Times Three (X3)

By kingbeeseries

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AN ORIGINAL TEEN FICTION/ROMANCE/MYSTERY NOVEL. One's dangerous interest in power, status and greed can lead... More

CHAPTER 1 - Douchebags
CHAPTER 2 - Violence
CHAPTER 3 - Gorgeous Mariyah
CHAPTER 4 - Tariq
CHAPTER 5 - Invitation
CHAPTER 6 - Wild
CHAPTER 7 - The Gang
CHAPTER 8 - Blood Types
CHAPTER 9 - 18 Years
CHAPTER 10 - Emotions
CHAPTER 11 - Tattoo
CHAPTER 12 - Truth & Trust
CHAPTER 13 - Secrets
CHAPTER 14 - Stabbed
CHAPTER 15 - Hands Where I Can See Them
CHAPTER 16 - Blueprint
CHAPTER 17 - Kissed
CHAPTER 18 - Fight
CHAPTER 19 - Home Sweet Home
CHAPTER 20 - Illinois
CHAPTER 21 - I'm Yours
CHAPTER 22 - The President's Daughter
CHAPTER 23 - I'm coming back for you
CHAPTER 24 - Jada is back
CHAPTER 25 - The Game
CHAPTER 26 - Cody And Mariyah
CHAPTER 27 - The White House
CHAPTER 28 - My Dad
CHAPTER 29 - Tension In The Room
CHAPTER 30 - Leverage
CHAPTER 31 - Dirty Work
CHAPTER 32 - Hurting
CHAPTER 33 - P.O.V's
CHAPTER 34 - Liars
CHAPTER 35 - Missing Peices
CHAPTER 36 - Prison
CHAPTER 37 - For The Right Price
CHAPTER 38 - Lost You Twice
CHAPTER 40 - Sisters
CHAPTER 41 - Triplets Apart
CHAPTER 42 - Birth Name
CHAPTER 43 - Ugly Witch
CHAPTER 44 - Portrait
CHAPTER 45 - Date Night
CHAPTER 46 - Date Night 2
CHAPTER 47 - Hospital Bed
CHAPTER 48 - Leak Information
CHAPTER 49 - Leave The Nest
CHAPTER 50 - Kissing
CHAPTER 51 - Brunette
CHAPTER 52 - Cheated
CHAPTER 53 - Symbol
CHAPTER 54 - Yes
CHAPTER 55 - Disapprove
CHAPTER 56 - Wedding Or Not
CHAPTER 57 - Patrice
CHAPTER 58 - My Heart Aches
CHAPTER 59 - Apart
CHAPTER 60 - Helium
CHAPTER 61 - Press Conference
CHAPTER 62 - Darker Shades Of Black

CHAPTER 39 - I Love You

57 15 7
By kingbeeseries

Previously On Triplets Apart:
Cameron gets deeply emotional as she explains her history between her, David and Rebecca. She opens up on the solid truth as to why Rebecca hates her so much and why she never owned Rebecca as her sister. Mariyah breaks down at her family falling apart in front of her as Jada blames herself for everyone's pain and for all that is happening now. David reveals that the other two of the triplets are coming tomorrow.

#2 in power of three! Thank you!




Is it weird that I really want someone to talk to right now and I'm finding it hard to choose? Even worst, finding it hard to choose between Tariq and Kyrie? Why is Kyrie even an option? Where was he all these years to need him at this point? But where is Tariq now? Exactly; I'll basically be using Kyrie for support because Tariq has gone MIA and ignoring my messages. The last thing I want is to feel like a horrible person for using someone and also to feeling as if I'm trapped in an episode between two persons.

Why do I feel like a part of me is missing without Tariq? With him, I'm not phased by him potentially leaving because the feminist in me do not need a man to complete me. Before him, I was fine. When I needed to get over Kyrie, I eventually did once I set my mind towards it.

So why do I feel this way now because he's been ghost for a few days? I'm sure Kyrie would be available if I needed someone to talk to and that's the thing; The one I don't want is possibly here but the one that I do want isn't. Why is life like this?

And why do I even think that Kyrie would be there for me? He practically ignored me our entire childhood but after one interaction, I'm ready to lay all my problems in his hands?

Only because... Tariq isn't here.

Again.. I'd only be using Kyrie because of Tariq's absence.

I think to myself, searching on me for my phone as I frantically pat myself all over until I find it. With slightly shaking hands and short breaths, I once again send Tariq a text message.

Where are you?

Nicole's Café.

He answered.

I lock my phone, placing it in my back pocket as I jog down the stairs. Stopping in my tracks when I hear Mariyah's voice calling out to me.

"Where're you going?" She asks with hands apart.

