The Unwanted Daughter [An SVU...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

78.2K 1.9K 89

Bay Hanson, well now known as Bay Stabler, was just a foster child. Her mother didn't want her because she wa... More

-Fourteen: What If?-
Author's Note
-Eighty-One: No Longer Unwanted-


2.5K 57 2
By GirlandHerKeyboard

After dinner, there was no food left for Bay, so Elliot warmed her up soup. He did it as his children tried to get Kathy to unground them, but Kathy even knew that Elliot wasn't going to budge and she didn't want to make him even angrier.

"Elliot?" Bay asked as she walked into the kitchen. Elliot looked up from the stove and looked at her and smiled.

"We ate everything. I'm making you some dinner right now. Take a seat." He spoke, and Bay nodded. She sat at the counter and hugged the blanket tighter around her body.

"I assume this didn't go well. They hate me, don't they?" Bay asked, and Elliot frowned.

"They just have to get used to you. And you aren't leaving anytime soon, so they gotta start accepting you now."

"I haven't had sex yet... I'm not a prostitute..." Bay breathed, and Elliot cringed.

"It's good to know, but please keep that to yourself. I can't think about my dau..." Elliot stopped.

"You don't have to admit to anyone that I'm your kid. Honestly, just say I'm some family member that is crashing here for a while. So then you don't have to be ashamed, your kids don't either." Bay sighed, as Elliot poured the soup into a bowl, before handing it to her. He found a spoon and passed it to her, before sitting next to her.

"I'm not ashamed of you, Bay. I'm ashamed of myself. How I didn't even remember that night that well. I'm sorry that this is all happening to you, but once we get through this rough patch, everything will be better."

"Can I start school again?" Bay questioned, and Elliot was surprised.

"When was the last time you went to school?" He mused.

"I never made it to school in my last home. So probably a year... maybe two?"

"Oh, sweetie."

"Yeah, I'm a lost cause. I understand that sending me to school would be stupid. Maybe I could get a job..." Bay sighed, and Elliot shook his head.

"No. We can figure something out. Maybe some online school until you get caught up."

"That costs money. I can't let you do that."

"No, you can. Because I'm your Dad, Bay. And I want to prove to you that I love you, and want to be a Dad to you." Elliot spoke.

The hardened teenager broke down into tears. She had never had anyone tell her that they loved her before. No one ever tried to be a parent to her and knowing that Elliot was willing to try just made her so thankful.

She turned to her father and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and rubbed her back gently.



"I don't know why you grounded our kids." Kathy sighed, as Elliot climbed into bed with her. 

"Because they were being real jerks to Bay."

"Yeah, but Bay is a real jerk to them." Kathy frowned.

"How? How can you justify that?" Elliot asked.

"Because she forces herself into their lives when they didn't want another sister. So, I'm letting the kids off tomorrow. They don't deserve to be grounded. And honestly, she should. She should learn about how unwanted she is in this home, and how hard it is for our kids." Kathy huffed. Elliot was beyond pissed off by her statement.

"Kathy, you and I came from families with a mother and father. We both had siblings and we've been good parents to our kids. And I'm surprised to hear you say that she deserves to be treated like she isn't wanted when you know nothing about not being wanted. You will not unground the kids, and I swear to god, if they say shit about her tomorrow, they will be in bigger trouble."


Elliot and Kathy started to fight in their room, and their kids, minus the already sleeping Eli, all found their way into Maureen's room. They sat on her bed and started to talk about what was happening in their house.

"What do we do?" Lizzie sighed, as she grabbed her sister's pillow, and hugged it to her chest.

"I have no idea." Kathleen sighed, as she looked at her older, and significantly wiser sister.

"Okay, well, honestly she's not going anywhere," Maureen spoke.

"We could make her run." Dickie smiled, but his sisters just stared at him.

"Okay, you are an actual dick. You need to stop saying such disgusting things to her. Stop saying shit about her being a prostitute, because she is our sister, biologically." Maureen frowned.

"God, okay I'll stop. But are we really just gonna let her stay here?"

"We could just try and accept her. Eventually, she'll screw up, and Dad or Mom will send her away." Lizzie spoke, and her siblings nodded.

"That may work. She isn't perfect, so eventually, she'll get in a fight or forget to do something." Kathleen smiled.

If only they knew that Bay had come upstairs to tell Elliot that she thought her fever had gotten worse, and she heard them talking. Not only was she causing issues between Elliot and Kathy, but she was also causing her half-siblings to start plotting her demise.


"Hey." Elliot frowned, as Olivia walked down the hall of the hospital to where her partner was standing.

"Pneumonia?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah. She's getting breathing treatments and is on antibiotics." Elliot spoke, as he hugged her. Olivia was surprised, but she felt amazing in his arms. 

"God, I hope she's gonna be okay." Olivia frowned, as she looked through the window on the door, and saw Elliot's daughter laying the bed.

"She will be. It's just, she had the fever like all night, and it wasn't until I went downstairs to check on her, that I noticed her in pain. I'm such a shitty father." Elliot spoke, before walking to a bank of chairs and sitting down.

"You aren't a shitty father." 

"My kids really hate me. Kathy hates me. And I bet Bay hates me because I didn't know how sick she was."

"Elliot, Kathy can screw off. And regarding your kids, they will grow to love her. She's hard to not like."

"Liv, can I ask you for a huge favor?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Of course, El. Anything."

"Would you be willing to let Bay crash at your place until we can figure out a room for her to stay in? She can't just sleep on the couch to recover from this." Elliot breathed, and Olivia was shocked.

"El, she'd be sleeping on my couch too, unless I move the boxes from the spare room."

"Liv, please. I'll help you, and I'll be at your place every day after work to check on her. She just needs-"

"I'll do it."

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