#SOTUS Continued: Book One A...

By krstjb

1.1M 63.1K 11.8K

Arthit, Knott, Prem, Tutah, and Bright are in their Third year and known as the crazy engineering gang to the... More

Something Changed
Gone Mental
Why Are You So Happy
Take Care Of It
Important To Me
They Don't Love You As Much As I Do
The Elephant in the Room
The Rarest Of Things
You Can Kill Me Later
Take Care Of Your Nong
Maybe Friends Can Be a Good Thing
We Need To Talk
Always Hold My Heart
Who He Belongs To
You Belong To Me
I'm Not Happy
Part Of Me Just Broke
Does The Universe Hate Me
Author's Note
It Was Only Him For Me
What My Heart Wants
Want To Know Them The Most
The Dark Things
Another Man Down
This Is Awkward
My Confusion
Pair Of Idiots
Names. I Want The Names Now!
Author's Note
Meant To Be There
Things Just Creep Into My Life
Things I Don't Normally Do
Can't Shake The Feeling
Whole And Present
Can Someone Please Explain
Blissful To Hellish
Smile That Big
Because He is Mine
Greatest Treasure
Want This Day To Be Over
From My Heart
All The Dirty Details
The Loner And The Angry Hazer
The Idiot
Makes Me Happy
Your Drunk Ass
That's My Job, Nong
What Happened?
Cold Showers
Time To Hunt Monsters
Two Boxes of Chocolates, Nong
Without A Word
My Anchor
Smile At The View
If Just...
Comes With Instructions
He Is Your Someone
Use Your Words
Not Alone Anymore
It Is Time
He Is Ours Now
What Is Going On
Slow Burn
Talk To Me
I Don't Know
Something About This Is Not Right
Something Stupid
It Begins Now
Blue Jackets
Time To Be Brave
It Just Happened
Did I Tell Him I Love Him
Made You Bleed
When I Find You Cute
Something To Treasure
Come Home To Me
Worst Nightmare
My Heart And Home
From The Ashes
The Past
And The Survey Says
Home With Me
Time To Plan
Oddly Familiar
Lost Their Ever-Loving Minds
Voice Of Reason
Pound Some Sense
Stalking Our Friends
Be Honest
Not Funny
Death Of Me
Day Of Reckoning
What The Fuss Would Be About
Temporary Insanity
I Am A Masochist
Stupid Factor
Having A Moment
Idiot Missing
Missing The Point
Enough Questions
Only Thing That Needed To Be Here
I Am Still Here With You
Happiest I Have Ever Been
Author's Note
Be Late
Not Ready
Not What I Expected
Other Boys
Rainbow Colored
Take Responsibility
Bright Side
Testing The Waters
Fight For You
Crazy Person
I Don't Wanna
Stuck At That Moment
Grow Out Of It
I Will Survive
My Heart Hurt
Feeding My Curiosity
When I Am The Happiest
Something Important
My Heart Breaks
Out Of The Closet
Save You
Make Him Smile
I Am Not Fine
Room Not Found
Use Your Charms
Be Prepared
Out Of The Blue
Movie Date
On Hold
Friend I Needed
I Quit
What Have I Done
He's Gone
Broken Gears
Learn To Fly
Sex On The Brain
Cold Reality
Something Bad
Waited For Tomorrow
Pain In The Ass
Do You Want To Die
Hoodie and Boxers
From The Start
Part Of The Experience
Déjà Vu
Thoroughly Punished
Batshit Crazy
Love Makes You Stupid
As You Wish
My Everything
Family Affair
Everyone's Hero
Good Wife
Young And Stupid
Just Your Friends
Everyone's Radar
The Darkness
Tomorrows Are Not Always There
Going On An Adventure
Past Mistakes
The Cast
#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove Tale


4.4K 275 74
By krstjb

Prem's POV

"Do you have everything?" I ask, looking at the bags on the bed. "We don't know how long we will have to be there."

"You know you don't have to go," Wad sighs, "You are going to miss class."

We have had this argument almost every day since the court date was announced in some way or another. I don't know why Wad is so adamant about this. It is not like there could be anything new for me to hear, and if he is concerned about me missing school, I got that taken care of with my advisor. It was actually pretty easy. All I had to do was mention that bastard's name. Wad might not be happy I am going, but there is no way I would let him do this alone, and he knows it.

"Are we going to go over this again?" I turn to look at him. "I thought I made it pretty clear that I was going. I talked to my professors, and they have given me permission to go."

