27. The Farce

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Tyrion/King's Landing
He sat fiddling with sack that was meant to be bedding, awaiting for the farce that Cersei had planned for him.

His father of course knew all about that. Not that it would have mattered either way to him.

Tyrion heard the clinking of heavy armor and he looked up to see Jaime in his Kingsguard uniform standing outside his cell. The door swung open and he entered with two City Watchmen by sides.

" Let me guess. I've been pardoned." he asked rhetorically knowing that in no possible outcome would Cersei ever let him live.

His brother didn't say a word.

Jaime nodded his head to the two men and they stepped forward with irons to put on Tyrion.

" Really?" he asked.

" Father's orders." Jaime said breaking his silence.

" Well, we mustn't disappoint father."

He was then escorted from the Black Cells to the throne room.

Hundreds of people were sitting in stands that had been set up, but that didn't concern him as he passed by and they shouted at him.

Instead, he looked to the raised floor to see his nephew sitting on the throne with his young wife and their lions next to him. Tyrion thought he looked every inch a King with his golden crown and pristine, clean clipped beard.

Then he looked to the sides to spy his father, Lord Tyrell, Prince Oberyn, Cersei, Ser Garlan, Lady Sansa, and Lord Dickon sitting on each side of the Iron Throne as he was chained to a platform that had been set up for him.

Robb stood along with the whole of the court.

" I, Robb of the House Baratheon, First of my Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm do hereby recuse myself from this trial." his nephew said solemnly. " Tywin of the House Lannister, Hand of the King, will sit as judge in my stead. Along with Prince Oberyn of the House Martell and Lord Mace of the House Tyrell. And if found guilty may the Gods punish the accused."

The King and Queen stepped down from the dias with the two lions following behind. Robb walked towards him and put a hand of the side of his face before walking towards Maegor's Holdfast with Margaery, the lions and their three Kingsguard.

Tyrion loved that boy more than any of his family combined. He showed him more affection and respect than his own father ever had. That was something that no one could take away from him. Not even Cersei.

The three appointed judges walked towards the dias and sat down as did everyone else.

" Tyrion of the House Lannister. You stand accused by the Queen Mother of regicide. Did you kill Prince Joffrey?" his father asked.

" No."

" How would you say he died, then?"

" Choked on his piegon pie." he said quite seriously even though he knew it wasn't true.

" So you would blame the bakers?" Tywin replied.

" Them or the piegons just leave me out of it." Tyrion quipped. 

" The Queen Mother may call her first witness."

Tyrion searched for who her sister had put against him first and it was none other than Ser Meryn Trant, whom Robb severely disliked but kept him in the Kingsguard for formality.
He syepped upon the platform reserved for witnesses and waited to be spoken to.

The Honorable Stag | Robb StarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora