Cabin Fever | ✓

By partiallyprecarious

1.3M 63.3K 47.2K

Completed. ☾ This is a SEQUEL!!! 1) 'Camp Where The Hell Are We?' 2) 'Cabin Fever' 3) 'Asterism' ☾ "I do be... More

(1) A VIP Seat To The Full Leo Kahn Experience
(2) The Word
(3) Nothing Else To Do But Put Condoms On Bananas In The Back Room
(4) Is It Against The Rules As The 'Narrative Breaking Damsel'?
(5) Less Talking. More Petting.
(6) Revelation 16:16
(7) You See Anything You've Never Seen Before, I'll Buy You Another Ferrari
(8) Tick Tock Spitfire
(9) Sixty Minutes
(10) Kidnapping Is Really Convincing Me To Forgive You
(11) Violet
(12) It's A Combination Of My Abs And My Snake Catching Abilities
(13) Fire And Ice
(14) You Dropped The Soap And Realized What You Were Missing
(15) Let Her Go
(16) Armour
(17) Surrender
(18) Defeat
(19) You Have The Wrong Equipment For Him
(20) The Untouchables
(21) It Accentuates Your Bad Boy Image
(22) Never Again
(23) Marley Hoover Forgetting Basic Muscular Anatomy
(24) Sometimes You've Got To Be Karma's Bitch
(25) The Cheerio Effect
(26) Predator And Prey
(27) Solipsism
(28) You Scouted The Area For Make Out Spots While We Were Waiting In Line
(29) Extinguish
(30) Hazel
(31) Tequila And My Dealers' Mystery Pack Took The Wheel
(32) You: *Smack* "Aiden Matthews!"
(33) Can I Put My Hand In His Pants?
(34) Aiden Took Me Away To A Private Lounge So I'd Dance On His Lap
(35) AWOL
(36) I Could Have An Opening To Be The Big Spoon For A Few Hours
(37) How To Be A Good Girlfriend For Dummies
(38) 💏 Until 🤫
(39) So I'm Being The 'Cheating Girlfriend' Or Whatever
(40) I Probably Would've Kept My Mouth Shut If Your Boyfriend Weren't A Sex God
(41) A Whiny Night Owl And The Sociopathic, Creepy Portuguese Twins
(42) Hooters. 2014.
(43) Hello, Brother
(44) Even Steven
(45) Referencing The Wizard of Oz When Ordering A One Night Stand Off Your Porch
(46) You're The Bermuda Triangle Of The Group Chat
(47) Perfect
(48) On My Life
(49) Deal With The Devil
(50) The Enemy Of My Enemy
(51) Envy
(52) Eyes Wide Open
(53) Petrichor
(54) That's A Matthews Jawline
(55) A Slew Of Threesome Offers From The Creeps Of The World
(56) Attack Of The Boyfriend Stealers: World War Groupie
(57) Are You Seriously About To Strip In The Middle Of The Woods
(58) He Wants To Know If You'd Be Into Edible Underwear
(59) I'll Burst In To Every Room As We Walk Off Into Blue Ball Sunset Together
(60) Promise
(61) Alongside Automatic Weapons In Trumps' America And Aiden's Fangirls
(62) A Rich Housewife Needing A Maintenance Boy
(63) Hero
(64) Bad Boys And Rules Are Mutually Exclusive Events
(65) You're Finally Worn Out
(66) Ohana
(67) Heart
(68) Wanna Have A Look At The Magic Happening In My Pants Right Now?
(69) JH
(70) You're In Wonderland, Alice
(71) That's Three Comments About The Yoga Pants, Matthews
(72) I Don't Like Being On My Knees
(73) Worth The Risk
(74) You're A Sex God, Mr. Grinch
(75) Jingle My Balls
(76) The Bigger The Head, The Easier The Target
(78) I'd Love To See You Naked
(79) Catch And Release
(80) You're Always A Babe Magnet
(81) Clothing, Groping and Chitchat
(82) You
(83) Hope
(84) Demons
Author Q&A Answers
(85 Part 1) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
(85 Part 2) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
Final A/N
Extra 1: Kingston High's Captain Asshole
Extra 2: Aiden's POV - The Butterfly Clip
Extra 3: Return To Kingston High
Extra 4: The Drawing
Asterism Republished!!!
The 2020 Readers Choice Awards!!
Fiction Awards CLOSING IN ONE HOUR!'
ASTERISM IS BACK with a 32 chappie update...❤️

(77) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook

15.3K 728 948
By partiallyprecarious

1 vote = one cheer for random updates 😆❤️


"How was it? Meeting Aiden's family," Gabby questioned.

"His Nonna Gardinali had a book of surrogates for Ian and Dylan. Mentioned at least twenty times in the span of an hour that teen pregnancy should be more common rather than less common. He has more cousins than I remember the names of and most of the time they spoke in ridiculously quick Italian. I didn't get much out of it."

