The Unwanted Daughter [An SVU...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

78.2K 1.9K 89

Bay Hanson, well now known as Bay Stabler, was just a foster child. Her mother didn't want her because she wa... More

-Fourteen: What If?-
Author's Note
-Eighty-One: No Longer Unwanted-


1.1K 34 2
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Bay sat on the edge of her bed and would look at Loren occasionally. Loren sat at Bay's desk and was examining the pictures that were scattered over the desk and the stickers that covered the old laptop that was closed.

"You look happy." Loren breathed, as she lifted up a picture of Olivia, Elliot, and Bay. It was the day they closed on the house, and Bay had been happy for a few minutes, before her depression came back into play, and when she started to think about the boy who raped her.

"I am." Bay breathed quietly.

"That's good. Uh, I'm wondering why your parents called me... are you okay?" Loren questioned. Olivia and Elliot didn't tell Loren about Bay's attempt to take her own life. They wanted Bay to be able to do that. To talk about it and not to just pretend that it didn't happen.

"The day I met you I went home and I slit my wrists." Bay sighed. Loren's eyes went wide, and she felt her heart start to pound faster.

"You did what?"

"I tried to kill myself," Bay replied as if it wasn't a big deal. But it is. It's a huge deal to everyone who loves Bay.

"Why?" Loren whispered.

"Because I hate you. I hate that you show up in my life when everything is getting good. When my parents are happy. I'm supposed to talk about my feelings with you, to help me recover, but I honestly don't know if it will do any good." Bay huffed. She stood up and rolled up her sleeves before showing Loren the dark red scars on her wrists.

"I'm sober. I haven't done drugs since the day I saw you. I'm working and I have an apartment and I have a car. I got the money that my parents' left me and I'm using that to pay the bills I can't pay yet. And I got you a gift... well it's my mother's..." Loren spoke. Bay shook her head and went back to sit down.

"I'm not your-"

"You are my daughter, whether you want to admit it or not. And I want you to have the necklace she left me to give to my daughter when I was older. I didn't expect to be giving it to you, when I don't even have custody." Loren sighed. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small velvet box. She walked over to Bay and handed it to her.

Bay opened it slowly and saw a necklace with small diamonds and emeralds. Bay ran her fingers gently over to circle pendant and sighed.

"It's pretty, but I don't need this. You should keep it. Give it to your next daughter." Bay replied, as she closed it and passed the box back to Loren.

"I dem-"

"You demand respect for me? You demand that I keep the necklace? You lost the right to demand anything from me the moment that fucking strip turned pink. Please leave." Bay spat, before walking over and swinging her door open. She felt tears sting her eyes when she saw her whole family listening in.

"God! Everyone get away from me!"


Bay locked the door to her room and the put her chair in front of it. Right now all she wanted was to be alone. Her stupid biological mother thinks she can just waltz in and be her mother, and of course, her whole family heard everything. Bay didn't even want to hear anything from Loren. And she most certainly didn't want her mother and father to hear what Loren said.

Bay sat in the middle of her bed and just stared at the door. She just stared and thought about everything she could think of. She thought about the boy who raped her. How Olivia saw her when she tried to kill herself. How now at least two of her siblings like her. How she never thinks she'll have a normal life. Like she would always be a quiet and awkward girl, and no boy would ever want to marry someone like that. She was damaged goods, and that was all she could think of.

The blood.

The blade.

The pain.

"Mom?" Bay questioned.

"Yeah?" Olivia replied from where she sat outside of Bay's door. She had just been waiting. She knew Bay would need her at some point, and she wanted to be there when that time came.

"I'm going to open the door. Can you come in and talk?" Bay asked.

"Of course."

Bay moved the chair and then opened the door. Olivia scrambled to her feet and wrapped her arms around Bay and held her close before they moved into the bedroom. Olivia shut the door as Bay went and sat down. She climbed under the blanket and wiped a tear from her cheek.

"I can't help but think about how different I am." Bay breathed.

"Well, I'm happy you aren't normal! Different is good, Bay! Like, look at me. I'm a complete weirdo." Olivia smiled, as she sank down onto the foot of the bed. Bay smiled because she honestly couldn't agree more with her mother's statement.

"But I have no friends. I can't go to my group meetings anymore because of that bastard that raped me. All I do is work on homework and hang out with you and Dad, and trust me when I say that I don't mind spending time with you and Dad, it's just that I think maybe I should go to school."

"Really?" Olivia questioned, and Bay nodded.


"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I want to be a normal Stabler..." Bay trailed off. She wanted to completely forget about Loren altogether.

"You want to go to a Catholic private school?" Olivia asked, shocked.

"If you and Dad wouldn't mind..." Bay breathed. Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, we want you to be happy, and if being a "normal Stabler" is what you want to do, we will make it happen." Olivia smiled. She stood and sat beside Bay. She pulled her daughter close and caressed her dark hair.

"We are all sorry about spying on you and Loren..."

"Aren't moms supposed to spy every once and a while?"

"I guess I was just doing my job then."

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