43. The Night Is Dark and Full of Terrors

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Robb/King's Landing
His uncle and Lord Varys arrived three weeks after they sent the message to warn him.

In that time, he sent Lord Edmure and Littlefinger orders to aid King Rickon in his defense against the Others. Robb also sent out ravens to all the highlords asking for their presence in the capitol. Of course, the Riverlands, the North, and the Vale would send representatives instead.

Now, gathered around his table were the heads of each great houses in Westeros save the Greyjoys.

Lord Tyrell, his Uncle Tyrion, whom he had invested with his rightful titles of Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, Prince Oberyn in place of his brother who was unable to attend, Harry the Heir representing Lord Robert, the Blackfish representing his nephew, Prince Jon Stark, who had been legitamized by his brother as well as named his heir, and of course, Robb himself. Along with Ser Barristan, his Uncle Jaime, Loras, Garlan, Willas, and Lord Varys his trusted advisors with only Ser Arys absent as he was guarding the Prince and Princess. And his most trusted and valued one sitting by his side. His wife.

" Your Grace, with respect, I don't understand why you needed to summon someone from the North? The fight for the Iron Throne is no longer our fight." the Prince of Winterfell said.

" Make no mistake, my Prince. Daenerys Targaryen will not grant you independence as I have. She will want all Seven Kingdoms. So, with respect this is still your fight." Robb said sternly. " You all probably wondering why I have pulled you away from preparing your armies for war. It is to tell that we cannot fight her."

His last statement sent the room into chaos and up roar. Everyone shoving their opinions down his throat. Robb glanced to Ser Barristan, who nodded.

" Sit down and shut your mouths! Now!" he yelled silencing the men around the table.

" My father was consumed with the fact that Viserys Targaryen might invade one day. With that obsession came knowledge that is vital now. He told me, " Only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field." My lords, my princes, do I look like a fool to you?" he questioned. " She has over one hundred thousand screamers behind her, one hundred Greyjoy ships, eight thousand Unsullied, and three fully grown dragons."

" The last dragons were the size of puppies. How can we believe that these are any different?" the Blackfish asked.

" Because I have seen them myself, my lord. And they are the size of two ships put together." Tyrion said curtly.

" If we decided against peace and try to fight her, she will burn everything she finds standing in her way. That is why my Lord Hand has proposed a peaceful solution." the King said evenly.

" And what is that, Your Grace?" Harry asked.

Robb glanced to Willas, who stepped forward. It was only fair that he share the plans he came up with.

" As you can see most of the lords here are heads or heirs of the great houses of Westeros. I propose that each of you travel to Dragonstone with the King to meet with the Targaryen girl when she arrives. If she sees that all the lords are against her then she will have no allies against King Robb." he explained.

The lords looked to each other nodding and murmuring their agreement.

" Your Grace." Lord Varys said stepping toward the table. " If I may, I think it would be unwise for you to go yourself. Daenerys could keep you hostage or worse. I believe some should be sent in your stead."

Robb had to admit that this made since. Ever since Willas made the proposal, Margaery had voiced against him going.

" Who would go in my place? It would have to be someone respresenting the Baratheon name. I won't allow my brother to go. She would do the same thing to him. The only other people alive with Baratheon blood are my children and my cousin, Queen Shireen. I wouldn't dare send them."

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