Cabin Fever | ✓

Von partiallyprecarious

1.3M 63.3K 47.2K

Completed. ☾ This is a SEQUEL!!! 1) 'Camp Where The Hell Are We?' 2) 'Cabin Fever' 3) 'Asterism' ☾ "I do be... Mehr

(1) A VIP Seat To The Full Leo Kahn Experience
(2) The Word
(3) Nothing Else To Do But Put Condoms On Bananas In The Back Room
(4) Is It Against The Rules As The 'Narrative Breaking Damsel'?
(5) Less Talking. More Petting.
(6) Revelation 16:16
(7) You See Anything You've Never Seen Before, I'll Buy You Another Ferrari
(8) Tick Tock Spitfire
(9) Sixty Minutes
(10) Kidnapping Is Really Convincing Me To Forgive You
(11) Violet
(12) It's A Combination Of My Abs And My Snake Catching Abilities
(13) Fire And Ice
(14) You Dropped The Soap And Realized What You Were Missing
(15) Let Her Go
(16) Armour
(17) Surrender
(18) Defeat
(19) You Have The Wrong Equipment For Him
(20) The Untouchables
(21) It Accentuates Your Bad Boy Image
(22) Never Again
(23) Marley Hoover Forgetting Basic Muscular Anatomy
(24) Sometimes You've Got To Be Karma's Bitch
(25) The Cheerio Effect
(26) Predator And Prey
(27) Solipsism
(28) You Scouted The Area For Make Out Spots While We Were Waiting In Line
(29) Extinguish
(30) Hazel
(31) Tequila And My Dealers' Mystery Pack Took The Wheel
(32) You: *Smack* "Aiden Matthews!"
(33) Can I Put My Hand In His Pants?
(34) Aiden Took Me Away To A Private Lounge So I'd Dance On His Lap
(35) AWOL
(36) I Could Have An Opening To Be The Big Spoon For A Few Hours
(37) How To Be A Good Girlfriend For Dummies
(38) 💏 Until 🤫
(39) So I'm Being The 'Cheating Girlfriend' Or Whatever
(40) I Probably Would've Kept My Mouth Shut If Your Boyfriend Weren't A Sex God
(41) A Whiny Night Owl And The Sociopathic, Creepy Portuguese Twins
(42) Hooters. 2014.
(43) Hello, Brother
(44) Even Steven
(45) Referencing The Wizard of Oz When Ordering A One Night Stand Off Your Porch
(46) You're The Bermuda Triangle Of The Group Chat
(47) Perfect
(48) On My Life
(49) Deal With The Devil
(50) The Enemy Of My Enemy
(51) Envy
(52) Eyes Wide Open
(53) Petrichor
(54) That's A Matthews Jawline
(55) A Slew Of Threesome Offers From The Creeps Of The World
(56) Attack Of The Boyfriend Stealers: World War Groupie
(57) Are You Seriously About To Strip In The Middle Of The Woods
(58) He Wants To Know If You'd Be Into Edible Underwear
(59) I'll Burst In To Every Room As We Walk Off Into Blue Ball Sunset Together
(60) Promise
(61) Alongside Automatic Weapons In Trumps' America And Aiden's Fangirls
(62) A Rich Housewife Needing A Maintenance Boy
(63) Hero
(64) Bad Boys And Rules Are Mutually Exclusive Events
(65) You're Finally Worn Out
(66) Ohana
(67) Heart
(68) Wanna Have A Look At The Magic Happening In My Pants Right Now?
(69) JH
(70) You're In Wonderland, Alice
(71) That's Three Comments About The Yoga Pants, Matthews
(72) I Don't Like Being On My Knees
(73) Worth The Risk
(74) You're A Sex God, Mr. Grinch
(75) Jingle My Balls
(76) The Bigger The Head, The Easier The Target
(77) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook
(78) I'd Love To See You Naked
(79) Catch And Release
(80) You're Always A Babe Magnet
(81) Clothing, Groping and Chitchat
(82) You
(83) Hope
(84) Demons
Author Q&A Answers
(85 Part 1) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
(85 Part 2) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
Final A/N
Extra 2: Aiden's POV - The Butterfly Clip
Extra 3: Return To Kingston High
Extra 4: The Drawing
Asterism Republished!!!
The 2020 Readers Choice Awards!!
Fiction Awards CLOSING IN ONE HOUR!'
ASTERISM IS BACK with a 32 chappie update...❤️

Extra 1: Kingston High's Captain Asshole

10.6K 436 259
Von partiallyprecarious

" How would Aiden and Marley have met if 'Camp Where The Hell Are We' was cancelled at the last minute? "


This is a one-shot, so it's a bit longer than a normal chapter: 5,500 words.


