Cabin Fever | ✓

By partiallyprecarious

1.3M 63.3K 47.2K

Completed. ☾ This is a SEQUEL!!! 1) 'Camp Where The Hell Are We?' 2) 'Cabin Fever' 3) 'Asterism' ☾ "I do be... More

(1) A VIP Seat To The Full Leo Kahn Experience
(2) The Word
(3) Nothing Else To Do But Put Condoms On Bananas In The Back Room
(4) Is It Against The Rules As The 'Narrative Breaking Damsel'?
(5) Less Talking. More Petting.
(6) Revelation 16:16
(7) You See Anything You've Never Seen Before, I'll Buy You Another Ferrari
(8) Tick Tock Spitfire
(9) Sixty Minutes
(10) Kidnapping Is Really Convincing Me To Forgive You
(11) Violet
(12) It's A Combination Of My Abs And My Snake Catching Abilities
(13) Fire And Ice
(14) You Dropped The Soap And Realized What You Were Missing
(15) Let Her Go
(16) Armour
(17) Surrender
(18) Defeat
(19) You Have The Wrong Equipment For Him
(20) The Untouchables
(21) It Accentuates Your Bad Boy Image
(22) Never Again
(23) Marley Hoover Forgetting Basic Muscular Anatomy
(24) Sometimes You've Got To Be Karma's Bitch
(25) The Cheerio Effect
(26) Predator And Prey
(27) Solipsism
(28) You Scouted The Area For Make Out Spots While We Were Waiting In Line
(29) Extinguish
(30) Hazel
(31) Tequila And My Dealers' Mystery Pack Took The Wheel
(32) You: *Smack* "Aiden Matthews!"
(33) Can I Put My Hand In His Pants?
(34) Aiden Took Me Away To A Private Lounge So I'd Dance On His Lap
(35) AWOL
(36) I Could Have An Opening To Be The Big Spoon For A Few Hours
(37) How To Be A Good Girlfriend For Dummies
(38) 💏 Until 🤫
(39) So I'm Being The 'Cheating Girlfriend' Or Whatever
(40) I Probably Would've Kept My Mouth Shut If Your Boyfriend Weren't A Sex God
(41) A Whiny Night Owl And The Sociopathic, Creepy Portuguese Twins
(42) Hooters. 2014.
(43) Hello, Brother
(44) Even Steven
(45) Referencing The Wizard of Oz When Ordering A One Night Stand Off Your Porch
(46) You're The Bermuda Triangle Of The Group Chat
(47) Perfect
(48) On My Life
(49) Deal With The Devil
(50) The Enemy Of My Enemy
(51) Envy
(52) Eyes Wide Open
(53) Petrichor
(54) That's A Matthews Jawline
(55) A Slew Of Threesome Offers From The Creeps Of The World
(56) Attack Of The Boyfriend Stealers: World War Groupie
(57) Are You Seriously About To Strip In The Middle Of The Woods
(58) He Wants To Know If You'd Be Into Edible Underwear
(59) I'll Burst In To Every Room As We Walk Off Into Blue Ball Sunset Together
(60) Promise
(61) Alongside Automatic Weapons In Trumps' America And Aiden's Fangirls
(62) A Rich Housewife Needing A Maintenance Boy
(63) Hero
(64) Bad Boys And Rules Are Mutually Exclusive Events
(65) You're Finally Worn Out
(66) Ohana
(67) Heart
(68) Wanna Have A Look At The Magic Happening In My Pants Right Now?
(69) JH
(70) You're In Wonderland, Alice
(71) That's Three Comments About The Yoga Pants, Matthews
(72) I Don't Like Being On My Knees
(73) Worth The Risk
(74) You're A Sex God, Mr. Grinch
(75) Jingle My Balls
(76) The Bigger The Head, The Easier The Target
(77) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook
(78) I'd Love To See You Naked
(79) Catch And Release
(80) You're Always A Babe Magnet
(81) Clothing, Groping and Chitchat
(82) You
(83) Hope
(84) Demons
Author Q&A Answers
(85 Part 2) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
Final A/N
Extra 1: Kingston High's Captain Asshole
Extra 2: Aiden's POV - The Butterfly Clip
Extra 3: Return To Kingston High
Extra 4: The Drawing
Asterism Republished!!!
The 2020 Readers Choice Awards!!
Fiction Awards CLOSING IN ONE HOUR!'
ASTERISM IS BACK with a 32 chappie update...❤️

