06. The North

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She had never been so excited in her life. Nothing interesting ever happened at her home, but today the King and his family would be arriving for their visit in the North.

Sansa had always wanted to see the knights in their painted armor, the southern ladies that she wished to emulate, and most of all Prince Joffrey.

She used to dream about what it would be like to marry the King's older son, Prince Robb. Unfortunately, he was already married to Lady Margaery Tyrell, but Sansa wasn't sad because Prince Joffrey was closer to her age and some said he was more handsome than his brother.

Robett had returned from the Crown Prince's wedding very downcast and that was saying something. Her older brother had always been quiet and an all round grump, but something had him in a rather unpleasant mood as of late. When their father told them that the King was coming to Winterfell, Robbet stormed out of the Great Hall.

Sansa for the life of her couldn't figure out what had upset him so much. The King coming to their home was the most exciting thing that had happened in their lives.

She now found herself standing in the front yard with her family awaiting the royal party's arrival. Only Arya wasn't there.

Sansa was glad her sister wasn't there to embarrass them in front of the royal family. Her mother had taken notice of the youngest Stark girl's absence.

" Sansa. Where's your sister?" Lady Catelyn asked. Sansa just shrugged not really caring enough to guess as to where Arya was.

A few moments later, her sister ran by with a guard helmet on.

" Woah...woah. What ya doin' with that on?" their father questioned as he took the helm and handed it to Ser Rodrick. Arya shoved Bran out of her spot and then horns sounded signaling the King's arrival though he did not enter first.

Two wheelhouses rolled each followed by their appointed Kingsguard. Next the two eldest Princes rode in with the King following them.

Sansa dropped down in a curtsy as did the rest of Winterfell's household until the King bid them to rise.

She noted her father speaking with the King but Sansa couldn't rip her eyes from the tender scene in front of her.

Prince Robb had dismounted his horse and immediately opened the wheelhouse door for his wife, Princess Margaery. To Sansa's surprise two adolescent lions jumped out before her. The Prince then helped Margaery down and escorted her over to where the rest of the royal family was standing with the lions tailing behind them. Sansa hoped that Prince Joffrey was just as gallant as his elder brother.

The Queen walked away from her children and came forward to her father and mother.

" My Queen." Lord Eddard said kissing the Queen's knuckles.

" Take me to your crypts. I want to pay my respects." King Robert said.

" We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait." Cersei Lannister said. The King ignored her.

" Ned." he said making his way towards the burial place of all Starks. Her father did as tge King bid and followed him. The Queen smiled and addressed her mother.

" Allow my to introduce my children." she said turning to Prince Robb who walked forward with his wife.
" My eldest, Robb, and his wife, Margaery." the Queen continued.

" My Prince, Princess." Lady Stark said as she swept into a curtsy.

" Lady Stark." the Crown Prince said inclining his head. " On behalf of my father, I thank you for welcoming us into your home. Please let me know if there is anything you or your family need throughout our stay. I will be happy to provide it."

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