Secret (SoraMafu/UraSaka)

By SmalBean

105K 7K 3.2K

What if you witnessed your best friend die? What if you could turn back time, would it be blessing or a curse... More

✧ Prolouge ✧
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
C̶h̶a̸p̴t̴e̷r̷ ̴6̶7̷
Chapter x6X8x
Chapter XxXxXxXxXxX
Chapter xXxXxXxXxXxXx
Chapter 1?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 52

1.1K 79 31
By SmalBean

Urata was walking with Sakata and the others around the area, looking at the stands to see if anything interested them. The redhead was eating a candy apple, he smiled as the sweetness filled his mouth. The green eyed brunette looked at his boyfriend in amusement.

"You sure do enjoy that."

It's yummy~ try some Urata."

"No thanks."

"Www are you embarrassed that biting the candy apple will be like an indirect kiss~?" Shima teasingly said as the short brunette glared at him.

"Oi. Shima."


"Is it sweet?" Amatsuki asked as he looked at the redhead, who nodded his head.

"Yep, do you wanna try Amatsuki?"


Amatsuki was about to take a bite of the candy apple but Urata grabbed the redhead's arm to bring the apple to his mouth. The green eyed brunette took a bite of the apple in the same spot the redhead had bitten into. He then looked at the red eyed brunette with a neutral expression.

"There, I tasted it for you. It's sweet."

Amatsuki and Sakata blinked as they processed what happened. The red eyed brunette then grinned as he laughed at the red faced redhead.

"Www Urata is jealous~" Kashitaro teasingly said as he smirked at the short brunette.

Urata just glared before deciding to ignore them and look away. Sakata blushed at the indirect kiss. The green eyed brunette glanced at him and smirked.

"Why is that embarrassing, I've kissed you before."

Urata tried to stifle his laugh as he watched the redhead blush even more. Sakata could tell that his face was fully red and stuttered a bit as he spoke.

"I-I'm not used to this!"

"I would assume so, seeing as no one would date an idiot like you."


Urata just chuckled while Sakata glared at him, his face still flushed. The redhead then pouted as he looked away.

"Says the person that confessed to me first."


The two males then stopped using their telepathy and began to bicker with each other. The other four just sighed at the two's usual banter. Just like an old married couple. Shima thought as he watched the two in amusement.

They were walking around the area, Amatsuki and Sakata would drag their boyfriends to a stand whenever they saw something interesting. Senra was looking around the area, the sky was slowly getting orange as the sun began to set. They had a few minutes until the fireworks would begin, they agreed to go back five minutes before so they wanted to make the most of their time.

Senra was walking next to the redhead when his hand accidentally brushed Sakata's. The blonde's tattoo changed color as a memory flashed in Senra's mind. The blonde quickly retracted his arm away from the redhead as he stared at Sakata in fear. Sakata and Shima noticed the blonde's sudden jerk and look at him concerned.

"Are you okay Senra?" Sakata asked as he titled his head.

The blonde didn't reply and just stared at the redhead, completely terrified. Shima grabbed the blonde's hand in an attempt to calm him down. Senra took a few deep breaths as he began to relax himself.

"I-I'm fine." Senra said as he gave them a small smile, he decided to not make them worry.

"Are you sure?" Sakata asked as he looked at the blonde worriedly.

"Y-Yeah, just saw y-you— your death. That's all." Senra lied as he sadly smiled at the redhead.

Sakata was still concerned for his friend but decided to believe the blonde's word. The redhead went back to talking with Urata while Senra stared at the back of Sakata's head.

"Didn't you say your ability was stable?" Shima whispered to the blonde, who nodded his head.

"I just sometimes unconsciously do it without meaning too..." Senra said as he sheepishly laughed.

Shima wasn't convinced but could tell that the blonde didn't want to talk about it. He decided to end the topic there and went back to enjoying the festival with the others. As they were walking, the guys noticed a large crowd up ahead.

"Wonder what's that big crowd for?" Amatsuki said as he tried to look over people.

They heard little chatter among the people in the crowd and found out that someone popular was at the fireworks festival. Sakata began to clench his head, making the green eyed brunette look at his worriedly.

"Are you okay Sakata?"

"I'm fine, just a small headache." The redhead muttered as he looked at the short brunette with a smile.

Urata then remembered that the redhead would get headaches from large crowds because of his ability. The short brunette saw the redhead's tattoo was red instead of pink, meaning Sakata was using his ability. He poked the redhead's neck, making Sakata jolt at the ticklish feeling.

"D-Don't do that so suddenly."

"Ww sorry~ but do you feel better now?"

Urata glanced again at the redhead's tattoo to see it go back to its original color. Sakata smiled as he hugged the green eyed brunette.

"Thanks Urata~"

"Oi! Get off me!"


The guys then began to continue walking but more people came to see whoever the famous person was. At some point, Urata managed to escape the crowd, only to see that the others were separated from him. Seriously.... Urata just groaned at how he was alone now before becoming concerned for the redhead. Hope he's okay and that his headache doesn't come up again.

The green eyed brunette decided to explore the area a bit more, maybe he'd find the others. He was walking around until he felt someone's shoulder bump into him. The short brunette stared at the person before the both of them groaned in annoyance.

