Cabin Fever | ✓

By partiallyprecarious

1.3M 63.7K 47.2K

Completed. ☾ This is a SEQUEL!!! 1) 'Camp Where The Hell Are We?' 2) 'Cabin Fever' 3) 'Asterism' ☾ "I do be... More

(1) A VIP Seat To The Full Leo Kahn Experience
(2) The Word
(3) Nothing Else To Do But Put Condoms On Bananas In The Back Room
(4) Is It Against The Rules As The 'Narrative Breaking Damsel'?
(5) Less Talking. More Petting.
(6) Revelation 16:16
(7) You See Anything You've Never Seen Before, I'll Buy You Another Ferrari
(8) Tick Tock Spitfire
(9) Sixty Minutes
(10) Kidnapping Is Really Convincing Me To Forgive You
(11) Violet
(12) It's A Combination Of My Abs And My Snake Catching Abilities
(13) Fire And Ice
(14) You Dropped The Soap And Realized What You Were Missing
(15) Let Her Go
(16) Armour
(17) Surrender
(18) Defeat
(19) You Have The Wrong Equipment For Him
(20) The Untouchables
(21) It Accentuates Your Bad Boy Image
(22) Never Again
(23) Marley Hoover Forgetting Basic Muscular Anatomy
(24) Sometimes You've Got To Be Karma's Bitch
(25) The Cheerio Effect
(26) Predator And Prey
(27) Solipsism
(28) You Scouted The Area For Make Out Spots While We Were Waiting In Line
(29) Extinguish
(30) Hazel
(31) Tequila And My Dealers' Mystery Pack Took The Wheel
(32) You: *Smack* "Aiden Matthews!"
(33) Can I Put My Hand In His Pants?
(34) Aiden Took Me Away To A Private Lounge So I'd Dance On His Lap
(35) AWOL
(36) I Could Have An Opening To Be The Big Spoon For A Few Hours
(37) How To Be A Good Girlfriend For Dummies
(38) 💏 Until 🤫
(39) So I'm Being The 'Cheating Girlfriend' Or Whatever
(40) I Probably Would've Kept My Mouth Shut If Your Boyfriend Weren't A Sex God
(41) A Whiny Night Owl And The Sociopathic, Creepy Portuguese Twins
(42) Hooters. 2014.
(43) Hello, Brother
(44) Even Steven
(45) Referencing The Wizard of Oz When Ordering A One Night Stand Off Your Porch
(46) You're The Bermuda Triangle Of The Group Chat
(47) Perfect
(48) On My Life
(49) Deal With The Devil
(50) The Enemy Of My Enemy
(51) Envy
(52) Eyes Wide Open
(53) Petrichor
(55) A Slew Of Threesome Offers From The Creeps Of The World
(56) Attack Of The Boyfriend Stealers: World War Groupie
(57) Are You Seriously About To Strip In The Middle Of The Woods
(58) He Wants To Know If You'd Be Into Edible Underwear
(59) I'll Burst In To Every Room As We Walk Off Into Blue Ball Sunset Together
(60) Promise
(61) Alongside Automatic Weapons In Trumps' America And Aiden's Fangirls
(62) A Rich Housewife Needing A Maintenance Boy
(63) Hero
(64) Bad Boys And Rules Are Mutually Exclusive Events
(65) You're Finally Worn Out
(66) Ohana
(67) Heart
(68) Wanna Have A Look At The Magic Happening In My Pants Right Now?
(69) JH
(70) You're In Wonderland, Alice
(71) That's Three Comments About The Yoga Pants, Matthews
(72) I Don't Like Being On My Knees
(73) Worth The Risk
(74) You're A Sex God, Mr. Grinch
(75) Jingle My Balls
(76) The Bigger The Head, The Easier The Target
(77) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook
(78) I'd Love To See You Naked
(79) Catch And Release
(80) You're Always A Babe Magnet
(81) Clothing, Groping and Chitchat
(82) You
(83) Hope
(84) Demons
Author Q&A Answers
(85 Part 1) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
(85 Part 2) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
Final A/N
Extra 1: Kingston High's Captain Asshole
Extra 2: Aiden's POV - The Butterfly Clip
Extra 3: Return To Kingston High
Extra 4: The Drawing
Asterism Republished!!!
The 2020 Readers Choice Awards!!
Fiction Awards CLOSING IN ONE HOUR!'
ASTERISM IS BACK with a 32 chappie update...❤️

(54) That's A Matthews Jawline

13.3K 656 487
By partiallyprecarious

Kyra and Jace stayed behind to use Ian's shower, which had been well-loved for the past hour. Between Marley, Aiden, Ian, Kyra, Eli and Jace it could be considered communal.