(85 Part 1) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible

13.5K 578 958
By partiallyprecarious

i really, REALLY hope you'll read the final A/N ❤️ that follows this two part chapter it contains: sequel information, a final authors note, and new projects 🐸 ☕️ 👀


Enjoy the last chapter(s) of Cabin Fever! (There won't be an epilogue. I don't know why either.)

Lots of love — more than possibly be put into words — to every single reader who has stuck through to the end ❤️


🎵: Ho Hey by The Lumineers


Monday, January 15th, 2018


"When you fall in love with someone, it's brilliant, and beautiful, and earth-shattering. It shakes up the very core of your being, leaves imprints on your soul. -JH."

Aiden took a cross-legged seat across from her on the floor of her tidied bedroom.

Tonight was their last night at Camp Where The Hell Are We. Their final exams were taken, last camp activities finished, and rooms cleaned and organized to leave in the morning.

Their friends were all at the beach for a big night party that was being thrown for everyone to say final goodbyes, but Marley lately has preferred solitude.

"I've read all his quotes, and they all make so much sense. Especially if he was with someone older and wiser who helped him with these. But, there's something I don't get."

"And what's that?" Aiden coaxed gently.

"Love. Everything he's written here...he fell in love. I just wonder who it was he did fall for. I do know a lot about that." She shot Aiden a teasing glance that wasn't recuperated.

He was staring at the journal with a small, secret smile.

She frowned, "What's that look?"

Whatever crossed his expression faded instantly. He shrugged casually, "Maybe he was in love at one point. He'll tell you about it I'm sure, when he's feeling better enough to be allowed contact with the outside world. And speaking of contact with the outside world," he stood to his feet, holding out a hand.

"This is our last night here. Let's make the most of it."


The beach was lit up with lanterns strung across the trees and Tiki lights. Upbeat music was playing from a couple big speakers on a section of gravel with an aux chord. Obviously, Sarah manning the station with her claws out if anyone attempted to steal her thunder.

It hadn't rained for the last week, so the sand was dry, covered in towels and blankets with separated groups of friends across the shoreline. The moon was bright and full in the sky scattered with twinkling stars. The water was calm and warm, so swimming was an option — and a popular one.

There were red solo cups everywhere, the drinks table once again a prohibition operation. The drinking now though, was slow-paced and celebratory, unlike the party that happened after the final, gruelling three and a half hour lab and exam a few days ago.

The next morning Marley woke up at the chime of a text from Aiden — to take a look outside. He was passing by the girls' cabin for his jog, and the sight looked like they ran out of room for bodies in the hospital morgue, choosing to dump them all over the front porch, common room, and surrounding area of the girls' cabin at Camp Where The Hell Are We instead.

Marley and Aiden's competition to achieve the highest average overall meant that they were both more than prepared and didn't have to literally blackout afterwards to forget their failure.

It was probably the most strained their relationship had ever been, given all they did until exam day was give each-other the stink eye, attempt stealth operations to steal each other's study notes, try to use their friends as sources and when asked why they refused to touch each other, their answer was that it would be fraternizing with the enemy.

At the end of it all though, their averages were identical — ninety nine percent. After both shoving each other to make it to Mrs. Weiss' desk first, she then explained that it was the highest mark possible, they both scored a hundred percent on the exam, and should be proud of themselves for setting the curve.

It was then they stared at each other, realized all of it was pointless because a tie might as well be a loss, and Aiden took her back to his room. They had some serious making up for lost time to do.

And that afternoon was the longest nap either of them have ever had.

Aiden disappeared from Marley's side at Leo's coaxing to join in on a volleyball game, leaving her with Ethan and Gabby at the blankets.

Her best friend and Ethan are genuinely happy together. Their conversations are easy, he treats her right and the way he looks at her says it all. He's hoping for Yale next year, which means that the two of them will be able to take that step together.

