Times Three (X3)

Por kingbeeseries

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AN ORIGINAL TEEN FICTION/ROMANCE/MYSTERY NOVEL. One's dangerous interest in power, status and greed can lead... Más

CHAPTER 1 - Douchebags
CHAPTER 2 - Violence
CHAPTER 3 - Gorgeous Mariyah
CHAPTER 4 - Tariq
CHAPTER 5 - Invitation
CHAPTER 6 - Wild
CHAPTER 7 - The Gang
CHAPTER 8 - Blood Types
CHAPTER 9 - 18 Years
CHAPTER 11 - Tattoo
CHAPTER 12 - Truth & Trust
CHAPTER 13 - Secrets
CHAPTER 14 - Stabbed
CHAPTER 15 - Hands Where I Can See Them
CHAPTER 16 - Blueprint
CHAPTER 17 - Kissed
CHAPTER 18 - Fight
CHAPTER 19 - Home Sweet Home
CHAPTER 20 - Illinois
CHAPTER 21 - I'm Yours
CHAPTER 22 - The President's Daughter
CHAPTER 23 - I'm coming back for you
CHAPTER 24 - Jada is back
CHAPTER 25 - The Game
CHAPTER 26 - Cody And Mariyah
CHAPTER 27 - The White House
CHAPTER 28 - My Dad
CHAPTER 29 - Tension In The Room
CHAPTER 30 - Leverage
CHAPTER 31 - Dirty Work
CHAPTER 32 - Hurting
CHAPTER 33 - P.O.V's
CHAPTER 34 - Liars
CHAPTER 35 - Missing Peices
CHAPTER 36 - Prison
CHAPTER 37 - For The Right Price
CHAPTER 38 - Lost You Twice
CHAPTER 39 - I Love You
CHAPTER 40 - Sisters
CHAPTER 41 - Triplets Apart
CHAPTER 42 - Birth Name
CHAPTER 43 - Ugly Witch
CHAPTER 44 - Portrait
CHAPTER 45 - Date Night
CHAPTER 46 - Date Night 2
CHAPTER 47 - Hospital Bed
CHAPTER 48 - Leak Information
CHAPTER 49 - Leave The Nest
CHAPTER 50 - Kissing
CHAPTER 51 - Brunette
CHAPTER 52 - Cheated
CHAPTER 53 - Symbol
CHAPTER 54 - Yes
CHAPTER 55 - Disapprove
CHAPTER 56 - Wedding Or Not
CHAPTER 57 - Patrice
CHAPTER 58 - My Heart Aches
CHAPTER 59 - Apart
CHAPTER 60 - Helium
CHAPTER 61 - Press Conference
CHAPTER 62 - Darker Shades Of Black

CHAPTER 10 - Emotions

71 19 3
Por kingbeeseries

Previously On Triplets Apart:
Jada searches her parents room and finds adoption papers that are apparently hers. She's indeed adopted. She is hurt and puzzled at the fact that there's no evidence or ties to her biological parents or an agency. The only thing she could retrieve is an anonymous signature found on one of the papers, who's is it? She now realizes why her parents kept Paige's sickness a secret and now is urged to seek for answers.


Photo - Charlotte White.


It is now Sunday and Mom decided to take Paige to the hospital today instead of yesterday. Dad left early this morning to attend some function of the sort. On a Sunday.

My parents are always busy and hardly home though.

My dad owns this huge oil company and a shipping company as my mom is a high profiled realtor and investor. The houses she sells cost millions, she would make 5-10% of each profit and she sells houses everyday so you know she makes hundreds of thousands. They're both worth 60 million dollars combined.

With a few different emotions, I manage to feel, hurt, confusion, suspicion and I'm sure there are more, all at once. If I wasn't so good at handling my feelings, maybe I would be in depression by now. I mean, what does the average person do after finding out that all their life has been one big lie? How is that normal? Is it normal? How much longer can I thug this out for? Even though Paige and I are so different, I could talk to her about anything. She is sweet and caring, she was still a sister.

Speaking of differences, it makes sense now why we're so not alike. It is all making sense now. God, Paige is really not my real sister. My eyes instantly get teary at the thought, inhaling a deep breath to reverse the tears, releasing an exasperated sigh.

If these people are not my real family, then who is? Where is my biological parents? Could I have siblings? Why wasn't my biological parents names on the adoption papers? Why wasn't an agency's name on it either? With all these questions, I know that I have to take matters into my own hands. Why ask my parents when all they'll do is lie some more?

I'm on the floor, laying on my back with my feet up on the wall. I don't feel like myself, I feel.. lost.. and numb. I stare in the ceiling without shifting focus.

"J?" Charlotte's voice sweeps through my thoughts. I sit up and turn to face her.

"We're going to go to the hospital now." She smiles nervously. It seems she's forgotten that I can read through any expression and they all have a tell.