But soon after they called Kyra's older sister, who was supposed to bring them the 'ransom' money, they were picked up from the hotel. It was an emotional exchange - which included said older sister hugging Aiden for a bit too long to do anything but confirm that her wide-eyed gaze on him was clearly awe and not gratefulness - but it ended quickly. Kyra and Jace did exchange numbers with Marley, though. A night like that had brought them together.

There was also the fact that Jace seemed almost begging for Aiden's guidance on how to get the girl, considering Kyra had gushed for almost twenty minutes about he and Marley's 'romantic' rain kiss. But Marley didn't miss the way Kyra looked at Jace with a hint of longing. It would happen. In a way, kind of like Marley and Aiden did.

But that's another story.

Now they were back in Ian's hotel room, Aiden, Marley and Eli all dressed in Aiden's clothing that Ian somehow had an abundance of in his luggage.

His claim was that he was bringing it for Aiden, but there was the silent understanding that Ian uses his brother's clothes as his PJ's because he misses him.

Though he'd never admit that out loud.

As much as Aiden and Ian love each other, they're still siblings and that expression of love is always a bit...unconventional.

Dallas was on her way after Eli gave her the call that they were safe. He had gotten her out of there as soon as he could because this was his suicide mission, not hers. It was clear though, that whatever animosity existed between Aiden and Eli, in the beginning, was still there and that it would take a long time before Aiden forgave him.

But he still didn't know what Eli told Marley when they were alone. She'd tell Aiden once they were alone if any talking actually happened in the near future.

Which seemed highly unlikely at the present moment, given that Aiden was doing just about every discreet thing he could do to drive her crazy. His warm fingers dragging along her arm from over his sweater, his lips pressing against her hair, other hand tangled with hers, thumb rubbing circles over the heated skin. She was laying with him under the covers on the Queen bed, really wanting to do other things on said bed and her smug, devious boyfriend knew it.

Not that she was complaining in the least. She loves her smug, devious boyfriend to death and the elation that comes with him being here and safe is all that matters.

"-guns and most of the men I dealt with had them. I knew there was the possibility of them being used on us while we drove them in circles with the bikes." Eli was perched on one of the couches in the corner, avoiding looking at Aiden and Marley entirely.

But she didn't care about how he was feeling right now. She needed to be close to Aiden and it wasn't an option to be any farther than she is.

"I saw a gun in one of the guys' jackets that held me," Aiden added, both his hands stilling briefly. Marley tilted her head up to lock eyes with him, watching his soften. He caressed her cheek with a gentle touch, "I knew the second we walked into that garage that getting you out before we did anything else was the only option. Eli and I on the bikes distracting the men could cover up your and Ian leaving the trailer park."

Marley pursed her lips, fighting a smile when she watched his eyes focus on the movement, "Still, Aiden, leaving like that...and Ian and I not knowing-"

"Don't start with that," Aiden cut her off with a colder tone than she was anticipating. He pulled her closer, pressing his lips to her forehead, "Not when you left me first. Not when there could've been a thousand different outcomes that would've destroyed me."

She raised an eyebrow, "Ditto."

"None of that either."

"You're being awfully demanding."

"You're being awfully stubborn."

Marley felt a small smile play on her lips. Time for sweet, sweet revenge. "What are you gonna do about it?"

As predicted, his blue eyes darkened, narrowing considerably. She felt warmth rise to her cheeks as he pulled her closer, "You think I'm above-"

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Open the door bitches!"

Marley and Aiden's bubble broke as they shared a look at the familiar voice, before shooting their heads towards Ian. He lifted off the loveseat he was sprawled on, heading for the door with a sheepish expression.

"I may have been able to convince the camp and your manager that you two had an excused absence but there are quite a few people who weren't buying it."

Aiden and Marley left the bed with quiet laughs, preparing themselves for the people on the other side.

She did, though, remember to throw in a quick thank you to Ian asking Conner to let Dean know she couldn't work tomorrow morning.

When Ian opened the door, Sarah was standing there with her hands on her hips, her red hair wild and her blue eyes narrowed.

