07. Wolves in the Lion's Den

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Ned Stark/ King's Landing
The Lord of Winterfell was never really for pomp and ceremony which is why he fully detested the tourney that the King had arranged for his appointment.

His boyhood friend was in copious amount of debt to the Iron Bank, and even worse Tywin Lannister. The tournament was not something that they could afford, but Robert was King. No one could question his command.

Ned found himself surrounded by the members of the Small Council to work out a new trade deal between Westoros and the Free Cities in Essos and the finer details of the tournament.

" Have the funds been attained for the King's tournament?" Ned asked Lord Baelish.

" They have, my lord Hand. I believe the competitor list as has also been drawn up." Petyr said looking to Lord Renly for conformation.

" Yes it has. Though, my nephew only plans to compete in the melee this time. A disappointment, it would have been nice for you to see him joust, Ned. He rides well." Renly said.

" I am sure that he does though perhaps it is for the best. If the Crown Prince were injured I doubt that whoever was the cause would escape the Queen's wrath." Ned said seriously.

Cersei Lannister was known for her temper, ambition, and her love of her children. It would do the realm no good if Prince Robb were to die and leave the Queen as regent for Prince Joffrey.

" I leave the rest of the smaller matters to all of you. I best go find my daughters. The tournament will start in one week per Robert's orders." Ned said standing and walking out of the room as the lords bowed.

He made his way to the Tower of the Hand to find Arya and Sansa eating dinner with their septa. As usual they were fighting.

" He's a liar and a coward. He killed Lady and my friend on the Kingsroad." Arya said stabbing the table with a dinner knife. 

" The Hound killed your friend." Sansa said only to be cut off by her sister.

" The Hound does whatever Joffrey tells him to do." she said.

" You're an idiot." Sansa said.

" And you're a liar! If told the truth, Mikah would still be alive." Arya shouted.

" What's going on here?" Ned questioned as he sat down at the table.

" Arya is still calling the Prince a liar." Sansa mumbled.

" He is a liar!" Arya said slamming the knife into the table.

" Enough! Arya, go to your room. We'll speak later." Ned said sternly. Arya stalked off to her room.

" Father, has the King said anything about the Prince and I. Joffrey says that his father wants us to get married." Sansa said eager to speak of the Prince in a different tone.

Ned internally panicked. Robert had mentioned the idea of Sansa and Joffrey's betrothal and had pressed him to accept the offer. After his first month in the capital had passed Ned finally accepted it. Knowing Robert would never give up the idea.

" Yes, he says that you are to be married when you reach marriagable age." Ned said begrudgingly. Sansa's face lit up like a candle.

" May I be excused. " she said excitedly. Ned nodded his head and she ran off.

He dropped his head into his hands and sighed. If his father was here he would be proud of him for securing this marriage for his daughter, Brandon would laugh at him for worrying so much, and Lyanna would smack him agreeing to the match. He missed them all greatly but they were gone and he had to think about what he wanted for his children and Sansa marrying a pompous, perfumed prince was not what he wanted for his daughter. It was too late now to go back on his word so the betrothal would continue as planned, but Arya was a different matter entirely.

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