"That's the Gardinali's," Leo pointed out with a quick grin. He was dressed in a light grey leather jacket, dark jeans and his tan combat boots. His short blonde hair stuck up in all directions. "Trust me, in person they're a lot more intimidating. You'll get used to it. Aiden has a couple older hot girl cousins and aunts though. So that's a bonus."

From where she was shoving her gloves on, Gabby wrinkled her nose, "Gross, Leo."

He leaned forward to tug at the armoire door until there were no barriers between. His head tilted, pale green eyes alight with mirth, "Jealous, blondie? Don't worry. It was only impersonal facts. I prefer mine blonde."

She narrowed her eyes at him, shoving the armoire door as a wall between them once again. Leo chuckled and returned to his place against the door. Gabby kept her head down, but Marley knows her well enough to know she was blushing.


It was 5:00 pm, and they were about to head out to pick up Gavin from the airport. Gabby returned to get more bundled up for the cold. Marley and Leo followed along. Aiden was also planning to be in attendance, because he remembers his one interaction with Gavin.

Where Gavin called her babe, and Aiden flipped out and threatened to beat him up in front of his 'mom' if he kept flirting with her.

Suffice to say Marley was already preparing for the showdown of the century.

They spent the rest of the afternoon after the Skype call with their friends and enjoying lunch. Most of the parents of their peers were planning to make the trip down tomorrow, but many were still loitering around camp and the mess hall, alongside the councillors. Ian and Dylan spent some time together alone but did join the group for lunch. Dylan merged seamlessly with their welcoming group.

Sarah's first words to him were that she wished that the hottest guys weren't always gay. Ian bristled. An awkward silence had ensued until Tristan kicked Sarah under the table and rushed to start the conversation.

A very interesting Christmas to say the least, and it was hardly over yet.

Aiden's entered the room, dressed in his matching jacket and dark jeans of his own, a white t-shirt clinging like a second skin to his chest. On his head was a black toque. Marley zipped her boots over her knee-highs, fingers fiddling with the edges of her open leather jacket. She smiled softly at the inscription on the breast pocket.

Trust Aiden to somehow put a claim on it so it's a win-win for the both of them.


Leo took passenger while Gabby and Marley took the back seat of Dalton's Challenger that Aiden was borrowing. Gabby's thin lips were pursed, her fingers twiddling in her lap. She was dressed in dark skinny jeans and a pale pink wool sweater beneath her jacket. She pushed her black Ray-bans glasses up her freckled nose, green eyes deadlocked on the city streets they passed on route to the airport.

Marley was content watching Leo turn his head, study Gabby's nervousness, open his mouth, and then decide against it, turning back to face the front. He repeated that entire cycle at least six times. Aiden noticed too. He and Marley locked eyes via the rearview mirror with equally amused expressions.

"Gabby," Marley began gently, resting a firm hand on her best friends' bouncing knee, "This is Gavin. The same guy who made a booger scrapbook-"

"According to colour, size, and nostril." Gabby laughed, turning to face Marley with newly relaxed shoulders. "It's too bad we ran out to the street with it on garbage day in our onesies at six am and tossed it into the compactor before he could stop us."

Marley giggled at the memory, "Because he threatened us with a booger grenade for months! We were pratically slaves to that monstrosity!"

Marley knew her mission to settle Gabby's nerves was sucessfully accomplished by the new light in the blonde's eyes, and the way her back straightened. It helped bring everything into perspective. Yes, there were many things they had to talk about but above all Gavin Collins was nothing to stress over.

"Dude who knew we'd be friends with such nerds?"

Marley kicked the back of Leo's seat while Gabby reached over to pinch his muscled bicep. Leo yelped, rubbing the sore spot while Aiden laughed.

"Dude, who knew we'd be friends with such asshole jocks?" Marley mocked.

"Who knew someone could have a negative IQ, dude?" Gabby added.

"Woah, woah," Leo paused for dramatic effect, turning his torso to face the girls, "Don't insult my best friend like that."

Aiden shoved Leo's shoulder with his free hand, rolling his eyes, "I'm the one with the ninety seven in Bio, dude. Do you really think she was referring to me?"

Marley grinned smugly, "Ninety eight."

Aiden narrowed his eyes through the rear-view mirror as he pulled into the airport parking lot, hunting for a spot, "Is that a challenge?"

Marley pushed her hair back behind her shoulder, "Of course not. Only poor sports challenge someone already knowing they're going to win."

"You're right." Aiden smoothy parked into a spot a decent distance from the airport. The parking lot was packed, "It would be unfair to challenge you."

Marley's mouth hung open. She crossed her arms over her jacket, "Oh you are so on."

"Not all of us can be the designated question divider on our projects and give the hardest questions to the other partner-"

"Bull. Shit!"

"I'm looking," he laughed as he cut the engine, "but the only place I see it is spewing out of your mouth, spitfire."