They were snuggled into each other, debating the end of the universe theories while watching the stars. There were multiple theories, and all would happen in many billions of years, but both were determined to be right about which theory they believed, regardless. Marley did join in with her own opinion as well, but had no problems being the third wheel, always supportive of her best friend the same way Gabby was for her.

Marley leaned back on her elbows, eyes finding her boyfriend subconsciously. The guys' cabin and Bree were warming up for this huge, roughhousing game of volleyball. It was hilarious to watch them all go easy on Jason's girlfriend, who in turn cursed them out and held her own while Jason grinned proudly and cheered her on.

Everything felt safer, easier, now that there was no anonymous Instagram profile digging up dirt on her life. Marley could live in the moment in public places like this, no longer feeling as though she should always be looking over her shoulder.

The councillors part of the Instagram account took early leave from Camp Where The Hell Are We. Marley wasn't involved in telling the principal the truth, not wanting to be. Her friends took that on for her so she wouldn't have to. As an extra precaution, Leo called Dalton and made sure he had a discussion with Jay, Conner and Jen to deactivate the account for good.

Jess and Larissa were two people involved in the account as well, that Marley wasn't sure how to address, though they did approach her stumbling over apologies a few days ago.

Marley wasn't expecting anything from Trish. She didn't respect the girl at all for faking bruises to crucify Jordan, but never did find out the truth on that matter. Elena said Jordan wasn't violent like that, but there was something sincere about Trish's words that morning after Jordan cornered Marley in the bathroom. About wanting to escape and needing a way out without being vulnerable.

Marley didn't have a hope of getting a real explanation regardless. On their last day of class was the only time Trish approached Marley to talk. It wasn't a long conversation and involved Aiden, Leo and Gabby standing behind Marley with the most intimidating of stances, but she did say she apologized for whatever it was worth before walking away while filing her nails.

With Trish, that was the best closure she could've hoped for.

Marley was glad that part of her life — where she was the center of attention, spied on, and used for a petty revenge scheme — was long over. Especially now, when she had her broken family to put her focus into.

She spent seven years believing her mother and brother left her, only to find out that her brother was sick, and her mother wanted a fresh start.

Being ten when they left, her memory was not absolute and she buried a lot — as children often do when suffering trauma to protect themselves. Marley was glad for a lack of recall when it came to a darker side of Jacobi she wouldn't want to remember regardless, but now it all made so much sense. Waking up in the middle of the night and needing to curl up in a closet to feel safe again, hearing Jacobi shout for her to hurry. To run. To hide.

There were nights he protected her from their father, but so many more where there was nothing to protect her from.

Nights that she carried with her all these years, while her family ended up stuck, unable to find their way back to her. Jacobi — trapped in a prison. Their mother — trapped by her own guilt. Marley couldn't grasp the new concept considering she has held onto old beliefs for so long.

Her brother is still in closed rehabilitation. Bryan is working closely with the FBI to shut down the facility and the pharmaceutical companies who funded it. It's something he's happy to be a part of, and that could jumpstart a whole new career for him in the future.

For now though, he's still at home with Jenna and his son Chris, the three of them going so far above and beyond helping Marley's transition to their apartment go smoothly. She's offered to pay rent, her percentage of the groceries, do her fair share of chores and take her laundry to the laundromat but Bryan and Jenna only laughed at her.

She was on FaceTime with them the other night, admitting shyly that she's used to taking care of herself. She's never known the feeling of real parents who manage her life and provide for her, so imagining letting go of those ropes and allowing herself to be a typical teenager is throwing her off. It's always been the other way around between herself and her father. She's always been more the parent.

As far as Aiden's opinion on all of it goes, he was happy for her. He wanted her to have this chance at a family and didn't appear on edge. His hackles were relaxed.

Though Marley found out from Jenna about a 'secret' conversation between Chris and Aiden on an overhead FaceTime call that Chris agreed to be the Robin to Aiden's Batman, and look after his Rachel Dawes — Chris filled Aiden in on the name of Batman's love interest of the story.

The two of them had each other's contact information now.

