Aurora's Story of WWE

By holliibee

217K 3K 331

What happens when you find out that Randy Orton is your uncle and John Cena is your god-father? Find out when... More

The Beginning
The flight
So You're In
An Enterance Like None Other
First Night at the Hotel
First match to be tomorrow
My Broski
Match day
I am ready
A little celebration
A meal for a star
A story line or two?
The announcements
Sleep Overs and lollypops
It wasnt meant to be like this
Its not what it looks like
Home town and new beginings
Friends and a horrid family secret.
In the wrong park and birthday presents
Birthday party suprise and unwelcome guests
A birthday in hospital
True friends protect each other
Back to america
A serious war?
I love these girls
Tough girl dont break my heart
Make up on conditions
Kelly or Aurora?
Oh punk
In control of my emotions
A serious mistake
With every fall comes opportunity
Lets train
Its just a song
A disterbed kiss
DX are out :D
My time is ruined
Now you tell me
Get away
Signings and events
Busy! Busy! Busy!
Green angels and beth
I found my place
Sheamus too!
Late nights and Early starts
A night to Forget.
I will win this thing... One way or anouther
Spot light
Your not like before
Final performance keeps the show alight
And the winner is....
Peace....isnt happening soon
Coffee, coffee, coffee BLAH
I think..... this is it
Is it true??
Home again...?
Always Trouble in WWE World
A Night of Sorries
Mixed tag teams
Hell of a Night
Your Choice
This Is IT

Not a Great Start

4.1K 53 4
By holliibee

I woke up to two strong arms shaking me. As I opened my eyes the sun blinded me. "Get up Aurora!" Shouted an unimpressed Randy as I glanced at the clock. 10am... I had slept in by two hours. We went into the restraunt and i got a table. We went and got our breakfast and came and sat down. John and Randy had piled thiers plates full of greasy sausage, bacon and eggs. All i had was an apple and i didnt even want to eat it. I never did ave a big appitite but now i could barely eat a piece of fruit without feeling sick. "Is that all your having?" John mumbled from a mouth full of sausage. That was it, "Im going to be sick" and ran for the bathroom door. Sheamus set his food next to Randy and said "What was up with her? does she not like me?". Randy looked worried and replied "I have no idea im going to find her" and he got up and followed her.

Randy's POV

He opened the door and he could hear someone throwing up, It had to be Aurora. He stood at the enterance and called in, "You ok Awe?" He heard a mumbled "What do you think" before anouther retching sound. Then the cubicle door swung open and she went to the tap and rinsed her mouth, "I hate food" she groned. "Come on just have a seat, no food near you right now". "I cant handle food, what am i? how cant i eat?" she cried and that set her off on one of her many hyperventalations.

Back to Awe's POV.

I paniced really badly. I couldnt eat, i just couldnt do it, i couldnt even be near it. Then i couldnt breath and my sight went all bleary and i heard my uncle say something like "Aurora dont do this to me" but it was to late for that. I collapsed on the floor and my breathing went really fast. I felt arms scoop me up and carry me, i didnt know where but  could tell it was Randy. He was trying to soothe me by saying things like "It will be fine" and "You are strong and brave Aurora". He took me to the table we were sat at for breakfast where luckly no one was eating still. He laid me down on the settee seat. "what the hell happened?" i reconised that to be sheamus. "I cant...cant.. Br..Breathe" i tried to say. I could feel there was a crowd around me but my eyes still couldnt focus and i heard a voice say, "Its ok, she is hyperventalating, it happens quite often, she will be ok", I think it was John. Randy came back and took my hand and handed me a brown paper back to breath into. My head was spinning but my breathing was fine and i could see again. "Ok, please warn me when thats going to happen, i was scared, i thought i was going to have a bloody heart attack" Randy said and hugged me. "You ok?" Sheamus asked. "Yeah im ok" i replied, "Do you want something to eat?" He asked and i could feel my Uncle shaking his head. "No thanx im fine" i managed a reply. "TIME TO GO" yelled one of the guards that make sure we get in the cars. "You sure your fine? You can stay here if you want to" John said. "Im fine, just give me half an hour and i will be great again" I said. I looked up and Kelly Kelly and AJ were running in my direction. "Honey, you ok?" Kelly Kelly squeeled and hugged me, so did AJ, "Im fine guys, i just get a bit panicy then i have a fit, im ok, honest". "Fine" said Kelly, "But you are riding with me and AJ to the arena". "Fine by me, Uncle?" "Yes go ahead" he said and me and the two girls dashed out to the cars.

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