38. Defeat and the Cold

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Robb/King's Landing
He sat atop Storm at the head of his Baratheon forces that were formed in line with Reyne by his side. The vanguard ready to charge and his pikemen on the front line ready for their orders.

The Blackfyre boy's army had gathered in formation. He had more men than Robb had at the moment but he doubted that his sellswords had battle strategies the could use. All they knew how to do was hack and slash until the person in front of them was dead. He only had a few hundred mounted riders. That could play to their advantage.

Sensing that the time for battle was near, he kicked his horse forward and faced the thousands that were willing to die for him.

" Today, we fight those who wish to disturb our hard fought peace! We fight for our homes! Our families! Our country! Our freedom! Don't let this bastard take those things from you. They want a fight! Let's give them a fight! And we die today let it be on our feet and not our knees!" he shouted as his voice carried throughout the battlefield.

His words were followed by cries of support for him and the chants of "King Robb" were almost deafening.

He fell back in line beside Ser Barristan, Ser Arys, and Ser Loras and steadied his gaze at the bastard who was dead center behind his vanguard.

He opted for his sword instead of his war hammer thinking it would serve him better for the long battle he was sure this would be. He unsheathed the valyrisn steel and it glinted in the sun like a thousand diamonds. He named it, Stormbreaker, after his famous ancestor, thinking it would be good luck.

He watched as the dragon banners flapped in the wind and felt that it was time to move.

" Everyone forward!" he commanded.

The entire force moved forward slowly. Robb smiled when he saw that the boy ignored Connington's shouted and ordered his cavalry forward.

" Hold! Pikes brace!" he shouted as the line of pikes were raised.

The mounted riders rode straight into the sharp, jagged points with only a few stragglers getting through the line. The van made short work of the men that came with the horses as they fell.

The boy looked shocked that his cavalry had been dismantled so easily but quickly recovered by ordering his archers to nock.

" Your Grace! Off of the horse! Now!" Barristan ordered him.

Robb did as the knight told him and quickly dismounted. The three knights of the Kingsguard formed a circle around him and Reyne then raised their shields up.

" Shields!" Robb yelled as the arrows rained down. " Fucking cowards."

Most of his calvary were killed by the missiles. They sat for what like an eternity under their shields waiting for the rain to stop. One soilder behind the King started to laugh.

" What are you laughing at?" he asked curiously.

" Well, you had to say it?" the man asked.

" What?"

" A fight in the shade."

Robb chuckled along with the soilder and the laughter grew around them.

When the arrows were finally done falling, Robb set his sights on the enemy once more.

" On me!" he shouted ready to charge.
" Give them nothing! But take from them everything!"

With battle crys ringing in his ears, he charged forward.

He cut down any man that was foolish enough to come near him and Reyne tore through just as many as he had if not more. His lion looked at him, bloody muzzled, as if he was waiting for approval.

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