The Unwanted Daughter [An SVU...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

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Bay Hanson, well now known as Bay Stabler, was just a foster child. Her mother didn't want her because she wa... More

-Fourteen: What If?-
Author's Note
-Eighty-One: No Longer Unwanted-


575 20 1
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Maureen drove Bay back to the hospital and she supported her the whole way up to the maternity floor where Olivia was staying. Maureen and Bay walked out of the elevator and Maureen stopped and stood in front of her sister.

"Do you want to do this by yourself?" Maureen asked, and Bay shook her head.

"No. I can't do this by myself. You saw how I could barely walk down the hall of our own house..." Bay breathed.

"Okay, then I'll help you." Maureen smiled softly. Bay grabbed her sister's hand and she leaned a bit on Maureen as they headed down the hall and to where Olivia's door was closed again. Bay knocked on it for a few moments before Elliot came and opened the door. He looked at his daughters before shaking his head a bit.

"She's asleep. I think that this can wait till the morning." Elliot whispered, and Bay frowned.

"Please-" Bay started, and Elliot shook his head again.

"No. She needs her sleep. And Noelle is going to be hungry soon so she needs to get the sleep when she can. Come back in the morning or wait till we bring Noelle home." Elliot spoke, before quietly going back into the room and shutting the door. Bay looked down at her feet before looking over at Maureen.

"I'm going to sit and wait here... you can go home." Bay breathed.

"No, I'll wait with you," Maureen replied, but Bay shook her head.

"Go home and get some sleep. I'll just stay here and wait till I can meet my baby sister... hopefully before she turns 18." Bay sighed before she pulled her arm away from Maureen and hobbled down the hallway to the bank of chairs. She sank down onto one before getting into her purse and finding the pain pills she takes a night. She took one out and dry swallowed it before leaning back and preparing herself for a long wait.


Noelle was brought down to Olivia's room after a few hours of letting her sleep, then Noelle stayed in Olivia's room so that she and Elliot could start taking care of their child. When Olivia woke up the first time, she was barely aware of what was happening. All she knew was that her daughter was hungry and she had to feed her. But then the second and third time Noelle woke up to be fed, Olivia started to realize what was happening.

"What time is it?" Olivia asked as she cuddled Noelle close after she fed and burped her.

"It's almost 6. You can go back to sleep if you want." Elliot spoke, as he went to reach for their baby, but instead, Olivia fanned him off.

"Turn on the news. I want to make sure the weather is going to be good for Bay and Wes today." Olivia replied. Elliot didn't tell her that Bay had come back, but he was sure she'd remember once she woke up more about how Bay's cane had woke up and scared Noelle.

While Olivia and Elliot watched the weather and while Noelle continued to sleep against her mother's chest, Olivia frowned.

"Bay came back home last night. I guess I was just still so out of it when I woke up that I didn't realize. God, she must feel so bad for making Noelle cry." Olivia frowned.

"There is no need to worry about this, Liv."

"There is because our daughter is upset. Did she go home? Or is she still here?" Olivia questioned.

"I don't know. I haven't left your room. I didn't want to bother you either so when she showed up earlier I just told her not to come back till the morning." Elliot replied.

Olivia loves her husband and all, but she had to admit that sometimes she hates him when he gets so protective. He is trying to protect her from their daughter and she didn't like that, because Bay was not someone that she needed to be protected from.

"Find her, Elliot," Olivia ordered. 

"You need more sleep, you just had a baby!" Elliot exclaimed, and Olivia shifted up before passing Noelle to her husband.

"I'm going to find our kid, even if you don't want me too." Olivia spat.


Elliot got Olivia back into bed and with Noelle in her arms. He left and headed out into the hall and pulled his phone out before going to call Bay. When he was waiting for his daughter to pick up, he heard her ring tone and he walked down the hall to where Bay as sleeping awkwardly in a chair.

"Kid," Elliot spoke, as he hung up and walked closer to where his daughter was sitting.

"Dad?" Bay yawned after Elliot said 'kid' a few more times.

"What are you doing here? I told you to go home and wait till the morning."

"It's the morning now, right?" Bay asked, and Elliot nodded before running his hand over the back of his neck.

"Yeah, but I think your mother needs some more time to rest and recover. You can meet your sister when we come home." Elliot spoke, and Bay's face drained of color, but she didn't fight him on it.

"Y-yeah. Of course. Uh, I'll just catch a bus or something." Bay spoke, as she stood up slowly.

"It just takes a lot of time to recover from having a kid." Elliot tried to explain, but Bay knew her father didn't want her here. She has gotten used to his overprotective ways. She just has to move over it and try and not feel bad for herself.

"It's fine, Dad. Just tell Mom that I love her and I'll be eagerly waiting to meet my baby sister in a day or so." Bay spoke. Elliot nodded before looking around for her cane. 

"Where's your cane?" Elliot asked as Bay tried to figure out a way to get out of the hospital without falling over.

"I decided that I'm not going to use it anymore. I can't be causing Noelle to cry all the time. I'll work on my balance more, and Maureen said she might be able to find me a cane that isn't as noisy." Bay replied. She kissed her father's cheek before she stumbled away and down the hall. Elliot turned back around and saw a very angry looking Olivia standing in the doorway of her hospital room.

"You should probably go home with her, Elliot. Cause I'm a little pissed off at you." Olivia huffed.

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