18. A Thorn, A Trout, and the Huntsman

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His lords had told him that his grandfather's funeral was a waste of time, but Robett wanted a chance to regroup after losing the Frey's support after he married Talisa.

He stood in the Trident with his great uncle Blackfish as they pushed the boat, that carried Lord Hoster Tully's dead body, forward. They climbed the steps to watch Edmure fire the flaming arrow that would lay to rest his father.

He lit the first arrow and released but it missed by a sizeable distance.

Robett turned to his mother who just stared straight ahead protraying no sign of doubt, that her brother let the boat pass without actually reaching the target. 

Edmure lit another arrow and then missed by an even greater distance as the boat was further away. Robett strained himself not to laugh and his mother looked like she wanted to strangle him.

After the new Lord of Riverrun fired the third arrow and missed, the Blackfish yanked the bow from his hand, pulled out an arrow from the quiver, and shoved Edmure out of the way.

The old man drew back and fired the arrow quickly then turned his back tossing the bow to his nephew as the arrow set the boat a flame.

Robett walked back towards the castle with his wife and mother to meet with his two uncles about their troop movements and also to discuss why Edmure flouted his orders and attacked the Mountain.

He waited in the council room, staring out onto the river. His mother was right to say that the flowing water made you calm. He thought about his sisters, he thought about what his father must have endured while in King's Landing. He tortured himself over letting Theon go back home and many other things before his uncles came in saying nothing. Only pouring themselves a cup of wine.

" If I may nephew, one of my lieutenants encountered a situation at the Stone Mill which may have some bearing on..." Edmure started before being silenced.

" Why don't you shut up about that damn mill and don't call him nephew. He is your King!" the Blackfish scolded.

" Robett knows I meant no disrespect..." he started again.

" You better be glad I'm not your King." his great uncle said seriously.
" I wouldn't let you wave your blunders around like a victory flag."

" My blunders sent Tywin Lannister's mad dog scrurrying back to Casterly Rock. Now, I think King Robett understands we're not gonna win this war if he is the only one winning any battles. Now there is glory enough to go around!" Edmure said with childish anger.

" It's not about glory." Robett stated as he turned around to face them. " Your orders were to wait for him to come to you."

" I seize an opportunity." he said.

" What value was the mill?" the King questioned.

" The Mountain was garrisoned across the river from it. I thought if I sent him back licking his wounds, it would leave only Lord Tarly for us to deal with."

" I wanted to draw them into our country. Into the west, where we could surround him and kill him. Lord Tarly has ridden to King's Landing, leaving only the forces that Lord Tywin has placed in the Riverlands. I could have his head on a spike by now. Instead, I have a mill." Robett explained agitated that his orders were not followed.

" I didn't know." his uncle said dejectedly. 

" You would have. Here today if you had waited." he said curtly.

" We took hostages. Willem Lannister, Martyn Lannister..." Edmure said trying to salvage the situation. 

" Martyn and Willem Lannister are fourteen years old." Robett stated.

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