21. A Huntress and A Weasel

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Sansa/King's Landing
She had been waiting for this moment her entire life and now it was finally here. Her stomach churned with nervousness and anticipation. Of course it was aimless of her to be nervous, Dickon was the husband of her dreams and, thank the Seven,  nothing like Prince Joffrey.

Dickon would take her back to Horn Hill after the war was over and they would live a happy life with a son named Eddard and a daughter named Arya. Despite their overall foolish sibling scwabbles, Sansa loved her sister and missed her greatly.

She was still hopeful that her sister was alive but there was a pit in her stomach that told her otherwise.

" Are you nervous?" Shae asked adding final touches to her hair.

" No... maybe a little." she added truthfully.

" Don't be. That boy is the luckiest man alive to have a girl as beautiful as you." her handmaid said.

" Thank you, Shae. For everything."

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

" His Grace, the King is here to see you, my lady." Ser Garrett said through the door.

Shae opened it the door to reveal King Robb, Ser Barristan, and Ser Arys standing.

" Lady Sansa, you look radiant. As a bride should on her wedding day. I would like to give you away in place of one of your male realitves. With your permission, of course." the King said gently.

Sansa had hoped her father or brother could have given her away, but that wasn't possible now. King Robb was a gallant and noble man. There were certainly far worse people who could have given her away.

" That would be fine, Your Grace." she agreed smiling as the bells started to toll.

" Well, I suppose we better get going. We wouldn't want the bride to be late to her own wedding, now would we?" he jested as he held out his arm for Sansa to take.

The King escorted her to the yard of the Red Keep then left to ride in a carriage with Queen Margaery. Sansa rode alone with Ser Garrett walking beside the carriage that she was in. They arrived last as was customary of the bride.

She exited her carriage and walked the steps of the Sept of Baelor with Garrett behind her. Once she reached the doors, they opened as if knowing she was outside them. She walked in to see the hundreds of guests their, but fixing her gaze on the one person she wanted to see.

Dickon was wearing dark green silks and velvet cloak with a red cloth hanging down form his shoulder held together by a gleaming pin in the shape of a huntsman. The sigil of House Tarly.

King Robb walked beside her smiling and held his arm out. She took it and walked with him towards the statues of the Mother and the Father where Dickon and the High Septon awaited.

Sansa walked half way up the steps before Dickon descended and offered her his hand and helped her the rest of the way.

The King took his place beside the Queen, Cersei, and Lord Tywin then laced his arm through Margaery's.

" You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." the septon said.

Dickon unclasped his cloak and removed from his shoulders to place it around Sansa's.

" Your Grace, Your Grace." the High Septon said to Robb and Margaery.
" My lords, my ladies we stand here in the sight of Gods and men to witness the union of man and wife."

He wrapped a ribbon around Sansa and Dickon's held hands then tying it.

" Look up on each other and say the words."

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