02. The Stag and The Rose

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Robb/ King's Landing
His father was known for holding extravagant feasts and tourneys for no apparent reason and welcomed guests from every part of the country, but he was put out when the Tyrells of Highgarden were to visit King's Landing.

His uncle Tyrion had told him it was because Lord Mace had sided with the Mad King during his father's rebellion. Robb couldn't understand why they should be condemned for that. They sided with their King, but his father didn't see things that way.

He now found himself in the training yard with his Uncle Jaime. He would always train with Robb even if his father didn't like him learning from him. His uncle was one of, if not the most, gifted swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms and Robb was proud to learn from him.

Their swords clashed until Robb missed his parry and Jaime hit him in the back. 

" Your out of focus. What is it?" his uncle questioned with a quirked eyebrow. Robb didn't really know what it was. 

" I think it is the Tyrells visit. Father has been in a foul mood since he found out they were coming. I can't help, but think he will embarass us even more than usual by saying something he should not." Robb replied. 

" Your father would embarass us no matter who was coming. I thought you might be nervous about meeting the Tyrell girl." he said smirking as he put up their training swords.

Robb hadn't been nervous until his uncle had mentioned it. Everyone said she was the most beautiful girl in the country, topped only by his mother. What if she thought he was like his father? What if she didn't like him? Jaime turned back to him and shook his head. 

" So you are nervous?" he said laughing. 

" Only, because you brought it up." Robb said laughing back. 

" Well, let's get back for lunch or your mother will skin us alive." his uncle said throwing his arm around his shoulder. Robb had always thought of his Uncle Jaime like a father. He may have a father, but he sure didn't act like one.

Two weeks later, Robb stood beside his father as he sat on the Iron Throne awaiting the Tyrells to enter the throne room while his siblings stood beside his mother. 

 " Seven hells! Is The Oaf really so fat that it takes him ten years to reach this room from the yard?" Robert raved. 

Robb grew a little nervous from his father's comment, but his mother gave him a reassuring smile.

Ever since he was a little boy, Robb would ask his mother to smile. It calmed him down if he was worried or if he felt bad she brightened his day. His father wouldn't let him spend much time with her as soon as he grew large enough to hold a wooden sword. He understood why, but it didn't make him anymore happy about it. Just then, the enormous doors to the throne room opened and Lord Mace, his family and retinue entered.

When they reached close enough to the throne they all bowed or curtsied. 

 " Your Grace. We are extremely pleased to be here at court." Lord Mace said in the most arse kissing tone Robb had ever heard. 

" Yes...yes, we are pleased to have you here. I believe you know the Queen. This is my son, the Crown Prince. Robb." his father said motioning to him.

" My prince." Lord Mace said inclining his head. 

" My lord." Robb said. He had been in a bored state until his eyes landed on the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had to be Lady Margaery. She was perfect, in every respect. Robb couldn't take his eyes off of her. His haze was broken by Lord Mace's voice. 

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