The Vampire's Pet

By Sasha43903

746K 23.4K 8.6K

"I'll take her." he finally said after some minutes of pondering. "Are you sure, Lord Dalrymph? There are oth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Covers part 2
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 3

22K 751 240
By Sasha43903

The door was opened by the driver and I got out after Lord Dalrymph. Ohh my....god, what the..... Wow!!!! This isn't even a mansion but a beautiful palace!!!! And I can't believe that I'll get to stay here for a month until I get back to the pet shop.

Lord Dalrymph looked at me, put his two fingers under my chin, applying a bit of pressure on it to close my mouth which was wide open as I was admiring the beauty infront of me.

"Are you done gawking pet?" he asked me with a grin on his face.

I slapped his hand away from my face and replied, "I wasn't gawking. And I've seen better castles." as I rolled my eyes at him. He hummed in answer and tugged at my leash, indicating me to follow him. We went to the gigantic double white doors and a human slave quickly opened it as he saw who was coming.

The human boy said, "Good evening, Lord Dalrymph." And bowed before the vampire but the latter just nodded and entered. He's so mannerless, didn't someone teach him some manners or how to respect other people.

Oops, who am I to tell him to respect people when of course, I don't respect these vampires.

Anyway, when we entered, there were two ranges of human slaves on each side of the door, with their arms crossed behind their backs and head bowed in respect. I looked around, taking in the beauty of the inside of the palace which left me breathless.

On the big red puffy couches, were seated many vampires with their pets sitting on the ground or on their master's lap. Then, infront of us, were a couple that was coming into our direction, both had a smile on their face. Who are they?

The woman had blue eyes and red curly hair as me, except my hair was straight. And she had a slender body, she looked good. Actually it's because vampires have the ability to keep their youthness and beauty even if they grow older. The man had green eyes and blond hair. He looked good too.

Wait....the....woman, she looks like..... no stop it Grace you can't just compare that vampire to her.

"Alexander darling, won't you introduce your pet to us?" the woman asked Alexander, so apparently, my new master's name is Alexander. And wait, did she just called him darling?!

"Mom, I told you to stop calling me that. And, this is my new pet, Grace." Alexander introduced me to his parents. The couple smiled at me but I kept a blank face; because unlike them, I don't want to act as if I was happy to meet them.

"Aww, look honey, she's so beautiful!" the mother of Alexander exclaimed to her husband. She is squealing like a five year old child who just got a doll. Even if I looked at them straight into their eyes, they didn't even beat me or slapped or even yelled at me. Strange, what kind of vampire are they? Good ones? Hahaha, that's the best joke I've ever made. A good vampire....

"Indeed, she is." the man replied to her wife. I don't understand something, are they blind? Because, I'm not that beautiful. Just look at me, my hair is so messy, my face is two shades paler because of lack of blood, I'm so skinny, my bones are so prominent and I have wounds on me. Try to be honest with me!!

"So sweetie, how old are you?" the woman asked me with her sickly sweet voice. It disgusts me to see that she's acting nice to me. Can't she be a little more honest?

"I'm seventeen and turning eighteen on the 18 of October." I replied with a blank face and a flat voice. I wasn't a little kid like some vampires told me and was going to turn eighteen soon.

"That's great! It's just in two months." she exclaimed in happiness. "Alexander darling, she's so young! Please don't be too harsh on her." she said to Alexander. Him? Not to be harsh on me? Huh, I don't think that vampires can be nice to their pets.

"I'll see and stop calling me that." Alexander replied after rolling his eyes and sighing.

The woman enveloped me in a hug, saying, "Welcome to the family!"
But I just put one arm on her back, because I don't like to be touched by these creatures. It made me feel sick.
"And good luck with him." she finally whispered and released me. What does she mean? Was Alexander that bad? Nah, I don't think so.

Well, I don't even know why I even half-hugged her. Maybe because of her resemblance with the woman who was very important to me? Well, I shouldn't do that, I shouldn't even touch these filthy blood suckers. I must just complete my work here and return to the pet shop.

