip on the wheel tightens and with a force he slams the break. I look around seeing that he has parked somewhere. 

But why? 

"Would you like to fucking repeat that?" He challenges me cruelly knowing that I won't be able to. 

"N-no!" I stutter slightly as he gets dangerously close to me. 

"You are nothing but a whore that I was forced to marry. I will fucking torture and punish you to remind you of that fact." His hand grips my hair and I whimper. 

His finger trails down by neck down to my cleavage. 

"Don't touch me." I squirm unlike in Dante's safe embrace Romero's touch makes me feel disgusted and worthless. 

"If you come dressed like a whore you're asking to be treated like one." He squeezes my left breast and I try to push his hands off of me but they tighten. 

Thank God we were running late to the auction and he stops his abuse and continues driving. I hated him touching me. 

But he can justify it saying I am his wife even though I am treated like his maid. 

Who am I meant to tell? What am I meant to say?

When we arrive at the auction, I follow Romero blindly to a seat. The auction begins loads of beautiful art piece and jewellery are up for sale but Romero has not once bid on any of them. What was the point of coming if you are not going to buy a piece? 

It is for charity. 

"Are you not going to bid on anything?" My curiosity gets the best of me. 

"You do not speak to me!" He says in a low voice trying to hide his anger and show everyone the 'perfect picture' of himself. 

"And for everyone in this room right now there is a twist to this auction for charity. All the ladies on our guest list have been entered into a Singleton club for now." The man presenting says.

A singleton club? 

What the fuck? 

"We will be picking 5 ladies who will be bid on and they get to go on a date and spend the night with whoever bid the highest. Married, taken or single? Anyone of you has a chance of being picked." 

Little did she know that her name was going to be amidst everyone else?

Little did she know who she was going to spend a date and whole night with?


Bringing her with me was a mistake. 

I should've just brought Natasha with me. 

Only because my father and mother told me that it is important for us the married couple to make an appearance I brought her here. 

I wasn't lying when I told her I will torture and punish her every single day for the rest of the year. 

I'm not the same loving man she once knew. My love is and always will be for no one other than Natasha Rivera. 

There she is on that fucking stage, a smile on her face for a date. 

Why would she do that? She is fucking embarrassing the Moretti name. 

"Athena Rosa." The presenter says out loud in the speaker announcing her to every fucking horny man in this room. 

Yeah just abandon the Moretti name even though everyone in this fucking room knows you are married to me. 

"Let the bids begin!" He announces and the bids start.

"1000 Euros!" Someone starts and I scoff holding back a laugh. 

Of course Athena is worth 1000 Euros.

Athena looks so uncomfortable on that stage. 

I'm not going to be leaving here with her. She will be leaving with one of these men and staying the night.

I really don't care. Another punishment. Another kick seeing her suffer. 

"100,000 Euros!" Someone says and I can hear everyone gasp. 

What the fuck? 

Who would pay that much for my wife? 

"Gone, going once, going twice. That young chap at the back gets to take Athena Rosa for the night." I turn around seeing who he is pointing at. 

Anyone but him. 

Why the fuck would he do something like that?

Why is he even here? 

I did not expect him to bid so high for a date with my wife. 

For my Ena.  


Doesn't she deserve a night of happiness?

Who do you think bid on her?

How will Romero react?

Read to find out ;)

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Soul x 

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