The Unwanted Daughter [An SVU...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

73.5K 1.9K 89

Bay Hanson, well now known as Bay Stabler, was just a foster child. Her mother didn't want her because she wa... More

-Fourteen: What If?-
Author's Note
-Eighty-One: No Longer Unwanted-


679 18 0
By GirlandHerKeyboard

"Dad said we didn't have to be friends." Maureen huffed, and Bay nodded.

"I know, and I doubt we ever will. So are we good for now?" Bay asked, and Maureen rolled her eyes before shrugging.

"I guess. Just leave me alone. Don't call me and don't text me. I'm not your sister anymore." She spat. Bay shook a bit, but nodded.

"Okay. I'll go now. Uh, Mom still wants to see you again, Dad." Bay spoke, before grabbing the door and shutting it. Elliot looked at Maureen and swallowed hard.

"Did you have to be mean to her? She did step up and apologize." Elliot frowned.

"I don't want anything to do with her, Dad. So can I drive home now? The kids all have stuff to do in the morning, and I have to start packing up more."

"Okay. But the next time you come over, you better not be this mean to your sister." Elliot spoke. He shut the door after he opened it again, and he made his way down the hall to where his wife was still.

"So?" Olivia asked, as soon as Elliot opened their bedroom door.

"They aren't fighting, but they aren't on talking terms. So I guess they are still fighting." Elliot sighed.

"But they apologized, right?"

"Bay did, Maureen didn't. She thinks that she was hurt incredibly deeply. Bay didn't say as nearly as many bad things as Maureen did."

"I'm going to bed. Tell the kids that I love them." Olivia frowned. She stood up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. Elliot watched as she shut the door before sighing.

He hated when his family fights. Right now, the fighting seems even worse.

"El!" Olivia cried, as Elliot went to leave the room.

"Liv? What's wrong?" He asked, as he quickly made his way to the bathroom.

"I'm spotting."


Olivia and Elliot left without saying anything to Bay. They just drove away from the house after Maureen and her siblings headed back home. Bay walked out of her bedroom and went downstairs to get something to eat, but he parents weren't in the living room or in the kitchen. She threw together a sandwich before walking upstairs to see if her mother had went to bed, but after searching all the rooms she couldn't find them.

Bay tried to call her parents' phones, but both of them had left their phones here. Bay started to get panicked because she had no idea what was happening. She went to call Maureen, but instead she called Kathleen instead.

"Bay?" Kathleen questioned, and the music in the background got turned down.

"Hey, uh, Dad and Mom aren't here anymore. Do you know if they went somewhere?" Bay questioned.

"No. They were still here when we left. Why?"

"Because they left their phones here and aren't here. Kathleen, do you think something happened?"

"With the baby?" Kathleen breathed, and Bay felt tears well in her eyes.

"I'm going to call Wes, see if he can come get me and take me to the hospital. I just want to make sure." Bay breathed.

"Okay, we will turn around and meet you at the one closest to the house."

"I can call you guys-"

"It's our sibling too, Bay. Just shut up and meet us there." Maureen yelled, and Kathleen sighed.

"See you soon."


Wes came and picked up Bay and they went to the nearest hospital. Bay saw her parents' vehicle and she got a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was scared to death that this was her fault.

"Want me to come in with you?" Wes asked, and Bay nodded without even really thinking.

"Yes, please. I don't know what my siblings may say..." Bay whispered. She reached over and grabbed her boyfriend's hand and intertwinned their fingers together. She felt Wes squeeze her hand before she looked over at him.

"Here is a spot. Park here."

Once they were parked, Bay and Wes got out over the truck and walked as quickly as they could to the entrance of the ER. She barely got inside before seeing the blonde heads of her siblings as they stood and talked to a nurse.

"Please, she's our step mother! Please just let us see her or talk to her or something!" Maureen exclaimed. Bay let go of Wes' hand and walked over to where they stood.

"I'm Olivia's daughter." Bay breathed, and Maureen threw her hands up in the air before stomping away.

"Okay, you can come with me and I'll show you to the waiting room where your father is." The nurse spoke. Bay stopped her though.

"Please, let them come with us. If they aren't seeing her, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?" Bay breathed, and the nurse looked between her and the others and nodded.

"Okay. Come on."


The kids sat beside their father, and Wes waited by Bay. No one said a thing, because no one knew what to say in a situation like this. One where Olivia might lose the baby.

"How far along is Liv?" Lizzie asked, as she lifted her head off of Kathleen's shoulder, where she had been resting it for nearly an hour.

"13 weeks to the day." Elliot mumbled, his voice week and it sounded like as if he woke up.

"The baby is a Stabler, Dad. It'll fight." Maureen spoke, as she glanced over at her father.

"Are you sure? Because I'm not sure anymore." Elliot breathed. He wiped a tear from his cheek before reaching over and grabbing Bay's hand then used his other one to grab Maureen's hand.

"Who's fault was this?" Maureen whispered, as Bay looked down the hall and saw Kathy walking towards them to pick up Eli.

"Mine. Excuse me." Bay whispered. She stood up and dropped her father's hand before walking down the hall and away from where Kathy was walking.

"Is it her fault, Dad?" Maureen breathed, as she looked over at her father.

"No. It isn't. It isn't any of your faults. I'm going to talk to your mother real quick, then Eli you need to head home."


Bay wandered around the hospital and stopped a few floors above where her mother was and looked at the newborns that were in the hospital nursery.

She looked at all the tiny and brand new humans and wondered if she'd ever be back here to see her baby brother or sister.

"There you are." Wes huffed, his voice wasn't angry, he was just out of breath from climbing the stairs to try and find his girlfriend.

"Yup, here I am." Bay whispered. Wes came over and wrapped his arms around her body as he looked at the babies.

"Scared?" He asked, and Bay nodded.

"Scared to death. I don't want her to lose the baby." Bay whispered. She leaned more on her boyfriend as she dropped her head as tears ran down her cheeks.

"You know that your father said it wasn't your fault. You didn't do this. Shit like this just happens."

"Great. And shit like this always happens to my family all the fucking time."

Hey guys, thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below. :)

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