"If you didn't flash your boobs to get out of there I haven't been doing my job as your friend-ow!" She yelped when Tristan smacked her, the group shoving past her and filling the room with greetings and light.

Gabby blasted past all the girls and threw herself at Marley, but Bree, Kelly, Tristan and Sarah followed suit quickly.

Beyond the girls' group hug, Jason gave Aiden a bro hug, "If I was there we could've kicked ass together."

"Your girl would've been more useful."

"First jail, and then a badass kidnapping without me? Seriously dude? Has bro code just died?"

The room quieted as Leo sauntered in with his hands in his front pockets. As easygoing as his demeanour was, in his green eyes was worry, in his shoulders was a defensive hunch. In everything behind his words was an apology he couldn't say.

Nobody breathed as Aiden stepped away from Jason. The best friends faced each other. Marley watched the storm of indecision in Aiden's eyes as they flickered over to lock on her hazel ones briefly. She gave him a small, reassuring smile.

"You have to let go of those grudges, Aiden. You have to stop being angry. That's what forgiveness is."

Aiden's eyes softened. He nodded discreetly and hers stretched across her cheeks watching him close the distance to Leo. The two of them embraced, patting each other's backs. Over Aiden's shoulder, Leo's eyes locked on hers and that one look said more than any words ever could.

Whatever it takes.

"Next time I get held for ransom I'll tell them you want in," Aiden suggested as they released each other, Leo scanning over the couple bruises on his face.

"Are you kidding me? Hell yes. The whole battered up, bandaged hand look is a hit with the girls."

Aiden rolled his eyes but a smile was still playing on his lips, "Shut up, Leo."

"Physically impossible." He redirected his attention to Marley, "I'm glad you're in one piece."

Marley giggled while Aiden whacked the back of his head, "Thanks for the heartwarming concern for my girl, jackass."

"It's what I do."

Marley jumped at Sarah's excited nudge, her blue eyes locked on something over Marley's shoulder, "Who the hell is that hunk of fine ass meat?"

Marley raised her eyebrows, realizing quickly that the girls were all eyeing up Eli's stiffened form on the couch. Behind them, Leo had Ian in a headlock and was giving him a noogie while Aiden greeted Brendan and Ryan, but the girls were way too busy staring at Eli.

"That's a Matthews jawline..." Tristan trailed off before her eyes were bugging, "If this is some gorgeous, black sheep secret brother narrative I'm going to lose my fucking mind."

"This is Elias Matthews," Marley interrupted while he stood, glancing between the watching girls nervously, "Aiden and Ian's half-brother."

"It's a pleasure!" Sarah squeaked, scrambling over him with her hand extended for a...handshake?

Eli raised an eyebrow but that faded to shock when she tripped, careening right towards him with a shriek. His arms shot out to catch her, hers curling around his biceps as she gasped for air.

"Oh my god! I'm so clumsy! Silly me!" she stammered while she looked up, locking eyes with him in a way that told Marley something about this was a little fishy.

She turned her head to ask the girls, but Tristan was already ahead of her.

"Sarah's always had this fantasy about crashing into her future husband accidentally on the day they meet, and being able to tell the tale once they're married with kids. "

Marley laughed out loud, jumping a little when she felt warm hands slide around her torso, and muscled arms hold her against a hard chest, "I love that laugh. But what's it for?" his deep voice murmured.

"Fate," she smiled, watching a spark cross Eli's eyes like a shooting star.

Gone quickly, but never forgotten.


"I promise our next Christmas together is going to be better."

Marley leaned back against the wall of Aiden's bed, curling her knees up to his chest as he spoke through his toothbrush. She raised an eyebrow, looking over his bare chest, dishevelled dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes. Leo's right, the bruised, battered look is a hit with 'the girls'.

"I don't see the problem."

He shot her a playful grin, but his eyes had darkened considerably after he dropped his toothbrush and wiped his hands with his towel. They were back at camp, in his bedroom while Ian and Leo slept upstairs.

It was an unspoken agreement that Aiden and Marley needed the next few hours alone. By the time they made it back it was close to two am. Marley's toiletrees bag was sitting next to his on the bathroom counter, and her eyes fell to the sight of it with a small smile. It was a reminder that Aiden was here, and he wasn't going anywhere.

Not ever again, as long as she had any say in it.

He crossed his arms over his chest in the doorway, leaning his side against it and scanning her over. Something was still bothering him, she could tell.