"Highest average by end reports wins," Marley challenged through her teeth.

Aiden has no idea who he's messing with.

Leo growled loudly, shoving open the passengers door, "I'm so smart. I'm so fucking smart. Oh, me too! Let's be smart assholes together!"

Gabby, Marley and Aiden left the car shortly after, Gabby shutting her door with a sigh, "It's called applying yourself, Leo. Do you think we have high averages because we hook up with girls, watch Netflix and hang with our buddies in all of our free time?"

"No. I think you two," Leo waggled his index finger between Marley and Gabby. Aiden had waited at the front of the car for Marley to approach, before tucking her into his side with an arm over her shoulders. "do weird nerd shit for fun because something fucked up in the part of your brains that tells you what's worth your time and Matthews is just not human."

"Or you're just an idiot."

"Or you're just a pussy."

"Or you're just a-mhm."

Marley shoved a hand over his mouth to silence Aiden. If there's anything she's learned about he and Leo's friendship over the two plus months of knowing them, it's that they don't know how to stop.

She dropped her hand a few seconds later to reveal a childish pout, "He started it." Pointing his finger at his best friend.

"You called me a fucking idiot!" Leo protested back.

Marley and Gabby shared an exasperated look.

"You insulted by girlfriend," Aiden shot back, "and then called me a pus-"

"Do either of you know when to back down?" Marley hissed, glancing around at the watching eyes. The airport was congested outside the doors — full of travellers roaming with luggage, idling taxi's, cars, and busses — but even busier once they managed to wade their way through the doors.

Aiden held her against his side, Gabby walked on Marley's other while Leo led the way to the personal waiting room for private flights, were Gavin would have been sent after he landed to wait for his luggage and for Gabby to arrive.

Thankfully, because of the bustling crowds, Leo and Aiden couldn't stupidly argue anymore. Plus, with what happened next, it'd be juvenile to keep up with their banter.

Leo showed his ID to the security outside of the private lounge area, and he was given access via a swipe card. The four of them entered the room.

And Gavin was there. His blonde hair long and untamed, brushing over his forehead. His army uniform wrinkled, his combat boots unlaced halfway down. Duffel bag beside him.

He just wasn't alone.

The three people in the room faced the four who had entered. Gabby froze in place.

Because standing in front of her, beside her brother, was Melissa Patterson.

Her mother.


Marley was secondhand so angry she saw red. Considering Gabby was the one directly affected, it took seconds for her face to redden in fury.

Gavin and Gabby's mother was a burnout and a drunk. She parties, sleeps on the couch of whatever lowlife she's dating at the time. Right now, she looks bone thin in all leather, her dark blonde hair matted and lifeless on her head. She was wearing an abundance of silver chains and bracelets, standing next to a man who looked like he was released from federal prison an hour ago.

Gavin's mouth opened and closed repeatedly. His brown eyes were pleading and desperate on Gabby, "Can I have a moment to explai-"

"You are not going to say a damn word," Gabby snapped, eyes not leaving her mother.

Marley was stunned into total silence. Gavin was meant to be here to spend time with Gabby, and instead he used her to get to his mother. The mother who dips out on her visits and manipulated her way into Gavin's life, while simultaneously pushing out the people who genuinely care about him.

Marley's fists clenched. Gabby faced her mother with a trembling body, yanking her hat off her head, "You should leave. Now."

Melissa crossed her arms. The man beside her glanced between them, eyes hardening on Gabby.

"A boy has a right to need his mother right now. He's going through a hard time-"

"And why the fuck is that?!" Gabby shouted, "Newsflash, Mom! His parents got divorced and his mother abandoned him."

"Bee, please."

Gabby faced Gavin. Her chest heaved with heavy breaths. It was clear in Gavin's eyes that he knew what he did, "I'm sorry. But I needed to-"

"Why haven't you been calling me back?!" Gabby shot back with a wavering voice, "Or Dad?! Do you have any idea-" her voice shook. She cleared her throat. "what the people who actually love you have been going through? And now you show up here just to see her-"

"Gabby Rosanna Collins!" Her mother shouted. Marley, Aiden and Leo took a simultaneous step closer when Melissa did, "You will not shout at him or me like that."

Gabby's balled fists shook, "I'm the one who's comforted him when he's cried over you. I'm the one who sat outside on the front porch with him on the nights you never showed up. Dad is the one who signs his forms and buys him his necessities. Who goes to the field trips and helps him with his homework and never asks for child support you don't pay because you're too busy drinking and screwing whatever twenty something will give you a fucking couch! Don't play the mom card. You're no mother."

Melissa's face paled. Beside her, her boyfriend — Marley had to assume that term was very loose — had the opposite reaction.

"You're going to talk to your mother like that?!" His eyes lit up in fury. He took two large strides that were quicker than lighting, locking a hand around Gabby's bicep. She shrieked, shoving and thrashing as he moved to get in her face.