Friday, November 4th 2017
[In the events of CWTHAW, this is the night of Dalton Kings' party - Chapters 35-40]


There aren't many places where one can find Marley Hoover.

Her house, her best friend Gabby Collins' house, her school, the university library she works at, and, on an occasional day, the mall or the park. She's always been one to find solace in her comfort zone, and excitement in a good book or, maybe Combinatorics if she's feeling adventurous (there's nothing like the counting branch of mathematics to get a girls' heart racing).

However, tonight, she isn't in any one of her predictable places. She's somewhere that someone who knows her would assume aliens touched down on Earth and took over her body, before forcing her to said place.

A high school party.

In a gated community.

One of the newer members of the math league at Kingston High, Vivian, had been invited by the owner of the four-story house Marley had found herself in. He's a linebacker of the varsity football team, but that's all she knows about him. Vivan had practically begged the other ten members of math league (including Marley and Gabby) to attend the party as well, because 1) going to something like this is out of the general comfort zone of any math league member, and 2) she doesn't know anyone else here and wants friends to fall back on.

Naturally, she was mostly referring to Penny and Wyatt, her two closest friends, but the invitation had extended to the others who refused to pass up the opportunity. That's not to say Marley and Gabby had any plans to go, but ever since they got the news that their three-month biology camp was cancelled this year, they've been bummed enough that Mr. Collins practically dragged them off to the party himself.

Gabby's little brother Gavin was the one to spill the beans after overhearing the two of them discussing it in Gabby's room over their homework. He was hoping they'd be in trouble for it, spinning it in a way that they were planning to go without asking, but to all of their surprise, Mr. Collins nearly cried with joy. He even tried the reverse psychology method on getting the two of them to sneak out of her window to go to the said party, over dinner last night.

"I used to sneak out my window all the time to go to parties, honey. It's a right of passage. Not that I condone it, and you would be in serious trouble. But sometimes the fun is worth the consequence. But it's not allowed. Rules are also made to be broken. Gavin, can you pass me the salt?"

Gabby and Marley just shared an annoyed look before Gabby tried to use the 'no transportation in case they drink' excuse. That didn't work either. Mr. Collins knew them too well to ever assume they'd actually drink, and pleaded to drive them himself. He sped from the driveway almost as soon as the girls were out of the car, rightfully assuming that they'd want to change their minds.

The home they were standing in was cylindrical shapes and ivory towers: glowing windows and large, draping curtains. The inside of the house was high ceilings, pale hardwood and plush, grey and white furniture. The lighting left no corner of any of the winding rooms untouched, but they were dimmed considerably. It was around ten on a Friday night in November, so the weather was still reasonably warm even in the dark.

What to wear was another hurdle to climb over given that Marley and Gabby have never attended a party. Marley threw on a black and white striped shirt, a mustard coloured cardigan, dark jean capris and her trusty converse. Not realizing until now that she was horribly underdressed.

Most of the other girls here were wearing either skirts or body con dresses that left little to the imagination. Mrs. Collins helped Gabby shop for an outfit - a black petal skirt, a dark red knit sweater, black tights and small black chunky heels - and invited Marley to go along, but she couldn't afford to splurge right now with college right around the corner.

Gabby isn't much of a girly girl, and she's about as comfortable in social situations as Marley, but she seems to be enjoying herself for the most part. A lanky brunette with brown eyes that she had never seen before, had approached Gabby and though it looked like the blonde was ready to pass out, at Marley's small nudge of encouragement she managed to stutter a few responses until he was making her feel comfortable enough for sentences.

Though the main floor was congested with dozens of bodies dancing, standing in circles, and filtering from the kitchen with drinks, Gabby and Ethan had managed to find a spot to stand off against the wall, solo cups in their hands as they carried a conversation. Marley was stood against the opposite wall, trying to stay hidden and watching on, so excited for her best friend.

"If a girl as gorgeous as you doesn't have a drink in her hands then I declare this party a disappointment!"

