39. Countermoves

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Robb/Storm's End
He sent scouts out to canvas the surrounding castles that weren't far from Storm's End to see where the bastard had gone to. All the scouts reported back to him with no news except that a skeleton crew held Griffin's Roost where his mother was being held.

As soon as he was told he, Reyne, his Kingsguard, and twenty or so stormmen rode out with him. He pushed Storm to the breaking point and didn't stop once in the three days that they took to get there.

The gate was not bolted and there were no archers on the mores. They rode through suprising the few men that were there and took them down easily.

" Search the castle for anyone else. Barristan, Arys, Loras. With me." Robb ordered walking towards the dungeons with the lion folowing.

He descended into the darkness below with only a few torches lighting the way. There was a man at the end of the stairs but quickly had hia throat removed by the King's companion.

" Mother?" he questioned hoping that the bastard hadn't doubled back to retrieve her.

He hears what sounds like a voice coming from a cell on the right but it is too faint to be sure. Even so, Robb took the keys from the dead man and padded over to the cell to unlock it.

He pushed open the door to see his mother unconcious and lying on the cold, stone floor, naked. Her hair had been sheered and she had many different things covering her body from long periods of not bathing.

He looked back to see the three knights with their backs turned and Ser Barristan holding his cloak out for the King to take.

" I'm here now, mother" he said taking the cloak and wrapping it around her.
" I will never let anyone touch you again. I promise."

He picked her up bridal style and carried out. He climbed the steps back out into the light when he heard her stir.

" Robb..." she said faintly with a hoarse voice.

" I'm here, mother. You're safe now."

" We should head back, Your Grace. It is almost dusk." Arys said as they mounted their horses.

Robb placed his mother carefully on Storm and he climbed on letting her lean back into him.

The journey went slower than previously. It took them around five days to return to Storm's End. When they arrived, they were greeted by the sight of seventy thousand reachmen camped outside the home of the Storm Kings of old.

" Your Grace." Garlan said bowing to him in difference as did the lords gathered in front of him.

" Ser Garlan of House Tyrell, I, King Robb Baratheon, First of My Name, granted you Brightwater Keep, it's attended lands and income in place of the Florents of the Reach. Rise, my lord." Robb said as helped his mother off his horse.

" Send for Maester Jurne. I want my mother taken care of immediately." he said to Ser Cortnay, who nodded and led the Queen Mother towards the Great Hall. " Lord Tarly. It is good to see you again."

" It is good to see you as well, Your Grace and in fine form. More than I can say for those soft boys outside in tents." Lord Randyll replied.

" Dickon, my friend. How are Lady Sansa and your son?"

" They are both well, Your Grace. Though, my son is quite rowdy. He had taken to climbing the walls of Horn Hill before we left." he said chuckling.

" I'm sure he will settle down with time." Robb said smiling.

" Your Grace. A word in private if I may?" Garlan asked looking as if it were urgent.

" Of course, brother. Excuse me, my lords."

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