The Honorable Stag | Robb Sta...

Galing kay robbaery

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" Sons are not their fathers." What if Robb Stark was born a Baratheon? The game changes. Perhaps even for... Higit pa

000. introduction
00. playlist
01. Prologue
02. The Stag and The Rose
03. A Prince's Pride
04. The Queen's Secret
05. The Wedding of Gold
06. The North
07. Wolves in the Lion's Den
08. The Hand's Tourney
09. Highgarden and High Trouble
10. Blind Justice
11. The Death of a King
12. Sons of Fury
13. Four Kings
14. Plans, Love, and New Alliances
15. A Betrayal and A Betrothal
16. A Battle of Stags
17. Two Visits and A Wedding
18. A Thorn, A Trout, and the Huntsman
19. Treason, Alliances, and Family
20. Amends and Advice
21. A Huntress and A Weasel
22. Lessons and New Life
23. The Eye of the Storm
24. Family
25. Brother, Son, Uncle
26. A Hidden Thorn
27. The Farce
28. Champions
29. The Red Viper
30. Consequences
31. Weeds and Propositions
33. The Dragon, the Lion, the Wolf
34. Traitors
35. The Truth
36. Four Queens
37. The Pisswater Prince
38. Defeat and the Cold
39. Countermoves
40. Home
41. A Lion with Antlers
42. Winds of Winter
43. The Night Is Dark and Full of Terrors
44. Dragons and a Rose
45. What Is Dead May Never Die
46. Blood of Valyria
47. A Ray of Hope
48. A Howling Wilderness
49. Sacrifice
50. Epilogue Cast
51. Epilogue Cast (continued)
52. Epilogue Pt. I
53. Epilogue Pt. II
54. Epilogue Pt. III

32. Sins

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Galing kay robbaery

" I need to get out of this wheelhouse."

He had been cooped up in the little box for over two weeks he needed to be in an open space with people.

" Volatis is a large city." Varys replied.

" I have to get out of this wheelhouse."

" The likelihood of you being spotted increases a hundredfold. Your sister's assassins would send your head to her immediately."

" I have to get out of this wheelhouse."

" I am not sure if I can find many more new ways to say this." the eunuch quipped.

" I will not be of any use to my nephew if I lose my mind before we reach Meereen. I can't remember the last face I saw that wasn't yours." Tyrion said standing and getting very close to his face.

" It's a perfectly good face."

" I am losing my mind."

" That won't be the only thing you'll lose if you leave this wheelhouse. Your nephew has a chance to rule our country better than I ever could have possibly imagined he could. Being the son of Robert Baratheon. That is completely annihilated when Daenerys Targaryen comes back for her mad father's throne. Myself and you, I dare say, are possibly the only people who can convince her to stay in Slaver's Bay and rule here where she is needed. That cannot come to pass if your head is removed from your neck."

" How can I, the man who murdered a woman he loved and his own father, speak sense to a girl that will most likely not listen to anything I have to say? Hmm." Tyrion questioned.

" You are an excellent politcian. Far better than anyone Robb could have sent on this mission. That is precisely why he chose you to come speak with her. He has faith that you can convince her. If you are willing to put yourself in danger, wasn't his faith misplaced? "

Tyrion thought about the memories he had of Robb as a child. His nephew would spend hours with him in the library reading about Targaryen conquest, Dornish might overcoming the dragons, the tales of the white walkers and the First Men. That boy had given him his love and affection. Even his own father had never given him that.

He would not let Robb down by breaking under circumstances.

He would help his nephew even if that meant only seeing Varys' face for the next two months.

" Fine. But if this is going to work I am going to some wine. Lots of wine preferably."

" I can arrange to stop and get some you wine, though not as much as you would like." Varys replied.

Tyrion groaned and sat down once fiddling with the window shade.

It was a long rode to Meereen but if it kept his nephew safe, it was worth it.

Sansa/ King's Landing
" Dickon, come here." she said tearing her husband away from whatever lord he was writing to at the moment.

He stood and made his way over to where she was sitting. He kneeled in front of her.

" What?" he asked.

" Feel." Sansa said taking his hand placing it on the swell of her belly.

After a few moments, the baby kicked. It had been doing that increasingly as of late as if to say that it was ready to come into the world.

It was still a few weeks away before Sansa reached nine moons of pregnancy so it would worry her immensely if it should come any sooner.

" Our baby is strong." Dickon said smiling up at her. " Just like their mother."

" I love you."

She meant it. Dickon was the person who helped her open up more than Margaery had already gotten her to. He was there for her when she heard of her mother and brother's deaths. He meant so much to her.

" I love you, too. Have you thought of names yet?"

" Eddard if it is a boy after my father and Catelyn after my mother if it is a girl. If that is alright with you?"

" Whatever you want. The King has asked me to speak with him. I am going to ask him if we can go home after your brother's wedding."

Sansa and Rickon had barely spent a moment apart since he arrived. When they weren't together, her brother was with his betrothed, Shireen Baratheon. She was proud of her brother for not judging the poor girl based off of her infirmity.