"Going to see Tariq." I tell her, ignoring once again the urge of telling her this whole Kyrie thing.

"Okay." She drops her hands to her sides

"I'll be back soon, okay? I just need to clear my head." I tell her in which she nods.

Tariq has always been my breath of fresh air. He has an aura that heals my aching heart without his knowing and I'm positive no one else has that capability towards me and that makes him special.

I head out and hop into my car and drive to Tariq's location with the help of my car's map.

Pulling up to the location, I secure a space to park before walking around to enter the café. I scan the room in search of Tariq as I stride inside. I spot him seated down with a smile aiming at his phone which immediately sparks a smile of my own.

Those braces..

As I attempt my approach, my smile turns into a frown when I see a female walks over and sits beside him. A white blonde girl, her beauty being so familiar?


My eyebrows knits in abrupt emotions that I can't decipher. Why would he be hanging out with the girl I was in a fight with and got me suspended, basically because of him. I can feel my heartrate speeding up, hoping that I'm seeing things, my chest heaves up and down as I try not to always make everything about myself. Tariq glimpses me before glancing back at me in shock. Right, I didn't tell him I was coming.

Emma notices his expression then follows his eyes, finding mine which is followed by a smirk that I'm tempted to slap from her face.

Taking a few steps back then turning around to hurry outside, my palm finds my chest, gripping my shirt with my fingers as I breathe heavily from my anxiety.

"Jada!" Tariq's voice calls out from behind as I quicken my steps not wanting to talk to him.

"Jada, stop!" He exclaims but I don't stop.

I click my car keys open and attempts to enter prior to a strong arm slamming it shut. Turning around, I glare at him in rage before bursting out in laughter.

"Emma? Emma, Tariq Emma?!" I exclaim.

"Why the hell are you so upset?" He asks, confused with hands apart.

I release another laughter, slapping my palms together. "Are you dumb or have you completely lost all your marbles?" I ask placing an index finger to my temple with knitted brows.

He releases some of the tension of body and sighs. "This is who I am, Jada." He says softly, slightly raising his hands and dropping them back down.

This is who he is. He chose this life over me? That's why he.. left?

My eyes get teary and my heart aches as well at his response; I force myself not to let any tears fall. Too much tears in one day, that's not who the fuck I am. That's never who the fuck I've been. Why did I even come here? Why did I try to seek comfort in someone that's practically abandoned me for white blonde girls?

"Then I guess I was the stupid one to have thought you've changed." Shaking my head slowly, I attempt to enter my car when his hand grabs my upper arm. I tug my arm out of his hold, glaring back at him. "Don't ever speak to me again." I smile. Why am I smiling?

I retreat to the White House where I find Mariyah having ice cream in the kitchen.

"Hey." I walk pass her in search of alcohol.

"Hi?" She says hesitantly.

Pouring myself a shot of scotch, I settle myself comfortably on a chair across from her. She notices my eyes red.. red from crying on the way here. The tears helped relieving some of the depression and the mental hyperventilation but it didn't wash away the pain.

I do not need Tariq and my heart is still in perfect peace.

I repeat this over and over in my mind, eventually accepting that denial is only breaking my heart a little more.

"What's wrong?" She asks and I immediately chuckle.

I take a sip of my drink then tapping my middle finger on the glass repeatedly. "Truth and Trust." I smile.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Our tattoos. I told you that I'd explain the meanings to you one day." I breathe as I stare at my drink, circling the edges with my index finger. Mariyah stays silent in listening.

"When I found out about my sister's kidney and my family being a lie. That day when Tariq and I left the game, I randomly decided to get a tattoo. I chose the word 'TRUTH', simply because of the lies I've been living in. I wanted to be an example of the opposite of lies. Truth. He wanted to know why I chose that tattoo, he knew deep down that there was a reason behind it by the look in my eyes and the conversation we had prior to the tattoo. He said he'll get the word 'TRUST' to prove to me I can trust him with my truth." Still smiling, a hurtful smile..

"So.. what happened?" Her voice filled with concern.

"I didn't tell him I was coming. When I got there I saw him with Emma and now I don't know why I feel this way about it." My voice starts to break and the sobs might soon follow suit. "I saw all the signs that he was long gone but as soon as I got weak, I went chasing after him like an idiot and now I feel so humiliated."

Mariyah circles around immediately, hugging me around my shoulders.

Hugs are for pussies.

"It's okay." She says softly, placing a kiss against my temple.

"His dad told me he loved me." I finally tell her.

"Tyrell loves you?" She recoils quickly, searching my face.

"No! I mean.. Tyrell told me that Tariq loves me."

