The mafia's love

By bangtanfella1995

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Jeon Jungkook a mafia leader who is feared by everyone even the police , his past was a mess and he is danger... More

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By bangtanfella1995

Third person POV:
Taehyung was laying on the floor wounded because he was bitten to the point he now can't feel the pain .
He was looking at the ceiling until he heard the door open and a man enter.

Woobin: " well well, until I get what I want you will die , little one". Taehyung looked up in confusion.
Taehyung: " w-what do you want from me".
Woobin: " haha , so you don't know?!". Taehyung shook his head . "Your dad sold you to me as a sex slave , but since your dad played with me I will make you suffer to get to him ."
Taehyung was shaking with fear he will pay the price of his dad doing, oh how much he want to just die right now .
Taehyung: " I-I didn't do something, p-please let me go ." Woobin laughed and looked at taehyung with a smirk
Woobin: " all I need to do is to make you pregnant take the baby kill you and live with my girlfriend". Taehyung widen his eyes .
Taehyung: " h-how did you know !?". Woobin laughs again
Woobin: " that's why your dad sold you for highest price , because you can give a child ". While Woobin was laughing the door opened and came a girl .
Lisa: " ooh , that's why jungkook like you because you're beauty is unbelievable". Taehyung was just crying and shaking in fear .
Taehyung: " How d-do you know jungkook?!". Lisa smirks.
Lisa : " I'm his ex girlfriend, I cheated on him with Woobin so I can get what I want , do you know how he was ?! Like a cry baby , poor thing taught that I love him ." She faked wiping her tears .
Woobin: " enough with stories let's make a point now". He went to taehyung grabbed his arms and throw him to the bed and get on top of him while taehyung was screaming for help .
Woobin: " no one will help you , you whore ". And slapped taehyung hard that his nose bleed. While Woobin was removing taehyung shirt Lisa went out because she knows what will happen. Woobin was throwing taehyung'a boxers he heard a thud and a muffled scream but he didn't pay attention to that until he heard a voice that makes his legs shiver.
" Get your hands off what's MINE". He turned around to be met with and angry jungkook and the others pointing guns at him and Lisa unconscious in suga's back .

Jungkook gritted his teeth because he doesn't want anyone to see his baby naked in front of everyone. He will make Woobin beg to be killed.
Woobin: " look who we have here , the cry boy ". He laughed but jungkook his anger was to the limits he lowered his gun but the others no .
Jungkook: " lets see who will cry at the end ". Woobin shook his head .
Taehyung: " j-jungkook!! P-please don't get hurt". He blacked out because his pain was unbearable and he was becoming weak he didn't eat for almost 3 days .
Jungkook was going to bed but was stopped by Woobin pointing his gun at taehyung's head jungkook backed and talked with anger .
Jungkook: " if you touch a single hair of him I will kill everyone in your family, believe me in blink they are dead". Woobin widen his eyes but pretended to be normal .
Woobin: " you are no fun jungkook, I was going to have a little stress relief ". Jungkook just gritted his teeth then pointed his gun and shoot him in his stomach making Woobin screams in pain .
Woobin: " GUARDS ". The gang laughed
Jin: " you still think that your guards are alive ".
Woobin looked terrifiedand then jungkook punched him really hard because Woobin pointed his gun at Jungkook but he found himself blacked out .
Jungkook: " how weak asshole , take him to the basement with the bitch". Jungkook guards was a back up so he came and lifted them and took them out .
Jungkook run to taehyung and bend down to his level .
Jungkook: " baby wake up please ". Nothing no movement nothing just a lifeless body and a hard breathing taehyung.
Jimin : " lets take him home and do some check ups". Jungkook nodded and lifted taehyung and run to his car .

Jungkook was pacing at the hall way to get some information of what happened to taehyung, he was wounded and have his skin sliced, his lips bruised. Jin came out and patted jungkook's back .
Jin: " don't worry his fine now , he just need rest and eat a lot since he is weak physically and emotionally".
Jungkook nodded his head and sighed in relief.
Jungkook: " can I see him ?! ". Jin nodded but stopped him .
Jin: " just don't do noises and let him sleep since he is still unconscious." Jungkook nodded again and run to the door . He saw a chair lifted her and made his way near taehyung's bed , he examined his face , caressing his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Oh how much taehyung made him love this unreal human sleeping peacefully. After he saw lisa at the mansion he punched the hell out of her and he still want her to suffer, but one thing he didn't know , how did she know taehyung?! How did she know that he lives with him . What does she want from taehyung.questions was none answered but he taught when taehyung feel good he will ask him for now he is waiting for him to wake up and tell him how much he loves him he want to make him his lover forever and protect him till his last breath.he wanted taehyung for eternity build a family with him . But he was still afraid that the underground is dangerous for him , he doesn't want to make taehyung suffer more then he is now , the poor guy has enough he was broken the first time jungkook saw him he was fragile , first he lived a living hell with his parents he made sure to eliminate them from taehyung'a life and then here he is unconscious because of his family made him like he is an object.
Jungkook was thinking until he found himself fast asleep.
Little did he know that taehyung squeezed his hand and woke up .
Hello guys
I'm sorry for late update and have so much preparations of my studies so I will take time to think what to write .
Thank you for being patient .
Love ya all .

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