08. The Hand's Tourney

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Ned Stark/King's Landing
" Does Ser Hugh have any family in the Capital?" Ned asked Ser Barristan as he entered the tent that housed the Knight of the Vale's lifeless body.

It was a terrible tragedy that the boy had died so young and at the hands of the Mountain in a joust. Though, Ned wondered if it had been an accident.

" No. I stood vigil for him myself last night. He had no one else." Barristan replied.

Ned glanced to Ser Hugh's armor. It looked freshly forged. Not a scratch on it.

" He had never worn this armor before." he thought aloud.

" Unlucky for him especially since he jousted the Mountain." Selmy mused.

" You've done good work sisters." Ned said exiting the tent with the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

" I hear the King wants to joust today." Barristan said as his squire put back on his white cloak.

" That'll never happen." Ned said with a laugh.

" Robert tends to do what he wants." the Lord Commander said smiling as they walked towards the King's tent.

" If the King got what he wanted all the time, we would still be fighting a damn rebellion." Ned said as he entered to find Robert's torturing his poor squire.

" Your mother was dumb whore with a fat arse. Did you know that? Go on you're of no use any way." his friend bellowed as the Lannister boy set down the breastplate and scurried off.

" You've no business jousting anyhow." Ned said as Robert poured himself a cup of wine.

" Why because I'm King? Piss on that! I wanna hit somebody!" Robert said.

" Aye and who will hit you back?" Ned countered. Robert might believe the southern knights would joust him properly but Ned knew better.

" Anybody who can." Robert said as if it were obvious.

" There isn't a man in the Seven Kingdoms who would risk hurting you." he replied.

" You're telling me those cowards would let me win." the King said shaking his head as he poured another glass of wine and sat down.

" I hear your boy is a demon in the lists. Why isn't he jousting today?" Ned asked curiously.

" Robb wanted sit in the stands with his wife before they left for Highgarden. He said it would do no good to meet his in-laws all bruised and battered. He is good lad, makes me proud as a father. His brothers might as well be girls hiding behind Cersei's skirts." Robert said irritated at  the mention of his wife. " I have Jon Arryn to thank for her. Cersei Lannister will make a good match he said.... Enough of this. Let's go watch 'em ride. At least I can smell someone else's blood."

Ned and Robert walked out to the tourney ground to find the knights bustling about before their matches. The most notable of the competitors was Ser Gregor Clegane. Ned couldn't see how Prince Robb managed to unseat the monster of man.

The Lord of Winterfell made his way to the stands where Sansa and her septa were sitting.

" Father, when will the joust start?" Sansa asked clearly impatient to get a glimpse of the painted, southern knights.

" Soon." Ned said sitting beside her. He hoped there would be no incident like the day before, but he counted it unlikely.

Robb/King's Landing
He sat on dias with Margaery to his right and his mother to his left.

There were many people who were disappointed that he wasn't riding in the tournament, but after the
ear-boxing his mother gave him last time Robb decided to take a break from jousting. He would sit as a spectator and cheer on his brother in law from the sidelines.

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