The Vampire's Pet

By Sasha43903

755K 23.6K 8.7K

"I'll take her." he finally said after some minutes of pondering. "Are you sure, Lord Dalrymph? There are oth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Covers part 2
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 7

16.1K 623 115
By Sasha43903

After eating, Alexander stood up and walked towards the stairs. But he wasn't going upstairs, infact he was going downstairs, this wasn't the way to his room though. I wonder where we're going.

"To answer your question pet, we are going to the library because I have to complete some work." he replied to the question that I was asking myself as he continued to walk without even sparing a glance at me.

He led me to two big dark brown oak doors which he opened and we got in.

Wow, this is marvellous!!! It was so big inside and there were various sections of different types of books; supernatural, fantasy, romance, horror, thriller and much more.

"Go choose a book and join me in the other room where I will be waiting for you by a table." he ordered me. I was too mesmerized by the beauty of the room that I just nodded to him and made my way to the romance section.

It took a few moments till my eyes settled on an interesting book. It had a golden cover with 'Befallen Love'.

I read the summary at the back of the book and instantly liked it. I grabbed it in my hand and started to make my way to the reading room.

(AN: Just a random name for the book)

It wasn't so crowded in here, just a few vampires sitting and silently reading or writing. There wasn't any humans here, just me. I searched for Alexander and found him sitting alone at a table, so I made my way to him.

He was going through some
documents and looked a bit pissed off. I took a seat beside him and opened my book to read it. I flicked through the pages; it was a story about an angel and a human who both fell in love.

But right now, I wasn't in the mood to read. I felt tired because of the lack of sleep from last night. So, I closed my book, put it aside and laid my head on the table. But the leash was causing discomfort to me as I tried to position my head.

"Can you remove my leash? It's too
uncomfortable." I asked, in a whisper, to Alexander who was deeply focused in his work. He looked up from his papers, with an annoyed expression on his face.

"When you make a request, you must add the words, 'please' and 'master' in the sentence. I don't want to remind you these little things everytime." he said with his low and warning voice.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. This blood sucker was so annoying!

"Master, can you please remove my leash, it's too uncomfortable." I re-phrased my sentence by making emphasis on the two words. Alexander put his finger on his chin and thought about it for a moment.

"No." he said dryly and returned his focus on his work. What crawled up his a*s and died?!

I positioned my head on the table so that I was looking at him.

"Have you ever been beaten?" I find myself ask him suddenly. I don't know why I blurted this out of my mouth, but I wanted to know.

He returned his gaze on me with a questioning look. But I guessed the answer myself because it was the humans who are beaten, not the vampires.

"Why this question pet?" he asked me.

"I mean, do you know the pain of being treated like a pet and beaten for every small mistake?" I asked him with a serious voice, my head still laying on the table.

"Do you know the pain of losing your own family because of these blood suckers?" I continued not letting him answering my first question.

"Do you know the pain of not being able to enjoy your freedom but to just be locked in a small cage, waiting for a vampire to buy you and treat you like shit." I continued on, but not changing the volume of my voice as we were still in the library.

"Do you know how it feels to be deprived of food or to just eat a small piece of stale bread for a day?" I asked him. But he looked at me with a blank face.

"No, I don't. But I guess that you do, right?" he asked me as casually as he could. OF COURSE I KNEW THAT PAIN!!!

"Of course I know that pain! Because I am the pet here." I said to him in a duh-voice as I roll my eyes.

But he just hummed in answer and continued writing. He is so annoying!!!

"It's you who is the annoying one here. It's you who's asking me these dumb questions." he answered me as he read my mind.

"Would you like to know that pain then, master?" I asked him as I grinned devilishly.

"And how would you do that, pet?" he asked as he furrowed his brows.

"Ohh I got an excellent idea!! Why don't we do cosplay?! You will be the pet and I'll be the master for one day." I asked him as the amazing idea popped into my head.

"No thanks." he said flatly as he returned his gaze to his documents.

"Ohh come on, it will be fun." I said, insisting. It would sure be really fun.

"You know what would be more fun?" he asked me, as his eyes bored into mine flicking with amusement and mischief.

"What?" I asked impatiently, he must have got a more interesting idea than mine.

"Torturing you." he said with a smirk, making my smile drop and rolling my eyes before laying my head on the table again.

Few minutes later

I was bored as hell. We were still in the library and Alexander is still working, not talking at all after our discussion about pets.

