The Outsider

By DorrellTwinner

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Grayson and Ethan Dolan are twins. One of them gets kicked out of school so they have to leave their hometown... More

~3.A spark?~
~4.The Invitation~
~5.The Party Vol.1~
~6.The Party Vol.2~
~8.The Aftermath~
~9.The "Date"~
~10. Closer~
~11.The Fight~
~12. A New Friend~
~13. Car Accident~
~14.Netflix and Chill~
~15. Graynessa~
~16. Finally Together~
~17. Halloween~
~18. The School's Party~
~19. The Merrell's Party~
~20. The Truth~
~21. Couple Goals~
~22. Scars~
~23. Hospital~
~25. Hurt~
~26. Pressure~
~28. The Break Up~
~29. Issues~
~30. No Secrets~
~31. The School Trip~
~32. Ex Issues~
~33. I am not leaving you~
~34. Knocked Out~
~35. Pain In The Ass~
~36. Family Dinner~
~37. I Love You~
~38. Gone~
~39. Help me~
~40. Leave~
~41. Distant~
~42. The Plan~
~43. Busted~
~44. Rape~
~45. Lost~
~46. It's Over~
~47. New Ship?~
~48. Bloody Mess~
~49. Rejected~
~50. Plan B~
~A/N Vol.2~
~51. Kidnapped~
~52. Talking~
~53. A way out?~
~54. I Will Find Her~
~55. Now or Never~
~56. Bang~
~57. Finale~
~Goodbye for now~

~2.First Day of School~

849 22 0
By DorrellTwinner

Ethan's POV

Today is the first day after the summer break and the first day at our new school too, but I don't feel that thrilled about it, unlike my brother who is super excited. How exciting could even school be? I honestly don't understand my brother sometimes.

-"Ethan we got to go, we mustn't be late for our first day at school". Grayson shouted at me while I was just getting out of bed.

"ETHAN GET UP BRO, WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE". Grayson shouted once again this time next to my ear.

-"Whatever dude". I finally got up and started getting ready for school. After 10 minutes I got out of the house looking at Grayson who was angrily waiting for me at the car.

Grayson's POV

He finally got ready and hopped in the car. I didn't have the energy to argue with him that early in the morning so I just didn't say anything. Ethan hasn't been himself since his girlfriend, Emma, died last summer and he still hasn't recovered since. I feel sorry for him but he has to stop being so negative and steep towards me. I miss the old Ethan who used to be a good and caring brother and not a total ass that he has been the past year.

As we were driving to school Ethan being moody and sad so I tried to approach him and get him to talk to me.

-"E(Ethan). Are you okay bro? Is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

-"Nah, I am good. I just really don't want to get school started again especially now that I have to meet new people and make my way through the famous ones as I used to be back in New Jersey".

Classic Ethan. The only thing he cares about is becoming the famous fuckboy of the school.

-"Okey then". I simply replied to him without showing any signs of caring.

As we arrived at school Ethan immediately fit in a group of guys that seemed to be players of the football team. I rolled my eyes, took a deep breath, and went through the doors of the school.

~Earlier that day~

Vanessa's POV

I woke up hearing once again my annoying alarm going off interrupting me from a really deep sleep I had. It was the first day of school and unlike Roni, I wasn't that excited about it. I mean I get to finally see my best friend Alex who was missing all summer but other than that I hadn't missed anyone or anything else. Veronica slammed down my door, hopping around and yelling because of the school beginning. What is wrong with her, I thought.

-"Wake up Nessa! It is a beautiful morning and we finally get to go to school again". She happily told me.

-"I will be up in a sec. Okay?"

She nodded at me and left my room. I dressed up, ate a bowl of cereals, and got in the car with Veronica to drive to school.

As we got there I saw my friend Alex waving at me from the entrance of the school. I quickly unfastened my seatbelt and ran towards him leaving Roni to go meet her friends.

-"What's up bestie? How was your summer? You haven't told me anything all these months about you. How..". Alex excitedly started talking to me as I shut his mouth with my finger so he would stop talking.

-"It was an alright summer...I guess, but we will talk about all that later. Now we got to go to class".

Alex was my best and the only friend for the past 3 years and I am so thankful that I have him, cause without him I would have been completely alone. He is really caring and fun to be around with.

First-period Biology. One of my most hated subjects. I took a seat at the end of the classroom so I wasn't close to anybody, waiting for the teacher to come in. But instead, a pair of twins entered the classroom making most of the girls in the class start gossiping about how hot they were.

-"Guys, these are your new classmates, Ethan and Grayson Dolan. I want you to warmingly welcome them to our school and make them feel comfortable." the headmaster said as he left our classroom.

I saw one of them already talking to the rest of the famous guys from the football team. Well, I can't say I didn't see that coming. The other one started walking towards me as he sat at the seat right next to me.

-"Hi! I am Grayson" he said as he approached his hand towards me. "Is this seat taken?" He asked me.

-"No, no you can sit here... I am Vanessa. Nice to meet you" I happily said trying not to blush in front of him.


Hey guys! I hope you 're enjoying the story so far. Do you think there might be a spark between Vanessa and Grayson? 

I am open to any suggestions about the story.


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