Then, Alexander pulled my leash to cut me out of my thoughts and we started walking through the biggest corridors that I've ever seen. As we walked, I saw other vampires walking, with their pets behind them with their eyes glued to the floor. Why can't humans try to fight or do anything else apart from obediently follow their masters like good pets?!

"Because they don't want to die." I heard the voice of my new master replying to me, looking over his shoulder. Ohh, I forgot, there are some vampires that have the ability to read minds and thoughts of any person. This is so annoying!!! Now I can't even keep my thoughts to myself.

"That's right, I can read minds, use telepathy and also penetrate them to find your deepest fears." he said as he smirked at me. Ohh, so now I understand; he's gonna search for my fears and use them to torture. I must say that he's quite intelligent. But unfortunately, I don't think that he'll be able to break me, that's impossible.

He tugged at my leash for the fifth time and I walked after him, slowly just to annoy him. We continued to walked through the corridors and up the longest stairs that I've ever seen.

"Hey Alexander!" we heard the voice of a girl behind us. I turned around to see that there were two girls walking towards us.

I looked at Alexander to see him smiling.....? Ohh my god, he's actually smiling, not smirking!! Wait were they are his sisters? One girl looked about eighteen years and she had blond hair, the other one too had blond hair and looked about twenty years old. Are they sisters? Ohh no, please I don't want to meet other people!!!

"Ohh, who's that?" the youngest looking one asked with a smile. Seriously, I'm starting to get sick of these vampires actors.

"This is my new pet, Grace." Alexander answered with happiness in his voice as he glanced at me.
"And pet, these are my sisters, Elizabeth and  Isabella." he introduced them to me. So I was right, they are siblings.



"Wow, she's so beautiful." said Elizabeth as she extended her hand to touch my red hair, but I quickly slapped away her hand.

One time being touched by his mother was okay but now it's starting to get so annoying. Like, why are they so touchy here?

"Don't touch me you blood sucker." I hissed, with venom in my voice. And suddenly, I felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek and I fell on the floor because of the slap that Alexander gave me. Wow, he really hit hard!!! I'm sure that it already created a bruise or swelling.

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and said, "Apologize now!!" with anger.

"Never." I replied to him. He got more furious and was about to hit me again when Elizabeth spoke again.

"No Alexander! Don't hit her. It's okay." Why the hell is she saving me!? I didn't know that some vampires have some pity left in their cold, lifeless heart that doesn't beat anymore. Surprising much.

"Are you sure?" Alexander asked her sister in disbelief. I was cut off of my thoughts when Alexander let go of my collar and let me fall on the ground with a loud thud. Ouch!! That bastard.

"Yeah, it's alright." she replied with a smile on her face. They seem to have a good sister brother relationship.

"So Alexander, since when do you like feisty pets, huh? Because as I can remember, you always bought obedient pets." I heard Isabella interrupted them and asked Alexander with a smirk on her face while glancing at me as I was getting up. Ohh so he had had other pets? Where are they?

"Ohh, I just wanted some fun and entertainment with this one. And I got a bit bored with obedient pets when I last killed my previous pet." he answered while chuckling. So you want entertainment huh? I can guarantee you that with me you'll have more entertainment that you would have asked for.

Both girls nodded  in agreement, like it was normal to hear that their brother had killed a human, and bid us goodbye as they walked away. Me and Alexander continued to walk, but I did it slowly. He deserved to be annoyed as he slapped me on the first day that he bought me.

"Hurry up pet, we don't have all day." he barked at me, tugging harder on my leash, making me stumble.
"Yeah, yeah." I sighed boredly, but didn't change my speed the slightest bit.

We finally stopped infront of double white doors, and he removed a key from his pocket, opening the door to reveal a giant room. It was of a red and black color, there was a king sized bed, with black and red sheets, various velvet black couches, a plasma tv on the wall. It seemed like my dream room but in dark colours.

Although it looked very comfy and luxurious, it was still in a little mess. The bed sheets were wrinkled and in in there places, pillows were scattered on the bed and some on the floor. And there were some of his clothes on the couches. Wow, looks like he doesn't like to clean much.