"Master, what's your age?" I asked him as he was fixing the paper intensely.

"I'm 889 years but in human years, I'm 24." he said, not even glancing at me. Wow, he's that old?! He's like a grandfather! Wait, if he's that old, then how many pets did he had had during all this time?

"I'm not a grandfather, and to answer your question; I've had had hundreds of pets, all of them were an exemplary for all pets." he answered rather proudly. Hundreds of pets?! And not to mention that they were all killed.

"Have they all killed by you?" I asked him this foolish question. Of course the answer was yes.

"Yeah, all of them." he answered boringly as he flicked the pages of the file that he was looking at.

"But why? I thought that they were an exemplary for all pets." I asked, mimicking his previous statement. Why would you want to kill obedient pets and buy one like me?

"Because with some time, you can get bored with them and would want to buy another one. And that's exactly what happened to me; I killed them either from boringness or for fun." he replied, twirling his pen in his fingers, still concentrated on his work.

"So, you'll kill me, too?" I asked him with curiosity.

"Well, that's only time that will tell." he simply said with a blank face. So, if I don't kill him, hell kill me. I'll have to plan that faster as I'm already on my second day here.

But suddenly, a weird question popped into my head; one that I didn't really know the answer of. And only a vampire could answer. So, why not give it a shot.

"What do you think a pet is like to a vampire?" I asked him out of nowhere to change the subject. But also, I would like to listen to his definition.

"First of all, it's the last time that I'm gonna remind you to call me master. Second, to answer your question; a pet is a human or a more inferior being who is trained to act like an actual obedient pet. A pet must obey and respect his master and do everything that he says." he reminded me and answered me.

"What kind of pet do I resemble like, master?" I asked him my question, as I sat properly and removed my head from the table.

"What do you mean?" he asked me with a questioning look, not being able to understand my question.

"Like, what animal do you consider me to be like?" I asked him more precisely as I put my elbow on the table and my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Good question actually, I think that I consider you like a cat. No, a kitten actually. A ferocious one. One who hasn't even grown claws and already trying to scare the superior ones." he said while chuckling, which made me furious.

Then he did something that he shouldn't have done. He patted my head. I quickly slapped his hand away while emitting a groan. And he laughed at me more.

"Alright, let's go to the mall now." he said after laughing for a couple of minutes. How dare he make fun of me!?! I'm not a kitten, nor a cat. I'm a tiger who will soon rip his throat with its teeth.

I walked away, grabbing my book and put it back in its place, then we both headed to Alexander's room as he forgot his wallet.

We then walked out of the castle and headed to the car which beside it, the driver was waiting for us. He opened the door for me and I thanked him after entering. Alexander entered too after me. I sat on the right while him on the left side.

The entire trip was silent as we both looked outside of our windows. He still had my leash in his hand, tightly round his knuckles, not letting it go.

As we arrived, the door was opened by the driver again and we got out, a gigantic building in front of us.

"Go do whatever you want. I will text you when we finish." Alexander said to the driver and the latter nodded and did as told.

Alexander led me by my leash and we entered the building. I watched our surroundings in awe as it was so beautiful and big here. So, that's what a mall is. It's my first time seeing one.

It was amazing here. The floor was covered of white marble tiles, the walls were painted white with some beautiful black designs and the top of the building was made of glass, allowing light shining into it.

I looked around and of course, there were lots of vampires walking with their pets behind them. The poor humans carrying their master's shopping bags or kids. Some were also crawling.


How did that happen? How could we easily just give up? We should have fought instead of submission. We should have joined forces and killed all the vampires. But, no, we preferred to go to their different routes.

Some humans had escaped like me and my family while others easily submitted themselves.

We should have stayed!! We should have helped our own. But we didn't, just because we wanted to save our own skin. Us, humans, we are so strange. One second we do something and the second later, we regret it instantly.

It shouldn't have happened.

Even if we would have died fighting, it would have been better than to live a miserable life of being considered as blood bags.

But, I couldn't understand anything that time as I was still just six years old and obeyed my parents. I regret it. I would never forgive myself for that. If all that happened today, it's the fault of all the humans.

I sighed as I continued to walk near Alexander who was walking at a low pace. I didn't really want to re-think of the past.


AN: Don't forget to comment and click on the small star just on the bottom of your screen⭐😜
Ohh and Merry Christmas to all of you!!

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