"Are you sure Paige is okay?" I offer her once more another opportunity to come clean but of course, she lies again.

"Sure.. maybe she's just stressed. We're just going for a follow up visit." She intertwines her fingers nervously. Again, everyone has a tell.

Paige folds her lips when she lies as my mom fidgets with her fingers when she does it. My dad is the only man I can't study, he taught me everything I know anyways..

I smile emotionlessly. "Okay." I regain my position on the cold marble floor with the soothing of the Persian rug, putting my feet back up.

"Are you okay, honey?" She asks. I close my eyes, intaking a deep breath, she calls me "honey" ever since I was a little girl as dad calls me "baby girl".

"I'm fine, mom." I let out another breath, might as well we all be liars since it's now a family trend.

"Okay." She says nodding and then leaves.

I open my phone again to look at the pictures I captured then walking over to my California king bed to take a seat on it. Powering my laptop to life to look up samples of adoption papers and they are nothing like the ones I found in my dad's safe.

My dad gave me a secret application on my laptop that could search for people by name, facial recognition, signatures and a lot more. It also does thorough background checks that are usually very accurate and reliable. I attach a usb from my phone to my laptop and upload the photo of the signature to the software. I scan the photo in the application which is followed by the results of a man.

An African American man, dressed in a black suit. Based on his posture, this photo was used for like a state I.D, work I.D, or passport etc. I save his photo to my laptop then transfer it to my phone through the usb. His name is Tyrell Aniston and he's a powerful lawyer, worth over 20 million dollars. There's a location for his law firm and his work hours.

I dig a little deeper for any information of him being affiliated with adoption agencies but there's no sign of that. He has zero connections to any adoption agency at all. If he did, then it would be written somewhere in his occupation summary. He's a legitimate lawyer so what reason does he has to hide it?

Why was his signature on my adoption papers if he had no ties to adoption? Why's my biological mother and father's name not on it? Neither do I see a name of the hospital that I was really born in. I save Tyrell's information to my laptop and phone then slam my laptop shut as this is a dead end. I have nowhere else to look.

It is now 11:00am and I hear my mom driving in. I head downstairs as she makes her way inside and our eyes meet.

"Where is Paige?" I ask.

"Uhh.. they decided to keep her overnight.. to like.." I cut her off with a simple "Okay." I need not to hear another lie in one day.

I head back upstairs and take a shower then rubbing on moisturizer and putting on a red Balmain lounge dress with pockets, like an oversized hoodie dress that looks fire.. and black and white Balenciaga sneakers. I gather my thick curly hair in one, achieving a ponytail. I put in a pair of diamond ear rings and jewelry. Throw some money, gum, my phone and lipgloss in a black chest bag then clipping it lock on me, then grab my keys and head out without saying anything to my mom.

I drive to Townhall Hospital and head straight to the receptionist area. Pacing through the halls as I avoid body contact with people. I find a nurse which I inform about the reason for my visit and he directs me to Paige.

I peek through the clear door on her for a while before entering. She looks helpless, wearing a white hospital gown and laying down. I take a moment to breathe and regather both pieces of my heart.

My sister is lying in a hospital bed. I've always hated those damn white gowns that sick people wear, it's ridiculous.

I enter the room but she doesn't hear me come in. As I slowly walk over to the bed, she takes a glance at me. A look of shock runs across her eyes. I place my hands in my pockets and stare at her, she can't see any emotion on my face but I know that she can definitely see it in my eyes.

"J.." she starts.. "I'm just.." She continues and I cut her off.

"It's okay." I say softly assuring her.

"You know." She replies softly in realization.

"I know." I nod.


"Dr Wilson called yesterday. I was so devastated. I got tested but.. I wasn't a match."

"You know that's exactly why I didn't tell you right? You know I couldn't accept a kidney from you. I.. I didn't want to hurt yo.." I cut her off again not wanting her to bother herself anymore. She's the victim here too and apparently she's been through enough.

"I know. It's okay." I say, walking over to her, taking her hand in mine and squeezing it. We share a smile. "So when is this happening?"

"Tonight." she replies.

"I'll be here."

"I know."

My phone rings inside my bag breaking the room's emotions. I remove my hand from hers and reach for my phone. It's Mariyah.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey. We still going to the game with them?"

"Shit. I totally forgot." rubbing my forehead with the other hand. "I'll send you the address Tariq sent me yesterday. I think we have like an hour."

"Cool." She replies and I hang up.

"I'm gonna go now." I look to Paige, taking her hand again.

"See you tonight." She replies. I smile and nod then begin to walk out.

"I love you, sister." Her words stop me dead in my steps and close my eyes. I inhale a deep breath, trying to suppress the thousands of emotions running through me and turn back to her.

"I love you too, sister."


I'm not crying, ok.
Remember to vote!

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