32. Sins

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" I need to get out of this wheelhouse."

He had been cooped up in the little box for over two weeks he needed to be in an open space with people.

" Volatis is a large city." Varys replied.

" I have to get out of this wheelhouse."

" The likelihood of you being spotted increases a hundredfold. Your sister's assassins would send your head to her immediately."

" I have to get out of this wheelhouse."

" I am not sure if I can find many more new ways to say this." the eunuch quipped.

" I will not be of any use to my nephew if I lose my mind before we reach Meereen. I can't remember the last face I saw that wasn't yours." Tyrion said standing and getting very close to his face.

" It's a perfectly good face."

" I am losing my mind."

" That won't be the only thing you'll lose if you leave this wheelhouse. Your nephew has a chance to rule our country better than I ever could have possibly imagined he could. Being the son of Robert Baratheon. That is completely annihilated when Daenerys Targaryen comes back for her mad father's throne. Myself and you, I dare say, are possibly the only people who can convince her to stay in Slaver's Bay and rule here where she is needed. That cannot come to pass if your head is removed from your neck."

" How can I, the man who murdered a woman he loved and his own father, speak sense to a girl that will most likely not listen to anything I have to say? Hmm." Tyrion questioned.

" You are an excellent politcian. Far better than anyone Robb could have sent on this mission. That is precisely why he chose you to come speak with her. He has faith that you can convince her. If you are willing to put yourself in danger, wasn't his faith misplaced? "

Tyrion thought about the memories he had of Robb as a child. His nephew would spend hours with him in the library reading about Targaryen conquest, Dornish might overcoming the dragons, the tales of the white walkers and the First Men. That boy had given him his love and affection. Even his own father had never given him that.

He would not let Robb down by breaking under circumstances.

He would help his nephew even if that meant only seeing Varys' face for the next two months.

" Fine. But if this is going to work I am going to some wine. Lots of wine preferably."

" I can arrange to stop and get some you wine, though not as much as you would like." Varys replied.

Tyrion groaned and sat down once fiddling with the window shade.

It was a long rode to Meereen but if it kept his nephew safe, it was worth it.

Sansa/ King's Landing
" Dickon, come here." she said tearing her husband away from whatever lord he was writing to at the moment.

He stood and made his way over to where she was sitting. He kneeled in front of her.

" What?" he asked.

" Feel." Sansa said taking his hand placing it on the swell of her belly.

After a few moments, the baby kicked. It had been doing that increasingly as of late as if to say that it was ready to come into the world.

It was still a few weeks away before Sansa reached nine moons of pregnancy so it would worry her immensely if it should come any sooner.

" Our baby is strong." Dickon said smiling up at her. " Just like their mother."

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