From what he had told her, Rickon liked her very much. It was quite possible that when they were older their's would be a marriage of love.

" I would like that. I want to see where you grew u..." Sansa started but she felt a sharp pain in her belly and something wet running down her thigh.

" Sansa, what is it?!" her husband questioned worridly.

" It's too early! Why is this happening?" she thought aloud. " Go get the midwives and tell Ser Garrett to go and find the Queen. Please Dickon! Hurry!"

Dickon nodded and quickly exited their chambers.

She made her way over to the bed, stripping herself of the dress that felt like a weight on her shoulders, down to her shift. She climbed on top of the silk coverings a rested her head against the pillows.

Ripples of pain kept flooding over her. It was worse than anything she had ever experianced in her life.

After long, agonizing moments, Dickon came through the door with the midwives who came with everything they need to help bring her child into this world.

" How long have you been like this, my lady?" one of the woman asked.

" Half an hour, at least." Sansa said not really caring for time when it happened.

" This will be one of the quickest births I have ever seen then. You are already at four fingers. Just stay calm and breathe. Save your energy for when it is time to push."

After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened for Queen Margaery to rush in to Sansa's side.

" Margaery." she whimpered. " It hurts so much."

" I promise it will be over soon." Margaery said as Sansa squeezed her hand as more ripples of pain split through her.

" I am going to die."

She thought of how her family was cursed. Her aunt died, her father, her mother, her brothers, and maybe even Arya. Now, she was next. She wouldn't even get to meet her baby.

" You are not going to die. Sansa, look at me." the Queen said sternly as she grabbed the sides of Sansa's face.
" You are going to live a long happy life. You are going to hold your child in your arms and you are going to see it grow up."

" It is time to push, my lady." the midwife said from the foot of the bed.

Dickon had cautiously made his way over to her other side as if he was afraid to get too close. He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Sansa pushed with everything that she had. It felt like nothing was happening. Like there would only be the pain and no end result until she gave a final push and heard a sharp wail.

She collapsed back onto the pillows and felt as if the life had been drained from her. She shut her eyes but she could the midwives bustling about and water splashing in a basin.

" Sansa." Margaery said. " Sansa, wake up so you can meet your son."

Sansa fluttered her eyes open and looked up at the Queen, who was smiling down at her. Dickon's hand wasn't in her anymore so she scanned the room for her husband.

She saw him standing near the water basin with the midwives holding a small bundle in his arms. He looked up and saw that she was looking at him.

Dickon slowly walked over to her and bent down to set the baby in her arms.

" Meet Eddard, our son." he said smiling.

Eddard was his mother's son from head to toe except for his eyes.  They were Dickon's brown instead of her blue. He had whisps of red hair on his downy head.

The Tully hair. Her hair. Her mother's hair.

A knock came at the door and it swung open to reveal Ser Balon Swann.

" I am sorry to disturb you my lord, my lady. Your Grace. A messenger has arrived for you." the knight said.

" Of course. He is beautiful, Sansa. I am so happy for you." Margaery said before walking out the room.

" He is perfect." Sansa said stroking her son's petal soft cheek.

" Of course, he is. Look at his mother." Dickon said kissing the top of her head.

This was all that she had ever wanted. Ever since she could remember, all Sansa wanted was a family of her own and now she had one.

Robb/King's Landing
The doors of his chambers swung open for his clearly infuriated wife to enter. He took a bite of his meat before setting down his fork and knife.

" Why is my brother in a cell?" she said banging her hands to the table and raising her eyebrows.

" What?" he questioned through a mouth full.

" Loras. Why is he in a cell?"

" I didn't have him arrested. Even mother wouldn't order it because she knows it would anger me." Robb said standing. " It has to be that fanatic. Did they tell you were he is being kept?"

" In the cells under the sept."

He pulled her towards him and kissed her forehead.

Robb knew how much Loras meant to Margaery and he would do everything in his power to free him. No matter the price.

" They must have taken the sept before the Faith could elect a new High Septon. I will go with my household men and the Kingsguard to set him free. Stay here. I will be back soon."

He let go of her, grabbed his valyrian steel sword and exited the room to have Barristan, Arys, and Ser Balon follow him.

" Ser Balon. Go fetch the rest of the Kingsguard and meet me at the gate."

The knight nodded and went to carry out his orders. Robb continued towards the armory to gather his Baratheon household men.

" I won't have my city overrun by fanatics. What is needed now is a King to be feared and by all the Gods I shall give them one." Robb said as they entered the armory.

" Your Grace." Ser Colen of Greenpools, the captain of the Baratheon household guard, bowing.

" Ser Colen gather the household men. We are marching on the Sept of Baelor to free Ser Loras from the fanatics."

" I will ready them at once, Your Grace." 

" Barristan." Robb said.

" Yes, Your Grace."

" You were alive during the War of the Ninepenny Kings. You chose to kill Maelys Blackfyre ending the rebellion. Should I show mercy to these men even though they have layed a hand upon a member of the royal family?"

" Though I hate the idea of killing all of these men, that would not be wise Your Grace." the knight replied.