Marley blinked, turning around to lay eyes on who had approached her. He was tall, fairly muscled with dark hair. He was handsome in a boyish way, and smile was open and friendly; hands shoved in his front pockets. He rocked back on his heels at her stunned expression, hazel eyes wide and wondering.

He shrugged, "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just the kind of guy to go for it. I'm Noah."

Marley felt like she was plain rude staring at him the way she was, so she forced her shoulders to relax, "Um. Marley." she greeted with a small smile.

His smile widened, expression relaxing. He lifted a hand to jut his thumb in the direction of the kitchen, "About that drink..."

Marley's head quickly shot towards where she last saw her best friend. That part of the wall was empty, but as her phone hadn't vibrated in her back pocket, she wasn't worried. If Gabby needed her, she'd call, and when Mr. Collins came to pick them up, Marley would know.

She hadn't realized that she zoned out until she felt a warm hand clasp her own. Her cheeks lit up immediately as Noah intertwined their fingers, his back to her as he led her through the throes of bodies. The hold was casual, though there was nothing relaxed about how her heart was racing.

It was more nervousness than anything else - she felt nothing of what she assumed she was supposed to feel. Though, she'd never held someone's hand before anyway.

The kitchen was quieter and less congested beyond the two swinging doors, and Marley knew why almost immediately.

She'd found the Queen of the hive.

She recognized the gorgeous Kingston cheer squad, most of the football team, and a handful of other guys and girls that make up the elite crowd at Kingston, and probably other schools as well. Some peers were filtering in for drinks on the edge of the large kitchen, though they were leaving quickly.

This wasn't Marley's place, but it was clear that it was Noah's, by the way he waved and greeted some of the guys in the kitchen. Their eyes were locking on Marley's from behind him with insatiable curiosity, so she quickly averted her gaze to attract less attention. Noah released her hand once they were in front of a long table of drinks. Maybe she shouldn't have felt this way, but she couldn't deny she was relieved.

Once focused back on the table he was gesturing to, Marley knew enough about parties to know what the safest option for a drink was. She took bottled water while Noah leaned a hip against the counter beside her, crossing his arms.

His expression was light with amusement, dark eyes scanning her over, "You're cute, you know that?"

Her traitorous blush betrayed her again, so she stared down at her feet, allowing her coffee brown waves to tumble over her cheeks.

He's flirting! He's flirting, Marley! Say something! Do something!


The boom was so loud and overpowering that Marley jumped, placing a hand over her heart. Her head shot up.

Noah was standing in front of her now, trapping her back against the counter and his hand held out as if he was going to lift her chin.

She looked over his shoulder to the source of the noise, watching the infamous Leo Kahn toss a ping pong ball around in his hands, green eyes staring expectantly at a person across the room.

Aiden Matthews.

The two of them are hands down the most well-known students at Kingston. Marley's known of them since she was in elementary school, and as they grew up, they became notorious for fooling around at school, hooking up with endless amounts of girls, going to parties like these, and dominating the social hierarchy and football team at Kingston. Well, there's all of those things and the fact that they look like they could be male models.

Marley's eyes unintentionally flickered to where Leo was looking, appraising his best friend between the bare, long legs of Myrah Sanders, one of the girls on the soccer team. She was now kissing down his neck, his hands inching up beneath her skirt.

He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, his dark brown hair a mess on his head. Marley found her eyes hopelessly trailing over the prominent muscles of his back, and his exposed, tan biceps before he turned his head.

His bright blue eyes narrowed on Leo's, "I'm fucking busy."

"We made a bet, asshole."

And they're best friends?

Marley watched Aiden's strong jaw tick, "I'll be back. Start without me."

The girl who he was between the legs of, clawed her nails down his back and said something in his ear, earning a subtle head nod before he was stepping away and helping her jump down from the counter. With his arm around her waist and her pressed into his side, she led him out the door and - according to his long-withstanding reputation - to one of the many bedrooms upstairs.

Hollers and whistles followed behind the two of them. Not that Marley could blame the girl for wanting him, most do. She's not ashamed of herself for admitting he's the most attractive guy she's ever seen.

"He's something else, isn't he? Do you go to school with him?"

Noah's voice made her jump, and realize that she had completely forgotten about him. She was extremely embarrassed about that, considering he's been nothing but friendly to her.

Marley forced her focus back on the person in front of her. He'd sat himself down on one of the bar stools, so she did the same awkwardly, tucking some of her hair behind her ear before answering his question.