Why would he love me? Maybe he did at first but when he realized how many baggage I came with, he was quick to withdraw. Who would actually choose me over their exciting, lavish life? Especially a guy like him. Who am I to think I was special? That he'd give up the blondes and one night stands just to be with me..

She deflates in relief and sighs, "and you love him." She tells me. Not asking but telling me with confidence because she knows.

And its no use fighting it anymore. It'll only tear me apart even more.

Chills run through me at her words, knowing how much truth is applied to it. I sigh, taking another sip of my drink.

I actually, really love him.

"And you should tell him. Stop this drinking and go after him."

"It's too late. I did that earlier only to find out he made his choice. He's a player, has been, always will be. This is who he is." I reach for my phone.

"Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. He and Emma could be nothing." She says as I ignore her, making a call.

Yeah right, after all the history they have?

After my conversation, I get up to leave again.

"You going somewhere?" She asks.



"To remove my tattoo." I walk out the kitchen before she could object any further.

"What? Where?" She yells.

"Dr. Vince."

Dr. Vince agreed that I would have to pay extra to get it done on such sudden notice, I agreed.

The rate my heart is going and the speed I'm driving at, I'm not sure which one is the bigger threat to my life. I pullover at a random luxury unisex salon to release some steam. I roll my tinted window down, allowing the fresh air to dry my eyes rather than this a.c. I take some deep breaths to pull myself together, momentarily getting drawn into my tattoo.

"JJ?" The last voice I was expecting to hear is Kyrie's. Why is he here?

I dubiously look out the window and the reason is obvious. His hair is all out. All his curls are down in all their glory, hovering beneath his ears. I didn't even know his hair was that long, making him even more appealing that he already is.

"What.. are you doing here?" He asks again, subtly trying to pull me out of my trance.

I blink twice and open my mouth for about two seconds before the words come, "I just.. nothing." I say awkwardly, not being able to come up with a lie that makes sense. All my life, I've never felt the need to care enough to lie to anyone simply because I'm not scared of them. I now understand why people might tend to lie sometimes; to avoid any further questions about a stingy situation.

His brows creases the slightest as he studies me. Probably noticing the dried tears, tension in my shoulders or how tight I'm holding the steering wheel.

He circles around and enters the car, taking a seat next to me. That's always been the one good thing about him. Instead of asking stupid questions like "are you okay?" after obviously seeing that I'm not, he takes initiative and jumps straight into action with the intention of helping. Apart from his height, that's probably one of the attributes that landed him quarterback of the football team back in high school, always knowing what to do next in most given situations or coming up with creative ideas. If only he'd taken such care of me when his minions attempted to fuck up my self esteem.

He stares at me, reading between all the lines of my crestfallen state. Instead of saying anything, he begins to lean in and my heart rate picks up again. Is this going to happen? Is it supposed to? What am I doing? Am I supposed to be doing it?

Before I can continue to overthink a kiss that he clearly thinks twice on doing, his lovely lips surpasses mine, kisses my cheek instead and hugs me tightly. It feels good, comforting and reassuring. It's nice being heard without speaking. For someone to get an answer without asking me a question.

I sigh internally, slowly accepting that my life may be turning into the toxic story between two boys.

"Unlock your phone. I'll send you a link and we'll play an online game later." He tells me and I couldn't help the chuckle he effortlessly earned.

I never knew this playful, goofy side of him before. I wonder if this is really who he is when all the dark clouds of good looks, popularity and babes are subtracted from the equation.


As I get to the doctors office, I wait a while until he's ready for me. Getting inside, I sign some papers and is instructed to be seated at a specific area. The doctor comes in and greets me. He asks me a few questions in regards to my tattoo and is now ready to laser this mistake out of my skin.

As he is about to get started, a voice booms throughout the room yelling.

"Stop!" The familiar voice demands.

"What the fuck, Tariq?"

"How did you get in here? I'm calling security." The doctor retorts.

"You won't get a response from them right now." Tariq says to him.

Did he attack the security to get pass?

"Wait." I tell the doctor, now curious as to why Tariq is here. "Have you lost your mind?" I ask Tariq.

"Yes. Yes I did." He hurries over to me, my brows creasing in confusion and my heart races faster the closer he gets.

Taking my right hand which has the tattoo in his, pulling a seat to sit in front of me. I stare at him confused, lined with other emotions. "What?" I ask.

"I have lost my mind." He agrees once more to what I said.. I search his brown eyes as he searches mine. "Completely lost my mind and is fucking crazy to leave you, Jada. I don't want you to remove this tattoo just as much as how I don't want you to remove yourself from my life." His sincerity is impossible to hide and I never realize how much I needed this reassurance until now. The effect Kyrie's hug gave me early slowly dissipates which makes me wonder if that 'effect' was even real.