Chri-Robin was apparently instructed to call 'Batman' if 'Rachel Dawes' needed him. If she was sad or scared or quiet to call him right away, no matter what time it is. Aiden also told 'Robin' that as his sidekick, they're partners who help protect each other and the things they care about.

Marley didn't say anything to Aiden about this conversation. Neither would Jenna.

It was something that didn't need to be exposed, just known that on her Rachel Dawes days, Marley had a Batman and Robin to look out for her. Because it's okay not to be okay. To allow others to take your burdens. To hand over responsibility that isn't all yours to bear.

Marley has learned so much these last few months, including that it's okay to be the Rachel Dawes, the Lois Lane, the Pepper Pots, the Gwen Stacey or the MJ of your story sometimes. After all, the only way Batman, Superman, Iron Man and Spider Man knew to do the rescuing was because the people they love were not afraid to need it.

Marley loves her heroes with all her heart. She just has to be able to say when she needs them, to feel comfortable needing them. Her brother taught her so many valuable lessons in life from his journal and his truth, and that is one of them.

Jacobi's best friend Max is torn up but holding it together and staying clean.

According to Bryan he's visited the rehabilitation facility every day after he's done at the garage, just to sit in the waiting room and do his paperwork in silence until the waiting room is closed for the night. Jacobi isn't allowed visitors, phone calls, or even outside communication right now but that doesn't stop Max.

He'll enter and leave the building at the same time like clockwork, never missing a single day.

Marley asked him if she could join his routine when she returned, and he said he'd pick her up on the way. This would be the start of a friendship with Max again, so they could be a united front for Jacobi.

Marley has found so many important beginnings and friendships here too, but not with everyone she's met.

Kelly drifted apart from Marley and closer to Tristan when the two of them switched roommates with Sarah and Bree.

To the other girls, it felt like betrayal, though Marley didn't hold it against Kelly herself. She has been been through a lot with Ryan and needed someone to talk to. Tristan was also going through a tough time with Brendan, so a closer friendship formed along the way.

Sarah still hangs out with her friends from daycare when she was three, having seven hundred day Snapchat streaks with them — so it's safe to say she wasn't going anywhere.

Bree was the closest girlfriend Marley has made, and because Aiden, Bree's boyfriend Jason, and Leo hang out together everywhere she's going to be a long-term friendship too. Marley was really glad for that.

Bree is supportive but tough, and she could use a little help with a backbone once in a while.

As for Alec, Brendan and Ryan, those three Marley and her friends would be parting ways with. Ryan cheated on Kelly and put the girl through hell, and that was something neither Jason, Aiden or even Leo could move past. They weren't all that close with Ryan anyway so it wasn't much of a loss.

Brendan may be around once in a while, but he has a long-withstanding friendship and loyalty to Alec, who well, isn't exactly going to be slapping backs with Aiden at a house party anytime soon.

The redhead did approach Marley outside the guys' cabin for an apology and closure a couple days ago.

Marley was ready to hear him out, but the view from Aiden and Leo's window had an unfortunate vantage point over the area where Marley and Alec were standing. So about two seconds later Aiden bulldozed through the front doors half-naked with his jeans not even buckled yet — he and the guys played football for most of the day so a change of clothes was necessary — gripped Alec's shirt and threatened to break his nose if he spoke to her again, proceeding to push him so hard that he landed with his butt on the gravel.

Aiden then zipped and buckled up his jeans right there in front of a silent, stunned audience, with all the calmness in the world asking Marley if she wanted to order in for dinner or go for a drive.

Suffice to say no further closure was deemed necessary by all three of them after that.

Eve and Marley swapped social media and phone numbers. Though their paths were very different, they both wanted to stay in touch. Marley was undeniably curious in such a wild, unplanned, ridiculously insane lifestyle which now involved a spontaneous wedding with an eighty year old man worth ten million dollars.

Eve cashed in all her sick days and left a week and a half ago. Within that time how she managed to arrange said marriage is truly a mystery, but below photos posted of their Vegas shotgun wedding, was this emoji: 🤞

There was no way Marley was missing a single dysfunctional moment of Keeping Up With The Rasmuseen's.