Marley spent the next hour or so talking with Noah. He never made her uncomfortable, and always kept an easy conversation going. He's not smart, but did enjoy hearing about her recent math league competition. She didn't say much, kept her responses short, but he didn't mind at all and somehow made it work.

Despite the fact that she had been waiting to feel something she didn't, she was proud of herself for meeting and talking to someone new. Gabby had done the same tonight and she didn't want to leech on her. The kitchen was a nice place to be, too. Though the beer pong game was loud, and Leo was a rowdy drunk, it was calm for the most part, and no one who was drunk attempted to approach her. That kept her calm.

Noah had been drinking cranberry juice, taking down the rest of his cup and tossing it in the garbage can at an impressive distance away. Marley's eyes widened, "That was a good thr-"

"Can I take you somewhere?"

She frowned, tearing her hazel eyes away from the garbage can and back towards Noah. He had stood, and his expression was eager, hand shooting out to grab hers. Marley didn't stop him from lacing their fingers, but something about the look in his eyes had her stomach twisting uncomfortably.

"Um. Where?" She squeaked quietly, shimmying backwards in her stool when he took a step closer.

To the left, another booming holler erupted from the beer pong table. She turned her head in shock, jumping in her chair. Aiden had returned a few minutes ago, the girl he was with hanging onto his arm while he and Leo played against each other. Marley couldn't pick up on much of what was going on further because an index finger and a thumb took hold of her chin, turning her towards Noah, who had suddenly gotten closer. Much, much closer.

She placed her hands on his chest when his torso pushed between her knees. Between her legs now, Noah's lips were parted, eyes hungry on her lips pressed firmly together. She shoved at his chest, just wanting him to go back to being friendly Noah and not the Noah who she now knew, probably wanted nothing more or less from her but what he was trying at right now.

In that moment the thought crossed her mind that she should be interested. He's attractive, she's seventeen and her first kiss is long overdue. But as hard as she's trying to forget it right now, Marley couldn't help but feel the void. The mental space she sees between her and Noah that forbids anything from going further.

This isn't right. No explanation, but no doubt all the same. Her mind screams it. Her body knows it.

He's not right.

"Noah..." she began quietly, leaning backwards as his suffocating cologne hit her like a train, "I don't...I don't..."

"Come on," he grinned, "I know you're interested." Denying any of her shoves and pushes.

Marley was afraid of making a scene, wanting to be discreet but that was fading into fear quickly. Being helpless like this was one of her triggers, and it was beginning to pound in the back of her head.

He continued to lean in, locking his hands around the small of her back to keep her from tipping any farther away. He was everywhere now, and she wanted him gone. As a friend and otherwise, now. She ducked her head, shaking her hair in front of her face, "I don', Noah. I don't..."

"Come on-"

"The girl said no, fuckface."

Almost immediately after the deep baritone came out of nowhere, Noah's warmth was snatched from between her legs. Her head shot up from her lap, watching with wide, disbelieving eyes as he went flying to the floor. She barely caught another glimpse of his landing, because a back was in her face, muscles tense. His fists were balled, slightly shaking as he stood in front of her. Marley's mouth opened and closed like a fish as Noah rose to his feet.

"What's your deal, Matthews?"

He took a step forward, broad back rising rapidly with quicker breathing, "You either turn and walk away, or I'll rearrange your face first."

He's...defending her?

She expected it would work, even in her paralyzing shock. There's no one more intimidating when he wants to be than Aiden Matthews, given his impressive build, cold demeanour and deep, steely tone. But even as everyone in the room silenced, bodies retreating from his probably frightening glare, Noah stood to his feet with narrowed eyes.

Marley could feel all the eyes in the room on her. She was now the centre of attention, the bone the dogs were fighting over. It made her shrink into herself, tears burning her eyes as she cursed Mr. Collins to the pits of hell. She hates being in the spotlight, being stared at and paid attention to. Most of everything she does keeps her out of it, until right now.

Talking to Noah was a mistake. She should've stayed with Gabby.

"Why don't you go fuck the rest of the soccer team and leave Marley and I alone?"

A loud gasp of shock echoed around the kitchen. In her peripheral, Leo approached rapidly. Marley could feel the waves of anger radiating off of Aiden Matthews, his neck tilting slightly. He was seconds away from pummelling him.

"I'm gonna-"

He cut himself off, at a standstill as a few tears slipped from Marley's eyes. She had stumbled from her stool, and shot out with a bunch of his t-shirt in a small fist, "Please don't!" she pleaded desperately, her voice small, "Please. Please stop."