"I know," Wad mumbles, "I just... I don't know Prem. I hate this. Why do I have to go? I told them everything already. How many times am I going to have to relive this?"

"This will be the last time," I say, walking over and hugging him. "After this, it will just be the past." I can feel him take a ragged breath as he begins to cry. As much as I hate this, I want him to finish this. P'Dean needs to be punished. It is time to leave this moment behind. I stand there, letting him cry. When he steps back, I wipe his cheeks.

"Better?" I ask. I want to point out to him that this is why I am going, but I don't.

"As if," Wad says with a watery chuckle. "Let's get going, or we are going to miss the bus."

"Is your mom going to pick us up at the station?" I ask, picking up our bags.

"No," Wad answers, holding out a hand for his bag. "The shop won't be closed yet. Give me my bag. I can carry it." I slap his hand away and grin. I love it when he pouts like that.

"And I can carry it, too," I tell him as I walk to the door opening it. "After you," I say, smiling at him. Wad walks by, dropping a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you," Wad mumbles as we walk out the door.

"Anytime," I grin.

"Goof," Wad laughs.

"Only for you," I tell him, locking the door.

Wad and I take a tuk-tuk from the station to his mom's house. Dropping the bags on the floor by Wad's bed, I stretch before I sit down. The trip down was long and uncomfortable.

"Mom says she will be here soon," Wad informs me leaning against the door frame looking at his phone. "She wanted to know if we were hungry."

"I would hate to make her cook after she worked all day in the shop. Maybe we could go out to eat?" I suggest as my phone goes off. Taking out the phone, I frown, seeing it is my mom. "Hello, Mom? Here? Why are you here?" I look at Wad. "Ok. We will meet you there once Wad's mom gets here. Love you, too. Bye."

"We are going to meet your Mom?" Wad asks, "She is here?"

"Her and Dad are both here," I say, "Did my mom tell you she was coming? You talked to her last." She talks to Wad more than she talks to me nowadays.

"She didn't mention it," Wad sits down beside me, "Did you tell her about the court date?" I shake my head.

"I meant to," I explain, "But I got busy and forgot."

"Boys?" Wad's mom calls from the front of the house. "Are you here?"

"Yes," Wad says, standing up, "Come on. Let's go see Mom."

Walking into the front room, Wad's mom is putting down a box. "Mom," I scold, "Why didn't you call one of us to carry that?"

"It was a last-minute delivery to the shop as I was walking out. I was too lazy to take it back to the shop when the messenger gave it to me and besides I wanted to see my boys. Don't worry. It wasn't that heavy," she laughs, "Come here and give me a hug." Wad walks over and hugs his mom first before I do. "Have your parents called N'Prem?"

"You know they are in town?" I ask.

"Of course," Wad's mom laughs, "They know about the court date. Did you think they wouldn't be here to support Wad and you?"

"We didn't know," Wad says. Wad's mom must have told my parents about the date of the trial. But I am happy knowing that my parents care enough about Wad to be here for him, not that I didn't think they loved Wad. Although I wish they didn't have to hear all the gory details of what he went through.

"Did they call and say where we are eating?" Wad's mom asks. I see she already knows we are eating out with them. I wonder if my mom and her talk every day, and if one day, Wad and I will be told to show up to a wedding, our mom's both planned without our knowledge. It wouldn't surprise Wad or me.

"Yes, Mom," Wad answers, grinning at me. I guess we are both thinking the same thing. "Prem, will you call a taxi for us?"

"Will do," I smile, pulling out my phone.

Wad's POV

Getting out of the shower, I wipe the mirror so I can see myself and sigh. I turn so I can see my back. I look at the scars as I trace one. I knew this day was coming, and I am glad it finally is here, but I feel like I can't breathe. The sense of panic that began yesterday, when Prem and I stepped off the bus, is starting to overwhelm me. Prem didn't say anything this morning, but I am sure I had nightmares last night. I think they have been getting worse as the court date approached.

"Wad?" Prem calls from the other side of the door. "Are you ok?" The concern in his voice warms my heart. I don't know how I would have survived if he wasn't here with me. The door opens, and Prem looks at me before he comes over, wrapping his arms around me.

"You won't be alone," Prem breathes into my hair. "I will be with you every step of the way. My parents and your mom will be there."

"I know," I mumble against his shoulder. "I just wish..." I trail off. Wish what? Wish it never happened? But if it never happened, would I be with Prem? This person is like my reward for surviving this. Not having him in my life is something I can't even fathom.