Aiden didn't even need to intervene — Leo was frightening enough for the both of them.

Aiden's best friend stomped over and with a low growl, locked a tight hand around the one restraining Gabby. His green eyes were cold and dark as he slid in front of her, every muscle strained.

"You have two seconds to back off before I put you on your fucking ass here and now."

The man let Gabby go, shoving Leo backwards by the shoulders with a malicious smirk. Mid-stumble, Leo wrapped an arm around the front of Gabby's torso and took her with him.

Aiden left Marley's side to stand beside Leo, "Lay a hand on either of them again and I'll finish you," he growled.

Melissa stood next to Gavin, who was wide-eyed — deer in the headlights. Melissa placed a hand on her boyfriend's bicep, "Calm down, Jaden. I'm not upset."

"It's your fault he's here and then you manipulated him into shutting out his father and sister you cold bitch!" Gabby shouted.

It only served to rile up Jaden further, "Shut your mouth you little-"

"Finish that goddamn sentence, dickhead," Leo cut him off coldly, "Go on."

Jaden and Leo stood toe to toe, heaving breaths. Aiden was standing by his best friend, but Marley could tell that he was worried more than eager for a fight. Aiden rested a hand on Leo's shoulder, saying something to him quietly. Leo's head turned in Gabby's direction, who was standing behind him, furious and hurt and betrayed.

Leo's shoulders relaxed. He nodded, taking a step away.

"You pissed me off. And you know what happens to people who piss me off?" Jaden shot out as quickly as he had with Gabby.

He wasn't muscled like Leo and Aiden, but he was overweight and an inch taller than both of them. So when he shoved Leo with all his might, he went flying to the floor. Leo's crash was violent, the chairs he slid into screeching.

Aiden was seconds away from defending his best friend, when Gabby reeled a fist back and punched Jaden in the nose.

The resounding crack of Jaden's nose and Gabby's hand echoed around the room. Jaden's eyes zeroed in on Gabby while the blood rushed from his nose. At the same time, while Leo lifted from the floor, Gavin grabbed Jaden's arm and Aiden put himself in front of Gabby.

He didn't engage, but prepared to. However, occupied with his bleeding nose, it appeared now that Jaden wasn't in the mood for a fight anymore.

Marley rushed to her best friends' side, who was groaning in pain and holding her hand, "Isn't a punch supposed to hurt the other guy more?"

Her knuckles were purpling as she held her hand to her chest, but there was a small smile on her lips that Marley recuperated.

"Don't go near my sister again," Gavin growled, thankfully coming to his senses, snatching his bag off the floor to face his mother, "I don't want to see you anymore."

Leo approached in a rush, gently taking Gabby's injured hand in both of his own. He studied the bruises carefully, concern in his eyes but a small smile on his lips, too.

He shook his head, amused, "You really are something else, blondie, you know that? Are you hurt otherwise?"

Gabby smiled back at Leo, "No."

"Next time maybe let me throw the punch at the man three times your size, eh? I'll tap you in when I have him restrained on the floor. You can kick him in the face with your bunny slippers or something."

Gabby smacked his arm with a small giggle, "You agreed to stop making fun of me for those! And it's clear I can take care of myself."

"You learned how to throw a punch from the best after all, Bee."

Marley was torn away from her focus on Leo and Gabby to where Gavin was hovering nervously. The thirteen year old shifted on his feet, running his fingers through his hair. Marley heard distant conversation going on between he and Melissa, but she had been preoccupied with worry for her best friend. Aiden was at the door, shutting it firmly behind Jaden, who had prodded Melissa out.

The woman hardly gave her own children a second glance, instead focused on her boyfriend of the weeks' injuries, holding her scarf under his nose.

She deserved everything Gabby said to her.

Leo cautiously released Gabby's hand, facing Gavin with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed, "You're a real dick you know that?"

"Leo-" Gabby started, but he cut her off.

"Do you know what strings I had to pull to get you here? Do you think a private jet is fucking cheap?"

Gavin looked down at his shows, lips pursed, "No. I know I messed up and I-"

"Damn straight," Leo replied curtly. "You messed up not calling Gabby. You messed up using her. Your mother doesn't give a seventh of a fuck about you but that's no excuse to treat your sister like shit."

Gabby placed her uninjured hand on Leo's arm, a silent message to back down. Gavin's eyes flickered to his sister, "He's right. I'm sorry. It's feels like she understands me more right now and-"

"Gavin, she is using you to get back at Dad and I." Gabby's voice was even and tired. Resigned. "She would've told you anything you wanted to hear to keep you under her influence. She refused to tell us how you were doing. She brought a freaking guy with a neck tattoo who looks like he runs over butterflies for a living!"

Leo frowned with his eyebrows furrowed. Gavin laughed, "Good to know you're still you, Bee. At least some things haven't changed."