Aiden's half-brother Eli, and his step-sister Dallas were still on a no contact order from Aiden to either Ian or Marley. After everything at the trailer park and considering Eli's shaky mental and emotional state — Aiden would check in but do nothing else. That was one relationship which would not grow beyond mutual tolerance for a while.

And as for her closest friends — Gabby, Leo, Aiden, Ian and Dylan (soon Vanessa, she was optimistic), Marley was looking forward to spending time with them during the rest of her senior year and in the summer, before everyone parted ways and were unable to see each other as often.

Marley already had her pre-med decision made long ago, but recently Aiden made his choice too. Architectural engineering. It involves math and science which are his two strengths. And since his family company is primarily building, contracting, and property development, that would assist him if he decided to pursue that route in the scenario that his NFL aspirations don't pan out. Four more years after could be spent getting a law degree as a third option to consider.

Aiden has also informed Marley that thanks to Gabby's help — his best friend will have a high enough average to appease UCLA scouts. It is much lower than the normal admissions average, though they're willing to be flexible because Leo has a natural talent for football the way Aiden does.

Despite all that though, Leo's decision to hold off UCLA for a year was set in stone.

He said his reasons were that he wants to 'explore other colleges' and 'consider all his options.' Which, in Leo Kahn language means that he won't be exploring what other colleges have to offer, as much as what their female fraternities do.

Leo let slip at their lunch table in the mess hall last week — to no ones surprise — that apparently he and Aiden discussed going on this very educational and informative gap year together, and that Aiden was very close to agreeing to it before Camp.

Marley then told her boyfriend that he could very well do that if he wanted to, as long as he was aware a gap year may work in college but not their relationship.

It wasn't like she needed to give him that ultimatum to begin with. There was no choice for Aiden to ponder. That lifestyle was in his past, and as he has reminded her before, he wants nothing more than for it to stay there.

As for Sarah, she was still considering her gap year option, having no idea what she wanted to do. Bree and Jason were waiting on acceptance letters still. Bree — optimistic about acting, and Jason — graphic design for video games. They would both be at very different colleges, but as they have been dating for over a year now, have no doubts that with the right dedication and trust they can make it work.

They're both independent people who will still care for and love each other separated. Who will always be family no matter time or distance.

They weren't the only ones.


After the volleyball game ended an hour or so later, Leo joined Marley, Aiden, Gabby, Ethan, Bree and Jason as they ate the best turkey sandwiches ever made, curtesy of Chef Aiden, of course.

There was laughter and conversation Marley appreciated now that she had her place. That she found where she belonged.

Jason popped a strawberry in his mouth, speaking as he chewed, "Both of you. Next week. My place. We already agreed we wanted to watch you suck at something so Bree and I will introduce you to the world of Xbox and video games."

Aiden sighed, "Anything else, man. Leo plays but it honestly doesn't interest me."

Marley shot Aiden a look before turning to Jason with an excited smile, "We'll be there. It'll be fun to watch him fail." There was a round of snickers from their surrounding friends.

"I'm really feeling the love here spitfire. Knowing you'll always be around hoping I don't succeed at anything is heart-warming," Aiden said in a mock-loving tone from beside her. "But really though, you want to watch me push buttons on a controller all night?"

"Oh no," Bree responded immediately, "We're all playing. The four of us in a squad."

"How does that work?" Marley questioned, sitting up. She was now munching on the spare sandwich contents that fell into her napkin. "We can't split-screen. I know enough from playing with Gavin."

Jason smirked, "We have three Xbox's in the house for myself and my two brothers. I have incriminating video evidence enough to make them hand their console's over for the night, and we're all clear for four ping even with them all running games. We've been pirating three of our neighbours' internet for the past few years so we're all on different servers."

Marley's mouth fell open in shock, "You've been what?"

Bree waved a hand nonchalantly, "The two neighbours on either side of Jay are clueless. One is a lesbian couple who come home just to pack for another vacation. The other is a guy who owns seven cats and a modem computer with surprisingly fast internet, and the lady across the street is ninety five, only having wifi in the first place because her thirty one year old grandson lives in her basement."

Aiden's eyebrows were raised, halting mid-chew, Marley still in a state of total shock at this elaborate but admittedly smart scheme they pulled.