"It wasn't right," she leaned back on her hands, "what Eli did. But he's depressed. He's in a dark place. He wants your life, Aiden. It was never about the money."

He sighed, "You believe he's redeemable?"

"I do."

Aiden rubbed a hand over his face tiredly, "Using my brother. The fact that you were in danger...I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him."

Marley tilted her head sideways, her brown hair falling over her right shoulder, "I never said you had to. I said that he's redeemable. He's going to find his way out of this, Aiden. Someday. He has to forgive himself, too. Today was a start. He made the right choice, he did the right thing."

Aiden dropped his hand and approached the bed, plopping on top of the covers, his side pressed against her calf. She ran her fingers through his hair soothingly while he took her hand, staring down at it with unreadable blue eyes.

"I did thank him. Before he left with his sister. For," he pressed the back of her hand against his lips, applying the slightest pressure before he was speaking against the skin there, "helping me keep you safe. It was the only reason why I let him go unscathed. All that matters is that you're here and okay."

She curled her fingers around his hand to hold it tightly in her own, "I shouldn't have to tell you it goes both ways, Aiden. That I would be as devastated if I lost you. You are my family, my best friend, and I...I need you."

His eyes locked on hers, a hint of piercing agony flooding behind them before that faded, "I won't tell you the hell I went through after you left that room. There are no words for it. All I will say is-"

"There was no other option?" She cut in gently.

His eyes narrowed, "All I will say is, if it comes between you and me, ever again," he slid downwards, rolling on top of her, trapping her between his legs. His spearmint brushed across her cheeks, blue eyes studying every small feature of her face, "Promise me you'll save yourself."

You hold on tight until I tell you to let go.

Marley shook her head in denial, lifting her hands to cup his cheeks and gently brush over the residual bruising, "You once said that we fight together. We fall together."

"Metaphorically," Aiden corrected in a murmur, leaning in to brush his nose against hers, "Literally? Never."

She smiled, "You're going to have to learn to live with the idea that I choose you the same way you choose me. Unconditionally. Regardless of the consequences."

He sighed, his body slumping against hers, "My stubborn spitfire."

"My martyr of an overprotective caveman. Speaking of, how did you learn to fight like that?"

"I had a personal trainer. He helped me with the exercise routines I do, too. But I did a lot of boxing. Self-defence. I never wanted to feel powerless again."

She slipped her fingers through his hair, playing with the strands. Aiden was still hovered over her, eyes trailing over her face. An idea crossed her mind that she liked the sound of too much to dismiss it.

"I want you to teach me. Self-defence."

He raised an eyebrow playfully, but his biceps had tensed on either side of her, "Do you not feel safe with me?"

She frowned, "I always do. But I like the idea of being able to defend myself, too. I want to feel powerful, in my own skin."

He pursed his lips thoughtfully, "I can understand that feeling. I felt the same way once."

His lips relaxed into a soft smile. "I'll teach you a few things because I want you to learn how to throw a good punch if necessary, while I'm on my way to finish the job."

She laughed, "Deal. But, we do need to discuss this four million thing, Aiden. And Eli, and Dallas, and everything else I was in the dark about."

"If you're asking if I have any more secret siblings, the answer's no. If you're asking if I have any more family secrets, I don't. I know that it was wrong to keep what I did from you, and I'm sorry. If anything happened to you in there, I never would've been able to forgive myself. This is my family drama and I-"

She pressed her finger to his lips, giving him a fierce glare, "We're a team, Aiden. I was in there for Ian, too. Facing that alone-"

She cut herself off with a gasp when his hands locked around her wrists, pinning them above her head. She squirmed while he brushed his lips along her jawline, "I could've handled it myself. We have school in the morning. Get some sleep. And you argue again I will do something about it."

She huffed dramatically while he let her go, shifting off of her to press a hand to her stomach and hold her back against his front. He nuzzled his nose into her neck, tangling their legs together. She instinctively relaxed in his hold with small grumbles leaving her lips. Marley was too tired to protest beyond that though, her lids drooping and her breathing deepening.

Being held hostage for five hours has a way of wearing a girl out. Add that onto the unmatched warmth and security of Aiden's embrace, and she was out like a light.

That's not to say, though, that he won that argument. He never would. Marley will always fight beside Aiden, with him, marching amongst the front lines of whatever battle he finds himself in. In his darkest nights, on his brightest days. Whether it be a meagre adversity or the toughest fight of his life.

He is her armour. He is her fiercest protector. But she is his, too.


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