31. Weeds and Propositions

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Cersei/King's Landing
She went into the Sept of Baelor leaving the vulchers behind to be greeted by the dead body of her father and Jaime standing there beside it.

" He never wanted you to be Kingsguard." she said standing beside him. " But here you are guarding his dead body."

" Those people outside are going to try and tear us apart. They want to destroy everything he built for us."

" You did that well enough on your own. You protected him even when you knew that he killed our son. You always leap to defend him. Look at what you protectiveness has brought."

" This is what they want."

" Our father is dead and it could have been prevented if you would have realized that he is a monster. Robb wants you to go to the Riverlands. Go. At least your action will help you there." Cersei said walking around to be at her father's head and leaned down to kiss it. " He loved you most in this world and you rejected him to play the hero."

She gave him an icy stare before walking back out the sept allowing all the people outside to invade.

She thought about how Robb must be feeling. He didn't just lose a grandfather. He lost his Hand. He must be afraid, worried, among other things.

Though, it would be stupid of her to presume that he didn't already have someone in mind. Even Cersei couldn't dissuade him from choosing the one he wanted and she wouldn't do anything to try to change his mind as long as the man was a complete and utter fool.

Soon, the litter arrived back at the Red Keep and she was being harassed by courtiers giving her their hollow condolences.

Her father was not a loved man but he kept the lords from attempting any sort of power grab or even assuming that they could do so. He protected her family. The only person who could be expected to fill that role now was Robb and he certainly would. Though, not with the same ruthlessness.

" Your Grace." her cousin, Lancel, said stepping in her path dressed in gods awful rags that passed for clothing.

" Cousin Lancel."

" My deepest sympathies."

" I apologize for my son's appearance." her uncle, Kevan, said walking up behind her.

" Uncle, it's quite alright." she said interested to know what made her cousin decide to dress this way but he walked away before she could ask.

" They call themselves sparrows. Bloody fanatics. Religion has it's place but at a certain point... They have just begun to trickle into the capital. I am sure that King Robb will handle them with a swift hand." Kevan explained.

" I will inform him of these so called sparrows. If he doesn't already know." Cersei said the last comment more to herself.

Her uncle bowed and left her in peace.

Just another thing for her eldest son to contend with. The Targaryen girl, the bastard Blackfyre boy, the North and Riverlands, and now religious fanatics. What else would come to burden him?

At this moment, it wasn't the King who caught her eye. It was her thirteen year old son, Tommen, speaking with that bitch from the Crag. Cersei cursed her father day and night for wanting to marry her baby boy off to her. Maybe now, she could convince Robb to at least hold off on an actual marriage. Long enough to convince Tommen that he didn't to marry yet.

" Mother. A word." Robb said from behind, suprising her with his presence.

" Of course." she said turning around and walking with him to a private balcony away from prying ears.
" What is wrong?"

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