"Get the fuck out," Aiden growled, cutting Noah off immediately.

Luckily, Leo had gotten close enough to grab Noah off the floor and prod him towards the door. Noah was still shooting Aiden annoyed looks but didn't fight the shoves anymore. Marley quickly released his shirt when she realized that she was still holding onto it.

The room was quiet even after Noah's departure, eyes darting between Aiden and Marley. She shrunk further into the counter, wrapping her arms around herself and feeling as if she was suffocating.

He turned to face her, and it was quiet for a few more seconds. She kept her head down, shaking like a leaf.

"What the fuck are you all looking at?!" he boomed, causing Marley to nearly jump out of her skin.

After a few more seconds, talking started up again, and Marley felt the weight of the stares cease. Aiden Matthews was still standing in front of her, as what just happened moments ago replayed in her mind again.

He defended her. Aiden saw Noah was making her uncomfortable and he intervened. He was busy with his friends, but he did it anyway.

He protected her and needing to express the gratitude of that trumped her shyness. Marley's head lifted. She straightened her back slightly, fiddling with her fingers and locking eyes with the beautiful blue through her lashes. He was still breathing heavily, but his expression was one of shock and confusion, as if something was catching him off guard.

She shifted on her feet. "Um. Thank you," she said softly, the first three words she's ever spoken to him, despite knowing him since kindergarten.

He blinked. She blinked. Their gaze held. And then something, a little more than nothing, reached between them in a way that told her this wasn't over. This wasn't a goodbye. The void-

"Matthews! Fucking coming or what?"

Marley was helpless to where her eyes went when he broke their stare to shove a hand through his silky head of hair. His bicep muscles flexed and coiled, the hem of his shirt rising around his waistline. What was exposed rendered her speechless, a deep v-line and flawless, tanned skin.

She tore her eyes away, but not fast enough.

"You're drooling."

Oh, gods. Marley's entire face and neck burned dark red as she stumbled backwards a few steps with a squeak, keeping her eyes locked on her converse with so much embarrassment and shame, if it were tangible she would be drowning in it.

"I wasn' didn't-"

A deep chuckle cut her off, and it was so startling and lovely that her humiliation was momentarily forgotten. She tucked her hair behind her hot ears, daring herself to look up and prove for a final time that she wasn't dreaming.

That she was indeed standing in a kitchen at a tacky high school party talking to Aiden freaking Matthews. Or, maybe the Mandala Effect is real, and she has stumbled upon a parallel universe.


"Fuck off for a sec!" He shouted back, before facing Marley and shoving his hands in his front pockets. He scanned her radius, soft, full lips pursed with sudden seriousness.

"Did you..." His jaw locked. His eyes pierced into her own, "Come here, with him?"

Marley could do nothing but shake her head mutely. She was lost in the most beautiful blue eyes she's ever seen in her life.

His expression relaxed, eyes scanning over her face while he nodded, "Then who are you with? Where are they?"

She bit her lip. His eyes fell to the movement while she stared down at her converse, digging her front toe into the grout of the tile. Wondering why he was here. Why he suddenly cared about someone worlds away from him. The boring, shy, awkward Marley Hoover, no less.

"Who are you with?" He repeated firmly.

Stop zoning out, idiot! She scolded herself quickly, shooting her head up and expecting an annoyed reaction from Aiden Matthews, who doesn't seem to have to wait on anyone. To her surprise, his expression had softened, something lit behind his eyes as theirs locked all over again.

Startling blue to warm hazel.

"Gabby," she blurted quickly, breaking their stare with her stupid cheeks betraying her as usual, "My friend...Gabby."

It would probably be easier to maintain eye contact and her composure if it wasn't him. If it wasn't his satiny, dark brown hair, a few strands caramel in the right light. If it wasn't his powerful shoulders and muscled chest showcased by his tight t-shirt. If it wasn't his strong jawline and blue eyes-

"-with you to find her. You shouldn't be walking around a party alone."

Marley barely restrained herself from pinching her bicep when she caught herself ogling Kingston High's Captain asshole and womanizer. It's common knowledge that he's a heartbreaker and he doesn't care about girls-

But he defended you against a grabby guy.

- Or anyone else besides himself-

But he saw you were in trouble and didn't hesitate to save you.