"But nothing, Jada. I developed real emotions for you.. but after a while I forced myself to accept that maybe I'm not good enough for you. Was I a jerk? Yes. Did you change that? Most definitely."

"But they say first impressions last and the only way I saw fit for you to believe that I'm not a dick anymore was to avoid you, go back to my old ways and forget about being with a dime as yourself. I am a stupid idiot, you are too good for a jerk like me but I want to let you know that I'm not the same anymore. When I got to the café, Emma was already there and she wanted us to hang out so I was like well okay. It didn't mean anything." He explains and I scowl deeply as my hands tremble.

He didn't leave because he chose that life over me, he left because he thought I was too good for him?

Dear God.

"Why are you doing this? I mean.. what do you want?" I ask, searching his eyes some more.

I basically understand what he's trying to say but I need clearer reassurance. I need to hear it from him loud and clear so I don't overthink the wrong things.

"What I don't want, is to lose you." He tells me, I immediately take a deep breath and exhale some of the confusion out in the air.

"Can I show you something?" He asks, earning a nod.

I cancel my appointment before leaving with him. The doctor discreetly watched the entire exchange. Feeling guilty for making him squeezing me between his busy schedule, I request for him to keep the money.. He proudly gives the money back to me, understanding the teenage twisted love story. He probably had his fair share when he was our age. Smiling in amusement, he shakes his head at us leaving. "Young love." I think I heard him utter right before we closed the door behind us.

He takes me to a place beside a lake where he walks me towards the lake, now the sun is almost setting. The sunlight illuminates over the surface of the water, creating a ray of light in a straight line over the water making the scene perfect for whatever is about to happen. The most peaceful place.

It's gorgeous.

Tariq turns to me, gently taking my hands in his and my butterflies still flutter from his touch. I hope he can't hear how loud my heart is thumping right now. "You're the most unstably perfect human being I've ever met. You're so different and you inspire me in so many ways." He tells me, "I told you I wouldn't hit on you because I didn't want you to think I'm playing you. But I can't do this. I'm going out of my mind if I go through another day without you. I used to think I was happy with the life I was living and that I'd still be happy when I went back to it but.. it's meaningless now after meeting you. I know I'm not the type of guy you want to be with, maybe I.. I already fucked up my chances with you but I just want you to know that..."

"You're more than good enough, Tariq. You're perfect in every sense, every form. You ease the pain I feel and you don't even know it because I've never told you. You bring light to my life as much as this sunset. You won't lose me now, not ever." I assure him and mean it while he gazes in my eyes in disbelief, a smile of reassurance and relief breaks out on his face.

I can tell no one has ever said anything like this to him before. No one has ever made him feel so worthy and valuable and he's just realizing this. His eyes become glossy and he breathes in deeply to avoid crying.

"I never knew I was incomplete or lifeless until you came along. You give so much meaning to my life, a purpose to live." He places his palm on my cheek passionately. "Your smile, your voice, your face.. I can't go a day without.." I place my palm over his hand that's on my cheek, the focus of my eyes flutter between his eyes and his lips.

Staring in his eyes as many emotions ignites between our hearts, making us one.

"You're crazy." He chuckles and I chuckle too, shortly both of us gradually starting to laugh with our eyes still filled with tears that runs down one by one. He places the other palm on my other cheek and like before, I place my other palm over his hand as well. His body moves closer to mine, making the gap between us smaller. Our bodies and faces are separated by less that an inch. He squeezes my palm in his.

Shivers travel through my body just by seeing the mesmerizing features in his glistening eyes and I want to be this close to him forever. I want to kiss him, hold him so close that it becomes stifling and stay like that forever.

"With this kiss, you'll be mine?" The words finally leave his lips, I immediately take a deep breath and exhale.

"I do." I breathe, eliciting grins for both our faces.

"I love you, Curly." The goosebumps crawls against my skin and I'm dying of anticipation.

Biting my lower lip to conceal my anxiety by his words, the words escapes my lips. "I love you too."

He presses his forehead against mine, slowly leaning in his lips closer to mine. Our lips meet finally, savoring each other, completely closing the longing, craving gap between us, interlocking in a deeper kiss. It feels like new year's night when the clock strikes twelve and the fire works goes off, indicating a new beginning. He hugs me around the waist as I place my arms around his neck, wishing time could stop. In fact, it feels like time has indeed stopped and nothing else exists. I want this. I want us.

He tightens his grip on me, not breaking the kiss even for breath. I feel consumed by him, like a drug that has me hooked and rehab isn't an option, ever.


Happy now???

This is officially my favorite chapter. I guess this was the chapter we've all been waiting for.

Remember to vote!!!!!

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