Marley studied the way Gavin stood. The deeper tone of voice, the straightening of his spine. The way his jawline had sharpened, and his shoulders broaden. In such a short period of time being away, combined with military school — Gavin Collins grew up.

He didn't take his eyes off of Gabby as he addressed Leo. "Thank you. Thank you for giving me this chance to see my sister."

Leo's jaw ticked, "I did it for blondie. The only reason you haven't been punched in the face is because for some reason beyond me, she still gives a crap about your ungrateful ass."

Gavin jutted a thumb towards Leo, amusement twinkling his eyes, "I have some catching up to do don't I?"

"Shut up." Gabby launched herself at him, and they were both careful not to disrupt her injured hand.

Aiden's arm wrapped around Marley's waist. She looked up to see him scanning her over with a worried gaze, "You okay?"

Marley rolled her eyes, "I was nowhere near involved in any of this."

His expression smoothed and his head tilted, "Force of habit." He grinned, kissing her hair.

Marley hummed thoughtfully, "I'm the only one who hasn't punched anyone yet out of the four of us."

Marley kept her eyes on Gabby and Gavin's hushed conversation. She wasn't the only one. Leo had shoved his hands in his front pockets, sharp green eyes deadlocked on the two of them.

"We're keeping it that way," Aiden replied, tightening his grip on her waist.

She snuggled into him, watching Gabby and Gavin converse with a wave of acceptance.

"You were right. About everything."

"Usually am. But what in specific this time?"

Marley sighed, but didn't bother reacting to his joke. "About my brother. About how I've wasted long enough asking questions. I'm going to turn the notebook into the police — to Bryan. It's their job. I don't want it to be mine anymore. I want to live. I want to let go of the past. If he becomes part of my future, then he will when the time is right."

Aiden turned her to press their fronts together. He cupped her cheeks, brushing his fingers gently along the soft skin. His eyes scanned her face, "You're one hell of a woman, spitfire."

She rested her hands over his own, "And you're one hell of a man."


"I'm assuming you're the guy I spoke to on Skype?" Gavin asked from the backseat. Gabby was sat in the middle per Aiden's very polite request.

Aiden shot Gavin a hard look in the mirror, "Yes. And Marley's my girl now, which means if you make a move on her you'll find yourself on the side of the highway."

Marley pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh, "Caveman, meet Gavin. Gavin, meet Caveman."

Aiden shrugged, "I've been called worse."

"Mostly by me," Leo shot back, "You're too easy to one-up."

"Because I don't need to insult you when you insult yourself with the shit that comes out of your mouth every day."

"Marley!" Leo whined girlishly, "Aiden's being mean to me! Tell him to stoooop."

"How about the both of you stop?" Marley suggested, "Where's the aux chord? Silence in a car with you two is deadly."

"Mine's on Bluetooth," Aiden replied, passing his phone back to her while keeping his eyes on the road.

While she scrolled through his music, Gabby asked Gavin about how military school was going.

"At first I was pissed and tired all the time. It's five am wake up and drills. You have to have your room perfectly tidied or they'll throw everything you own out the window. They whip out a ruler and measure the distance from your bed to the wall and the punishments if anything is off are intense. But we all learned how to survive in there. I've made some friends."

Gabby squeezed his shoulder with genuine relief softening her eyes, "I was worried about you, you know. All the time. I'm glad it's getting better. You know why you're there, right?"

Gavin clicked his tongue, "Trust me. Compared to the guys in there, I'm tame. But yeah, I get it. Besides, I'm learning all about the perks. The girls are in the building next door and man are they wild-"

"Gavin!" Gabby shouted while Marley coughed and the guys snickered in the front seat, "You're thirteen years old! Dad will kill you if he finds out about this!"

"Oh loosen up blondie," Leo said from the front seat, "Thirteen was a year of many firsts for me."

"And the year when the rate of females dying of sheer repulsiveness increased exponentially."

Marley watched Gavin raise an eyebrow and shoot her a questioning look. Clearly thrown off by the fact that his introvert sister had become so comfortable with Leo. It's been a long time coming, but impressive regardless.

Leo turned his torso to shoot her a wink, "This year has been one of firsts for you too, hasn't it?"

Marley's mouth dropped as she and Gavin both turned to stare at the blonde shrinking in her seat with flaming cheeks.

Firsts..."Gabby you and Leo..." Marley struggled for words, in disbelief.

There's no way. No. Freaking. Way.

Gabby seemed to pick up what Marley was putting down right then, screeching loudly, "NO! We DID NOT do that. EVER. OVER MY DEAD BODY!"

Marley felt her shoulders relax, a loud sigh of relief leaving her lips and the sick feeling in her stomach disappear. She knows they kissed, but anything else would be beyond her comprehension.

"Blondie," Leo held a hand over his heart with mock offence, "you're really breaking my heart here. At least Layton's getting some, right?"