"I'm..." She took a step away from him and towards the exit from the kitchen, her heart racing in her chest for reasons other than fear, "I can find her. Myself. Thank-"

"Not an option, and..." she jolted watching him crouch in front of her to connect their gazes. His was penetrating. Intense. Commanding of every ounce of her focus and nothing less, "stop thanking me."

Aiden stood as quickly as he had crouched, faultlessly and as if it never happened at all. He stepped aside so she could walk ahead of him, but instead nearly ran face first into Myrah Sanders. She had her arms crossed, and her glare was cold on Marley.

She was wearing platform heels. Marley didn't have much height to begin with, so she had to look up to meet her eyes. Icy. Bitter.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Marley's eyes bugged. She opened her mouth to say something to salvage her position under the radar, but once again her view was being obscured by a back in her face. Aiden crossed his arms.

"None of your fucking business. Move aside, Patty."

Marley couldn't help the pealing giggle that escaped her. She slammed both her hands over her mouth as her body shook slightly, peeking around Aiden's muscled bicep to watch the beautiful, modelesque brunette stare flabberghasted after being referred to as Patty.

Of all the names. Patty.

Aiden's head turned at the sound of Marley's laugh. She swore his lips tilted up into a tiny smile. It was an odd feeling, but not an unpleasant one to have some semblance of an understanding between herself and Aiden. They were sharing a joke, and as strange of a turn of events as it was, she wasn't disappointed.

"Patty?! Fucking Patty?! So the rumours are true. You can't remember a girls' name you fucked upstairs ten minutes ago?! Screw you, asshole." Myrah turned on her heel and stomped away, her face red and her voluminous curls bouncing down her back as she went.

How could Aiden possibly forget her name? Not only had they just slept together, but she's gorgeous. She could walk a runway, and she's dressing the part too, in a tight leather skirt and sequined tank showcasing a dream figure. Marley's eyes caught on her converse, feeling another wave of embarrassment at how out of place she is here. Especially in the kitchen, which had become a haven for the popular, beautiful people.

Marley Hoover doesn't fit into either of those demographics - popular, beautiful.

"Let's go, before the rest of the soccer team shows up to tag team me."

Marley never imagined Aiden Matthews to be funny, but he is. In the perfect, subtle, effortless way. Nothing like Noah, which she now realizes was forced and overdramatic.

It seems now as though everything appealing about Aiden comes naturally.

She found herself smiling at his back as he shoved open the swinging doors for her to walk ahead of him and back into the party. It was just as crowded and hectic, but his general aura clearly repelled the crowds away, leaving a constant, comfortable bubble. But that bubble had its downsides, because she could feel eyes on her as she passed, Aiden falling into step beside her.

She may not be able to escape Kingston's rumour mill anymore, now walking beside their unspoken leader. But some part of her, right then, thought it might just be worth it.

Remembering why Aiden was with her, she glanced around the room, having to step on her tiptoes once in a while to see over the heads Aiden could without any strain. He had led them to a wall on the side of the room, leaning against it beside her as she took out her phone. She could feel his eyes on her face, the heat travelling to her body but she forced her eyes on her screen, sending a quick text to Gabby.

Marley: Where are you?

"I'm taking you away from your game," Marley stammered after a few seconds of no response, feeling like such a nuisance, "I'm sorry."

Aiden was still leaned against the wall, casually handsome. Her eyes found his blue ones, but they were busy elsewhere. Darkened, curious, they scanned up her body, the stare not feeling invasive as much as...warming. Her skin prickled, cheeks flushed as they lingered on her legs before swiftly lifting to meet her hazel eyes.

As flattered as she was, Marley was equally as confused. Aiden just had Myrah Sanders wrapped around him like a spider monkey. He could breathe in the direction of any of the other beautiful girls at school giving him looks right now and they'd be falling at his feet. Yet here he was, focused only on Marley Hoover. No one else.

He was here with her. And she didn't know why.

"I'm not."

His responding smile was wide and dazzling. It was the secret kind of smile that can either mean he's the best thing to happen to her or the worst.


Gabby: Back porch on a couch with Ethan. Sit with us!

Marley smiled softly at her best friend. The two of them are so close by now someone could super glue their hips together, and nobody would notice anything different.

"Back porch." Aiden tilted forward to see her screen, reading the text and stepping away.

