20. Amends and Advice

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He had anticipated that the Frey envoys would look at him in disgust, but it was far beyond that. They hated him and it showed.

The Late Lord Frey sent two of his sons, Lothar and Black Walder. The were like all the Freys with their browinsh-black hair, beady eyes, and weasely faces. Robett hated owing them a debt, but he did and now he must make amends for not paying the debt.

" I thank you for riding here so quickly. These are treacherous times." he said to the two men who sat in front of him. His mother and uncles were the only other people pressnt at this peace meeting.

" The roads are crawling with cut-throats and bandits. When the King in the North summons us, we come." Black Walder said.

" Our father has instructed us to tell you that his alliance with the North can continue if his terms are met." Lothar stated. " Lord Frey requires a formal apology for breaking your sacred vow to marry one of his daughters."

" Of course. I was in the wrong." the King said though not regretfully. He loved Talisa too much to marry anyone else.

" As restitution for this betrayal, he demands Harrenhal and all it's attendants lands." Walder proposed.

" I don't think..." Edmure started but Robett would hear none of it.

" We are fighting for the North. Harrenhal is not in the North. It is his once we have no more need for it and the war is done." he agreed.

" And there is something else." Lothar said.

" We will do whatever we can to give Lord Frey what he needs." the King said.

" No what. Whom." Black Walder said eyeing Edmure.

" What? Ah, no..." his uncle started.

" Our father requires Lord Edmure wed on of his daughters. Roslin." Lothar interjected.

" How old is she?" the Lord of the castle asked.

" Nineteen."

" Could I see her first?" his uncle questioned.

" You want to count her teeth?" Walder asked agitated. " We ride for the Crossing tomorrow. We need an answer before then and the wedding to take place not a fornight there after or this alliance is over permanently."

" Your father does understand we are in the middle of a war? We can't just let the Lannisters and Tyrells run rampant while we drink at a wedding." the Blackfish shot at them.

" Father is old and he would like to see her wed to a suitable husband. He doesn't need a grand affair. Just the ceremony and dinner will suffice." Lothar said.

" Will you leave us to discuss it?" Robett asked.

The two men stood and hobbled out of the door.

" Why should I let that ferret choose my bride for me? At least I should be offered the same choice you had." Edmure said as soon as the door was shut. " I'm his liege lord."

" He is a proud man and we have wounded him." the young King stated.

" I didn't wound him. You did. I won't do it." the Lord of Riverrun said.

The Blackfish stood and stalked towards him.

" Listen to me and listen well. You..."

" The laws of Gods and men are very clear. No can compel me to marry if I do not wish to." Edmure cut in.

" The laws of my fists are about to compel your teeth." Ser Brynden said heatedly.

" It's alright, you heard him." Robett said to avoid conflict. " If you refuse, our alliance with the Frey's is gone. Finished."

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