Gabby's mouth clamped shut. She faced the window with crossed arms. Marley watched Leo's eyebrows furrow with confusion. She already knew what Leo was just figuring out now — that Gabby and Ethan have never kissed, much less anything else.

He narrowed his eyes before his expression smoothed out. He faced the front again, but the amused look her boyfriend shot his best friend told her everything she needed to know.


Instead of going back to camp, they decided to make a pit stop at a Starbucks - one of the only places known to be open on Christmas Day - to meet up with Ian and Dylan. They took the car Dylan rented while here, because public transportation is closed on Christmas Day. They apparently wanted to spend some time alone after the hectic morning, but after hearing about Gabby's punch in the car, they decided they needed to see to believe.

Plus, back at military school, the dieting was strict (no coffee) so Gavin was looking forward to taking what he could get while he was here. The kid is obsessed with coffee.

While in the car, Gavin told more stories and what his experiences were like at school. He kept the conversation light, though Marley sensed even though they spoke privately at the airport, there was still a lot to talk about. Gabby appeared to harbour no hard feelings, however, at least right now.

"Look," Gabby poked Marley's arm eagerly, "There's a used bookstore across the street. Open, too."

Her eyes lit up, twisting her torso to get a better look at the quaint, old fashioned shop with excitement. She left the car, Aiden taking her hand. She held him back, eyes still on the shop, "Do you mind if Gabby and I check that out, just for a few minutes?"

"Sure," Aiden took his phone back from her extended hand, kissing her forehead.

"Promise to keep Leo and Gavin in line. Please?" She asked as Gabby looped her arm through Marley's and began to pull them away.

He grinned, "I'll do my best."

She really wasn't betting on it.


The library was small, dust in the air and the hardwood, dark and worn out. Everything added to the aged look — from the little decor pieces to the leaning shelves overflowing with books. The bell rang as they entered together.

They headed for the second floor, Marley having no real direction in mind. Gabby did. She strut right into the teen fiction section with a certainty that started Marley. She halted in her tracks, jutting a thumb to a section a few shelves over, "I'll be in the classics-"

"No you won't," Gabby said firmly, gripping Marley's arm again, "You've read too many classics lately. You need to branch out."

"Gabby," Marley grumbled, "You know I prefer timeless pieces of literature to modern-day carbon copies."

Gabby rolled her eyes, "You've read every genre, and they're not all carbon copies. Cliché can be beautiful with the right author."

She began to peruse the shelves while Marley leaned against it with a soft expression, "I never expected your mom to show up."

"Trust me," Gabby said, her tone laced with bitterness, "that was the last possible thing I expected. Gavin inviting her makes all the sense in the world though, when you think about it."

Marley nodded thoughtfully, "He wants her attention. He's hanging onto it now that he has it. It's sad that she's using him and, he doesn't seem to care either way."

Gabby pulled out a book, scanning over the back, "All the both of us have wanted is for Mom to be our Mom again. I've accepted that isn't possible anymore, but he still has hope. And hope is never a bad thing, it's what follows that hurts."

"That's why I've decided to stop looking for my brother," Marley said quietly, earning a raised eyebrow. "I'm giving the journal to the police tomorrow. Do you remember Max?"

Gabby's mouth dropped, the book slipping from her fingers with a loud thump. She scrambled to pick it up with shock still clear on her expression, "You went to see the Max? I thought he spiralled after Jacobi."

"He did," Marley confirmed, "But he's working and he was sober when I found him. He told me to stop looking. To stop obsessing over questions, because he went crazy trying to find answers for them."

Marley watched Gabby purse her lips and consider Marley's words seriously. She returned the book to its rightful place, before leaning her back against the shelves. They ended up sliding to the floor together, legs stretched out on opposite sides.

"Being in your shoes a half hour ago — dealing with a sibling who betrayed me — I understand why this is the right thing. You still love him. You still care about him. You still want him home. But you can't keep chasing a ghost."

"You've gone through the journal and found no genuine message to lead you to his location. The postage stamp may have been in Mexico but there's no way the police here have jurisdiction there. I'd keep the journal. I'd read it for what it is. I'd allow it to become what it was meant to."

Marley curled her knees up to her chest with a loud sigh, picking at the lint on her jeans, "I didn't go into details with Bryan, just told him I got a package from Jacobi. I'll give him the box and the letter after I take a picture of it. I'll keep the rest."

"Marley," Gabby rested a hand on her shoulder. She lifted her head to meet the green eyes of her best friend. "There are people who love you, right here. People who wouldn't leave you at the drop of a hat, who wouldn't send you cryptic letters to drive you crazy. You're just finding your way out of everything your father put you through. I read somewhere once, that 'if you don't let your past die, it won't let you live.'"

Marley smiled, "Well I sure am fighting my demons metaphorically, but you took that metaphor a bit too far today." gesturing to Gabby's bandaged hand.