It was right then that Marley realized if anyone had ulterior motives in speaking with her, in being nice to her, it would be Aiden Matthews. Going through girl after girl is what he does, but nothing about their exchange felt anything but casual to Marley. He was only looking out for her. Selflessly.

Marley found herself staring at the side of his head, drinking in every handsome feature of his face as he watched where they were going.

Aiden was taking her to her friend so she wouldn't be alone and vulnerable at a party that she now felt was the safest place in the world. Beside him, maybe everywhere is.

Marley cleared her throat and felt a twinge of disappointment when her eyes fell on Gabby standing up from a loveseat, Ethan remaining sitting but sending Marley a friendly smile, "Hey, Marley, over here!"

Aiden walked loyally at her side until they made it in front of her best friend. Right then everything she had begun to feel - some semblance of relief, light, hope - faded away all over again. Into darkness. Into the despair she's been trapped in since finding out camp was cancelled, and her scholarship at Brown could be as good as a pipe dream.

Standing in front of Gabby Collins, she was back to being the Marley Hoover she knew like the back of her hand. Shy, forgotten about, hurt, and maybe even hopeless. The world had steadied on its axis.

Gabby's green eyes flickered to Aiden's form beside Marley, widening into saucers. She was speechless, but Marley had no urge to explain something that now would be so insignificant to Aiden Matthews, it couldn't matter to her either.

Marley turned to face Aiden, say a goodbye. His eyes drifted along Gabby and Ethan, seeming comforted before they flickered back to Marley's.

In that moment, Marley wanted nothing more than to keep staring into Aiden's stunning blue eyes. She wanted to hear him talk. Laugh. See more of the funny, effortless, interesting person she had caught glimpses of behind the popular, bad boy exterior, behind the mask.

Marley wanted to know what he saw in her, in a house of dozens of other interesting people who all put her to shame. Marley was intrigued by a person who cared about her, protected her, as if it wasn't a big deal to care about and protect Marley Hoover.

It was an entirely innocent desire to exist close to a person she felt inexplicably drawn to.

But, Venus is the only planet that rotates in a clockwise direction, the brain is more active at night than during the day, the surface area of a human lung is equal to that of a tennis court, and people like Aiden Matthews don't have a place in their world for people like Marley Hoover.

It was quiet between them for about ten seconds. Aiden's lips parted to speak. She hoped for a millisecond, that it would be something more than what it was. But lately all hope has become is her worst enemy.

"Stay with your friends, Marley."

And that was it. Aiden broke their stare and turned around, his head of dark hair disappearing into the crowds fluidly and carelessly, leaving her behind in every way that screamed she was a blip in his night. A drop in his ocean. Meaningless.

She stumbled backwards into the couch beside Gabby, not denying the urge to curl her knees up to her chest once she was sat down. The unusual warmth that had spread across her skin had disappeared.

She blinked her best friend into focus, who nudged her with her shoulder, "I didn't know you two knew each other?"

Marley swallowed the lump in her throat. "We don't."

Gabby raised an eyebrow, while beside her, Ethan leaned in to speak beyond the noise, "I helped the secretary at my school send the notification letters to everyone who passed the Biology test. Telling them that camp was cancelled. He and Leo Kahn were going."

Marley and Gabby shared a shocked look.

"Leo's a brain-dead idiot," Gabby giggled with a shake of her head, "He wouldn't have gotten the credits without hooking up with girls to do his Bio homework for him."

Ethan shrugged, "Maybe he would've surprised you."

Gabby scoffed while Marley stared down at her shoes, lost in thought, back to obsessing over how she's going to get her recommendation letter for Brown without Doris Underwood. The stress had been eating away at her lately.

Even on the nights when her father is at the factories, and there isn't the rowdiness of his poker friends keeping her awake, she hasn't been sleeping anyway.

She jolted when Gabby nudged her shoulder, "Seriously, though. How did that happen? You and Aiden Matthews?"

You and Aiden Matthews. What an absurd concept. Now that's one hell of a parallel universe.

"There was this guy that was bothering me, and Aiden stepped in. He didn't want the guy to come back, I guess, so he offered to walk me over to you."

"It would've only been the four of us from Kingston if the camp hadn't been cancelled. I wonder what would've happened then." Gabby mused, shoving Marley enough for her to blush and push back.

"Nothing, Gabby." She sighed, shaking off any residual, lingering feelings with the icy breeze of logic and reason. People like Aiden Matthews don't have a place in their world for people like Marley Hoover.

"Absolutely nothing."



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