The Unwanted Daughter [An SVU...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

73.5K 1.9K 89

Bay Hanson, well now known as Bay Stabler, was just a foster child. Her mother didn't want her because she wa... More

-Fourteen: What If?-
Author's Note
-Eighty-One: No Longer Unwanted-


492 13 0
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Bay knew that she had to tell her mother about her conversation with Elliot, and she was hoping that she wouldn't take it too bad. But Bay was now thinking about her child, and that she didn't want her son or daughter to be hurt by Elliot because he decided that the baby wasn't good enough because Bay is its mother.

"You still look tired. Are you sure you want to go see your Mom right now?" Wes asked, the morning that Bay called her father.

"I need to see her, Wes. I know that you are worried about the baby-"

"And you." Wes interrupted. Bay turned towards him and smiled gently.

"We are good. I'm tired, but I'll be okay. I just need to talk to her and make sure she knows I'm not hiding anything from her. I need her right now."

"I know you do, but promise me to come home and get some rest. Okay?"

"I promise. Or I could just lie to you since you are going into work." Bay smirked, and Wes shook his head.

"I'll be calling you tonight at five. If you don't sound like you slept at least two hours, then I'm gonna be angry." Wes replied.

"No, you aren't. You are just going to pamper me tonight and turn my alarm off in the morning before it goes off so that I can get some extra sleep. Now, shoo. I have to go too."


Bay showed up at the precinct, and she carried two cups of tea to her mother's office. She just wanted to get this over with as painlessly as possible, but she was unsure if that was possible. Her mother was very much against Bay and Noelle being in contact with Elliot, but it was easier to keep the almost three-year-old away from her father, but it was hard with Bay because she's married and going to have a baby in a mere 28 weeks.

"Tea?" Bay asked as she opened the door to her mother's office. Olivia looked up from her desk and quickly pushed her glasses up onto the top of her head.

"What are you doing here, Bay? Don't you have class or a husband to take care of?" Olivia asked.

"Wes is at work, and I don't have class till tomorrow. Uh, but do you want this tea or should I see if Amanda wants it?" Bay asked, and Olivia sighed before standing and grabbed the cup. She nodded her thanks, before turning and walking back to her desk.

"Why are you here, Bay?" Olivia asked.

"Mom, I love you and I want to be around you. I'm bored, and I wanted to talk." Bay replied.

"You spoke to your father, huh?" Olivia asked, as she put her glasses back on and turned to look at her computer.


"You may be an adult and be married, but I told you not to talk to him but you ignored that. So I'm not happy with you right now." Olivia replied, her voice cold and sharp.

"I'm gonna leave then," Bay spoke. She took her cup and dropped it into the trash can by the door before walking out.

She wasn't going to give up on her mother, but she knew that she had to give her some space and let her figure out how to deal with this. 


Between school, work, and just the general busyness of life, Olivia and Bay didn't talk for several weeks. Bay was busy trying to pass all of her first semester classes, and Olivia was focusing on Noelle. They didn't even see each other for Thanksgiving because Bay and Wes were in Rhode Island with his family.

By the time it was a week before Christmas and they were planning on what to happen, Bay was 22 weeks pregnant and hadn't talked to her mother in 10 weeks. That had never happened before until now.

"Okay, one more and we can start making our plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day," Maureen spoke, as she closed the front door to her mother's house. It just made it easier to not tell Liv that Bay was coming over to help plan Christmas because then she couldn't come up with an excuse to avoid her daughter.

"Who else is coming over?" Olivia asked after she took Noelle's jacket off. Eli took his little sister's hand and led her over to the toy box where he started to show her all the toys he didn't want her to ruin.

"Uh-" Lizzie started, but then the doorbell rang. Maureen was quick to turn around and answer it, a smile on her lips when she saw her sister standing there.

"Come in and be quick. All exits are locked because we are forcing Liv to speak to you." Maureen spoke, and Bay swallowed hard. She hated that right now she was tricking her mother into speaking to her.

"She's going to want to kill us all for this," Bay whispered, as she stepped into the house. She slipped her jacket off before tugging her sleeves down over her hands.

"Alright, let's start planning now!" Kathy spoke, as she waved a Bay. Olivia came out of the kitchen and stopped when she saw her daughter standing there.

She swallowed hard as she looked at her daughter over and saw how good she looked. She was taking care of herself and her child, and she looked like she was getting more sleep than she ever had gotten before.

"Hi, Mom." Bay breathed, as she reached up and pushed one of her long brown curls behind her ear.

"Bay," Olivia replied.


The Christmas planning was awkward. Even if their relationship had started off on the wrong foot, Kathy and Bay had started to talk after her accident and Kathy had been helping Bay plan this ambush because she wanted to tell her mother about the baby, and what they had found out about it. 

But it just seemed like Olivia was trying to avoid talking to her daughter at all costs. Bay felt bad about this because she didn't like cornering her mother. She knew that her mother tended to get anxious and angry when cornered.

"Okay, so just send me the time and where. I'll make sure that Wes and I are on time with gifts and food." Bay spoke, even before they had eaten lunch.

"You are already taking off?" Kathleen asked, with a frown.

"This was a nice attempt, but I just hate making her feel like we are all against her. And I'll just have to wait to tell her... I guess." Bay replied.

"Tell me what?" Olivia mumbled as she came out of the bathroom. She looked at her daughter and stepdaughter because she knew that they had been talking about her.

"Mom-" Bay started.

"If you are talking to your father-"

"Ivy Blake. It's your granddaughter's name. That is what I was going to end up waiting to tell you because you are so upset. This was a mistake, and we never should have put you in this situation against your will. I'm going to head out now, so I love you..." Bay spoke. She turned to Kathleen and hugged her before slipping from the house as quietly as possible.

Kathleen turned to look at Olivia and swallowed hard.

"Are you okay?" She questioned.

"I'm such a bitch sometimes... I didn't even try. I just ignored her all day and I've been ignoring her for the past ten weeks. How long have you known about the baby?" Olivia asked.

"Two weeks. She sent you a copy of the sonogram picture that showed the fact that the baby is a girl. And she even had Ivy's name on it."

"I'm so dense. I didn't even look at it. I just threw it into the pile of trash mail that I didn't need." Olivia whispered.

"She doesn't talk to Dad. He isn't even in the city anymore. He left, don't know where he went but he left. She blocked his number the morning she told him that she was pregnant." Kathleen spoke.

"I should have listened to her when I had the chance..."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you like the baby's name, Ivy Blake Williams. A few weeks ago, Elliot_Michael_ and I came up with Williams as Wes' last name and Blake as his middle name. And he helped me pick out Ivy's name! So, please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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