"I'll warn you though, my family is crazy so there are a few rules. Keep any unneeded personal effects — especially a wallet and ID — in your car, knock before you enter any room, don't take food or drinks from anyone, don't look at our doberman Sweetheart in the eyes, scan over any chair before you sit down and it's best if you just keep your shoes on at all times."

"Looking forward to it," Aiden laughed while Jason turned to Gabby and Ethan, the two of them pausing in their conversation.

"You two are invited as well."

It was clear Marley's germaphobic best friend heard Jason's warnings by the way her nose was wrinkled as she politely declined. Ethan, however accepted the offer as he is also a fan of video games. While the two of them discussed, Leo appeared, shoving himself between Marley and Aiden, snatching the sandwich from his best friends' grip.

"Greetings people. Blondie."

"Asshole. Why are we still friends?" Aiden growled when Marley shot her boyfriend a warning look before he could retaliate, taking a brand new sandwich and handing it to him from the basket.

Leo waved dismissal hand at his best friend, "Because I'm one of like three people who will put up with you willingly. Also," he pointed his sandwich at Ethan from across the circle. "I got something to say to you twigrat, so listen up."

Marley recoiled. Jason snickered and Aiden shot his best friend the most confused look ever. Gabby's face began to turn red as she sat up straight, opening her mouth to speak.

Leo pointed his sandwich at her this time. "Blondie before you open your mouth and go on a long, whiny rant about putting my dick in a blender shut up for a second."

Gabby snapped her mouth shut, but her fists were balled which meant she was fuming inside. Leo's green-eyed gaze fell back on Ethan. Marley was so curious as to what was about to happen she had stopped breathing momentarily.

"I've been watching you lately. Like a hawk. You make blondie happy. And here's why I give a shit. I don't have a lot of real friends. I've got Matthews and Matthews' girl and that's great but I've also got blondie next to you. And even though she talks too much about smart shit and it makes me feel stupid as fuck, she's got a bitchy attitude that could use a dial down, and acts like it'd kill her to have a little fun she's now one of my best friends too. I care about her even though she hates my guts. So if you fuck her shit up I will break you in twenty five different ways to Sunday."

He took a big bite out of his sandwich while the entire group stared at him with mouths hung open. Gabby the most speechless of all.

"Look, Leo-" Ethan began, only to be interrupted.

"If you're around blondie for a while that means you're around Marley. Those two are like two pods in a pea. And since we all know where my best friend is at all times you'll be around me. Bree's around sometimes so Jason will fuck around with us too. In conclusion, if you'd like to be initiated into the bros when the girls are being girls then I give my part of the vote. Matthews?"

All eyes fell on Aiden. He was as stunned with this turn of events as anyone. His eyes flickered to Marley as they shared an appalled look. Nonetheless, she jutted a head towards Ethan encouragingly.

He turned to face Ethan, "Leo's right. Gabby and my girlfriend are close so we'll see a lot of each other. To be clear though, what Leo said about what would happen if you hurt her — same rules apply with me."


Jason grinned, "My vote is a yes."

Leo clapped his hands, "That's a wrap. Welcome to the fold twigrat."

Marley watched Ethan look like he was about to have a stroke. Oddly enough in every right way. He nodded furiously like it was the best day of his life.

Since becoming so close with Aiden and Leo, she forgets sometimes that to everyone else they're elusive and sought-after. The dream friends. Cool, unattainable.

What a rude awakening Ethan was in for.

Marley's eyes fell on Gabby next. Her blonde best friend had managed to get herself together, her expression a genuine, soft smile now. "Leo-"

He waved a non-committal hand at her, "Don't make this a big shit, blondie. Alright?"

"Big shit? You fuckin' serious man? What does that even mean?" Aiden shot Leo a disgusted look while Marley wrinkled her nose.

"Do something about it giant shit," he clapped back at Aiden.

"You do something-"

"LEO!" Gabby shouted, exasperated at being bulldozed. "I don't hate your guts and you get on my nerves all the damn time but you're my friend too. I care about you too. I would have stopped tutoring you a long time ago if I didn't. I appreciate you looking out for me, sending Gavin and including Ethan so stop always trying to shut me up before I can say one thank you!"