Soon his household was ready and they met the remaining Kingsguard at the gate to head towards the Sept of Baelor.

As they reached the Street of Sisters, people had started to gather. Wondering why their King was marching a small army towards the sept.

As they neared the sept, Robb noticed that the common people had started following behind his men. Hundreds started to follow them. It looked as though he would have an audience to witness what was about to happen.

A group of sparrows dressed in black, armed with maces stood at the sept's steps. Robb wondered how they aquirred these weapons until it occureed to him that someone of wealth had to pay for them.

Robb walked up the steps but the sparrows blocked him.

" His Holiness is praying and will not be disturbed." one man said.

" Your master was not elected by the Faith. I do not recognize him as a leader." Robb stated.

" He is the Gods chosen representative."

" He has seized a member of the royal family. My family. You will let me pass or there will be repercussions." he said loud enough for the common people behind to hear him.

" Let him pass!" a man shouted.

" Let the King through!"

" King Robb!"

The sparrows looked around at the people shouting but would not let him pass.

They had given him little other choice but to attack.

The King drew his sword as did his Kingsguard behind him.

" Clear them out of the way." Robb ordered.

Ser Barristan moved forward for a sparrow to run at him wildly. The man was swiftly cut down and the rest followed behind him quick enough.

Robb entered the sept to be met with more of the Sparrow's men. He cut through them like cheese.

They were untrained, undisciplined. They hacked and slashed wildly like savages.

He and his Kingsguard passed through a stairwell that lead down to what appeared to be jail cells.

There was a man standing at the back with a set of keys on a rope that served as his belt.

The man ran forward to Robb with his mace held in the air. The King knelt down as the man reached him and diseboweled him with a single slice.

" Loras! Loras!" Robb shouted waiting for his brother-in-law to respond.

" I'm in here!"

His voice came from the cell in the far right corner. Ser Barristan grabbed the keys off of the dead man's body and went to the door to unlock it.

Robb entered to find Loras dressed in dirty silks, looking like he hadn't bathed in weeks.

" What did they do to you?"

" They rubbed me in mud. They said it would help purify my soul." he said.

" Come on. We are getting out of here." Robb said.

They hurried back up into the main sept chamber to find the household guard in formation line. They were fending off the some fifty or so sparrows that had gathered.

" Hold." Robb commanded as he saw the familiar grey rags emerge from the crowd of black.

" Your Grace. You are impeding the Gods will. That is a grevious sin. I am disappointed." the old man said.

" You have layed hands on a member of the royal family. The penalty is to lose the hand though imprisoning him was a far more grevious offence. What do you say of the offenses you have committed?"

" I did nothing to break any law. I only did the Gods will. I think perhaps that Your Grace may need to atone for your sins in our cells. Take him. Do not harm him."

" Protect the King!" Arys said as the Kingsguard circled around him and Loras.

The sparrows clashed with his household guards killing a few but not enough to save themselves or reach Robb.

As it appeared, the dead men lying on the floor were the last of the High Sparrow's followers.

"Seize him. I want him thrown in a Black Cell. These men needn't have died today if it weren't for him."

A few guards grabbed the old man and escorted him out of the sept.

" Let's go. Margaery has already worried enough over this." Robb said sheathing his sword.

Margaery/King's Landing
She paced back and forth, wringing her hands together. Robb had been gone for too long.

What had happened? Had those fanatics imprisoned him as well?

She tensed when she heard the door open, but immediately relaxed once she saw her husband standing in the doorway. He was bloody but he didn't look to be injured in any way.

Margaery ran over to him, but stopped herself from hugging him thinking that it could wait when he was clean.

" Don't ruin your dress. It's my favorite." he said laughing as he pecked her lips instead.

" What about Loras?" she asked concerned for her brother.

" I would say I am better now, sister." Loras said from the door.

She leapt into his arms and hugged him as tight as she could. She couldn't lose him.

What was the Queen without her Knight of Flowers?

" Is he dead?" she asked angrily.

" No. He will be executed publicly. The people will not take up for him. They showed me that today when they called him a traitor as he was brought to the Black Cells." Robb said.

" Good. I don't want to think of what would happen if they did support him."

" I am just glad that this is over. The Blackfyre boy is gaining men. He will be here soon. Within the next year or so. We must be unified as a country by then. Uncle Jaime will put the Riverlands back in order and the North will be with us once Lord Stark and Shireen are married in three days time. Perhaps Uncle Tyrion may even convince the Targaryen girl to give up her claim."

" Lord Tyrion is going to Meereen? Why didn't you tell me?" Margaery asked slightly hurt that Robb had kept this from her.

" I had to keep it a secret until I knew that he was safely across the Narrow Sea for fear someone might overhear us. I am sorry, I did not tell you." he apologized.

" It's fine. Truthfully, I just hate not knowing things. I hope he can convince her. It would be better to only have to fight the Blackfyre boy. Perhaps, she might even ally with us."

Margaery thought that this would be the best outcome. Though, this Targaryen girl would still be angry over her father's death.

But can she really blame Robb for the sins of his uncle?


Just as well, they could not blame her for the sins of her father.

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