"Alright, let's go over the rules, shall we?" he said, I nodded but showed a blank face.

"One; You are to call me master or sir. Also after finishing a sentence, you have to add one of these two words."

"Two; You will never disobey me or disrespect me either it is in private or in public."

"Three; You listen to everything I say and do the best to execute my orders. Because my wish is your order."

"Four; You wear everything I tell you to wear without putting up a fight."

"Five; Don't talk unless you're spoken to or asked a question. You'll talk only when I give you permission."

"Six; Always show respect by bowing your head. You don't have the right to look at me in my eyes."

"Seven; You eat what is given to you and bath when I say so."

"Eight; The most important thing, you must always ask permission to me before you do anything."

"And finally nine; you will sleep on the floor like pets do." Wow, there are so much rules, and he expects me to abide to them? Ha! In his dreams!! If I do, it would make me feel like a weak pet, which by the way he wants.

"Yeah, but I've a question." I sighed, putting my hands on my hips.

"Did you already forget the first rule, pet?" he asked me with his raised brows.

"Alright, let me rephrase that; Yeah, master, but I've got a question." I said, making emphasis on the word 'master'.

"What will happen if I happened to break a rule?" I continued as I stretched out my arms in the arm and put them on his shoulders, smirking at him. Normally, my previous masters would have pushed me away or slapped me because I touched them but Alexander surprised me by putting his hands on my lower back and suddenly yanked me so that my chest was pressed against his.

His face was just some inches from mine, and his action made my grin drop and my face to flush. Is he trying to confuse me or playing with my mind? I felt chills on my skin as he snaked his arms around my body and put his head near my earlobe. I could feel his breath fanning on my neck, which made me shivered a bit. Was he going to bite me?

"Then, you'll bear punishment, and you just did break four of them on your first day." he whispered as he grazed his fangs on my neck. I tried to push him with all my force, but in vain, he was more stronger than me.

"You smell so sweet..." he said, trailing off as he took in my scent, knowing that he would definitely drink my blood, I squeezed shut my eyes and waited for his fangs to pierce my skin.

"But I forgive you just for this time." I heard him say as I opened my eyes to see that he removed his hands from my back and took some steps from me, leaving some distance between us.

"Right now, it's 5:00 pm, I'll be gone for four hours and when I return, I want to see this room clean." he ordered as he went away after slamming the door behind him.

What does he mean?! There's no way that I'm cleaning this room for that blood sucker!! Also, what does he think? That I will become a good pet? In his dreams!!

I looked around, to see if I could do something during his absence, apart from cleaning of course. I'm so tired of this sh*t!! My eyes fell on the bed; even if it looked a bit messy, it looked pretty comfortable with the velvet covers and fluffy pillows. I think that I should just take a nap after this tiring day of listening to his rules and gibberish.

I walked towards the enticing comfortable bed, my feet seemed like they were taking control of my body. And plus, I think that four hours are too much to clean a room that just a bit messy. Also, I need energy, that I don't have right now. So I should just take a quick nap of some hours before that the monster returns.

I laid myself on the soft bed; I was right, it was so comfortable and warm, something that I've not experienced in a while or years. I quickly snuggle into the covers, closing my eyes, letting the darkness consume me as I fell asleep.


"PET!!" I heard yelling as I was grabbed by my arm harshly and thrown on the ground. Who's the idiot that dared to wake me up and had the courage and audacity to yank me off the bed?!

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and lifted my head to see Alexander. Ohh, so it was him. And he wasn't happy at all. He had his jaw clenched, his hands balled into fists.

He looked around the room with anger and looked back at me. Ohh, so it had already been four hours? Wow, time pass very quickly. But I'm happy that I made him angry on my first day.

"Why didn't you clean the room?!?" he asked me as he grabbed both of my arms in his metal grip and lifted me harshly so that I was on my feet. Our face were close as he looked at me with anger in his eyes. My chest had collided with his as my hands were on his body. He was so strong!!

"Because I was taking a nap." I answered with a blank face as his grip became tighter, making me wince and wiggle out of his hands.

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