Aurora's Story of WWE

By holliibee

217K 3K 331

What happens when you find out that Randy Orton is your uncle and John Cena is your god-father? Find out when... More

The Beginning
The flight
So You're In
An Enterance Like None Other
First Night at the Hotel
Not a Great Start
First match to be tomorrow
My Broski
Match day
I am ready
A little celebration
A meal for a star
A story line or two?
The announcements
Sleep Overs and lollypops
It wasnt meant to be like this
Its not what it looks like
Home town and new beginings
Friends and a horrid family secret.
In the wrong park and birthday presents
Birthday party suprise and unwelcome guests
A birthday in hospital
True friends protect each other
Back to america
A serious war?
I love these girls
Tough girl dont break my heart
Make up on conditions
Kelly or Aurora?
Oh punk
In control of my emotions
A serious mistake
With every fall comes opportunity
Lets train
Its just a song
A disterbed kiss
DX are out :D
My time is ruined
Now you tell me
Get away
Signings and events
Busy! Busy! Busy!
Green angels and beth
I found my place
Sheamus too!
Late nights and Early starts
I will win this thing... One way or anouther
Spot light
Your not like before
Final performance keeps the show alight
And the winner is....
Peace....isnt happening soon
Coffee, coffee, coffee BLAH
I think..... this is it
Is it true??
Home again...?
Always Trouble in WWE World
A Night of Sorries
Mixed tag teams
Hell of a Night
Your Choice
This Is IT

A night to Forget.

2.3K 36 4
By holliibee

I bent over to slip on my Red laboutins. I straightened my outfit and looked towards AJ. She sat on the edge of my bed after finishing curling my hair, she was always good with my hair. I stood infront of the full length mirror and admired my outfit. The black material trailed at the back and got shorter at the front. It came in at my waist and tied like a corset at the back. It had dimante sequens dotted about, I had my red clutch bag and red lips. My eye liner was very heavy and dark, with black eye shadow too. My hair was curled but i let it hang over my face. I didnt feel like the usual me, in some way I felt more rebellious.... more of a free spirit kind of thing. I looked at AJ and smiled....but it felt more like a smirk. A smirk saying im fine, that I dont need anyone else. AJ wore a pretty navy coloured dress. It was just above the knee and it had a ribbon at the waist. It was also strapless like mine. "We cool sister?" She asked me and I hugged her like my life depended on it, she has always been my steady rock. "AJ I cant live with out you!" I said, although it sounded like a whimper. She took hand and we went to meet some people outside the club, two blocks over.

I stood outside the bright club holding AJ's hand. The lights were flashing and we were waiting for people before we went in. We had agreed with Zack, Randy and Cena to meet them at the door. Even though he was my dad, Randy was great to go clubbing with. The three guys soon came and we went inside. The whole club was booked for the WWE, even Michael Cole, Josh Matthiews and Colt Cobana were here. I went up to the bar and asked for two Vodka and Cokes for me an AJ. We sipped our drinks and danced on the dance floor. I saw Kelly in the corner of my eye and she looked far from glamourous. He hair was all over the place and her make up was non exsistant. I knew my attitude was changing, I could feel iit. I was no longer going to be the innocent little push over. I was going to be the devil. I was hurt twice by people i loved and that doesnt come lightly to me.

It was nearly 5 am when me and AJ decided to leave and walk back to the hotel room we were staying in. We only left Kelly Kellys house the day before.We had asked for a room swap and now it was a double room for me an AJ. I had maybe a bit too much to drink. I never drink... normally. But tonight who cared. I stumbled across the street narrowly avoiding a car. I hicuped and laughed with AJ. I sat on the curb one block from our hotel and AJ joined me. "AJ, Im am the Diva champion and I feel like shit.." I stubled on the words that came out. "hmmm, how much did we drink AWE!" She asked and i lay my head on the side of the path, "No idea" I muttered. "AUroa, dont sleep THERE!" AJ shouted at me and i picked my head up. I tackled her into into a bear hug and we sat there for a long time just hugging each other. I heard footsteps but my mind didnt register them, until I felt a hand on my back. "Im sorry" a deep voice said. I looked up and saw Christian standing over me. "FUCK of you son of a bitch, I am Aurora Orton and no one pisses me off!" I yelled. I went to stand and punch him but the drink had made that pretty impossable. I remember looking at AJ and she was asleep on the Curb then looking up and seeing Randy and Shawn Michaels running over beforei collapsed for th edrink and and anger mixed into one.

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