The airport medical personal gave her a cast and cleaned up her hand — she'd sprained two of her fingers and her knuckles were very bruised, but otherwise a lot better than everyone thought.

"So worth it." Gabby flexed her hand lightly.

Marley raised an eyebrow with a laugh, standing up and taking her best friend with her.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day that Gabby Rosanna Collins does something so badass, but hey, miracles really do happen."

"It's Christmas." Gabby shrugged, "A virgin gave birth to a child in a barn while a star led three dudes to give her strange gifts — stranger things have happened on this day. Or, at least that's what I know from being a Catholic who steps in church for one of two reasons: a baptism or funeral."

Marley hummed thoughtfully, finding herself perusing the teen fiction novels after digging into her purse for her reading glasses - out of sheer amusement more than anything. Her mother's side was Catholic, but her father — despite being Jewish — had no desire for his faith, so she was never baptized.

Marley considers the idea of visiting a Catholic church once in a while, maybe enough to be baptized one day. Aiden is Catholic, after all. The idea of God intrigues her, though she suspects she'd be too scientific and logical for blind faith. That was a decision she put a pin on for the future.

When the thought of something crossed her mind, Marley set the book down she had scanned over — Looking For Alaska.

"How was this morning with Ethan? Leo? You have a hell of a love triangle going on right now."

Gabby pushed her black Ray Bans back up her nose, letting out a loud guffaw, "A love triangle? Call the two most platonic relationships a love triangle one more time and I'll make you read Twilight again."

Marley's face paled. She raised her hands in surrender, "Fair enough. I knew you and Ethan weren't a thing, but I assumed..."

Gabby waved a hand, eyes scanning over the ending of a book called To All The Boys I've Loved Before. Marley's always found it odd that before choosing a book, Gabby will scan over the last few sentences of the final page.

"He's really nice, and we're good friends now, but I don't know...if something happens it happens. It's nothing personal against him either way. How are you and Aiden? Do I need to pull out the blender anytime soon?"

Marley laughed, shoving Gabby's shoulder with hers, "No. You're the best. Remember his face when you threatened him with that?"

"Priceless." Gabby grinned proudly. The 5'3 blonde in front of Marley is probably the least intimidating person on Earth, so she's definitely proud of herself for managing to scare someone twice her size.

"I'm glad you stood up to your Mom," Marley said sincerely, "I know that's not your thing but it suits you."

Gabby's expression darkened momentarily, "Dad's been through hell because of her. I wish he could be around to see it, and Gavin. But he wouldn't approve of any of this."


"Ladies." Marley spun around to face a young teen with caramel skin, a curly head of hair, and a wide smile as he glanced between them. He was wearing a wrinkled apron with a name tag. Leon. "Can I help you find anything?"

"We're just looking," Marley answered, suspicious at Leon's growing grin. His eyes locked on hers.

"You sure? Because I know where you can find a guy who thinks you're cute."

Wow. Marley blinked repeatedly while Gabby let out a small giggle beside her.

She took a step back politely. I know where you can find a girl whose not interested. "I have a boyfriend," she said with a smile. She rushed to change the subject, having never been in this situation alone before. "But on Christmas Day is nice."

Could you be any more awkward, Marley? Honestly?

Leon smirked at her, nodding nonetheless, "We live upstairs. I'm doing a little restock for my Dad. He never stops working. I figured I'd open while I was down here. I'm glad I did."

Okay then. "Well..."

Her phone started to vibrate in her pocket. Marley would've let out a cry in relief if she weren't so concerned with being nice. Aiden's voice echoed into the line when she put it to her ear.

"We need to head back to camp. I got your usual. Meet you in the parking lot?"

Marley frowned while she returned the book she was holding, shooting Gabby a questioning look, "Why? We just got here."

It was quiet for a few seconds. Aiden sighed, "Call it trouble in paradise."

"What happened?" She demanded.

"Why don't you come see for yourself?"

She said a quick goodbye to Aiden before focusing on Gabby, Leon's presence forgotten entirely, "Something's going on with the guys. We have to go."

Gabby rolled her eyes, shoving her book back with a huff, "We can't leave them alone for five minutes. What did Leo do this time?"

Marley would've bet her right foot Leo was the cause of this, right until the moment she lay eyes on what was in front of her.

Aiden was leaning against the passengers side door, twirling his key on his finger. Gavin was beside him, typing away on...Aiden's phone? Leo was nowhere in sight, but Marley could see Ian and Dylan just fine. Standing across the lot, they were throwing wild hand gestures and glaring at each other. Ah. Trouble in paradise.

Gabby approached Gavin while Marley took a lean beside Aiden, who was watching the scene intently, "What are they arguing about?"

Aiden ran a hand through his hair with a loud exhale, "Dylan accused Ian of flirting with the barista."

Marley raised an eyebrow at Aiden's blank expression. She crossed her arms, turning her torso to face him, "Was he?"