"Son," Mom calls, and she walks into view. "No time for that, you two. We need to hurry." I gape at my mom and can feel Prem laugh. How could she think we were doing that now? I am so embarrassed. Prem kisses my cheek before he leaves me to get dressed. I can get through this. I am not alone. I put my bracelet on, and I run my fingers across the engraved word.

"Always," I sigh. "I can do this."

Looking around to see if I have left anything, I sigh. It is the same room I came to after that day, and all the days after that, I endured by myself, but now, when I am here, Prem is here with me.

"Mom," I call out, walking into the living room only to have Prem hold his finger to his lips. I frown.

"I see," My mom says to someone on the phone. "Are you sure? I don't understand. I will come there shortly." Mom hangs up the phone and looks at me with an unreadable expression.

"Wad, you are to stay here," My mom tells me.

"Stay here?" I ask, "The trial is going to start in an hour. We have to leave if we are going to beat traffic."

"The trial has been postponed," My mom informs me. I don't know when I started laughing, but Prem is cupping my cheek and looking at me, concerned.

"Did you hear, Prem?" I laugh. "It has been postponed." I can't stop laughing.

"Wad?" Prem calls, his voice dripping with worry.

"I came all the way here. I know my nightmares are worse even though you don't tell me," I rail at my boyfriend, "And they postponed it!" I sink to my knees, "I want this over!" I shout at my mom and Prem. "OVER!"

Mom kneels beside me, "I know, baby. All of us do." She looks over to Prem. "N'Prem and I will go to find out what happened. You stay here."

"But..." I start.

"I will go with your mom, Wad," Prem strokes my cheek, "I will find out what is going on. Ok?" I nod against his palm. "Are you going to be ok?"

"Yes," I mutter, "I am just so tired, Prem."

"I know, love," Prem wipes away a tear with his thumb, "I will be back. Just go lay down."

Prem walks me back to my room. I lie down on the bed, burying my face in the pillow Prem uses. Prem rubs my back.

"Wad," I hear my mom's voice, but I don't look up, "Prem and I will be back as soon as we find out what has happened." I nod, unsure and uncaring if my mom can see it. Prem kisses my ear.

"I will be back," Prem reassures, "Just rest." I nod again, afraid to trust my voice.

I listen as the door to my room closes and then the front door. I am so tired of this, of everything. I nuzzle the pillow smelling Prem's cologne as I drift off to sleep.

Prem's POV

I wait for the taxi to pull away from Wad's house before I ask, "What are you not telling me, Mom?"

"I didn't like the tone of the lawyer's voice," Wad's mom says, "Something is off. He wouldn't tell me why they postponed it, but I will make him tell me when we get there."

"Do you think it has to do with all the packages?" I question, trying to think about what possibly could have happened to make them delay this trial.

"I haven't gotten one in two weeks." Wad's mom states, "Have you?"

"Same," I sigh. "You would think that would be comforting, but it has made me more on edge. Like I am now waiting for what is going to happen next. It is as if I am watching a ticking time bomb. The closer the trial got, the more anxious I have gotten. Wad doesn't know how close of an eye I kept on him when they stopped."

"How would he not notice?" Wad's mom looks at me.

"Because I have threatened all of his friends with death if they let it slip," I growl.

"And how did your friends take you threatening their boyfriends?" Wad's mom gives me a lopsided smile.

"They were included in the promise," I smile back at her. "I am sure they would not have been pleased with me if they knew."

"I am sure," Wad's mom agrees.

Arriving at the courthouse, we are met with a media circus. Wad's mom and I look at each other confused.

"You don't think they are all here for the trial?" I look down at her, "Do you?"

"God, I hope not," Wad's mom mutters, "Come on. Let's go find the lawyer, a judge, or someone who can tell us what is going on."

We walk by a report as they countdown to do their report.

"Today, a prison transport van was run off the road on its way to court. The driver of both the prison van and the other vehicle were pronounced dead at the scene. The passenger in the other vehicle was transported to the hospital in serious condition. The inmate Dean Tangtrongchit escaped the van and is now the subject of a search. Citizens are advised to consider him armed and dangerous. We will be back to you as this story develops," the reporter finishes and looks at her cameraman. "Did you get that?" The cameraman nods.

The words that the report said are on loop in my mind. P'Dean has escaped? Why is he considered armed? How the hell did he get a weapon? I look at Wad's mom.

"Wad's alone," I tell her, "We have to go! We have to get back home." I grab her hand and start running to the street. Why the fvck did we make him stay? He is fvcking alone!

2169 11-3-19

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