She finished her rant with flushed cheeks and deep breaths. Marley was smiling widely now.

Leo narrowed his eyes at Gabby. "W-"

Gabby held a hand up, "Ah ah! No big shits made are allowed, remember?"

Both their gazes held for a few seconds too long before they were looking away from each other and dismissing the tiny, seemingly insignificant moment entirely.

Leo's phone chimed repeatedly. He pulled it out of his side pocket with an excited grin. "Since you never check the group chat of our boys from back home I've got us hooked up for a tour bus of welcome home parties this weekend, Matthews. The big three are pulling out all the stocks: Thorn, Walkers, and Davis. Keller's hosting one of his epic parties again. Seems like his parents finally let go of the whole Mini Cooper in the living room thing." Leo took a casual swig of his corona after adjusting his backwards cap.

Aiden scoffed, "The Mini Cooper wasn't the problem compared to the kitchen fire, the old lady incident, and the coke explosion. It looked like white Christmas in the foyer."

It seemed as though right then, as his eyes flickered to Marley, that he realized what he said, clearing his throat and looking away from her.

"Everyone there when it blew snorted some by mistake including a priest. Who knew how the fuck he ended up there. It was a mess. But what the hell did you know about that from the infinity pool upstairs, high on molly, and with Keller's sister from college? You were fucking her all ni-OW! Dude!" Leo groaned and rubbed his nose after Aiden elbowed him in the face.

Marley stared down at her lap, shoving a few chips in her mouth and trying to think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts.

"What's an infinity pool anyway?" Jason asked. Bree shot him a harsh look as Marley's mouth moved before her rationality could set in.

"It's a pool where the water flows over an edge to make it appear that it has no boundary," she blurted.

How much more humiliating can Marley possibly make herself after describing the location of one of her boyfriend's million one night stands? She curled her knees up to her chest with a sigh at herself and her tendency to ramble when nervous.

"First off I have plans. Second, even if I didn't the answer would still be no, and third, for fucks sakes Leo can you at least try to take your foot out of your own mouth one of these days?" Aiden growled out.

In her peripheral, she watched him stand from his place, tensing up because she knew what was coming next. An inevitability.

"I get it dude. Totally fine." Leo pat Aiden's shoulder, "We can still be bros without the parties, though I will have to find another single dude to be my wingman. Try to reign in your jealousy."

"Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub, five feet apart because they're not gay." Bree sang, earning a few weird glances before Aiden faced Leo again.

"I'll do my best, idiot. Marley," She held her eyes closed for a few seconds too long when she felt him crouch behind her. "Can we talk?"

She didn't have much of a choice in the matter regardless, and had a few things she wanted to address, too. So she nodded and stood from the blanket while Aiden took her beach bag and settled it over his shoulder. The silence of their friends was just icing on the cake, though their worry was flattering regardless.

Before she and Aiden disappeared out of view into the tree cover, Marley turned around a final time to scan over their group.

Jason and Bree were back to an easy conversation, Gabby was snuggled into Ethan and Leo was dropping his half-eaten sandwich carelessly into the basket, standing to his feet.

Beside him, a blonde girl in a scanty red bikini with a bottle of Smirnoff in her right hand, gripped his with her left and said something in his ear, giggling while he led the way to a secluded trail in the opposite direction.


This is the final relationship of Gabby and Leo in Cabin Fever.

I know so many of you were hoping they'd get together, that so many of you shipped them and fell in love with them.

Who their characters are means they don't get together right now. Leo has a lot of growing up to do, he still enjoys freedom, and Gabby is in a place in her life where she settles for the safer choices. Where she believes she needs something steady and constant and comfortable.

[Also...#rr of part 2 for more explanation on Leo's reasons...]

There is a spark between Gabby and Leo, and always has been but it's not enough for what some of you are probably hoping for at the moment.

When I write my characters' actions and words I channel who they are. Not who I want them to be.

I know many of you are disappointed but this is the only way it would ever be between them during this time of their lives. I appreciate all of your love for my characters though, always ❤️

enjoy part 2 :)

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