Her boyfriend shot her a quick look, "Yep."

She recoiled, "Why? Ian loves Dylan."

"As far as I know," Aiden responded, the two of them watching Dylan turn his back to Ian and rub his hands over his face. Ian stood behind him with a pleading expression.

"There has to be an explanation," Marley muttered, "Ian's not like that."

"He isn't," Aiden said quickly with a disapproving shake of his head. He lifted off of the door to grab her berry hibiscus from where the drink carrier rested on the trunk of the car, handing it to her. "I think it had more to do with Dylan's reaction."

Marley took a drink thoughtfully while Aiden rested his arm over her shoulders, "He wanted to see what Dylan would do."

"That's my best guess. Ian's told me they're happy, and he's happy and we don't lie to each other."

"Aiden just so you know, Gavin's following a bunch of girl accounts right now."

"On my Instagram," Gavin cut in with an eye roll at his sister, "Phones are confiscated there so he let be borrow his. I need to follow back all the babes who have second phones."

"There must be some stupid girls at military school." Gabby earned a sharp look and a hair ruffle, to which she swatted off with a growl.

"So, what? You and Marley made a couple friends and you're cooler than me now? Chill." He shot back as he typed.

"So, what?" Gabby mocked, crossing her arms, "You went off to military school for a month, met a few desperate girls and you're cooler than us now? Chill."

"I've been told snarky girls need to get laid."

"I've been told you need an attitude check called my knee between your legs and you crying for mommy on the floor. You're good at that now, aren't you?"

Aiden leaned in while Marley watched, unaffected, "Uh...more trouble in paradise?"

"Oh no. This is totally normal. It's actually worse back home."

Aiden chuckled as Gavin attempted to get a struggling Gabby into a headlock, who bit his forearm while he yelped dramatically. "Everybody's fighting but us. Maybe we need to start an argument so everything is full circle."

Marley smiled, pretending to put on a serious face a few seconds later. She pulled herself away from his hold, resting her berry hibiscus down on the ground to put her hands on her hips, "You know I like extra fruit in my berry hibiscus, so instead of being grateful anyway I'm going to put my hands on my hips like so and tell you I'm not going to drink it and to go back inside to get me a new one."

That was a total lie, but she honestly couldn't think of anything else at the top of her head. Aiden knew that, too, his small smile proving it. But he dropped it quickly in favour of keeping up their act.

Aiden let out a dramatic scoff, "You're so ungrateful. I went out of my way-"

"Well, you seemed to get lost before you got there."

They both stared at each other with narrowed eyes before starting to laugh. Aiden pulled her into his arms, their fronts pressed together.

Beside them, Gabby had snatched Aiden's phone and was now trying to DM one of the girls something embarrassing, dodging Gavin's attempts to take it back with all she had. Neither will admit it, but their ordinary banter was something they both missed.

"We're good at real fighting but our fake fights could use some work," she said with a smile.

"I'd give us a seven out of ten. The hands on your hips thing sold us and I give it bonus points for being hot."

"The hands on my hips?"

"No. You in general."

Marley laughed with a shake of her head, leaning away when he moved in to kiss her, "Hold your horses there, cowboy."

He pouted, jutting his thumb over his shoulder, "I thought we were playing copycat?"

Marley followed where he was pointing, leaning around Aiden's bicep, eyes bugged at the sight of Dylan pressing Ian against the wall in the alleyway between two stores, the two of them kissing furiously.

"Well..." she tore her eyes away with a shrug, "I think judging their problem-solving skills would be highly hypocritical given our history."

Aiden had a wrinkled nose, refusing to turn around, "If it wasn't my brother I'd say it's an effective method."

Her eyes wandered the lot, "Where's Leo?"

"Smoke break," Aiden replied, holding her tighter, "I told him not to come back until he was finished. He took a long walk."

Marley nodded, relieved, but the antsy expression on Aiden's face had her frowning, "You want a smoke too."

Aiden's eyes fell to hers. They tightened fractionally, "I don't want to lie to you. It wasn't a habit but..." Aiden's fingers tapped against the sides of her waist, "it was something."

She sighed, her heart squeezing, "It's not healthy. I'd appreciate it if you didn't touch those again."

Aiden tucked her hair behind her ear with a smile, "I haven't since the day we met. Never will. It's just odd right now," he reassured her sincerely.

A cracking sound had the two of them jumping, shooting their heads to face Aiden's phone upside down on the gravel.

Gavin and Gabby both gasped, quickly pointing at each other at the same time.

"He did it!" "She did it!"

"He's lying!" "She's lying!"

"Dipshit!" "Freak!"

"Just saying," Marley began with a small, teasing smile in Gabby and Gavin's direction, "People with ninety-eight averages don't give military school delinquents free rein on their cellphones."

Aiden flicked her nose, laughing when she swatted him.


Next chapter:

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