"Out of everyone, you just happen to be the person I bump into." Urata said irritated.

"Same here." Sorato replied as he crossed his arms.

The two gave each other a glare before Urata decided to just leave the short raven-haired alone and find the others. He began to walk away and after a few steps he noticed Sorato was walking behind him, a big gap between them.

"Oi. Why are you following me? Shouldn't you look for the others?" Urata said in annoyance as the short raven-haired rolled his eyes.

"One, I'm not following you, I haven't gone this way so I want to see what's here. Two, the others are being lovey-dovey and no way am I third wheeling."

"Well go walk somewhere else."

"I'm surprised you're by yourself, I thought Sakata would cling onto you like a small puppy."

The short raven-haired smirked as he saw the short brunette's ears turn a bit red. Urata gave him a side glare as he crossed his arms.

"We got split up in a crowd."

"Maybe if you weren't a short tanuki, this wouldn't have happened." Sorato retorted as he gave the green eyed brunette a smug grin.

"Look who's talking bastard."


Urata just gave a smug look back, satisfied that the short raven-haired was clearly annoyed. He went back to facing forward as he tried to find the others to ditch the other male. Sorato just let out a sigh in annoyance as he looked at the short brunette with an expressionless face.

"How can someone stand you? Actually, do you actually like Sakata or are you just playing with his feelings?"

"Oi, I'm not like that."

"Wouldn't surprise me if you were, you seem to not care about hurting other's feelings."

"And you seem to enjoy always butting into things that don't concern you."

"Just curious about how you're capable of loving someone like Sakata."

"I just do, now quit it."

"I assume you won't tell me even if I continued asking."

"Really? What gave you that idea?" Urata asked sarcastically as Sorato glared at him.

The two continued walking, they kept a distance from each other as neither of them wanted to be within five feet near the other. Urata was checking his phone, the others had texted him a few seconds ago asking where he was. The green eyed brunette replied back and got a quick reply from the redhead saying that they'll go to where he is. He just chuckled at the redhead's text, how cute.

Urata felt someone bump into him, the short brunette was starting to get irritated. If someone else bumps into me I swear I'm going to kill someone. He looked to see a girl rub her head.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry." The girl apologized before staring at the green eyed brunette.

She had dark-brown hair and blue eyes, and was about two inches shorter than Urata. The girl stared at the short brunette for a few seconds before blushing.

"Y-You're Urata right?"

"Eh?" The green eyed brunette said in confusion at how the girl knew his name.

"Every girl in school knows about you. You're in the group with the other guys, they're pretty popular."

"Oh," was the only thing Urata said as his expression became neutral. Sorato was amused at how the short brunette acted indifferent around others that weren't the guys.


"I'll just say this now, I can't return your feelings at all." Urata said as he could already tell what the girl was going to say.

"O-Oh....right you have Sakata. Sorry..."the girl smiled at the green eyed brunette, "well thanks for at least telling me."

She waved goodbye at the green eyed brunette and walked away. Sorato watched at her leave before glancing at the short brunette in amusement.

"Wow, you really don't care at all about others."


"You only show emotions and concern when it involves your friends." Sorato said as he stared at the short brunette's eyes.


"Well, at least I learned something new about you." Sorato smiled at the green eyed brunette, Urata just stared at him confused.

"Though how come you didn't try to give her a chance?"

"Oi. I already have Sakata, you dumbass."

"Right, right. You only care about Sakata." Sorato grinned, that is pretty amusing.

"What are you getting at?" Urata was getting more confused by the short raven-haired's words.

"Well, I've seen you act violent and aggressive towards people if they do or say something about your friends."

"Well duh, who wouldn't get angry if their friends are being bullied or such."

"I guess that's true."

Sorato then crossed his arms behind his head as he began to walk. The green eyed brunette just stared at the leaving short raven-haired. Sorato then glanced at the green eyed brunette before smiling.

"Well, I'll leave you alone now. I'll just say that I find it interesting how you act kind towards Sakata and stay loyal to him."

Sorato then disappeared into the crowd while Urata just stood their puzzled. What was that? The green eyed brunette was about to continue walking until he felt someone tackle him from behind. He stumbled forward a bit and glared at the culprit.

"Oi! Be careful you idiot!"

"Www, sorry~" Sakata said as he beamed at the green eyed brunette.

Urata glanced behind the redhead to see the others walking towards them. Senra was looking a bit more calm after the incident with Sakata. Though it seemed like the blonde was cautious around him.

"Hey Sakata, next time don't run off on your own." Kashitaro said as he gave the redhead a scolding look.

"Www yeah, we know you want to see Urata but at least tell us beforehand." Shima teasingly said as the redhead blushed.


Urata just rolled his eyes at their teasing before looking at the redhead that was still hugging him. He really is like a small puppy following me. The green eyed brunette chuckled as he pinched the redhead's cheek. Sakata whined at the pain as the short brunette laughed. He really is naive and innocent. Hope no one takes advantage of that.


Some more fluffy moments (~ >w<)~
(and Sorato being Sorato)

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter~

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